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Why Does Thailand Have Such A Bad Reputation ?


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Because farangs will email, call and tell (there gullible friends) what there "version" of a vacation in thailand was, and then the word of mouth spreads and there you have it ... Everyone thinks thailand is a pool of Thai hookers ... Just like everyone thinks Alaskans live in igloos and drive dog sleds to work ... :)

So are you saying that people believe Alaskans live in igloos and drive dog sleds to work because of the emails that we receive from our friends that have been there?

Or are you saying that people believe that there are hookers standing three deep on the side of Sukhumvit Road because I made that up based on stereotypes, and my friends that believed that were gullible?


Listen... YOU.ARE.NOT.FUNNY. ... stop trying.

Yes that's what I'm saying. People who haven't been to Thailand think it's just sex and sex and suicides. And People who haven't been to Alaska think it's igloos bears and sleds. People are gullible, just like 9/11 in someway was tainted, just like Obama said he was going to bring 'Change' and ain't did nothing since he's been in DC besides play golf and take vacations.

Just because there are some women out there that want to get in your pockets to support there little brothers and sisters and family, don't mean that's what they prefer/want to do, that's just what farangs prefer to do when they hit thailand, then go to there home and all they talk about for 4 months to there buddies and forum is Nana plaza and Bar girls.

Heres some math.

1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

so add 2 and 3 together and boom, she want's their money to benefit her life, they want her body to benefit their ego or loneliness, she's gets their money she gets to survive a few more days/months, and they have many stories to tell about a "hooker"

So this is why thailand women have that bad reputation in my eyes. Internet don't make it any better either.

Edited by bonobo
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Because farangs will email, call and tell (there gullible friends) what there "version" of a vacation in thailand was, and then the word of mouth spreads and there you have it ... Everyone thinks thailand is a pool of Thai hookers ... Just like everyone thinks Alaskans live in igloos and drive dog sleds to work ... :)

So are you saying that people believe Alaskans live in igloos and drive dog sleds to work because of the emails that we receive from our friends that have been there?

Or are you saying that people believe that there are hookers standing three deep on the side of Sukhumvit Road because I made that up based on stereotypes, and my friends that believed that were gullible?


Listen... YOU.ARE.NOT.FUNNY. ... stop trying.

Yes that's what I'm saying. People who haven't been to Thailand think it's just sex and sex and suicides. And People who haven't been to Alaska think it's igloos bears and sleds. People are gullible, just like 9/11 in someway was tainted, just like Obama said he was going to bring 'Change' and ain't did nothing since he's been in DC besides play golf and take vacations.

Just because there are some women out there that want to get in your pockets to support there little brothers and sisters and family, don't mean that's what they prefer/want to do, that's just what farangs prefer to do when they hit thailand, then go to there home and all they talk about for 4 months to there buddies and forum is Nana plaza and Bar girls.

Heres some math.

1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

so add 2 and 3 together and boom, she want's their money to benefit her life, they want her body to benefit their ego or loneliness, she's gets their money she gets to survive a few more days/months, and they have many stories to tell about a "hooker"

So this is why thailand women have that bad reputation in my eyes. Internet don't make it any better either.

Just to make one thing absolutely clear. I do not beleive that people in Alaska live in igloos. I believe that they live in pre-fabricated cabins.

But that belief is based on prejudice and ignorance, and not based on information from anyone that has been there.

I do not believe that all thai women are hookers. I have not asked the Thai women that I believe are not hookers whether they are or not, nor all the Thai women that I believe are hookers - they could well be waiting for a bus at the side of Sukhumvit Road, and just very friendly.

I do not think that Thailand's reputation as a suitable destination for sex tourists is undeserved, nor do I think that it is a bad reputation. The reputation that ALL Thai women are hookers is a BAD reputation, and not deserved. It is bad because the people that are tarnished with that reputation are shamed by it, and because it is not correct. SImilarly, there may be honest lawyers and politicians, and oil companies are trying to develop energy resources for the future. But good news doesn't sell, and tourists don't talk about people they don't sleep with (possibly an over-generalisation...).

By the way,

If I had to rely on your judgement of what was funny I'd be in pretty dire straits.

I am disappointed that your posts on this thread are really lacking in invective and bigoted, offensive spleen. You are not up to your usual standard, but all we can do is keep stoking,


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When I first came to Thailand in the nineties, Thailand was famous for many things. Sex tourism was one of them. Closely followed by drugs and after that Thai food. Religion and temples probably came in at a distant fourth. If you go to any of the popular tourist destinations in Thailand such as Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui, Hua Hin and even Krabi you will find beer bars and girls selling themselves. Rightly or wrongly this creates in the tourist the impression that Thailand is a country full of prostitutes. If Thailand wants to improve its image with foreigners it should do somethimg about cleaning all this stuff up.

Thailand can not use the reason that it is a poor country and the people need the money, and this is what happens in poor countries.Because if you travel to poorer countries neighbouring Thailand nothing happens in such an in your face way or on such a scale. Girls do not decide that prostitution in all its forms is some kind of career option.

Of course nothing will ever happen because if you look at the economics of all this in places like Pattaya for example, then what would happen. If there were no girls in Pattaya for sale who would actually go there. No one really goes there to play golf or get on a jet ski and the beach is pretty poor. The simple fact is that Thailand has created this economy and now many people want to keep it for their own financial wellbeing. Before people say " why do you stay here of you are so negative about the place ", I want to say that I live a long way away from all these places, very rarely visit them and am quite happy living in a boring suburb with my wife and children.

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One thing that I do not understand is all the men who come here because it is easy to find wives and girlfriends because of the poor economic conditions, but then get on a high horse about men who do not want to settle down. Either situation could be painted as "exploitation" if one is that PC. It just seems hypocritical to me.

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1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

1) A higher percentage of women than men go to university in Thailand.

2) Thai women; obedient, submissive, can't talk back. Got to laugh about this. How much time have you actually spent in country with women who aren't waiting on your table. Thai women are definitely not submissive and there must be men all over the country laughing about the " can't talk back " .

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One thing that I do not understand is all the men who come here because it is easy to find wives and girlfriends because of the poor economic conditions, but then get on a high horse about men who do not want to settle down. Either situation could be painted as "exploitation" if one is that PC.  It just seems hypocritical to me.

In all the posts I have read in ThaiVisa, this is the first time I have read this particular point, and I have to say, it is pretty thought-provoking. The point had never occurred to me before, but it sure has now.

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Thailand has a bad reputation with outsiders because of ignorance, People who have never been Thailand pre judge the place on stories they have heard or what they have seen.

When they see the 60+ yo guy walking down the tree lined English road with his new 20+ yo Thai wife they immediately think "pervert" or "dirty old man". The girl is immediately cast as a prostitute or "mail order bride" because in the viewers eyes a girl of that age wouldnt go with a man of that age unless it was a monetary agreement.

Get a group of 5 people talking about Thailand to one person who hasnt been there, 4 people have good experiences to tell and one has a horror story to tell. 12 months later the good stories have been forgotten but the horror story lives strong in the memory.

Unfortunately ignorance can not be easily changed....

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One thing that I do not understand is all the men who come here because it is easy to find wives and girlfriends because of the poor economic conditions, but then get on a high horse about men who do not want to settle down. Either situation could be painted as "exploitation" if one is that PC. It just seems hypocritical to me.

In all the posts I have read in ThaiVisa, this is the first time I have read this particular point, and I have to say, it is pretty thought-provoking. The point had never occurred to me before, but it sure has now.

It is actually a quite common occurance throughout the world. It is the old... I've got mine, now lets close the doors to others, syndrome. I've seen it happen in exclusive clubs where the members vote on prospective members joining. Members who were just voted in themselves now want to make it a more limited club.

And, the case of exploitation is debatable one. Just who is exploiting whom? There are many, many bar-girl / farang marriages and long term relationships. Some last a few years, some last 10 years and some last for life. Those relationships are not much different than other marriage statistics. Nobody is getting exploited. It's a mutual agreement between two adults.

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One thing that I do not understand is all the men who come here because it is easy to find wives and girlfriends because of the poor economic conditions, but then get on a high horse about men who do not want to settle down. Either situation could be painted as "exploitation" if one is that PC. It just seems hypocritical to me.

To be honest it's pointless to go around trying to assign blame to exploitation. The reality is Thais often exploit each other as much as possible. Just look at the depressed wages college grads here face. The going rate for a fresh college grad is only 8,000-15,000 baht with the jobs paying the latter end of the spectrum being a real rarity.

A lot of the wage controls are artificial because the wealthy Thai conglomerates refuse to pay a real minimum wage. Labor is considered "cheap" but in reality good personnel turnover often because they aren't getting paid what they're worth. It lowers productivity all around mainly because companies here are short sighted in a lot of ways.

When foreign men come to marry Thais they are taking full advantage of economic disparity. You could call it exploitation but it's really a complex national issue of being incapable of raising the living wages to the point where there is a middle class who doesn't have to look abroad for spouses.

Then again Thailand has done quite a few right things since '97. They also didn't fully sell out their country like U.S. politicians and CEOs have done.

Edited by wintermute
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I don't think UG was writing it really is "exploitation," hence the quotes.  But I will have to admit that for no justifiable reason, I might think of myself a little "above" the stereotypical expat or visitor who finds his companionship at the bars because I find my companions from the pool of women who work outside of the entertainment industry.  I admit this is stupid reasoning, and I don't dwell on it as I believe live and let live, but somewhere in the recesses of my mind, that germ is there.

Yet I do tend to date younger Thai women.  Why?  Because of all the fantastic women I know in the west, great women, most are closer to my age and either have already had and raised kids or simply don't want any.  I would love to have some kids of my own, so I gravitate to younger women of the age where in the US, I wouldn't have much of an opportunity to date, but here, I can.  

I am here for work, but I take advantage of the fact that I can date 20-30's women. And in reality, how is that any different than the guys who choose not to get into a relationship and just go out with the same age women from the bar scene?  

A 25-year-old woman from anywhere in the world is not going to take one look at me and melt in excitement.  And if I was flat broke, not many, if any, Thai women of this age are going to go on a date with me.  But if I represent something different to an accountant making 18,000 baht a month that might make me worth a date, then I am taking full advantage of that. And once we meet, then let things progress or not as they may. 

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I don't think UG was writing it really is "exploitation," hence the quotes. But I will have to admit that for no justifiable reason, I might think of myself a little "above" the stereotypical expat or visitor who finds his companionship at the bars because I find my companions from the pool of women who work outside of the entertainment industry. I admit this is stupid reasoning, and I don't dwell on it as I believe live and let live, but somewhere in the recesses of my mind, that germ is there.

Yet I do tend to date younger Thai women. Why? Because of all the fantastic women I know in the west, great women, most are closer to my age and either have already had and raised kids or simply don't want any. I would love to have some kids of my own, so I gravitate to younger women of the age where in the US, I wouldn't have much of an opportunity to date, but here, I can.

I am here for work, but I take advantage of the fact that I can date 20-30's women. And in reality, how is that any different than the guys who choose not to get into a relationship and just go out with the same age women from the bar scene?

A 25-year-old woman from anywhere in the world is not going to take one look at me and melt in excitement. And if I was flat broke, not many, if any, Thai women of this age are going to go on a date with me. But if I represent something different to an accountant making 18,000 baht a month that might make me worth a date, then I am taking full advantage of that. And once we meet, then let things progress or not as they may.

Well said. I can't agree with you more. It is sad that for some of us who visit Thailand are also automatically assumed that we are also interested in bar girls because we happen to travel alone. The taxi driver outside my hotel, my concierge, hotel receptionist and the coffee server all tried to hook me up with a Thai woman and tried in vain to change my mind for 7 straight days.


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Yes that's what I'm saying. People who haven't been to Thailand think it's just sex and sex and suicides. And People who haven't been to Alaska think it's igloos bears and sleds. People are gullible, just like 9/11 in someway was tainted, just like Obama said he was going to bring 'Change' and ain't did nothing since he's been in DC besides play golf and take vacations.

Just because there are some women out there that want to get in your pockets to support there little brothers and sisters and family, don't mean that's what they prefer/want to do, that's just what farangs prefer to do when they hit thailand, then go to there home and all they talk about for 4 months to there buddies and forum is Nana plaza and Bar girls.

Heres some math.

1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

so add 2 and 3 together and boom, she want's their money to benefit her life, they want her body to benefit their ego or loneliness, she's gets their money she gets to survive a few more days/months, and they have many stories to tell about a "hooker"

So this is why thailand women have that bad reputation in my eyes. Internet don't make it any better either.

I never thought Thailand was about sex before I got here, the reality is way beyond anything I could have imagined. If I tried to tell the guys back home what was happening here, they just wouldn't believe me.

Your math applies to women all over the world, it's just in the western world you need a lot more money to do what you can do in Thailand. Rod Stewart, Tiger Woods, Peter Stringfellow, etc., etc.

I wouldn't exactly call my wife submissive, in fact if I were to order her around the likely result would be her chasing me around the house screaming and wielding a big knife in her hand, I would describe most Thai ladies I have known really well as "violent and aggressive, bordering on insane".

My first act after the wedding, was to hide my new wifes really big switchblade, usually carried in her handbag ..... really more of a switch-machete!

For someone who claims Thai heritage, you don't seem to know much about Thai ladies!

Edited by sarahsbloke
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This is very true, and as a single man I see it every time I return to Canada. I always get thoroughly searched and it will take an hour or more for the authorities to go through every file on my computer, cameras and cel-phone, and all my back up disks. Most other passengers get a free pass. I know it has to do with the so-called sex trade in Thailand. I've learned not to carry anything remotely suspicious. I even get the third degree about the pictures I have of the children and Thai family I take care of. it's annoying and time consuming, but it excentuates the fact of the bad western bias by people with perverted minds.

Every single man who spends a long time in South-East Asia is likely to be scrutinized by the authorities, because they are simply going with the statistics of which individual or group is the most likely to bring back illegal material. Just the same way a single guy coming back from Peru who looks slighly nervous will be scrutinized. I'm sure there are thousands of couples and families who visit Thailand every year for 2 or 3 weeks who get a free pass as well.

Maybe it's just a Canadian thing. The only time I've ever had my luggage searched at Heathrow was when I was leaving the UK, never when entering it from Thailand. Other people may well have had different experiences though, perhaps I just look nice?   :lol:

So what are you saying,they searched your luggage at the Airline check in?

or do you mean,they searched your hand baggage,whilst looking for Bombs and weapons,etc,.....prior to Boarding? which is standard practice for every one.

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1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

so add 2 and 3 together and boom, she want's their money to benefit her life, they want her body to benefit their ego or loneliness, she's gets their money she gets to survive a few more days/months, and they have many stories to tell about a "hooker"

So this is why thailand women have that bad reputation in my eyes. Internet don't make it any better either.

If it makes you feel any better: I did a stint in Holland at Uni during '95. A knew a lot of local ladies who attended classes during the day and would supplement their er . . . "living expenses" by parading themselves in the windows tapping on it when a "customer" passed. Not all of them; but plenty enough to see that it was an income for plenty of them.

Also, I am totally against pornography ahem . . . but if you look at porn industry where do you think all those US and UK and elsewhere young ladies that star in those $20 billion a year industry movies disappear to when they're not shooting for the day? Considering many movies are shot within two or three days? I pass no judgement . . . . just wondering . . . .

Back in my home country some girls still in school sell to the bidder with the nicest car and deepest pockets; most times a teacher at the school or even the parent of a school mate. And they're not all poor; they just want to keep abreast of the latest fashion.

Maybe Thailand has a bad rap amongst some of the ex pat community living there; because lotsa people I know are chomping at the bits to go there for holiday; most of them married couples.

(Edit: fixing my generalisations)

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Yes that's what I'm saying. People who haven't been to Thailand think it's just sex and sex and suicides. And People who haven't been to Alaska think it's igloos bears and sleds. People are gullible, just like 9/11 in someway was tainted, just like Obama said he was going to bring 'Change' and ain't did nothing since he's been in DC besides play golf and take vacations.

Just because there are some women out there that want to get in your pockets to support there little brothers and sisters and family, don't mean that's what they prefer/want to do, that's just what farangs prefer to do when they hit thailand, then go to there home and all they talk about for 4 months to there buddies and forum is Nana plaza and Bar girls.

Heres some math.

1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

so add 2 and 3 together and boom, she want's their money to benefit her life, they want her body to benefit their ego or loneliness, she's gets their money she gets to survive a few more days/months, and they have many stories to tell about a "hooker"

So this is why thailand women have that bad reputation in my eyes. Internet don't make it any better either.

I never thought Thailand was about sex before I got here, the reality is way beyond anything I could have imagined. If I tried to tell the guys back home what was happening here, they just wouldn't believe me.

Your math applies to women all over the world, it's just in the western world you need a lot more money to do what you can do in Thailand. Rod Stewart, Tiger Woods, Peter Stringfellow, etc., etc.

I wouldn't exactly call my wife submissive, in fact if I were to order her around the likely result would be her chasing me around the house screaming and wielding a big knife in her hand, I would describe most Thai ladies I have known really well as "violent and aggressive, bordering on insane".

My first act after the wedding, was to hide my new wifes really big switchblade, usually carried in her handbag ..... really more of a switch-machete!

For someone who claims Thai heritage, you don't seem to know much about Thai ladies!

How right you are Sarahsbloke,bang on the button.

Typical Thai response, is blame the Farangs for damaging the reputation of Thailand (it was bad before we ever came here),and not blame the Greedy women,who go for the easy money,the Scams,Racialism,Lack of Human Rights ,Human Trafficking,Political Mayhem,Widespread Corruption,I could go on,but whats the point,they believe what they choose to believe.

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How right you are Sarahsbloke,bang on the button.

Typical Thai response, is blame the Farangs for damaging the reputation of Thailand (it was bad before we ever came here),and not blame the Greedy women,who go for the easy money,the Scams,Racialism,Lack of Human Rights ,Human Trafficking,Political Mayhem,Widespread Corruption,I could go on,but whats the point,they believe what they choose to believe.

I think the above is applicable to a few other countries too.

Although you can't blame some people for defending Thais/Thainess. If they didn't they'd have to admit that they chose a pretty sh!tty country to live in. With nice weather and pretty, available girls wink.gif

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Take all the bunch of self righteous bigots in foreign countries who think their own poop doesn't smell and it doesn't surprise me. There are only a few relatively modern Asian countries that are still fairly inexpensive to live in and it is bound to happen. Provide a fairly stable environment with beautiful women and it will attract men from everywhere. Foreign press LOVES to stereotype ANYTHING that involves sex. The press will over excentuate anything remotely involving sex. The press passes that onto the bigots and you have your answer. Thailand doesn't offer anything that can't be had everywhere else. Just yesterday I read a local, free newspaper and the whole last page was advertisements for sexual massage or escort services. That is in the sleepy, staid city of Victoria on Vancouver Island in Canada. A holiday center like Las Vegas is saturated with hookers. So are all the other adult tourist centers in the USA.

Ian, I agree with you 100% on this. There are so many ignorant people in this world. Thailand gives a chance to retired folks from all over the world a decent place to live cheaply on their meager pensions and even get a nice looking wife/gf half their age along the way, yet so many complain as if they live like a royal family in their homeland or their countries are so perfect in every sense. You hear of people compaining about Thailand and then tell you that they have been living in Thailand for a decade. If you don't like Thailand, why don't you go back home? Like Ian said, prostitution, corruption etc is everywhere. There are as many prostitutes who harass tourists in London as there are in Pattaya. I couldn't run away far enough from them in Earl"s Court, London. They were far more aggressive than your average Thai girls. And about corruption, it is just as common in EU and North America as it is in Thailand. Ever heard of "cash-for-honours affair" in the U.K? How about the BAE bribes to the Saudis, which was conveniently dropped by the U.K. government? How about the "campaign contributions" in the U.S. which is a nice convenient word for "bribing" to influence the Senators' voting? Corporate moneyhas hijacked American democracy for a very long time. Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic candidate for Vice-President. He has taken $448,066 in campaign contributions from private healthcare companies while his wife raked in $2m as one of their chief lobbyists, and he has blocked any attempt in the Senate to break the stranglehold of the health insurance companies and broaden coverage.

The US political system now operates within a corporate cage. If you want to run for office, you have to take corporate cash and so you have to serve corporate interests. Corporations are often blatant in their corruption: it's not unusual for them to give to both competing candidates in a Senate race, to ensure all sides are indebted to them. It has reached the point that lobbyists now often write the country's laws. Not metaphorically; literally. The former Republican congressman Walter Jones spoke out in disgust in 2006 when he found that drug company lobbyists were actually authoring the words of the Medicare prescription bill, and puppet-politicians were simply nodding it through.

I think I have made my point.


Yes you have made your point Max,which comes across in your post as: Denigrate and Denounce more stable and vastly more advanced Countries,and thus by default,Thailands image will appear squeaky clean? so no problem,eh!.......I don't think so!

Magic, I was not trying to say Thailand is squeaky clean. You have totally missed my point. I was trying to address the hypocrites who blame Thailand for the sex trade, corruption and everything else under the sun but for some reason they forgot their countries have similar or worse problems than Thailand. Thus, the example of prostitutes in Earl's Court, London. etc. Your supposedly "vastly more advanced countries" have just as much problems with corruption, prostitution, street beggers, trophy wives and husbands, income-inequality, homelessness, broken families, high divorce rates, alcoholism ..etc etc as Thailand. I have lived in the U.K., Canada, and the U.S., and I have seen some neighbourhoods which cannot be any different than the ones I saw in some African countries. That was my point, There is a Swahili saying which goes something like this : A monkey does not see how ugly his own arse is.

You accuse me of denigrating a person/country, I stand to be corrected. Please let me know of any information I have provided which is incorrect. You remind me of George Bush's " You are with us or against us...." speech.


Max I have to say,I thought this Topic was Thailands bad Reputation as a Country,not a discussion comparing other Countries possible status quo,which wasn't the Topic question,

and does nothing constructive for Thailands image anyway.A bit like saying we are all as bad as one another,so there is no problem.

Comparing like for like, with long winded veiws of other countries problems is never an answer to the problem either.It just seems an all too easy argument to me,but used by many posters to justify their point of view.

In any case I agree with some other Posters,its a Thai problem to improve their own image,we are just the guests,and not responsible.

Edited by MAJIC
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1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

1) A higher percentage of women than men go to university in Thailand.

2) Thai women; obedient, submissive, can't talk back. Got to laugh about this. How much time have you actually spent in country with women who aren't waiting on your table. Thai women are definitely not submissive and there must be men all over the country laughing about the " can't talk back " .

I swear I have to explain every single thing over and over to you people.

What I mean by #2 is that, Not talking back, is When you first step off your Plane into bangkok, then see your first bar girl and how pleasant she is (she's not so upfront, not rude, she is struggling through english with you and you are taking away by it), you want to take her home, or someone you 1 week you'll be married, it's no mystery that farang men are hypnotized by a thai woman's charm once you met them. Why else are so many farangs doing the swimming pool springboard off the 4th story hotel?

That doesn't mean they will not get sick of there situation 3-4 years down the road and begin to yell, be pyscho and pull a knife on someone. HAHAHAHAH Have fun! ;)

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Yes that's what I'm saying. People who haven't been to Thailand think it's just sex and sex and suicides. And People who haven't been to Alaska think it's igloos bears and sleds. People are gullible, just like 9/11 in someway was tainted, just like Obama said he was going to bring 'Change' and ain't did nothing since he's been in DC besides play golf and take vacations.

Just because there are some women out there that want to get in your pockets to support there little brothers and sisters and family, don't mean that's what they prefer/want to do, that's just what farangs prefer to do when they hit thailand, then go to there home and all they talk about for 4 months to there buddies and forum is Nana plaza and Bar girls.

Heres some math.

1.Thais in Thailand = Poor, rural, no way out

2.Thai Women = Poor, Pretty, No money for University, Most times only option is to sell her body to maybe go to University or Support herself/family

3.Tourist/Expats = Have decent money, love sex, love women the opposite of there home country which is small, dependent, dark, pleasant, nice, obedient, submissive, and can't talk back

so add 2 and 3 together and boom, she want's their money to benefit her life, they want her body to benefit their ego or loneliness, she's gets their money she gets to survive a few more days/months, and they have many stories to tell about a "hooker"

So this is why thailand women have that bad reputation in my eyes. Internet don't make it any better either.

I never thought Thailand was about sex before I got here, the reality is way beyond anything I could have imagined. If I tried to tell the guys back home what was happening here, they just wouldn't believe me.

Your math applies to women all over the world, it's just in the western world you need a lot more money to do what you can do in Thailand. Rod Stewart, Tiger Woods, Peter Stringfellow, etc., etc.

I wouldn't exactly call my wife submissive, in fact if I were to order her around the likely result would be her chasing me around the house screaming and wielding a big knife in her hand, I would describe most Thai ladies I have known really well as "violent and aggressive, bordering on insane".

My first act after the wedding, was to hide my new wifes really big switchblade, usually carried in her handbag ..... really more of a switch-machete!

For someone who claims Thai heritage, you don't seem to know much about Thai ladies!

Yea difference between me and you and other expats or vacationist/living is...

I spent 3 years in Thailand so far, you and most of these posters are on there 10-25-35 years there.

While 90% of you expats live alone in hotel or a house by yourself in the village and look on thai people from the outside, I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers. I never saw no crazy thai women chasing their men with knifes.. (maybe it's just YOU) . I never seen my cousins wife yell at him, or my uncles and wifes fight. I met so many people there and only seen "some" arguments, so don't sit there and tell me, Thai women are violent, mean, scream and chase people with knifes, just because that's how your wife treats you.

And who's claiming what? No claiming here... I got THAI blood in me my friend. I don't need to prove nothing to anyone here, all I'm doing is just telling my side of things... While people trying to get a work visa and complaining about double pricing... I just seem to fit right in...

I think a lot of you get so mad about my post and choose to reply with weak smart comments cause you know I'm 90% right on, and hits you close to home, I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

Edited by bonobo
once again changing oversized fonts to regualr
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Thailand has a bad reputation with outsiders because of ignorance, People who have never been Thailand pre judge the place on stories they have heard or what they have seen.

When they see the 60+ yo guy walking down the tree lined English road with his new 20+ yo Thai wife they immediately think "pervert" or "dirty old man". The girl is immediately cast as a prostitute or "mail order bride" because in the viewers eyes a girl of that age wouldnt go with a man of that age unless it was a monetary agreement.

Get a group of 5 people talking about Thailand to one person who hasnt been there, 4 people have good experiences to tell and one has a horror story to tell. 12 months later the good stories have been forgotten but the horror story lives strong in the memory.

Unfortunately ignorance can not be easily changed....


This is a smart man.

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A bit like saying we are all as bad as one another,so there is no problem.

Comparing like for like, with long winded veiws of other countries problems is never an answer to the problem either.

Max2010 makes some good points and he is not "long-winded" - he is clear and consise. Why are you nitpicking around trying to avoid them, instead of addressing them directly? :whistling:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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....I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

I suppose that is why Thailand has such a bad reputation - because ignorant buffoons are quite happy to spread gossip based solely on prejudice with absolutely no actual reference to the facts.

I blame the Thais myself, based solely on the above quote.

Anyway, you maintain your prejudices against prostitutes, poor people, ex-pats, Alaskans...


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A bit like saying we are all as bad as one another,so there is no problem.

Comparing like for like, with long winded veiws of other countries problems is never an answer to the problem either.

Max2010 makes some good points and he is not "long-winded" - he is clear and consise. Why are you nitpicking around trying to avoid them, instead of addressing them directly? :whistling:

Thank you Ulysses G.


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While 90% of you expats live alone in hotel or a house by yourself in the village and look on thai people from the outside, I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers. I never saw no crazy thai women chasing their men with knifes.. (maybe it's just YOU) . I never seen my cousins wife yell at him, or my uncles and wifes fight. I met so many people there and only seen "some" arguments, so don't sit there and tell me, Thai women are violent, mean, scream and chase people with knifes, just because that's how your wife treats you.

And who's claiming what? No claiming here... I got THAI blood in me my friend. I don't need to prove nothing to anyone here, all I'm doing is just telling my side of things... While people trying to get a work visa and complaining about double pricing... I just seem to fit right in...

I think a lot of you get so mad about my post and choose to reply with weak smart comments cause you know I'm 90% right on, and hits you close to home, I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

Do you speak Thai? ... I suspect not.

Do you read and write Thai? .... I suspect not.

You may have Thai blood, but you will always be considered an outsider by "proper Thais" (as they like to say).

I can probably tell the life story of a "wannabe Thai" without actually ever meeting one of you.

Oops I tell a lie, I did meet an American wannabe Thai, lived all his life in America, came over here, pretended to be more Thai than the Thais, but couldn't speak, read or write the language. He was tolerated by Thais, who allowed him to pay for everything, and then insulted and bad mouthed him while he was in the room .... but he didn't have a clue what they were saying about him. Dressed like a pretend rap star ...... seen that video by "Offspring - Pretty Fly for a White Guy", he dressed like that.


I don't get mad about your posts, I think they are very amusing, please post more often. (It's nice to have someone who makes dafter posts than I do)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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While 90% of you expats live alone in hotel or a house by yourself in the village and look on thai people from the outside, I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers. I never saw no crazy thai women chasing their men with knifes.. (maybe it's just YOU) . I never seen my cousins wife yell at him, or my uncles and wifes fight. I met so many people there and only seen "some" arguments, so don't sit there and tell me, Thai women are violent, mean, scream and chase people with knifes, just because that's how your wife treats you.

And who's claiming what? No claiming here... I got THAI blood in me my friend. I don't need to prove nothing to anyone here, all I'm doing is just telling my side of things... While people trying to get a work visa and complaining about double pricing... I just seem to fit right in...

I think a lot of you get so mad about my post and choose to reply with weak smart comments cause you know I'm 90% right on, and hits you close to home, I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

Do you speak Thai? ... I suspect not.

Do you read and write Thai? .... I suspect not.

You may have Thai blood, but you will always be considered an outsider by "proper Thais" (as they like to say).

I can probably tell the life story of a "wannabe Thai" without actually ever meeting one of you.

Oops I tell a lie, I did meet an American wannabe Thai, lived all his life in America, came over here, pretended to be more Thai than the Thais, but couldn't speak, read or write the language. He was tolerated by Thais, who allowed him to pay for everything, and then insulted and bad mouthed him while he was in the room .... but he didn't have a clue what they were saying about him. Dressed like a pretend rap star ...... seen that video by "Offspring - Pretty Fly for a White Guy", he dressed like that.


I don't get mad about your posts, I think they are very amusing, please post more often. (It's nice to have someone who makes dafter posts than I do)

lol. I know your mad now cause With this fabricated post, I must have hit a nerve.

Can I speak Thai? A decent amount, but no where close to fluent. My mom stopped speaking Thai to me when I was a child, but I guess that's my fault right lol!

Read or write? Not at all. Lol. But When do parents teach there kid who lives in America to read and write Thai lol! Duh.

I'm faking to be Thai? And Be more than Thais?! Not at all. How could I fake it, I have Thai blood running through my viens.

Thais talk behind my back?! I'm sure they do, but I talk behind they backs to lol, but wait, we don't speak the same

laungauge, so how would we know?! Do I let it bother me.. Not at all, that's human nature.

I'm a fake gangster rapper?! Lol gangster rap is somthing I don't rap about... Why? .. Because I don't gang bang. I don't rap about dope dealing, murder, thuggin ect. Lol.

Come on this the best you can do?

But anyways, I see you where shaking when you typed your reply.. Eyes proabally glossed over with a bottle of singha next to the mouse pad half empty. Lol!

I never knew people where more Thai than other people based on if they can read write and speak. Wow. I thought you where Thai because you where born Thai .. Hahahaahahaah and hahahahahaha.

Why you think my name is superstarstatus? I walk anywhere in Thailand and I'm looked at as a superstar lol ..

Don't lose any sleep myself , have fun thinking of a response

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....I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

I suppose that is why Thailand has such a bad reputation - because ignorant buffoons are quite happy to spread gossip based solely on prejudice with absolutely no actual reference to the facts.

I blame the Thais myself, based solely on the above quote.

Anyway, you maintain your prejudices against prostitutes, poor people, ex-pats, Alaskans...


I blame the expats myself for why Thailand is viewed as a expat playground pool for sex, their gossip to the other old expats since the war has caused a major titlewave of expats to Come to Thailand and expliot it's good name and good women and slander there men ....


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i cant explain why the girls are so good, but its the thai sex provider whos at fault for thailands reputation re: paid sex. if they werent so good at it nobody would give a hoot!

vegas has hookers but noone cares, very expensive and lousy service.

i think thailand should be proud of their reutation as a top notch sex destination. how can such a small % of gdp garner such worldwide publicity boggles the mind.

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While 90% of you expats live alone in hotel or a house by yourself in the village and look on thai people from the outside, I lived with my family, farm with my family, eat with my family, sleep with my family and live the life they live as poor farmers. I never saw no crazy thai women chasing their men with knifes.. (maybe it's just YOU) . I never seen my cousins wife yell at him, or my uncles and wifes fight. I met so many people there and only seen "some" arguments, so don't sit there and tell me, Thai women are violent, mean, scream and chase people with knifes, just because that's how your wife treats you.

And who's claiming what? No claiming here... I got THAI blood in me my friend. I don't need to prove nothing to anyone here, all I'm doing is just telling my side of things... While people trying to get a work visa and complaining about double pricing... I just seem to fit right in...

I think a lot of you get so mad about my post and choose to reply with weak smart comments cause you know I'm 90% right on, and hits you close to home, I could probally tell your life story in thailand and not even know one of you ;) Lol!

Do you speak Thai? ... I suspect not.

Do you read and write Thai? .... I suspect not.

You may have Thai blood, but you will always be considered an outsider by "proper Thais" (as they like to say).

I can probably tell the life story of a "wannabe Thai" without actually ever meeting one of you.

Oops I tell a lie, I did meet an American wannabe Thai, lived all his life in America, came over here, pretended to be more Thai than the Thais, but couldn't speak, read or write the language. He was tolerated by Thais, who allowed him to pay for everything, and then insulted and bad mouthed him while he was in the room .... but he didn't have a clue what they were saying about him. Dressed like a pretend rap star ...... seen that video by "Offspring - Pretty Fly for a White Guy", he dressed like that.


I don't get mad about your posts, I think they are very amusing, please post more often. (It's nice to have someone who makes dafter posts than I do)

lol. I know your mad now cause With this fabricated post, I must have hit a nerve.

Can I speak Thai? A decent amount, but no where close to fluent. My mom stopped speaking Thai to me when I was a child, but I guess that's my fault right lol!

Read or write? Not at all. Lol. But When do parents teach there kid who lives in America to read and write Thai lol! Duh.

I'm faking to be Thai? And Be more than Thais?! Not at all. How could I fake it, I have Thai blood running through my viens.

Thais talk behind my back?! I'm sure they do, but I talk behind they backs to lol, but wait, we don't speak the same

laungauge, so how would we know?! Do I let it bother me.. Not at all, that's human nature.

I'm a fake gangster rapper?! Lol gangster rap is somthing I don't rap about... Why? .. Because I don't gang bang. I don't rap about dope dealing, murder, thuggin ect. Lol.

Come on this the best you can do?

But anyways, I see you where shaking when you typed your reply.. Eyes proabally glossed over with a bottle of singha next to the mouse pad half empty. Lol!

I never knew people where more Thai than other people based on if they can read write and speak. Wow. I thought you where Thai because you where born Thai .. Hahahaahahaah and hahahahahaha.

Why you think my name is superstarstatus? I walk anywhere in Thailand and I'm looked at as a superstar lol ..

Don't lose any sleep myself , have fun thinking of a response

To be fair my mate, all we are really saying is you are a silly young man with a great deal of growing up to do.

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