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Thought I have seen and heard it all living in this place we call LOS..Sometimes it just amazes me the things some people do and say and I am not talking about someone who lets say no fault of their own as maybe not finished school and lacks a certain level of education I am talking about people in Thailand who have respectable jobs who have had a very high standard of education with many years of studying in a university and then graduating in whatever field or career they choose to follow.

I live in a village which is 50k from the nearest city so we not have homely comforts like shopping malls, cinemas, BigC ,Pizza, kfc etc ,Oh and VETS which is what my story is about. My dog as not been feeling to good for the last 2 days and as gone right of is food so I was a little worried so I thought maybe take him to see the local vet so of I went , It's a little office which is located in the Ampher office no one speaks any English what so ever but Ispeak pretty good Thai so we got there in the end and I was finally put onto the man who is the local vet in my village .

So i told him what was the problem and then he checked out the dog, then for the next 5mins or so all I could get out of him was ..yodog is mai sa bai ..yes I know that.that is why I bring him to you for look ..he eat some it no good he say…Then he say i will have to come back tomorrow as he has left all is medicine at home he forget to bring it to work today..<deleted> ,

I stay here 3 years now and to be honest with you i find myself just like the Thais telling friends tomorrow tomorrow when before I used to be a now and a today person.

Sometimes tomorrow is acceptable and some times it is not and in this case tomorrow is just not a acceptable ..TIT Grrrrrrrrrrr


Wow... He left the medicine at home??!!?? wth??? Why not just leave himself at home then

Hard to believe i know ..but my thoughts exactly why bother to come to work


I am beginning to have a feeling that sometimes, this sort of thing is done , just to see what kind of a rise they can get out of a farang. Maybe a offer to drive him home , carry dog with you, get medicine, treatment for dog, tell vet you forgot wallet, but will come by tomorrow to pay.


OP - that is a great story and you tell it well. We know it is true because we live here and we experience similar things from time to time.

Hopefully, your dog will be ok and this will become an amusing story to tell later.

I have a small collection of amusing stories which I can bore my friends and family with. They all started like this :annoyed: or this :blink: but now they are this :lol:

All the best


Wow... He left the medicine at home??!!?? wth??? Why not just leave himself at home then

Hard to believe i know ..but my thoughts exactly why bother to come to work

Or, now this may be a radical idea but bear with me, go home and get the medicine, come back to work, then treat the dog?


Since he's out in the middle of nowhere in all likelihood he is dealing with the livestock vet from the govt office. Not really a trained vet, more like a nurse practitioner. We had one of these come out to Koh Phangan years ago, before we had a vet, and he was clearly not experienced in treating cats and dogs.


And your average village person does not take dogs and cats to the vet. So the vet could go years without needing cat or dog medicine and, therefore, leaves it at home.


My experience too, country vets are good with cattle/pigs etc but know diddly squat when it comes to dogs & cats.

The lady in out towns pet food shop told me!, and we had to take Fido to a big city vet 120 kms from here.

Mind you he was big sick, after much Baht he's almost fixed!.


As several people have commented, not all vets are equal. Would you ask a cardiovascular surgeon to look at a nasty rash? Chances are the surgeon would suggest you amputate immediately. Look on the good side, in that the vet said he was unable to provide effective treatment. Better that then dispensing pills or potions that do nothing. One of the reasons why human physicians in Thailand are so quick on dispensing is that patients can be particularly insistent on getting a magic pill. Wait for the next visit.

And for what it's worth, bless you for taking care of your furry pal. At least you did the right thing. Not much consolation, but in the words of Ali G - Respect.

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