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Trying To Understand


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I have to admit, it looks rather like gibberish to me too...

จ๊ะ = จะ (will) (?)

ขวามันไม่สวย = It doesn't look good on the right or The right side doesn't look good

แต่มีไรให้คนหา = But if you have something get someone to find it for you (?)

นะอิ = นะชิ (particles indicating imperative)

What is the context? And what is "the gist" of it?

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จ๊ะ means to encounter, come upon, ขวา is the opposite of ซ้าย one of two sides, sooo; 'looked at in one way' แต่มี 'but there' is ไร อะไร 'what' maybe 'something' which a person can find. It could also mean ค้นหา 'discover, research, I think that is it, something to discover; exactly as you were told.

Is it Northern Thai?

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suppose to mean .. even I'm not pretty but there' s something mysterious in me to figure out

Ahh..I get it, except for ขวา - which is a slang spelling for what? (or could it be the speaker's name?)

Edited by dobadoy
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suppose to mean .. even I'm not pretty but there' s something mysterious in me to figure out

Ahh..I get it, except for ขวา - which is a slang spelling for what? (or could it be the speaker's name?)

Maybe she means the thing right beside him which is her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry guys, i actually had forgotten about this.

Ok..it IS Northern Thai (i hadnt realised at first or would have mentioned it).

The scenario is this: A photo of two girls. One on the right, one on the left.

Person 1 writes (who is in the photo): เทียบกันพอได้เปล่าคะ

Person 2 replies: ซ้ายสวยกว่า

Person 1 writes: จ๊ะขวามันไม่สวยแต่มีไรให้คนหานะอิอิ

Its a comparison of looks/appearance (which im sure is obvious to you guys). I just couldnt/cant figure out the exact meaning.

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A Thai looked at it and said it's not grammatically correct. So I wasn't sure, but had a guess anyhow. Maybe something like:

Person 1 (who is in the photo): How do they compare?

Person 2: The one on the left is prettier.

Person 1: Yes, the one on the right isn't pretty but has something people want hehe

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