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Google has suddenly reversed course on net neutrality, and went from champion to traitor. Classic case of money trumps principles.

Here's Jon Stewart's concise and funny summary (sorry this doesn't display inline)


I think the larger issue at hand is Google in general. The only reason I personally use(d) their services is that I trusted them to "do the right thing". Protect my email; etc. Without trust, none of Google's services are really appealing. We'll search for you- but we'll also track you all over the web, collect and combine all the data we gain from our tracker cookies to create a profile. Web history is just the most blatant attempt, it's on by default BTW, you have to explicitly turn it off. Then reserve the right to make money off the profile any way we see fit. Well tell me this in advance and I am going to go back to my old paid for email account, and use Bing for searching, thankyouverymuch. If this continues - and it will as long as Eric Schmidt is CEO - I'll personally wean myself from Google.

PS: For those who don't know: Googles mission statement was, famously, "don't be evil". That was a long time ago....


The above is just one reason I will not buy an Android phone which makes you sync all your data to a Google account.

Google has enough info on me without knowing who is in my phone book and what appointments I have or where I will be next Tuesday

How about using http://startpage.com/ as your search engine. They claim NO tracking and forward your searches anonymously to Google Yahoo etc and aggregate the results. so you still get good info

Nb Just because your are paranoid not not mean that there is not somebody out to get you:annoyed:


Yeah oh, Jon Steward is always funny, but this is a load of bull promoted by ... look for the logos .. MS and MS-NBC. Clips taken out of context "the internet must be free" etc, and throwing around buzz words like "net neutrality" without really understanding what it means.

The clip, funny as it was, completely lacked substance. As far as I can see all it is about is that Google propose a faster way to communicate with smartphones (including Android phones). Big deal.

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