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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Ah Transam, that T Rex number took me straight back to the Welton Water Ski Club's annual disco, folks could water ski in a lake, a water filled quarry, a mere 8 miles from Hull, the end of the universe. Every year the children of the members would have their annual disco next to the lake, far from the prying eyes of parents. Of course when they came to pick us up at midnight trouble would start- ' Have you been drinking?'- ' no Dad (hic)'

Competitions included Mick Jagger impersonations (Jumpin Jack Flash) and air guitars to All Right Now.

Every girl loved Marc Bolan but i thought he was just a vain poof- dead not long after in a car crash, leaving behind a lovely wife, Gloria.


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The greatest rock guitarist ever was left handed, but life is biased against us lefties, 'right' means correct whilst gauche in French meaning left, means awkward in both English and French

Rock on the left, to hell with the reactionary right!

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