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Why does the Government block all XXX sites from the internet? I mean it has been proven that these sites cut down on rapes and sexual assults.

Most sites have set up so that they avoid under age people watching them and I just wonder what the reason is that the Thai government decides to block these. Never mind all the other sites they bloak like certain you tube, etc etc

when you try to access you recieve the notice as follows;

"Sorry for the inconvenience .Ministry of Information and communication An order to suspend the release site that you want to visit .Because the text and image content, some inappropriate For more information visit www.amd.com.Ministry of Information and Communication Tel: 0 2141 6950 .


Pornography is ILLEGAL in Thailand.

Duh!! So is Prostitution, however Thailand is still the #1 Sex tour destination in the world.

What's your point?


I think the real issue here is, why on earth do the Thais want to censor the internet when the whole country is dirty with political corruption, out of control prostitution, the African Mafia openly doing business on Sukumvit, their world class airport setting up and extorting foreign nationals, almost every cop on the take, a populace whose level of third world arrogance and ignorance is unmatched almost anywhere else, rampant protectionism, their treatment of foreign nationals breaks about every treaty they have ever signed, and the list goes on and on, and yet they play the holier than thou role when it comes to the internet! All I can say is WELCOME TO THAILAND!:jap:


I think the real issue here is, why on earth do the Thais want to censor the internet when the whole country is dirty with political corruption, out of control prostitution, the African Mafia openly doing business on Sukumvit, their world class airport setting up and extorting foreign nationals, almost every cop on the take, a populace whose level of third world arrogance and ignorance is unmatched almost anywhere else, rampant protectionism, their treatment of foreign nationals breaks about every treaty they have ever signed, and the list goes on and on, and yet they play the holier than thou role when it comes to the internet! All I can say is WELCOME TO THAILAND!:jap:

Yes, yes, we know all of that. But what are the negatives about this place? Maybe the OP has finally discovered one.


With the millions of women in thailand....u choose to stay home and watch porn on the computer.


LOL, how true, how true. :lol:

I would rather head down to Soi Cowboy and watch real live neked girls than spend my day (or nights) squinting at a computer screen.



You can always access these sites through a website that hides your IP. Although they are slowly cracking down on those too. :ph34r:

Each one that they close down another one springs up :rolleyes: They are really wasting their time and have nothing better to do so let them do it if it makes them happy!


You can always access these sites through a website that hides your IP. Although they are slowly cracking down on those too. :ph34r:

dont really have to use a proxy to access. Just enter the sites ip address :ph34r:


OK chaps, that's enough discussion of illegal activities (prostitution, porn, bypassing government blocks).


If anyone has a problem with this contact admin[at]thaivisa.com

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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