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I notice that some of you have asked for new members in here,and personaly,I wood recomand that.

I think,there is just one litle comment-and take it now, for what it is-no more or no less.

I think, that the most of you guys, are so sattled here, that you wont allow other ways of doing things, or other way of thinking, about the way we socialised,whit each other.

You have, and stick to the hash,photo and motorbikes-oh yes-dogs to-and thats it-I have come whit some questions, about seeing each other and so-but no way.

Thats one thing-then I thing you may try to be a litle friendly,when newbies come around-it seams like you emidiatly piss off your territorie-no new here-no new thinking and making change things, around here.

Maby some new blood in here, wood give a litle,well decerved changeing-try not to-when a newbie ask about something-allway,be the one, who knows everything-becourse-even you have live here longer then us-you are not pr. automatic,the one who knows best-actualy-some of us are living together whit Thai-people-have-for the most, only Thai friends, and knew a litle bit, about Thai way of living and Thai sociaty.

I will not say that your way, is wrong,becourse-it is not-but some times, it looks to me,that in one hand, you ask for new blood-and in the other-when it arrived-you wont allow it-or atleast, you-some of you-are very quick to judge, and try to correct people-and that can-as I see it-scare some newbies away from this forum.

I understand, that this is your playground, and way of socialicing-and thats fine-I have my playground on facebook,where I think-for the most, that people are very nice, and allow all kind of people, to be around-no judge-no correcting each other-we are all different, and have our ways of doing things-and thats the way, I think it have to be-and not that kind of dictatorship you-or some of you, are trying to run this forum whit.

Try to allow other people to have a opinion-even it is not the same as yours-allow people to have another piont of wiew, about life in general, and in special-about how it is and how the way of living here must be-becource-you came here-for along time ago-things where different and things and people have change since then-but it seams like some of you, dont have-and think, that things must be, like you want, for ever.Time change-and so do people-normaly.!

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I amnot sure exactly about this post it is rather long and difficult to read . But yes new guys here can be treated like a the cat thrown in a dog kennel. One of my first post ende up being blocked after all the regulars had broken countless rules attacking me. But not because of what they said or did but because I used the word "lowlife" in a sentence. The mod told me I couldnot use that word and of course I accepted the mods ruling as final. Nice welcome to a forum huh. You should have seen what was said to me,even was threatened. Please donot ask for the thread It was long time ago and I have forgotten the name of the thread. Maybe someone can remember the thread.

But in all fairness the think forums are a consenus thing people go there for support of their ideas and ways and moderators behave so as to keep it that way. Thats why the same people stay .I feel they are not forums in the ancient greek form but places to talk about like things in like ways. Just accept that. They arenot places of true intellectual meeting of the minds.


Appologies to Lovelomsak, if he/she's been abused on our CR forum.

As for brian. Yeah, I can see that sometimes from some people , sometimes. but I think your over exagerating.

We're not a bad bunch really. Lets have another go at that House warming party brian. We'll bring our own beer. Give us a couple of weeks notice, and not on a Hash day.

Maybe you need some JD. John Denver, not Jack Daniels :D


I guess if you are thin skinned and easily offended by other peoples opinion, then this may not be the place for you? and don't leave yourself "open" if this worries you.

Personally I have not had that problem here and I am open to criticism and relish it. :violin:


lovelomsak, I too apologize if I have abused you on this CR forum. I usually go to someone else's forum to abuse people. I will keep an eye out for you on this forum and if I see you, I will let you pass in peace.

The motorcycle thread has been a good thing. We had lots of new people posting on that one. That was nice. Everyone was invited to the meet and greets, whether they were motorcycle people or not. But not many showed up. People just seem to have other things to do with their time, their friends and their families. Maybe we need more new, interesting threads, as was the motorcycle thread.

As for the Hash thing, it was here before us new folks but it has lots of new members. But they don't post much, do they? Brian, come to the hash sometime. Nothing but nice people there.

I don't think the TV folks really want to get together in person, Brian. Maybe it is better to be who they want to be on here. Until then, we are doing okay. I meet new folks often. I e-mail them, PM them, chat with them on the net and sooner or later, they stop by for a coffee and a visit. I guess we just have to discover them one person at a time.


We're not a bad bunch really. Lets have another go at that House warming party brian. We'll bring our own beer. Give us a couple of weeks notice, and not on a Hash day.

Have to agree, not a bad lot here. I'm sure every forum has their own d**kheads but for the most part, they don't get their own way in here too often.

As I said before, there is plenty of room in Thaivisa for allsorts but don't let the knobheads get you down.

If I can get the time I will also try to get to one of the gatherings.


No matter where you are, the new guy has to make an effort to fit in with the established group and that may not be instantaneous. If you give us the benefit of the doubt and withhold judgement about us, you will find in time, that there are some very nice people here.

In a forum like this, one of the best ways to fit in is to contribute something. It is like going to a potluck meal where everyone brings a dish. It doesn't have to be the biggest and best dish, just something you are good at. Garry is a good example of someone new, who managed to bring something to the table that stirred up some interest.

I'm sure we all understand that the whole forum can't change each time a new person comes along. All we can do is expand a little and make room. Non-native speakers may also have difficulty dealing with our sometimes mischievous and creative attempts at humor. There is very little true malice on these pages, I believe.

Granted we may have opinions about things but who doesn't. The Op has expressed an opinion that I am not in total agreement with but that is okay. If expressed in a civil manner there is no reason why diverse opinions can't be voiced. Sometimes, however, people let their emotions get the best of them and respond in an inappropriate fashion. The blame for that cannot be placed on others.

I for one think things have been moving in the right direction of late. :)


My general attraction to the forum was in reading back through the posts often over several years for local knowledge.

I've amused myself poking a little fun at a couple of members who became a trifle pompous when faced with new member interference on their turf- I'm not sure if pompous is the right word, or interference but it was what it seemed at the time.

There's a different ambience here to what there is on the other local forums, not saying it's better, or worse, just different.

There's usually only a few topics on the go at one time, nowhere to hide if someone treads on someones toes.

Your not going to get a lot of new blood a lot of the locals I have met either have no interest in the internet or no interest in thaivisa. A lot of new posters are tourists who come and go.

You have to make do with what you have which means being more tolerant of older members as well as new ones. I don't think you will solve too many problems with youtube clips though.


No matter where you are, the new guy has to make an effort to fit in with the established group and that may not be instantaneous. If you give us the benefit of the doubt and withhold judgement about us, you will find in time, that there are some very nice people here.

In a forum like this, one of the best ways to fit in is to contribute something. It is like going to a potluck meal where everyone brings a dish. It doesn't have to be the biggest and best dish, just something you are good at. Garry is a good example of someone new, who managed to bring something to the table that stirred up some interest.

I'm sure we all understand that the whole forum can't change each time a new person comes along. All we can do is expand a little and make room. Non-native speakers may also have difficulty dealing with our sometimes mischievous and creative attempts at humor. There is very little true malice on these pages, I believe.

Granted we may have opinions about things but who doesn't. The Op has expressed an opinion that I am not in total agreement with but that is okay. If expressed in a civil manner there is no reason why diverse opinions can't be voiced. Sometimes, however, people let their emotions get the best of them and respond in an inappropriate fashion. The blame for that cannot be placed on others.

I for one think things have been moving in the right direction of late. :)


First of all-I diddent say or think, that its only bad guys in here-no way-I knew atleast one-who I am very happy to know.

Next-thanks for all those good replyes.

Vilagefarang-you ask me to-as you said-give you the benefit of the doubt, and whithold judgement about you-ok-I remember very well, when I came to this forum-no one do that to me-no when I first posted about the house-I was told, that this price I was talking about wasn't true-when I posted,about my friend Carsten,some one told me-give him a ticket home-and some one said that it was all false-first when KD and Limbo, go to the hospital, and looked for them self-and told you, that it really was like this-and even then-no excuse from eny one-and now you told me-that I/we--newbies, have to give you the credit.?

You diddent leave me a chance.!

KD-I did not say that those things you mention here,was no good-I just pointed out,that this is what there are of interresting things in here-and dont come here, and try to change that,exspicialy not, if you are new in town.That was what I said.!

I am allways open for that house warming thing-but I rather dont mention it again-I dont want people to show up-just to proofe that what I say here, isn't true-I really wood like to meet you folks-but there may not be, eny pressure-then rather dont.!


Try the ChiangMai forum.

<comment in violation of forum rules deleted>

And yes... some are having fun with eachother, can they? I am glad this is not a "grey mouse" forum and also untill now ALL my questions were answered. indeed, sometimes by reminding me of the beautiful map of Sven. IMHO a unique one on Whole TV (as far as I know).

I also am not a native speaker with some difficulties in translating, so what?

Live and Let


Try the ChiangMai forum.

<comment in violation of forum rules deleted>

And yes... some are having fun with eachother, can they? I am glad this is not a "grey mouse" forum and also untill now ALL my questions were answered. indeed, sometimes by reminding me of the beautiful map of Sven. IMHO a unique one on Whole TV (as far as I know).

I also am not a native speaker with some difficulties in translating, so what?

Live and Let

What is a "grey mouse" forum? Never heard of that.

But you do fine with your English here, CMJ, as does Brian and a lot of others whose first language isn't English

I, for one, do try to have fun here. I love to aggravate the guys who I know can appreciate a little aggravation and humor. And for the most part, they are always kind enough to see it for what it is; fun. If I go too far, someone will tell me, one way or another.


I have found the fella here great.

There may be a few old fuddy duddy's here, but we get that way eventually.

Love reading the local question, as it helps me.

I do not live in Thailand but am interested in the various areas.

Visiting Thailand as much as i can :)


Appologies to Lovelomsak, if he/she's been abused on our CR forum.

As for brian. Yeah, I can see that sometimes from some people , sometimes. but I think your over exagerating.

We're not a bad bunch really. Lets have another go at that House warming party brian. We'll bring our own beer. Give us a couple of weeks notice, and not on a Hash day.

Maybe you need some JD. John Denver, not Jack Daniels :D

Ahhh...... John Denver

They don't come much better than that.



No matter where you are, the new guy has to make an effort to fit in with the established group and that may not be instantaneous. If you give us the benefit of the doubt and withhold judgement about us, you will find in time, that there are some very nice people here.

In a forum like this, one of the best ways to fit in is to contribute something. It is like going to a potluck meal where everyone brings a dish. It doesn't have to be the biggest and best dish, just something you are good at. Garry is a good example of someone new, who managed to bring something to the table that stirred up some interest.

I'm sure we all understand that the whole forum can't change each time a new person comes along. All we can do is expand a little and make room. Non-native speakers may also have difficulty dealing with our sometimes mischievous and creative attempts at humor. There is very little true malice on these pages, I believe.

Granted we may have opinions about things but who doesn't. The Op has expressed an opinion that I am not in total agreement with but that is okay. If expressed in a civil manner there is no reason why diverse opinions can't be voiced. Sometimes, however, people let their emotions get the best of them and respond in an inappropriate fashion. The blame for that cannot be placed on others.

I for one think things have been moving in the right direction of late. :)


First of all-I diddent say or think, that its only bad guys in here-no way-I knew atleast one-who I am very happy to know.

Next-thanks for all those good replyes.

Vilagefarang-you ask me to-as you said-give you the benefit of the doubt, and whithold judgement about you-ok-I remember very well, when I came to this forum-no one do that to me-no when I first posted about the house-I was told, that this price I was talking about wasn't true-when I posted,about my friend Carsten,some one told me-give him a ticket home-and some one said that it was all false-first when KD and Limbo, go to the hospital, and looked for them self-and told you, that it really was like this-and even then-no excuse from eny one-and now you told me-that I/we--newbies, have to give you the credit.?

You diddent leave me a chance.!

KD-I did not say that those things you mention here,was no good-I just pointed out,that this is what there are of interresting things in here-and dont come here, and try to change that,exspicialy not, if you are new in town.That was what I said.!

I am allways open for that house warming thing-but I rather dont mention it again-I dont want people to show up-just to proofe that what I say here, isn't true-I really wood like to meet you folks-but there may not be, eny pressure-then rather dont.!

Brian I think that you are misinterepting what people are saying because of what you view as negative experiences. Reading Kd & VF posts I can not figure out how you came to the conclusion you did. I can not find where they said what you said they said.

Also, I read every post here except the football one. I can not recall the posts that you view as negative. Perhaps you could site or cut and past examples of what you are talking about. Then we could debate them true forum fashion. You may find their not as bad as you might think.

I think a forum is sort of a democracy. Voters decide the direction. You vote by contributing.

Everyone gets their fingers burnt at first. Me included. :rolleyes: Still not reason not to look more at the positives rather than focusing on the negatives.:jap:


No matter where you are, the new guy has to make an effort to fit in with the established group and that may not be instantaneous. If you give us the benefit of the doubt and withhold judgement about us, you will find in time, that there are some very nice people here.

In a forum like this, one of the best ways to fit in is to contribute something. It is like going to a potluck meal where everyone brings a dish. It doesn't have to be the biggest and best dish, just something you are good at. Garry is a good example of someone new, who managed to bring something to the table that stirred up some interest.

I'm sure we all understand that the whole forum can't change each time a new person comes along. All we can do is expand a little and make room. Non-native speakers may also have difficulty dealing with our sometimes mischievous and creative attempts at humor. There is very little true malice on these pages, I believe.

Granted we may have opinions about things but who doesn't. The Op has expressed an opinion that I am not in total agreement with but that is okay. If expressed in a civil manner there is no reason why diverse opinions can't be voiced. Sometimes, however, people let their emotions get the best of them and respond in an inappropriate fashion. The blame for that cannot be placed on others.

I for one think things have been moving in the right direction of late. :)


First of all-I diddent say or think, that its only bad guys in here-no way-I knew atleast one-who I am very happy to know.

Next-thanks for all those good replyes.

Vilagefarang-you ask me to-as you said-give you the benefit of the doubt, and whithold judgement about you-ok-I remember very well, when I came to this forum-no one do that to me-no when I first posted about the house-I was told, that this price I was talking about wasn't true-when I posted,about my friend Carsten,some one told me-give him a ticket home-and some one said that it was all false-first when KD and Limbo, go to the hospital, and looked for them self-and told you, that it really was like this-and even then-no excuse from eny one-and now you told me-that I/we--newbies, have to give you the credit.?

You diddent leave me a chance.!

KD-I did not say that those things you mention here,was no good-I just pointed out,that this is what there are of interresting things in here-and dont come here, and try to change that,exspicialy not, if you are new in town.That was what I said.!

I am allways open for that house warming thing-but I rather dont mention it again-I dont want people to show up-just to proofe that what I say here, isn't true-I really wood like to meet you folks-but there may not be, eny pressure-then rather dont.!

Brian I think that you are misinterepting what people are saying because of what you view as negative experiences. Reading Kd & VF posts I can not figure out how you came to the conclusion you did. I can not find where they said what you said they said.

Also, I read every post here except the football one. I can not recall the posts that you view as negative. Perhaps you could site or cut and past examples of what you are talking about. Then we could debate them true forum fashion. You may find their not as bad as you might think.

I think a forum is sort of a democracy. Voters decide the direction. You vote by contributing.

Everyone gets their fingers burnt at first. Me included. :rolleyes: Still not reason not to look more at the positives rather than focusing on the negatives.:jap:


You say that you cant see where KD and VF,s comments is-just over your head and KD,s a litle bit up on this site-but all KD said was, that the hash and motorbike things are good-and I agree whit him.

VF said that I must give you some credit and dont judge eny one-and I reply-I dont recall, that you do that to me and then came up whit a few eksmpl.-I am sorry-I did not save those things,about what was said to me about the house and about my friend Carstens situation-but I am sure-alot of others recall-atleast KD knows it-and I think Limbo to.

I aint think all in here are bad-no more and no less then other places-I just point out, that you talk alot to other people about how nice and so, you are on this forum-and ask for new members-but the reality is another-you really have to proofe-before you are acceptet, and your opinion counts in here.

When I came here for the first time-I did it becourse-first off all-I think-we all live abroad-in another country-so in my world, we must stick together, and do things together-change experience and so-and I came for help-first about the house situation,loan and so,who gave me alot off problems back then-and later about my friend Carsten-but exept from KD and at last Limbo-I did not get a warm welcome, and eny advice-no-rather question my motives.

So that is, what it is about-the way you ask for new members, and talk about, how good and nice you are in here-and then the reality-you are really bad to new people and there ideas-dont come here, to try change enything-we have done this for years, and thats ok-so no reason to try something new.

But enyway-we are different, all of us and I quess thats ok-this is your playground-and I will find mine-I realice, that my future is not in here-we are just to different-I am the kind of guy who say what I mean and think-and I am the guy who dont play all those games-and I am the guy, who need and want other people to respect me, and my point of wiew-I am maby new here, but I am not a child, who needs to be correctet and nearly told, that I am a layer.


Brian, I am sorry you found the forum members upsetting. You had a friend who you cared about and having met him I know he was worth caring for. Yes this forum , and much of the world unfortunately has the attitude that people get what they deserve and express it strongly. Some of them do not share this opinion. I agree your not being a native english speaker sometimes makes it a little easy for misunderstandings to occur. Your housewarming seems to have been a ig disapointment. Sadly I was unable to arrange a trip from CM with just two days notice and I am sure that this applied to many there who also had pre-existing commitments including the hash. I would like to have a cup of coffee with you sometime but I do not know when I will be able to. When I come to CR I have family commitments too. I think you should just take it as it comes. The one person on this forum who I had thought I did not want to meet because of among other things what he said to you in the forum (Limbo) but I have been assured by others he is not really like that and I see that you also seem toaccept he is OK.

I do hope to meet you and others in CM over the next few years but it will be a slow process and that is not just because I am not moving there for a while but just visit every month or so.


Brian, if you go back and reread the early posts in the thread about your friend, you will notice that there were only three CR members who were off base with their comments. In the end one of them did apologize, I believe. So you are labeling the rest of us because of two people, as you say you have forgiven the one who said he was sorry.

Because of your english, there was a great deal of misunderstanding at the onset but much of that was cleared up with the assistance of Kandahar and others. In the end most members were very supportive.

The drama over your house payments was a roller-coaster ride of everything being terrible one minute and fine the next. Again much of the confusion was brought about by our trying to understand what you were saying. I can't help but feel that you have as much difficulty understanding us as we have you. That seems to lead to you getting upset.

Several members have tried very hard to help you out but you seem to be fixated on the two gentlemen who were rude and inconsiderate even though you forgave the third. You have received a lot more good will than negative feedback, so it seems to me you are ahead of the game.



You say that you cant see where KD and VF,s comments is-just over your head and KD,s a litle bit up on this site-but all KD said was, that the hash and motorbike things are good-and I agree whit him.

VF said that I must give you some credit and dont judge eny one-and I reply-I dont recall, that you do that to me and then came up whit a few eksmpl.-I am sorry-I did not save those things,about what was said to me about the house and about my friend Carstens situation-but I am sure-alot of others recall-atleast KD knows it-and I think Limbo to.

I aint think all in here are bad-no more and no less then other places-I just point out, that you talk alot to other people about how nice and so, you are on this forum-and ask for new members-but the reality is another-you really have to proofe-before you are acceptet, and your opinion counts in here.

When I came here for the first time-I did it becourse-first off all-I think-we all live abroad-in another country-so in my world, we must stick together, and do things together-change experience and so-and I came for help-first about the house situation,loan and so,who gave me alot off problems back then-and later about my friend Carsten-but exept from KD and at last Limbo-I did not get a warm welcome, and eny advice-no-rather question my motives.

So that is, what it is about-the way you ask for new members, and talk about, how good and nice you are in here-and then the reality-you are really bad to new people and there ideas-dont come here, to try change enything-we have done this for years, and thats ok-so no reason to try something new.

But enyway-we are different, all of us and I quess thats ok-this is your playground-and I will find mine-I realice, that my future is not in here-we are just to different-I am the kind of guy who say what I mean and think-and I am the guy who dont play all those games-and I am the guy, who need and want other people to respect me, and my point of wiew-I am maby new here, but I am not a child, who needs to be correctet and nearly told, that I am a layer.

You don't need to save anything here on TV, they save everything for you. If your memory is not clear about the past, just go back and reread what was written. It is all still there with several easy ways to access it.


But enyway-we are different, all of us and I quess thats ok-this is your playground-and I will find mine-I realice, that my future is not in here-we are just to different-I am the kind of guy who say what I mean and think-and I am the guy who dont play all those games-and I am the guy, who need and want other people to respect me, and my point of wiew-I am maby new here, but I am not a child, who needs to be correctet and nearly told, that I am a layer.

Brian, it is obvious that you are annoyed at some members of this forum but I really hope it doesn't put you off.

For the most part, everyone here are all decent people and will respect you and your opinion.

Some will be suspicious, especially of new members, others will disagree with you and occasionally you might even have an argument with someone but please don't take it personally.

I think you have already contributed a lot to this forum and hope you will continue to do so for a long time.


"What we've got here is failure to communicate." - Cool Hand Luke:unsure:

You are showing your age there, with that quote from the 1967 movie classic. Sadly I remember it too. ;)


"What we've got here is failure to communicate." - Cool Hand Luke:unsure:

You are showing your age there, with that quote from the 1967 movie classic. Sadly I remember it too. ;)

They say age is a state of mind. Unfortunately my mirror says my mind is lying.:o

Love a good movie.B)


"What we've got here is failure to communicate." - Cool Hand Luke:unsure:

You are showing your age there, with that quote from the 1967 movie classic. Sadly I remember it too. ;)

They say age is a state of mind. Unfortunately my mirror says my mind is lying.:o

Love a good movie.B)

hmmmm classics...okay who remembers Fireball XL5? I'm pretty sure it wasn't just based in Australian television. I was a devoted fan of this children's show many moons ago. :ermm: :jap:



"What we've got here is failure to communicate." - Cool Hand Luke:unsure:

You are showing your age there, with that quote from the 1967 movie classic. Sadly I remember it too. ;)

They say age is a state of mind. Unfortunately my mirror says my mind is lying.:o

Love a good movie.B)

hmmmm classics...okay who remembers Fireball XL5? I'm pretty sure it wasn't just based in Australian television. I was a devoted fan of this children's show many moons ago. :ermm: :jap:


You are showing your "youth" That one is a mystery to me.B)


hmmmm classics...okay who remembers Fireball XL5? I'm pretty sure it wasn't just based in Australian television. I was a devoted fan of this children's show many moons ago. :ermm: :jap:


It is hard for me to reconcile this side of you with my image of you on your bike. :lol:


"What we've got here is failure to communicate." - Cool Hand Luke:unsure:

You are showing your age there, with that quote from the 1967 movie classic. Sadly I remember it too. ;)

They say age is a state of mind. Unfortunately my mirror says my mind is lying.:o

Love a good movie.B)

hmmmm classics...okay who remembers Fireball XL5? I'm pretty sure it wasn't just based in Australian television. I was a devoted fan of this children's show many moons ago. :ermm: :jap:


A little before my time, but I do remember seeing re-runs of it :D Now, Stingray, that was in my era :)

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