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Immigration Warning Over 90-day Reporting

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The men & women in the Immigration office here know me well, have dealt with me for years and have always (except for the grumpy gray-haired guy!) treated me in a friendly and respectful manner.

then you should be in great shape if you ever need to ask a question or need a special request from immigration.

i personally think the immigration officers in BKK that handle the one year extensions extremely friendly. i always try and be polite to them.

NOTE: People, don't be afraid to go way upstairs in BKK Immigration. I have had some amazing things done by hoofing it upstairs 5 floors and finding some brass. There are some cool officers up there that can pull strings.

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  • 10 months later...

My question about the 90-days reporting rule has to do with WHERE reporting can be/must be done. I've always done my reporting at the Bangkok Immig. office but will soon be heading down to Ranong on holiday and was hoping to be able to do it at the Ranong Immigration office.

Does it make a difference which immigration office one goes to for the 90-days reporting??

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Guess I'll just do the 4 trips this year and maybe Ol Uncle Sam will have my stuff done in that time.

You are aware that you can extend your present multi O visa with 200k in a Thai bank account without any set income requirement? If you can do that your current pay statement, if more than perhaps $500 per month should be more than enough. Even if less I would talk with immigration and try to get going before any increase in requirements. Nothing to lose and with a wife/child believe they will try to help you in any way they can.

Isn't it 400,000 Baht now for an extension to support a Thai wife?

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Out of interest then, I know truck loads of teachers on work permits, and people who work for multinationals. Their work pemits are taken care of by their HR departments. None of them though ever seem to have to go down to Immigration every 90 days to report. Am I missing something here, or would their firms HR department do the reporting for them?

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Out of interest then, I know truck loads of teachers on work permits, and people who work for multinationals. Their work pemits are taken care of by their HR departments. None of them though ever seem to have to go down to Immigration every 90 days to report. Am I missing something here, or would their firms HR department do the reporting for them?

Several possibilities.

If they are doing 90 or 30 day visa runs it is not required (not on extension of stay).

HR can be doing the address reports - you do not have to do personally but you should be signing form.

It is not being done.

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I live near Khampaeng Phet about 400km from Bangkok.

Does anyone know of a closer Immigration office and 90 day reporting office to me?


Supposedly, you can also register at your local cop shop...

It's fairly "easy" to do by mail. Still a bit of a pain to have to remember, etc.

I've "heard" the local cop shop story before, but have yet to actually see/or talk to anyone who has done it that way.

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No, at the airport, til now, it is not checked.

Last time, when talking to the immigration dept., have been advised not to come late, as they have to fine. "Come back on time after your next trip..."

But have a friend, who (2 years ago) did not leave the country but went to the immigration dept., paid an official fine of Baht 2000 without extra charge for days stayed since the 90-days-period had expired.

He did this, as he just had opened a new company and wanted to be clean. He neither had the time to leave LoS.

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Has anyone been reporting by mail ?

How can you prove you have actually reported / Do they acknowledge by return mail ?

I will be 250km from an immigration offcie and would prefer not to have to spend a day just for reporting !


Edited by Krub
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Has anyone been reporting by mail ?

How can you prove you have actually reported / Do they acknowledge by return mail ?

I will be 250km from an immigration offcie and would prefer not to have to spend a day just for reporting !


Yes, I have reported by mail. Will be doing it again soon, as my 90 days are up on January 4. I sent the "package" via EMS, therefore I had a receipt (ie proof?). They send the entire package back to me with a new 90 day slip for my passport and a blank form to complete the next time I have to "report". My biggest fear in all of this, is that the "package" coming back is via regular mail and I'm a little bit leary of it getting "lost" and then what kind of hassle I'll have to straighten it out. But, so far so good and I know others in the Korat area who are also doing it by mail without a problem. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I read at the stickman site that 90 day reporting is for any visa longer than 90 days. Is this still valid? I had a non resident 'B' and it was extended for 1 year and 1 month.

Nobody told me i had to report and my departure card does not mention it....

does anybody know?



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It is for any stay in Thailand longer than 90 days. So, unless you are travelling and never stay longer than 90 days at a time you are required to report. Your first report was when you applied for your first extension of stay. The next is due 90 days from that date. The current fine is 2,000 baht but that could increase as a higher fine is already authorized by law.

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I live in Pai, two and a half hours from Chiang Mai. I asked at the local police station if I could do my 90 day and the answer was 'No'. The first time I went down to Chiang Mai and they were very pleasant but told me I really should be checking in at Mae Hong Son.

I went to MHS next time and the very pleasant officer replied to my question if I could report by mail by simply handing me enough forms to last the year. I just post the form only by ordinary mail and get the response back in a couple of days, once the reply was late so I rang them and was told not to worry, the form had arrived and everything was OK.

I went last June for my one year extension, in at 11:30, a short trip into town to get photocopies, stamped out by 2:30, home in Pai by 5:00. I hope this June will be as easy!!

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