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Giving Away Free Ubuntu Discs

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It took a while, but I received 20 original Ubuntu CD's in the mail today, sent absolutely free of charge from Switzerland.. Even Thai customs didn't spoil the fun.

While anyone can of course apply to have these sent over, it does take a couple of months.

So for anyone in Chiang Mai, pick one up. A package consists of a printed, paper double-CD sleeve with one 'live' demo CD and one installer CD. These may become collectors items once Ubuntu Rules the World. :o ok, getting carried away here. :D

Pick one up at the Chiang Mai Pantip Plaza, 4th floor at Custom Software Group, that's the South-East most corner of the building, furthest away from the food center. (www.customsoftwaregroup.com)

Check out Ubuntu at www.ubuntulinux.org and www.distrowatch.com


Chanchao, you must be a person of influence in Chiang-Mai. :D

I have sitting on my desk a "Notification to Collect International Postal Items"

It's for 10 Ubuntu cd's, sent to me from the Netherlands. Declared value is nil, however customs have assessed the value for duty at 2,000 baht. That means import duty of 60 baht and VAT of 145 baht. :o

I trust the employees at my local Post Office will make good use of the cd's.


> I have sitting on my desk a "Notification to Collect International

> Postal Items"

I smuggled in the Ubuntu discs hidden in bags of cocaine. :D

> I have sitting on my desk a "Notification to Collect International

> Postal Items"

> It's for 10 Ubuntu cd's, sent to me from the Netherlands. Declared

> value is nil, however customs have assessed the value for duty at 2,000

> baht. That means import duty of 60 baht and VAT of 145 baht.

Yikes.. You could give it a shot convincing them that it's a free sample and that in any case, 10 CD's definitely can never have a value of 2000 baht. More like 200 baht.

At least let them know that if you can't have them, you will donate them to humanity. :o

> I trust the employees at my local Post Office will make good use of the

> cd's. :D

Yeah, like stuck on the back of bicycle samlors. :D

You want one in original packaging? There's still some around at Pantip. :D



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