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Was going to get myself an Iphone 4 once they were avaiable here in Australia but because of some of the bad reviews decided to get a Samsung Galaxy S instead after being it can do all the same things but better.

One of the things I did like about the Iphone was the ability to show thai writing and be able to send and recieve sms in thai.

Problem with the Galaxy that I bought here in Australia is that there is no option for thai language.

Spoke to a couple phone techs about installng it but Samsung Australia is not willing to share the thailand firmware.

Done a search in google and found a site called samsungfirmware that lists some of the asian firmware but I can`t tell which is the thai.

If somebody happens to know where to find the thai firmware or is willing to ask a phone tech in Thailand where I can find it on the internet I would be such a happy chappy...

Please help me be happy... :rotflmao:


My guess is if you took it into MBK the next time you're in town, they'd sort it out for y' in 20 minutes for a 100 baht.

That said, you might be better off with this question in one of the TV techie forums??


I had a look at the Thai support website. I can only find a PC application and some manuals, no firmware.


It says :

Firmware : 0

(in Thai: เฟิร์มแวร์โทรศัพท์ :0)


I looked again. With that PC application, called KIES, it might be possible to find and download new firmware.

Second Edit:

This websites discusses how to update the firmware (with a version found on the website you mentioned) and enable Thai language support.


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