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Offensive Tee Shirt About Thai Girl


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I was walking around local night market other day and there was tee shirt stand and 1 tee shirt had picture of young Thai girl, looking to be underage or child, and there was gun pointed at her and her mouth was stuffed with rice and sign on tee shirt said, "Eat more rice Bitch.'" I have seen this shirt before and dont even understand the point of it, but it seems disgusting to me. I am not obsessed with political correctness and feminism and am not offended by sexy photos of mature women or whatever, but this thing made me sick. I did not want to make a scene because guy selling shirts probably doesnt know what it means, as I dont either, but I am sure if this shirt was sold in the west it would cause an outrage. I do not even know why I am making this posting except this incident bothered me and also maybe someone could explain what is purpose of this "joke."

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but I am sure if this shirt was sold in the west it would cause an outrage.

Just looked it up on google and they already have it America, sold by a Thai charity for $15, and Korea, and probably other places. Strange shirt, but can't tell age or nationality (not Thai as Thais don't use chopsticks to eat bowls of rice)

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I think again we are seeing a Western perspective of an activity in Thailand.

The OP quite rightly exercised his consumer right not to buy. Being offended is a personal thing and there is nothing wrong in bringing it to this forum.

However, beyond that it is not our business. The Thais will buy what they want - very often they will not understand what is written on a T shirt (or any subtle meaning, ifthere was one).

Without knowing the origins of the T shirt design I doubt there is any sinister meaning.

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Teenagers have been wearing tshirts like that since the 60's. It's nothing to get worked up about. If anything, it's a conversation starter if young Horatio comes home wearing one. I'm more offended when I see adults wearing Che tshirts and they have no idea that the man tortured people and beat up on his bedmates.

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I've seen many young Thais wearing tee shirts with very offensive, to us westerners, slogans. Most times they haven't a clue what it means but just like the colour and pattern/picture.

There are some equally offensive tee shirts for sale in places like Pattaya and they are purchased by people who DO know exactly what is meant. I often wonder if they ever wear them when they get back to farangland. I doubt they quite look the same on a cold, damp November evening in a cruddy back street pub in Slough.

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Yes, it doesn't seem the Thais are too upset about it. T-shirt

Or the Bin Ladin Portrait teeshirt either!

personally i like that one.

why not ??

I don't get offended by teeshirts either - one can generally laugh with (or at) them.

Have to wonder sometimes though, about the sanity of the wearer! They are asking to be beaten up at the v least.

Saw an American in Jordan wearing a 'Free Iraq' T shirt a few years ago - it could be taken either way - but who on earth would be stupid enough to take the chance in a Moslem country???! Jordan is a v easy-going country, but even so, that's really pushing their tolerance too far.

The friends with me immediately insisted on taking his photo as they couldn't believe anyone could be that stupid......

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Japan has some fascinating t-shirts, too.

Remember seeing a young man walking about with "Baby On Board."

And the young lady waiting at a crosswalk, with "Lovely and Lusty. Looking for shore leave."

Usually they have no idea what they're bill-boarding! laugh.gif

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Eat More Rice Bitch!

Thai USA's daring new fund raising methods

Thai USA Association is one of my freelance clients run in part by my good friend Sara Paleewong. They're a wonderful group that works to unite those of Thai decent here in the US as well as championing many charities in Thailand.

In an effort to raise money and awareness for their various causes, they've introduced a T-Shirt design that is definitely memorable.

continued at blog found here:

Stephen Bailey blog


Edited by sbk
edited for fair use-link to originating news source required
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Yes, it doesn't seem the Thais are too upset about it. T-shirt

Impressive. You guys got to the bottom of this one in short order. Something that would seem outrageous does have a logical and harmless explanation. Now can you imagine if the answer wasn't clearcut? The Thai bashers would be here in full-force, voicing their indignation about the "evil, racist Thais," and pretending to be ever so self-righteous and sickeningly sanctimonious.

Anyways, well done.

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I have read all postings and explanations and still dont know what this thing is supposed to mean. I still think it is disgusting and I never thought it was any evidence of racist Thais. if anything it is racist farangs who produced the thing. Why would a Thai charity be involved with this? iIt makes no sense to me. I certainly would not donate money to anyone selling it. And as for bin laden tee shirt, most Thais do not know who he is or what he looks like but I dare anyone to wear it into a bar in Queens.

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I have read all postings and explanations and still dont know what this thing is supposed to mean. I still think it is disgusting and I never thought it was any evidence of racist Thais. if anything it is racist farangs who produced the thing. Why would a Thai charity be involved with this? iIt makes no sense to me. I certainly would not donate money to anyone selling it. And as for bin laden tee shirt, most Thais do not know who he is or what he looks like but I dare anyone to wear it into a bar in Queens.

Now that you have an explanation you ARE over-reacting.

You can clearly see the intended purpose so the perception of disgust should have been removed.

I don't actually like the T shirt myself but find it inoffensive and it's sales are for a good cause.

Move on.

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Yup - its definately because people here cant understand the meanings that they get printed.

Even weirder. When I came here many moons ago (about 7 years) lol, I ran a bar. The bar had a projector to show whatever it was that needed to be shown. During the day i let the kids play their copy playstation games on it (think pan tip 100bt for 2000 games on a copy PS II machine). One day I actually watched them playing the game, and realized that the game they were playing the "Goodies" were all in Nazi Uniform - i.e swastikas on their uniforms, and the "Baddies" were dressed as Arabs or Black people.

It was a rough copy of a famous arcade game. Needless to say i was thrown by this, but where/why/how did it come about?

The only conclusion i could come up with was that western forgers/software fakers with seriously twisted heads were making these.

Who knows...TIT.

Another time, a beautiful and slightly shy Thai girl I was talking with was wearing a T-Shirt with the logo blazened across her breast which read "Thug <deleted>".

amazing eh...

Luckily, as well as knowing about my food, i'm also a thug... lol biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Saw an American in Jordan wearing a 'Free Iraq' T shirt a few years ago - it could be taken either way - but who on earth would be stupid enough to take the chance in a Moslem country???! Jordan is a v easy-going country, but even so, that's really pushing their tolerance too far.

The friends with me immediately insisted on taking his photo as they couldn't believe anyone could be that stupid......

A year or so back I saw, presumably, an American guy wearing one of those ARMY tee shirts, dark green with bold black lettering. I know all countries have their army but this style is American, no doubting.

The thing was he was at what is now called the War Remnants Museum here in HCMC, previously known as the Museum of American War Crimes. For all I know he may not have been American but still a tad insensitive as I thought at the time but nobody turned a hair.

It's like the first time I got to Pattaya I was a little taken aback by all the portraits of Adolf Hitler in the artists shops but it didn't bother me, neither did that Sukhumwit billboard a while back.

I always have a mental laugh at the guys with that Pattaya tee shirt with the pic of a guy snogging a girl and she's got a huge hard op straining under her dress and he's thinking "Oh sh1t". I wonder how that looks down the Viaduct pub in Dudley on a Sunday lunchtime?

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Ya, what does it mean? lol, Im all for a good joke, whats the joke? Im looking at the shirt and really trying hard to see the humour. Or the connection to charity rofl.

Make that two of us.

Maybe I'm being a bit dense, but I'm usually pretty alert to irony and off-the-wall humour.

Can someone explain the joke to me. Is there some reference that I'm not getting - some movie or literary or political one-liner?

Is there some sort of "Eat xxx xxx bitch" joke doing the rounds?

Seriously, I'd like to know.

Would the English version be "Eat more chips bitch!" featuring a fat lass.

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Thai USA Association is one of my freelance clients run in part by my good friend Sara Paleewong.

I for one love this and I think Thai USA has hit on a brilliant piece of marketing genius.

I wonder how well your friend Sara would like a gun pointed at her head?

Be fun to find out.

According tio the website you are against fast food chains like McD & KFC.

I support the free market & your freedom to shop where you wish.

The T shirt is stupid & offensive.

Anyone with 2 brain cells working would know that.

So bravo to coarsening civil society.

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Some people think too much.

If something is lost on you then it has probably succeeded in finding the right market appeal for the younger market.

Maybe there are somethings we are just not meant to understand.

But I hate it when I'm the only one who doesn't 'get' the joke. :(

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Some people think too much.

If something is lost on you then it has probably succeeded in finding the right market appeal for the younger market.

Maybe there are somethings we are just not meant to understand.

But I hate it when I'm the only one who doesn't 'get' the joke. :(

I can't see it either but I have stopped worrying about it :D

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I see a woman/girl with a gun to her head being called a bi_ch.

So it is a shirt making light of violence and it is degrading to women.

Not a very bright choice for a charity.

certainly they may sell some shirts, there are a lot of immature morons that get a thrill out of being shocking. I assume the end result will not be not attracting many patrons to the charities they champion. Rather I assume it will work against them.

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