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All Revealing Tales Of The Rich And Unhappy Thais


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This in regards to Brahmburgers comment :

"The rich are people. People are selfish. Asians are generally more selfish than westerners, if viewed from the perspective of how much tangible aid they give the less fortunate among them - whether in % or bulk amounts. Whenever there's a global-scale calamity, who goes to offer aid? The Asians (China, Korea, India and others?). No. Perhaps Japan helps a bit. Where do ALL the do-good global organizations originate? UN, Oxfam, Red Cross, Sea Shepherd, Greenpeace, World Bank, etc? ....that's right, they originate and are run by Americans or Europeans. Name one such organization which originates in Asia (Red Crescent doesn't count, because it's Arab). "

Your comments reek of racial prejudice and I wonder why moderators haven't deleted these comments.

Just because the do-good global organizations don't originate in Asia does not mean Asians are selfish.

A lot of funding to these organizations come from Asians and a lot of Asians work for these organizations.

Just because these charitable organizations originated in the west does not mean that Asia does not play any part in it.

Whenever there is a global calamity the aid pours in from all countries not just the US or Europe.

During the earthquake in Haiti, Asian countries sent aid not only in cash but also in form of food and medicines.

On the other hand, till 60years ago many European countries occupied Asian and African countries.

The British ruled India for 200 years - ate their food, drank there water, stole their wealth, raped their mothers and daughters. Was this not an act of selfishness??

Or do I hear you say that occupation of entire countries was an act of kindness because Asians are poor barbarians and they needed aid?

I hope not.

I guess you should apologize if you are not selfish yourself.

Moderators please delete the offensive comments. Thanks in advance.

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This in regards to Brahmburgers comment :

"The rich are people. People are selfish. Asians are generally more selfish than westerners, if viewed from the perspective of how much tangible aid they give the less fortunate among them - whether in % or bulk amounts. Whenever there's a global-scale calamity, who goes to offer aid? The Asians (China, Korea, India and others?). No. Perhaps Japan helps a bit. Where do ALL the do-good global organizations originate? UN, Oxfam, Red Cross, Sea Shepherd, Greenpeace, World Bank, etc? ....that's right, they originate and are run by Americans or Europeans. Name one such organization which originates in Asia (Red Crescent doesn't count, because it's Arab). "

Your comments reek of racial prejudice and I wonder why moderators haven't deleted these comments.

Just because the do-good global organizations don't originate in Asia does not mean Asians are selfish.

A lot of funding to these organizations come from Asians and a lot of Asians work for these organizations.

Just because these charitable organizations originated in the west does not mean that Asia does not play any part in it.

Whenever there is a global calamity the aid pours in from all countries not just the US or Europe.

During the earthquake in Haiti, Asian countries sent aid not only in cash but also in form of food and medicines.

On the other hand, till 60years ago many European countries occupied Asian and African countries.

The British ruled India for 200 years - ate their food, drank there water, stole their wealth, raped their mothers and daughters. Was this not an act of selfishness??

Or do I hear you say that occupation of entire countries was an act of kindness because Asians are poor barbarians and they needed aid?

I hope not.

I guess you should apologize if you are not selfish yourself.

Moderators please delete the offensive comments. Thanks in advance.

Think you are being a little over sensitive. While the West may have much to apologize for in the past, they are way ahead of the Asian's in donating money to natural disasters, NGO's and the like in today's world. That is not to say that there are not selfless Asian people in Asia doing a lot of good work in their home countries and abroad. The original post (Nation article) was about Thailand. Almost everything in Thailand and many other Asian countries is about money. For whatever reason Thailand is a classic example of corruption, lies, and dishonesty at all levels. Thais love to be around people of wealth or even those a little less poor than themselves because they like to cash in on free this and that from those more fortunate. When's the last time you went to dinner with Thais where everyone just kicked in his/her share? When Thais hang out with friends they seek those with more money. When that money is gone they will look for others with which to socialize who can show them a good time. Is that true of all Thais? Of course not. BUT, it does happen often enough that it is noticeable. In most Western nations parents do not sell or push their daughters or sons into prostitution for for the almighty Baht, do they? In Thailand the almighty Baht rules at all levels. Don't be so offended. I could make a large laundry list a mile long about what is wrong with the West but this article was about Thailand.

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This in regards to Brahmburgers comment :

"The rich are people. People are selfish. Asians are generally more selfish than westerners, if viewed from the perspective of how much tangible aid they give the less fortunate among them - whether in % or bulk amounts. Whenever there's a global-scale calamity, who goes to offer aid? The Asians (China, Korea, India and others?). No. Perhaps Japan helps a bit. Where do ALL the do-good global organizations originate? UN, Oxfam, Red Cross, Sea Shepherd, Greenpeace, World Bank, etc? ....that's right, they originate and are run by Americans or Europeans. Name one such organization which originates in Asia (Red Crescent doesn't count, because it's Arab). "

Your comments reek of racial prejudice and I wonder why moderators haven't deleted these comments.

Just because the do-good global organizations don't originate in Asia does not mean Asians are selfish.

A lot of funding to these organizations come from Asians and a lot of Asians work for these organizations.

Just because these charitable organizations originated in the west does not mean that Asia does not play any part in it.

Whenever there is a global calamity the aid pours in from all countries not just the US or Europe.

During the earthquake in Haiti, Asian countries sent aid not only in cash but also in form of food and medicines.

On the other hand, till 60years ago many European countries occupied Asian and African countries.

The British ruled India for 200 years - ate their food, drank there water, stole their wealth, raped their mothers and daughters. Was this not an act of selfishness??

Or do I hear you say that occupation of entire countries was an act of kindness because Asians are poor barbarians and they needed aid?

I hope not.

I guess you should apologize if you are not selfish yourself.

Moderators please delete the offensive comments. Thanks in advance.



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I don't think anyone has an issue with people getting rich. It is CORRUPT people getting rich.

If you look at the way the Thaksin political machinery has supported him to the hilt, it shows that Thailand's concept of corruption is a million miles from those elsewhere in the world. This is indeed made more complicated by the fact that he was an elected official, so he has some kind of public persona/image.

If the country wants to start changing the idea of corruption being ok in the country, they need to start punishing unelected officials. They have the film festival, and the TTM scandal basically handed to them on a platter, and yet NO progress. A very good way to show the 'unhappy' rich would be to see people like this glumly looking out from behind bars as their houses and cars were being sequestered. Now that is reality TV I would pay to see in this country.

What does a committee such as the Thai Chamber of Commerce expect people to think when unelected officials can basically thumb their nose at the country?

This is IT! folks are okay with fair play; they don't like cheaters. they are okay with sports heros, movie stars and royalty.

btw the op was easy to understand, after guilt and tension from corruption, you will resort to bee keeping and long holidays in Russia right!?

Edit one examples of 1000's



Despite working in the civil service for over 25 years, Pridiyathorn is tremendously wealthy. Disclosures to the National Counter Corruption Commission revealed that 30 days after leaving his Cabinet position in March 2007, Pridiyathorn had 730 million baht in assets, a slight drop from 754 million baht when he took office in October 2006. His wife Praphaphan has a net worth of 283 million baht, while his daughter Pudjeep has 7 million baht"


but he fought against corruption, go figure?

"The KTB non-performing loan scandalIn 2004, the state-owned Krung Thai Bank (KTB) shocked Thailand's financial world by reclassifying approximately 40 billion baht as problem loans. Pridiyathorn threatened to fire KTB chief executive officer Viroj Nualkhair if he did not resign. Viroj was a former financial advisor to media proprietor Sondhi Limthongkul, having helped him make the initial public offering one of his first companies. As Krung Thai Bank head, Viroj had forgiven 1.6 billion baht of Sondhi's debts and arranged for further rounds of forgiveness. Using all his media outlets, Sondhi attacked Pridiyathorn and defended Viroj.

Viroj was eventually forced to leave Krung Thai Bank. Sondhi's public criticism of Thaksin started to increase, eventually leading to the establishment of the People's Alliance for Democracy. This was a factor behind the September 2006 coup

is viroj beekeeping in Moscow? (couldn't resist) or living the bad loans

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Money cannot buy/The fuel of love/but is excellent kindling.

~ W H Auden

How do you stop curruption? Anyone got a realistic answer?

Search it out, when found prosecute it thoroughly, then apply stern punishment.

And be consitent in this.

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Before anything happens, Thailand defamation and libel laws need to be revisited.

As it stands, you can't even post a truthful negative review of an establishment on Thai Visa because the power that be are afraid of getting sued.

What do you think happens to reporters that expose corruption and shady practices? They seem to get run out of Thailand pretty quickly when they go against the ruling party line.

Edited by witold
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This in regards to Brahmburgers comment :

"The rich are people. People are selfish. Asians are generally more selfish than westerners, if viewed from the perspective of how much tangible aid they give the less fortunate among them - whether in % or bulk amounts. Whenever there's a global-scale calamity, who goes to offer aid? The Asians (China, Korea, India and others?). No. Perhaps Japan helps a bit. Where do ALL the do-good global organizations originate? UN, Oxfam, Red Cross, Sea Shepherd, Greenpeace, World Bank, etc? ....that's right, they originate and are run by Americans or Europeans. Name one such organization which originates in Asia (Red Crescent doesn't count, because it's Arab). "

Your comments reek of racial prejudice and I wonder why moderators haven't deleted these comments.

Just because the do-good global organizations don't originate in Asia does not mean Asians are selfish.

A lot of funding to these organizations come from Asians and a lot of Asians work for these organizations.

Just because these charitable organizations originated in the west does not mean that Asia does not play any part in it.

Whenever there is a global calamity the aid pours in from all countries not just the US or Europe.

During the earthquake in Haiti, Asian countries sent aid not only in cash but also in form of food and medicines.

On the other hand, till 60years ago many European countries occupied Asian and African countries.

The British ruled India for 200 years - ate their food, drank there water, stole their wealth, raped their mothers and daughters. Was this not an act of selfishness??

Or do I hear you say that occupation of entire countries was an act of kindness because Asians are poor barbarians and they needed aid?

I hope not.

I guess you should apologize if you are not selfish yourself.

Moderators please delete the offensive comments. Thanks in advance.

Brahmburgers please note:

Thailand has approved to give 20,000 tonnes of rice to help flood hit Pakistan.

Please read the full story here: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Cabinet-approves-aid-for-flood-hit-Pakistan-30136977.html

Asians are not as selfish as you think !

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Urban myth no 1 - money cannot buy happiness. I should know I have shedloads and I am delirious (make that deliriously happy). Most of the wealthier people I know are pretty well satisfied with their lot. Of course money cannot guarantee happiness and poor people can be happy.

Money can't buy love - that's true but it sure increases the size of the population to start searching in.


In case anyone is thinking of coming round my house with a few hired lao-khaoed up guns I cannot guarantee the above is not a wind-up and you will certainly find me masquerading as a man of relatively modest means in Thailand

From the top down...The more you have the more you have to lose. The less you have-the less you have to lose. Perhaps this is why the Lord Buddha taught non-attachment. It's also why Santi Asoke is popular, preaching "don't beat yourself up about being rich" to the aspiring classes. A message for the millenium? "Poverty is for losers" seems to be the current "mantra"

Just my observation... :ph34r:

This is how all revolutions start.

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The article is all over the place. I read it carefully and tried to decipher what it was trying to say. From the title, it appears to lump rich and unhappy together. Ok, I can go with that. Some of the highest suicide rates are for people in upper income echelons. Then the article devolves to talking in circles about a rich Russian mayor. I think the writer needs to take a few lessons in how to get his thoughts translated to print in a somewhat coherent way.

Here's my spin on the title, despite the miscombobulated text which accompanies it:

The rich are people. People are selfish. Asians are generally more selfish than westerners, if viewed from the perspective of how much tangible aid they give the less fortunate among them - whether in % or bulk amounts. Whenever there's a global-scale calamity, who goes to offer aid? The Asians (China, Korea, India and others?). No. Perhaps Japan helps a bit. Where do ALL the do-good global organizations originate? UN, Oxfam, Red Cross, Sea Shepherd, Greenpeace, World Bank, etc? ....that's right, they originate and are run by Americans or Europeans. Name one such organization which originates in Asia (Red Crescent doesn't count, because it's Arab).

Buddhism, Hinduism and other Eastern originated religions are ok for feel-good types who attend the local temple activities once a week. Same for westerners who attend weekly religious get-togethers in their countries. But religion is nothing more than disciplinarian fables if it doesn't penetrate the skin of a person's character. You can train monkeys to sit still in a church or temple and look devout, but that doesn't make them spiritual beings.

"Asians are generally more selfish than westerners". that's a big call...i must have missed that study. any proof ?

"Whenever there's a global-scale calamity, who goes to offer aid? The Asians (China, Korea, India and others?). No." that is ignorant rubbish.

"Where do ALL the do-good global organizations originate?...that's right, they originate and are run by Americans or Europeans" it is called google...use it. i found hundreds of asian NGO's/charities.

"Red Crescent doesn't count, because it's Arab" ...dude, first of all, 'Arab' isn't a country. you can't 'originate' from Arab. second, if you are referring to countries of the middle east then i don't understand why that precludes their charities/ngo's from your argument. they are after all, part of asia.

and for pulling up souvenirdeparis with "I assume you meant Saudi Arabia" - it is discombobulated not miscombobulated. grammar nazi.

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The article falls somewhere between a political piece and a woman's magazine lightweight article, tending towards the woman's mag. No problem with that but why put it in as news.

It does say a lot because it avoids advocating the direct action required to stamp out corruption. This method is standard within Thailand and Thai culture i.e. never talk straight. So, as usual, it's a case of we almost thought that someone had got it right after reading the first few paragraphs, especially the " They do that because Thai society is terribly sick, he says." quote, but then "business as usual" as we continued reading as it all goes on to other items external to Thailand.

Always avoid the issue, even if you are a reporter for a national newspaper. The politicians in the west would love to have media the same standard as the Thai media. Then they could get away with whetever they wanted to do. Much the same as Thai politicians.

You forget that Thailand has Draconian Libel Laws.. Both Civil AND Criminal... and as Thaksin has shown in the past, the threat of having to defend themselves from libel, plus the associated expenses, with the added possibility of criminal charges and a Legal system that leans towards protecting the Rich, influential and corrupt... All this leaves little room for investigative journalism and "Naming names".. so we are left with the Guy with a First name starts with P who works for a Government agency that was recently involved in a large contract... etc.

Oh Ya... let's not forget that Thailand has no idea about what REAL Investigative Journalism is all about anyway! And Thai culture has a built-in throttle on saying or doing anything that may hurt somebodies feeling.. Lest some others think ill of them.. Can't let anyone lose Face now, can we???


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