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Aussie Condo Jumper (pattaya)


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Australian man jumps to his death

Boonlua Chatree

Shortly after midnight on June 27, Pattaya police were called to a seven-storey apartment building in Central Pattaya, following the reported death of a foreigner. At the scene the officers found the body of Andrew Anderson, a 57-year-old from Australia, lying on the road in front of the building.

Witnesses told police that they saw the man jump from the 7th floor. Anderson’s girlfriend arrived on the scene and was asked by police as to why the man would jump. She told them that he had already tried to kill himself on a number of occasions, the previous attempt by slashing his wrists.

Investigating police and medical personnel surveyed the deceased’s third floor apartment, where they found a number of antidepressants. The room showed no signs of a scuffle. Police sent the deceased’s body to the forensic institute for an autopsy.

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I think its more a case of people expecting too much Larry.

People turn up there, get sucked into the whole illusion that it is all for real. They live life to the full, get a nice looking girl, a load of new mates, a nice pad and they are James Bond instead of Joe Nobody. A total fresh start. Then things start to go wrong. Tee Rak to make more and more financial demands but the spending goes on and then one day they find the cupboard is bare, Tee Rak vanishes back to her bar or Isaan with her pockets bulging and refuses to give any back and all that remains for these guys is the gloom of a return home to desolation and a sense of failure.

Some can handle it, learn from their mistakes, and return wiser. Some are equally as stoic but don't learn from their mistakes but keep on shrugging it off and bounce between home and Thailand like they are on a piece of elastic. Some can't face the return home to what they see as desolation and they are your leapers.

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:o Sad but too true! Bless their souls.

I think its more a case of people expecting too much Larry.

People turn up there, get sucked into the whole illusion that it is all for real. They live life to the full, get a nice looking girl, a load of new mates, a nice pad and they are James Bond instead of Joe Nobody. A total fresh start. Then things start to go wrong. Tee Rak to make more and more financial demands but the spending goes on and then one day they find the cupboard is bare, Tee Rak vanishes back to her bar or Isaan with her pockets bulging and refuses to give any back and all that remains for these guys is the gloom of a return home to desolation and a sense of failure.

Some can handle it, learn from their mistakes, and return wiser. Some are equally as stoic but don't learn from their mistakes but keep on shrugging it off and bounce between home and Thailand like they are on a piece of elastic. Some can't face the return home to what they see as desolation and they are your leapers.

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may be, they had the wake up effect, and their funds are nearly finished,

but may be, they can`t manage, to get away from their girlfriend,

and feel like a finished battery,

cause some bring you heaven on earth, and the others the ###### in Pattaya. :o

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I think its more a case of people expecting too much Larry.

People turn up there, get sucked into the whole illusion that it is all for real. They live life to the full, get a nice looking girl, a load of new mates, a nice pad and they are James Bond instead of Joe Nobody. A total fresh start. Then things start to go wrong. Tee Rak to make more and more financial demands but the spending goes on and then one day they find the cupboard is bare, Tee Rak vanishes back to her bar or Isaan with her pockets bulging and refuses to give any back and all that remains for these guys is the gloom of a return home to desolation and a sense of failure.

Some can handle it, learn from their mistakes, and return wiser. Some are equally as stoic but don't learn from their mistakes but keep on shrugging it off and bounce between home and Thailand like they are on a piece of elastic. Some can't face the return home to what they see as desolation and they are your leapers.

well said. Darwin called it "natural selection".

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OK, this is a little clinical, but I wonder why so many farang suicides appear to be jumpers.

There are other parts of the world with high suicide rates and tall buildings, but Pattaya seems to be jump city.

Why is that?

I have two theories.

One, is that in Pattaya you have a more evolved suicide attempter, no botched up wrist jobs for them, they want to assure the attempt is successful.

Two, is that the jumpers are the tip of the iceberg. That the masses of suicides are by drinking.

The high rate does make sense. Moving to Thailand is as far as you can go for most Westerners, and living there gets addictive, and if things go sour the idea of returning to the west can become unthinkable.

There is also a correlation between high suicide rates and more advanced age, which also makes sense in Pattaya.

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You must of course remember the main thing in drink related suicide attempts. Most of them are not so much interested in killing themselves, as p1ssing off the people that drove them to it. A little tiff here; a threat of leaving there; the proud male thinks; ' I'll show her/him/them' .........I know, I've travelled that road. Most 'botched' wrist jobs, are botched because the person does not really want to do themselves in. Unfortunately there's no stopping halfway down and turning back,leaping from a high rise. I jumped into the Elbe in Hamburg, when I didn't have a job, didn't have any friends, didn't have any money, had no-where to live. I got fished out by the 'River Police'. Look at me now ten years later. I met the right Thai girl who made me believe in myself again.

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Good on you, Lampard, that is a heart warming story.

Yes, it is also my impression that wrist slashing is usually a call for help rather than a real attempt, although I guess some people overdo and off themselves that way anyway.

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You must of course remember the main thing in drink related suicide attempts. Most of them are not so much interested in killing themselves, as p1ssing off the people that drove them to it. A little tiff here; a threat of leaving there; the proud male thinks; ' I'll show her/him/them' .........I know, I've travelled that road.  Most 'botched' wrist jobs, are botched because the person does not really want to do themselves in. Unfortunately there's no stopping halfway down and turning back,leaping from a high rise. I jumped into the Elbe in Hamburg, when I didn't have a job, didn't have any friends, didn't have any money, had no-where to live. I got fished out by the 'River Police'. Look at me now ten years later. I met the right Thai girl who made me believe in myself again.

The wheel will always turn, if you can hang on and have the energy, and very basic resources to keep trying. Some can't. To stick people into nice little neat categories is rather stupid. Evryones story is different, their situation is different, their psychological make-up and state are different.

Sometimes its just to find peace.

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I jumped into the Elbe in Hamburg, when I didn't have a job, didn't have any friends, didn't have any money, had no-where to live. I got fished out by the 'River Police'. Look at me now ten years later. I met the right Thai girl who made me believe in myself again.

I am happy all worked out for you lampard. Sometimes, life is tougher than we expect. Great you got another crack at it.

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agree with it all ,too much booze and sex and maybe no regular job ,just vacilation and irresolute lifestyle ,with a bird brained fickle thai girl around .

its a recipe for gloom and desolation and the final jump ....

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OK, this is a little clinical, but I wonder why so many farang suicides appear to be jumpers.

There are other parts of the world with high suicide rates and tall buildings, but Pattaya seems to be jump city.

Why is that?

I have two theories.

One, is that in Pattaya you have a more evolved suicide attempter, no botched up wrist jobs for them, they want to assure the attempt is successful.

Two, is that the jumpers are the tip of the iceberg. That the masses of suicides are by drinking.

The high rate does make sense. Moving to Thailand is as far as you can go for most Westerners, and living there gets addictive, and if things go sour the idea of returning to the west can become unthinkable.

There is also a correlation between high suicide rates and more advanced age, which also makes sense in Pattaya.

i reckon its the nutty Thai women thats the contributing factor to jumpers jumping .

they just drive the guys round the bend in the end .

incessant demands for money which they dont have .

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OK, this is a little clinical, but I wonder why so many farang suicides appear to be jumpers.

There are other parts of the world with high suicide rates and tall buildings, but Pattaya seems to be jump city.

Why is that?

I have two theories.

One, is that in Pattaya you have a more evolved suicide attempter, no botched up wrist jobs for them, they want to assure the attempt is successful.

Two, is that the jumpers are the tip of the iceberg. That the masses of suicides are by drinking.

The high rate does make sense. Moving to Thailand is as far as you can go for most Westerners, and living there gets addictive, and if things go sour the idea of returning to the west can become unthinkable.

There is also a correlation between high suicide rates and more advanced age, which also makes sense in Pattaya.

i reckon its the nutty Thai women thats the contributing factor to jumpers jumping .

they just drive the guys round the bend in the end .

incessant demands for money which they dont have .

everyones responsible for their own actions in my opinion.

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but I wonder why so many farang suicides appear to be jumpers.

There are other parts of the world with high suicide rates and tall buildings, but Pattaya seems to be jump city.

On one hand, there are a lot of fatal movies,


Michael Douglas "The Game"

Tom Cruise "Vanilla Sky"


where the jumper can only reach his happy ending, if he jumps.

One the other side, I know a couple of cases, where the "stupid Farang" had no idea, that his girlfriend mixed up his food with yabaa.

After a couple of time, when the body was depending on the daily portion,

the illness of her mothers buffalo should move him to the demanded support,

but if he rejects, the daily yabaa portion was stopped,

and the farang was going nuts.

In a few cases, this cazy farangs will jump, but general, I think, they are a small percentage.

So the main reason is, the jumper couldn`t realise,

if he had a true relationship, or a fake one.

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So easy to leap - just takes a moment of frustration, a minor upset, a cross word or a nip of alcohol.

Its a spur of the moment thing.

Survivors report that the femto-second after they go over the rail they have a moment of clarity 'now that wasn't such a smart thing to do'

Edited by The_Moog
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Really sad hear about anyone taking their own life . I read in the op that they found anti-depressents in his room. Maybe this guy was really sick and needed help . Depression is a real illness and a trigger, like your gf leaving you or money problems, can push one over the edge.

RIP Aussie :o

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Life is hard sometime and this is no solution.

In a blink of an eye when he must have thought that it was all too tough. Then once he jumped it was all finished. Somehow a great weight would be lifted and he would not have to deal with anything any more.

But it doesn't make it any easier. Suicide is not the answer.

My thoughts are with the family and the friends of this man. If only he could have gotten help from them and gotten on with his life by taking positive actions rather than becoming twisted with drinking and taking antidepresants.

Consider the thoughts and feelings of his family and friends whom must be wondering if they could have helped him or whether they caused his death in some twisted way. I have a couple of friends whom are troubled by people close to them whom have taken this route.

It is sad there are so many suicides but if we showed a bit more compassion for others rather than trying to think what is right for me then maybe we can overcome this somewhat. Unfortunately i think that western society with its individualistic commercial lifestyle tends to shun this somewhat.

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The guy evidently lived on the third floor. If you know how to jump, 10 metres is nothing. He must have gone from his apartment up to the top floor or roof, then tried a swallow-dive. And from the seventh floor, even that is no sure thing. Got to get up to about 15 floors (say 50 metres) to stand a good chance of succeeding.

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I wonder what percent are suicide and what percent is murder? I know if I kill myself it is not going to be by jumping off a building, I'd take pills or something and I think that is the same for most of us.

I think its easier, and the results more garanteed, for the wife/girlfriend/business partner just to pay someone to throw the guy out a window. The police come and look at the room, it looks clean, the body is dead and all bloody, so it looks good, ah another suicide.

And I will make a bet when/if the police ever figured out a way to stop the tossing of people off buildings, then there would be an increase of people drowning while swimming 1 mile off shore of Jomitan Beach.

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And thens theres the fact that most residents in pattaya are usualy so pissed its easier to push them off :o

I wonder what percent are suicide and what percent is murder?  I know if I kill myself it is not going to be by jumping off a building, I'd take pills or something and I think that is the same for most of us. 

I think its easier, and the results more garanteed, for the wife/girlfriend/business partner just to pay someone to throw the guy out a window.  The police come and look at the room, it looks clean, the body is dead and all bloody, so it looks good, ah another suicide.

And I will make a bet when/if the police ever figured out a way to stop the tossing of people off buildings, then there would be an increase of people drowning while swimming 1 mile off shore of Jomitan Beach.

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I am amazed that there are Posters blaming Thailand and Thai women for this guys failure to cope with life.

I have seen men come to Thailand , spend like they are Millionaires, drink, drugs , women, lead the the rock star lifestyle they thought would last forever.

Many have left Families and Friends and careers behind in their own countries, amassed all types of debts thinking they would survive forever in Thailand.

It don't work like that, and these guys that plan so poorly for any eventuality only have themselves to blame for their personal situations.

Now this guy, has left some people somewhere feeling very guilty as to why he ended his life, and those people are probably the family he left behing in Australia.

He is responsible for his own actions. If had been mega rich, no doubt he would be living the high life today.

Don't blame Thailand or Thai women, blame him.

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Hi all

I once saw a terrible death by jumping in the UK. It is not a pretty sight as one can imagine. I could never undertsand the logic of jumpers, however it does come to me that these people have been pushed so far there is no return.

I once had a girlfriend who made me feel so wound up and angry that I could see it could force ones self to do something stupid in anger or when low, I just removed myself from the situation and realised how silly it was tobe in it in the first place (English girl by the way). However I am not a depressant and I do sympathise with those who are, I have seen it in family and friends it is a horrible illness.

My final point which people have touched on is why someone would jump rather than choose another method, maybe whisky and pills or something. Anyways all methods are a final cry for help or a final exit. My thought s go to his family and loved ones.


Edited by lopburiguy
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I am amazed that there are Posters blaming Thailand and Thai women for this guys failure to cope with life.


Don't blame Thailand or Thai women, blame him.

You can´t blame Thai women in general,

some are good, and some only look good,

but to know, what is behind the smile is the point,

between an expert and a rookie.

But not every rookie makes it,

some get their lesson the easy way,

but some will never stand up.

so rookies have to learn the 2 meanings of a jai dee,

good heart and fool,

and if they can`t cope with life, you`re right,

it`s their fault and fate.

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