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Thai PM Abhisit Demands Cambodians Leave Disputed Border Area


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What if they don't? SHOOT TO KILL?

Very inappropriate remark. Read the OP again, your PM will stick to peaceful means.

The problem happened because Cambodia intruded into Thai territory so we have the right to protect our sovereignty and we will do everything possible through peaceful means.

To speculate on 'what if' may be interesting philosophically, but probably beyond you, my dear.

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Poor Abhisit,

He looked clever and capable. The truth is that he is just one more puppet in the hands of PAD and army.

It would seem he's a "puppet" of the majority of the Thai nation:

In a NIDA poll on Tuesday covering all regions of the country, nearly 70 per cent (69.55%) of people polled agreed that the government should push Cambodians out of the overlapping area near Preah Vihear temple as it is Thai territory. ;)

21.62% of them disagreed with the majority, saying it would create more conflict between the two countries which could escalate to a war, while 8.83% were unsure.

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Poor Abhisit,

He looked clever and capable. The truth is that he is just one more puppet in the hands of PAD and army.

It would seem he's a "puppet" of the majority of the Thai nation:

In a NIDA poll on Tuesday covering all regions of the country, nearly 70 per cent (69.55%) of people polled agreed that the government should push Cambodians out of the overlapping area near Preah Vihear temple as it is Thai territory. ;)

21.62% of them disagreed with the majority, saying it would create more conflict between the two countries which could escalate to a war, while 8.83% were unsure.

We did not read the results the same way i think...

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‎"Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights,

Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are

poisonous and hollow." The Nation newspapper's editor

This certainly resume why some western people laugh about the democracy in thailand when such important newspapper let his editor say such stupidities

And again! Do you mean to take over this thread with tripe and have it closed? The Editor of the Nation's opinions have nothing to do with democracy, important newspapers allowing their editor to say what he feels is arguably a mainstay of a functioning democracy, Once again- your 'quote' is unlinked and unsourced. You are a troll, no- a shill. Here comes the ban stick.

OK fair enough- thanks for the links.

Edited by Slip
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That is the point... The territory in question is LEGALLY Cambodian, not some fantasy the Thai government continues to rant about....

Could you please any documentation that states all the disputed territory in the temple area belongs legally and entirely to Cambodia?

It would settle everything if you could, but excuse me if I don't wait for it to be produced.

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‎"Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights,

Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are

poisonous and hollow." The Nation newspapper's editor

This certainly resume why some western people laugh about the democracy in thailand when such important newspapper let his editor say such stupidities

And again! Do you mean to take over this thread with tripe and have it closed? The Editor of the Nation's opinions have nothing to do with democracy, important newspapers allowing their editor to say what he feels is arguably a mainstay of a functioning democracy, Once again- you're 'quote' is unlinked and unsourced. You are a troll, no- a shill. Here comes the ban stick.


BP's favourite columnist, The Nation's Managing Editor Thanong, has joined twitter.* One of his pearls of wisdom today he tweeted today:

Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights, Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are poisonous and hollow.

Another one:

If we don't understand our strength in Sukhothai, phor phiang model and Buddhist's metta, we'll get confused with Democracy and the like.

BP: To paraphrase, Jon Stewart these are your moments of zen for the day.... Not sure that one can add anything to what Thanong has said. It is fairly self-explanatory.

*Brieftly, considered whether it was a parody of Thanong, but having read his columns/blog articles over the years and that his colleagues at The Nation follow him on twitter, have dismissed this.

This just show the mentality of some yellow shirts... but you can be blind and just ignore me

By the way i am soooooscare of the ban ! this for sure will ruin my life...ROFL

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‎"Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights,

Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are

poisonous and hollow." The Nation newspapper's editor

This certainly resume why some western people laugh about the democracy in thailand when such important newspapper let his editor say such stupidities

And again! Do you mean to take over this thread with tripe and have it closed? The Editor of the Nation's opinions have nothing to do with democracy, important newspapers allowing their editor to say what he feels is arguably a mainstay of a functioning democracy, Once again- you're 'quote' is unlinked and unsourced. You are a troll, no- a shill. Here comes the ban stick.


BP's favourite columnist, The Nation's Managing Editor Thanong, has joined twitter.* One of his pearls of wisdom today he tweeted today:

Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights, Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are poisonous and hollow.

Another one:

If we don't understand our strength in Sukhothai, phor phiang model and Buddhist's metta, we'll get confused with Democracy and the like.

BP: To paraphrase, Jon Stewart these are your moments of zen for the day.... Not sure that one can add anything to what Thanong has said. It is fairly self-explanatory.

*Brieftly, considered whether it was a parody of Thanong, but having read his columns/blog articles over the years and that his colleagues at The Nation follow him on twitter, have dismissed this.

This just show the mentality of some yellow shirts... but you can be blind and just ignore me

By the way i am soooooscare of the ban ! this for sure will ruin my life...ROFL

I am sure you can click on the link embed in the sentences ...but maybe i made a twitter page by myself... So you have the proff. You just look dumber now

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‎"Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights,

Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are

poisonous and hollow." The Nation newspapper's editor

This certainly resume why some western people laugh about the democracy in thailand when such important newspapper let his editor say such stupidities

And again! Do you mean to take over this thread with tripe and have it closed? The Editor of the Nation's opinions have nothing to do with democracy, important newspapers allowing their editor to say what he feels is arguably a mainstay of a functioning democracy, Once again- you're 'quote' is unlinked and unsourced. You are a troll, no- a shill. Here comes the ban stick.


BP's favourite columnist, The Nation's Managing Editor Thanong, has joined twitter.* One of his pearls of wisdom today he tweeted today:

Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights, Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are poisonous and hollow.

Another one:

If we don't understand our strength in Sukhothai, phor phiang model and Buddhist's metta, we'll get confused with Democracy and the like.

BP: To paraphrase, Jon Stewart these are your moments of zen for the day.... Not sure that one can add anything to what Thanong has said. It is fairly self-explanatory.

*Brieftly, considered whether it was a parody of Thanong, but having read his columns/blog articles over the years and that his colleagues at The Nation follow him on twitter, have dismissed this.

This just show the mentality of some yellow shirts... but you can be blind and just ignore me

By the way i am soooooscare of the ban ! this for sure will ruin my life...ROFL

Since when can't a private person twitter what's on him mind ? It may not have been wise in his position, but why not? He didn't tell anyone to come and protest against whoever. Your comments during the last few hours are hardly better. I won't insult anyone by calling you whatever color shirt, just highly opinionated.

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Poor Abhisit,

He looked clever and capable. The truth is that he is just one more puppet in the hands of PAD and army.

Thailand should really have an external look on the situation and see how its international image deteriorates everyday, not good for businnes, investments, tourism.... Time to wake up

100% true.

Sorry for the hysterical nationalist Thais (or yellow farangs) who wants war.

Anyway, dear Abisith, yellow Thais or farangs, if you want war, just do it. No need any reason.

still struggling with the spelling I see even after it was brought to your attention 5 days ago for your own benefit

By the way, Abisith nature is to fight, to make, amplify wars: in the South + civil war against opposition to his regime + against neighbor countries. Any war is a good thing for Abisith who became addict to the blood smell.

Factually incorrect.

Abhisit (please note proper spelling so that your entire posts won't be deleted in the future as per this forum's policy) did not "make" the "war" in the South nor did he amplify it. Actually, it has been improving, although it is certainly not perfect as long as any violence is occurring.


Violent crimes in the restive South have been slashed 70 per cent over the past 10 months



and still struggling with reality of events, too, by the looks of the recent post on the poll as Abhisit's position reflects the majority of Thais.

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‎"Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights,

Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are

poisonous and hollow." The Nation newspapper's editor

This certainly resume why some western people laugh about the democracy in thailand when such important newspapper let his editor say such stupidities

And again! Do you mean to take over this thread with tripe and have it closed? The Editor of the Nation's opinions have nothing to do with democracy, important newspapers allowing their editor to say what he feels is arguably a mainstay of a functioning democracy, Once again- you're 'quote' is unlinked and unsourced. You are a troll, no- a shill. Here comes the ban stick.


BP's favourite columnist, The Nation's Managing Editor Thanong, has joined twitter.* One of his pearls of wisdom today he tweeted today:

Don't be misled by Freedom, Human rights, Democracy, globalisation and other crazy fashionable ideas. They are poisonous and hollow.

Another one:

If we don't understand our strength in Sukhothai, phor phiang model and Buddhist's metta, we'll get confused with Democracy and the like.

BP: To paraphrase, Jon Stewart these are your moments of zen for the day.... Not sure that one can add anything to what Thanong has said. It is fairly self-explanatory.

*Brieftly, considered whether it was a parody of Thanong, but having read his columns/blog articles over the years and that his colleagues at The Nation follow him on twitter, have dismissed this.

This just show the mentality of some yellow shirts... but you can be blind and just ignore me

By the way i am soooooscare of the ban ! this for sure will ruin my life...ROFL

Since when can't a private person twitter what's on him mind ? It may not have been wise in his position, but why not? He didn't tell anyone to come and protest against whoever. Your comments during the last few hours are hardly better. I won't insult anyone by calling you whatever color shirt, just highly opinionated.

Sure it's just representative of some minds. By the way the twitters appear on the Nation website and so can be assimilated to the nation point of view.

It's a little bit funny to read that you judge my posts after the ones you made about red shirts supporters....

By the way i am just a big fan of politics in general and do not stand for one side as i did the same while thaksin was PM. The thing is thoses last months speech from a part and another just show the deep division in thailand.

So to come back to the temple issue, it's quite clear that PAD received a support from Abhisit and can gather despite the law.

If Thai government really wants reconciliation it should avoid raising nationalist thoughts to extinguish division...this fail all the time.

Thailand have bigger issues to handle and soon other will certainly rise too...but unspeakable

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Plainly we crossed posts aaacorp. I don't look foolish- I asked for a link- you provided many, I thanked you.

However, the opinion of someone who edits that rag the Nation is completely and utterly off topic for Thai PM Abhisit Demands Cambodians Leave Disputed Border.

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Plainly we crossed posts aaacorp. I don't look foolish- I asked for a link- you provided many, I thanked you.

However, the opinion of someone who edits that rag the Nation is completely and utterly off topic for Thai PM Abhisit Demands Cambodians Leave Disputed Border.

Not really the same topic for sure but representative of division and what some people can think. You can link this to nationalism and division but i agree with you :)

no offense

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PT party spokesman K. Prompong already petitioned Crime Suppression Division police to take legal action against leaders of PAD/TPN, accusing them of violating the emergency decree in their rallies over Preah Vihear temple. Not sure he also included UDD for their gathering last Sunday, or the aerobics in Lumpini the day Rajprasong was less safe. K. Prompong also plans to petition the NCCC to seek legal action against his usual suspects in government for neglect of duty in violation of Article 157 of the Criminal Code.

Can anyone remember when last the PT did something positive.

It was April 19, 2010.

A contingent of PTP MP's (including these 2) went to Cambodia and visited their financier and thanked him in a most grateful and appreciative manner:


I'm sure their positive steps made him feel happier.

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Several posts have been removed. Please use the proper names of politicians or your post will be deleted. Please refrain from criticizing other poster's English. These posts are off-topic.

Discussions of the editors of what various papers may or may not have said that are not about the topic will result in deleted posts and warnings issued.

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Since when can't a private person twitter what's on him mind ? It may not have been wise in his position, but why not? He didn't tell anyone to come and protest against whoever. Your comments during the last few hours are hardly better. I won't insult anyone by calling you whatever color shirt, just highly opinionated.

Sure it's just representative of some minds. By the way the twitters appear on the Nation website and so can be assimilated to the nation point of view.

It's a little bit funny to read that you judge my posts after the ones you made about red shirts supporters....

By the way i am just a big fan of politics in general and do not stand for one side as i did the same while thaksin was PM. The thing is thoses last months speech from a part and another just show the deep division in thailand.

So to come back to the temple issue, it's quite clear that PAD received a support from Abhisit and can gather despite the law.

If Thai government really wants reconciliation it should avoid raising nationalist thoughts to extinguish division...this fail all the time.

Thailand have bigger issues to handle and soon other will certainly rise too...but unspeakable

1. Twitters are a major headache for website owners. If they don't allow twitters, or online forums they loose customers. If they allow easy access they can be made responsable for what others write.

2. My remarks on red-shirt supporters ? I'm an advocate of fairness in treatment. I may write for or against red/yellow/pink/etc. depending on what is claimed. No idea what you refer to as 'funny'. Please elaborate.

3. I'm not sure PAD got support from PM Abhisit. Yes, he may have said things he should have phrased more carefully, but in the main he tries to make clear they (i.e. PAD) should 'butt-out'. Peaceful negotiations it said in the OP. Political reality in Thailand is that K. Abhisit walks a tightrope between various groups and parties and IMHO he'd better not fall because he's the best hope Thailand had for progress in many years.

4. The Thai government knows that Thai education has fostered nationalistic thoughts. Don't try to steer the population away from it too quickly if you want peace.

Edited by rubl
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Poor Abhisit,

He looked clever and capable. The truth is that he is just one more puppet in the hands of PAD and army.

It would seem he's a "puppet" of the majority of the Thai nation:

In a NIDA poll on Tuesday covering all regions of the country, nearly 70 per cent (69.55%) of people polled agreed that the government should push Cambodians out of the overlapping area near Preah Vihear temple as it is Thai territory. ;)

21.62% of them disagreed with the majority, saying it would create more conflict between the two countries which could escalate to a war, while 8.83% were unsure.

We did not read the results the same way i think...

I read the results as 69.55% of the country seems to agree with the PM's position on the issue.

How do you read the 69.55% ?

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Perhaps Mr A is a history buff - a nice little war did wonders for the re-election prospects of Mrs Thatcher and GW Bush. There could be an economic bonus as well if they sent every general they have to the war. If 90% were killed, their military would still be top heavy and it would save the budget a fortune.

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Abhisit told reporters. "They have trespassed so we are trying to evict them."The problem happened because Cambodia intruded into Thai territory so we have the right to protect our sovereignty and we will do everything possible through peaceful means."

It looks like some members of Thaivisa did not understood his saying "through peaceful means".

I believe, that Abhisit is trying to calm the dispute.

Let Thailand and Cambidodia discuss this matter after the cleaning of all landmines. I hope that works. I' rather consider Hun Sen more a military hardliner then Abhisit (with his education).

Hi fxe1200

Perhaps those "some members of Thaivisa" you refer to..... are simply better informed than you. :whistling:

"A day earlier, The Nation newspaper reported, Abhisit told a rally of Yellow Shirts that he would be willing to trash the MoU and openly considered using "military means" in order to safeguard Thai sovereignty."

If I were trying to be a smart-a$ .... I might point out that it rather depends on just which side of his mouth Abhisit is speaking from.

As for those light-weight Bunnies on here who try to tar any who disagree with their views as Reds or Thaksinites --- grow up!! You certainly don't have to be either ---- to regard the ultra-nationalistic aims of the PAD clique as childish insanity.

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Well it certainly seems someone instructed the bile faucet to be turned on today.

No not hard to find the PAD rhetoric idiotic, but this seems an aburpt acid torrent.

Must be some damned hampster ate through the ceptic pipes again.

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to regard the ultra-nationalistic aims of the PAD clique as childish insanity.

Are you saying that PAD reflects the clear majority (69.55%) of Thais' opinion on this issue? I'm sure they appreciate your endorsement of them.

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Hi fxe1200

Perhaps those "some members of Thaivisa" you refer to..... are simply better informed than you. :whistling:

"A day earlier, The Nation newspaper reported, Abhisit told a rally of Yellow Shirts that he would be willing to trash the MoU and openly considered using "military means" in order to safeguard Thai sovereignty."

If I were trying to be a smart-a$ .... I might point out that it rather depends on just which side of his mouth Abhisit is speaking from.

As for those light-weight Bunnies on here who try to tar any who disagree with their views as Reds or Thaksinites --- grow up!! You certainly don't have to be either ---- to regard the ultra-nationalistic aims of the PAD clique as childish insanity.

Your quoting a Cambodian newspaper? Maybe you can point me to where the Nation reported that Abhisit had said that.

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Abhisit told reporters. "They have trespassed so we are trying to evict them."The problem happened because Cambodia intruded into Thai territory so we have the right to protect our sovereignty and we will do everything possible through peaceful means."

It looks like some members of Thaivisa did not understood his saying "through peaceful means".

I believe, that Abhisit is trying to calm the dispute.

Let Thailand and Cambidodia discuss this matter after the cleaning of all landmines. I hope that works. I' rather consider Hun Sen more a military hardliner then Abhisit (with his education).

Hi fxe1200

Perhaps those "some members of Thaivisa" you refer to..... are simply better informed than you. :whistling:

"A day earlier, The Nation newspaper reported, Abhisit told a rally of Yellow Shirts that he would be willing to trash the MoU and openly considered using "military means" in order to safeguard Thai sovereignty."

If I were trying to be a smart-a$ .... I might point out that it rather depends on just which side of his mouth Abhisit is speaking from.

As for those light-weight Bunnies on here who try to tar any who disagree with their views as Reds or Thaksinites --- grow up!! You certainly don't have to be either ---- to regard the ultra-nationalistic aims of the PAD clique as childish insanity.

Thanks tig28 fair and accurate comment.

After 1992 I did not think we were mad enough to do it again, but we did.

I didn't think the Gov't would be mad enough to use snipers on demonstrators, but they did.

I don't think they are mad enough to create and then exacerbate a problem with Cambodia but perhaps they are.

Only thing for sure is the nationalistic / patriotic card will back fire to the detriment of Thailand

This problem needs diplomacy not more fuel.


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Does any reader have a way of sending a communique to Prime Minister Abhisit suggesting that Thailand and Cambodia create a joint venture around the Temple, maybe even a larger area and be dedicated to defusing the landmines somehow?

Or, even to concede that small bit of territory to Cambodia? I see no economic impact in do so.

The NATO alliance nations that are responsible for planting the landmines ought to be assuming their responsibility to clean the area up!! I have seen documentaries about the loss of life--especially children--from landmines detonating.

Definitely a call to compassion and cooperation on many levels!

pii Chaai

Guess we can expect a closure of the border. :whistling:

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"In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth,

and have begun striving for ourselves." Buddha - 563 BCE - 483 BC

And so Buddha gives up along with George Orwell, who's still rolling in his grave... :ermm:

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"In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth,

and have begun striving for ourselves." Buddha - 563 BCE - 483 BC

And so Buddha gives up along with George Orwell, who's still rolling in his grave... :ermm:

Hi Newbie, or is it Rucharee?

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