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Somdet Phra Srinagarindra Baromarajajanani is known worldwide as

the Princess Mother.

To the various ethnic groups of the hilltribe people, Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother is Mae Fah Luang (the Royal Mother from the sky, referring to the fact that she visited their villages often by helicopter).

To the rest of the people in Thailand, the Princess Mother is Somdet Ya (the Royal Grand Mother).

Both Thai appellations signify a deep feeling of reverence, love and gratitude for her lifelong dedication to the noble cause of betterment of the well-being of the people in remote and isolated areas, particular hill tribes, the rural poor, the illiterate, the handicapped and children.

Coming Tuesday it is eleven years ago, the 18th of July 1995, that she passed away, 94 years, 8 months and 27 days old.

From 10 o'clock in the morning a Memorial Ceremony will be held at the Rai Mae Fah Luang that day.

Delegations from different towns, different sectors of society, different professional groups and different ethnic groups wil bring flowers to honor her.

Everybody who wants to show Her respect is welcomed to do so that day.

Mae Fah Luang was known for Her love of flowers which is immortalized in the Gardens of Doi Tung as well as in this annual ceremony in the Rai Mae Fah Luang.

Just follow the signs from anywhere in town and from Den Ha in particular.

The Rai Mae Fah Luang is situated in Ban Pa Ngiew, two kilometers from Den Ha.

  • 1 year later...

I didn't mention or recommend the Rai Mae Mae Fah Luang (MFL garden) before, because I am a vehement opponent of double pricing.

Their prices of admission (around twohundred Baht for foreigners) seems to be based sooner on their need of financial means than on what's actually offered to the visitors.

It is neverteless a beautiful park, even a very beautiful park. It is nice that on this particular day the entree is free, thus enabling also Thai people who might earn just 150 Baht a day to enter the park without paying a full days wages (150 Baht is the admission fee for Thai citizens).

And a perfect day for foreigners who are allergic to double pricing to visit the park as well.

You allways can show your appreciation by putting something in the donation box.

If you have Lanna clothes, it would be appreciated if you wore them.

As Akha people are expected to come in Akha clothes and Lahu people in Lahu clothes and so on, it might be however most appropriate as 'farang' to show up in 'farang' clothes.

At least that is my opinion.

See you there on Tuesday, it is really a nice thing.

The happening starts at ten o'clock morning.

A picture of the sculpture of Mae Fah Luang in the garden, made by the late Mrs. Yipintsoy.


More pictures of the Rai you will find in the topic 'Images of Chiang Rai', page 3 posting number 29, made by Imagedude.


Thanks Limbo for the info.

AMEC school(english programme) are going there the same day for a field trip.

They will have a list of questions to ask foreigners, to practice their English.

So,if you see a group of students, please spare a few moments of your time to help them.

Thanks Limbo for the info.

AMEC school(english programme) are going there the same day for a field trip.

They will have a list of questions to ask foreigners, to practice their English.

So,if you see a group of students, please spare a few moments of your time to help them.

Good idea Tayto!

Feel free to put the most desired answers to these questions here on the forum! :D

See you on Tuesday 10.00 o'clock morning.

Limbo :o


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Also at the Mae Fah Luang Gardens on the campus of the Rajabhat University a memorial

will be held to honor HRH the King's Mother.

These gardens are very impressive and the fantastic view on the lake and the mountains

completes the picture. By the way, there are some very interesting restaurants at the opposite

side of the lake.

The area at the lake is for many Chiang Rai people the first choice to have a pick-nick during

the hot season. A cool wind from the mountains and shadow of the trees.

And the kids play in the lake.

These gardens are close to the Art and Culture Centre (see another topic).

Limbo :o

post-6305-1153144824.jpg post-6305-1153144760.jpg post-6305-1153144801.jpg

  • 11 months later...

Also this year the famous memorial ceremony will be held on the day that HRH the Princess Mother passed away.

It is also a good opportunity to visit the exhibition "Chiang Rai Through Foreign Eyes", shown in the National Museum of Chiang Saen before and now in the Rai (opposite the museumshop).

Limbo :o

PS: The participants in the exhibition (among which several members of this forum) have free entrance at the Rai Mae Fah Luang as long as it is on show.

Three times they can take a guest as well for free (or three guests once). There is a list at the entrance, just inform the guard if you are one of the photographers. You might have to show an ID-card.

  • 2 weeks later...
Wait! 18th of July is not today, Tuesday, it's tomorrow, Wednesday. I'm confused. When is the ceremony?

it was when the post was posted in 2006

Wait! 18th of July is not today, Tuesday, it's tomorrow, Wednesday. I'm confused. When is the ceremony?

With all the confusion with you and others, it has been put off till next year i think. :D

Actually, it is tomorrow and is free to frarang, can't tap us for 6x a Thai pays-such a deal. :o


Yes, and I managed to go there as well even tough I was fearing a mental breakdown after 45 minutes. Let's say I was chemically unbalanced from the night before. The weather was nice and it made it possible to take some photos and stalk Tawan Dutchanee for a while until he got a bit suspicious about who the 6f4, 105 kilo farang was.

Anyways, here are 8 pictures from today.









Wait! 18th of July is not today, Tuesday, it's tomorrow, Wednesday. I'm confused. When is the ceremony?

it was when the post was posted in 2006

I realize goski has figured it out, but I just had to point out that it is the anniversary of her death on the 18th of July, so the ceremony would, presumably be on the 18th every year. Regardless of whether or not it is a tuesday or wednesday :o

Anyway, nice photos goski. Did you enjoy yourself or were you too hungover? :D


I forgot the castaway girls that might still be sitting there!

Yes, it was a very nice event today except for the dizziness. I slipped away before lunch because of further arrangements somewhere else. I was surprised not to see more farangs there but these ceremonies rarely manage to reach out to the non-thai reading community well enough.






Great pictures Goski! Thanks!

Limbo :o

Thawann Duchanee is not Dutch, so you don't spell his name 'Dutchanee'.

I think you have been confused because he studied at the Rijksacademie voor Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam 1967/1968 and speaks Dutch.

I might suffer from Dutch overload. I'm looking forward to the next photo opportunity!

The next location of your photos might be the museum of Kunming (Yunnan).

See the minutes of the last meeting of the 'Friends of RMFL', that I hope to be able to send to you tomorrow. Thanks for joining our ranks!

The road to Kunming will officially be opened in November and we will contribute to the party!

Limbo :o

  • 1 year later...

This Saturday, July 18 of the year 2009, it is exactly fourteen years ago, that Mae Fah Luang passed away, 94 years, 8 months and 27 days old.

In earlier postings of this thread you will find more information about Her and the yearly ceremony at the Rai Mae Fah Luang to honour Her.

You will also find very beautiful pictures taken by Goski, that will give you an idea about the ceremony.

If you are member of the Society of Friends of Rai Mae Fah Luang you are expected to be present at 9.00 o'clock at the Haw Kham Luang. I will send out the invitations tomorrow.

If not, you are welcome to participate in and enjoy looking at the parade that starts at 10 o'clock.

Limbo :)

There are many signs all over Chiang Rai pointing out the direction to RMFL. Especially from Den Ha, from which it is only two kilometer to Ban Pa Ngiew, where the RMFL is situated.

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