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Allies Insist Thaksin Is Healthy And His Mandela Pictures Not Faked


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Allies insist Thaksin is healthy and his Mandela pics not faked

By Samatcha Hoonsara

The Nation


Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is still healthy but he keeps quiet as does not want to be linked with political issues, people close to him said yesterday.

Thaksin's brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat - also a former prime minister - said Thaksin had greeted him by telephone on Sunday. Thaksin was not somewhere near Thailand and he was healthy.

"Thaksin has no signs of illness. His voice is still clear and he is healthy. If he were really sick, the Shinawatra family would have no reason to conceal it. If Thaksin has some sickness, it must be [emotional], as he misses his home and his kids. Although Khunying Pojaman Na Pombejra is his ex-wife, he still misses her," Somchai said.

Meanwhile, Thaksin's close aide Noppadon Pattama assured a press conference that Thaksin was still alive. He showed two photographs of Thaksin, one with Nelson Mandela and the other with the Nobel Peace Prize laureate's second wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. The date on the second picture was shown as August 27, 2010.

Noppadon insisted the pictures were taken recently, without photo-editing.

He said Thaksin went to see Mandela for peace discussions, as he travels to meet many national leaders and to seek business opportunities.

Somchai said Thaksin was well aware of the media reports that he keeps quiet because of illness. Some people might want him to be sick, he said.

"I've never heard Thaksin say he would come back to power. He has concern for the people and sometimes wants to communicate with them. I understand that no matter whether a celebrity speaks or keeps silent, it's still news," Somchai said.

Somchai said Thaksin had kept quiet lately as he had seen too much chaos in the country and did not want anyone to link him to political issues.

Somchai was speaking yesterday while Justice Ministry officials, police officers and Pheu Thai MPs greeted him at home on his 63rd birthday.

Asked whether he thought the Shinawatras should fade away, reducing their roles in the Pheu Thai Party, Somchai said the party belonged to everyone, not just the Shinawatras. Only a few family members remained in the party.

Pheu Thai leader Yongyuth Wichaidit has worked for the party since it was the People Power Party, Somchai said. He could be considered a real leader who administered the party well all along. The only problem was that Yongyuth was not an MP. However, the restructuring of the Pheu Thai Party could take place at any time, Somchai said.

Asked whether Pheu Thai's candidate for prime minister should be the party leader or an MP, Somchai said it should be whoever most carried the faith of the people.

He also said it was important for a political party to try to win people's trust and bring them hope.


-- The Nation 2010-09-01

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Why would we think that Thaksin Shinawatra would lie, or fake something? It's not as if he was a convicted fugitive from justice is it?

You have to love the part about how he is keeping quiet, lmfao.

Edited by Rimmer
Please use politicans correct names
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Why would we think that Tacky would lie, or fake something? It's not as if he was a convicted fugitive from justice is it?

You have to love the part about how he is keeping quiet, lmfao.

What's to be gained by lying about a meet and greet? Do you think Mr. Mandela even knew who he was? Former PM Thaksin is keeping quiet. The only people that keep mentioning his name are those obsessed with him. The country would be better served if people got on with their lives. Let Mr. Abhisit and General Prem worry about the deposed PM.

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"Thaksin went to see Mandela for peace discussions"

I wasn't aware Montenegro had peace-problems, with South Africa, these days ? Or does Thaksin think he still represents Thailand in some way ?

In which case, shouldn't he talk to his former-employer Hun Sen, about border-problems and oil-concessions treaties ? :whistling:

But perhaps Nelson might offer some advice, about the proper behaviour and role, of a former-leader of a country. B)

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Does South Africa have an extradition agreement with Thailand? Nelson Mandela is seen in his study. If it is a recent photo Mandela's diary manager would have briefed him on the 'suitability' of a photo op with this man. Though I don't doubt he might have indulged Thaksin a meeting on the basis of imparting some advice on how to reconcile a divided nation. Mandela is an compassionately astute man, on the one hand he would be concerned about Thailand's politics and willing to share his South African experiences, on the other he would be very cautious whom he's seen shaking hands with. If it were a fake his people would come out and say so. As for Thaksin, I can't be sure if he came away from any such meeting enlightened, but he loves a photo op doesn't he. I'm cynical.

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Strange how the back of Tacky's hand is 'white' and yet his fingers are 'black'!

Good eye , that evidence enough for me that this photo is fake

Mandela was a courageous man, who spend many years in prison to obtain justice. whereas Felon T would not spend 1 min in a luxury

house arrest condo for Thai politicians for justice

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If you check the date of this blog post with photos of other people (inc Bill Clinton) in the same room also with Mandela, who is also in the same attire as the Thaksin photo, one could conclude the photos were taken around the World Cup period.

It's the same room but picture frames, books on the shelves behind Mandela are arranged differently.

Edited by DocHolliday
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Strange how the back of Tacky's hand is 'white' and yet his fingers are 'black'!

And especially when the light highlights are in BOTH of their heads from their left,

but his HAND is two tones, but not possibly in SHADE....

Good eye.

It's also old shots in either case.

Keeping silent but letting others do the talking.

Not the same as doing something besides playing politics.

And this Somchai quote is hillarious in it's irony:

Somchai said Thaksin had kept quiet lately as he had seen too much chaos in the country

and did not want anyone to link him to political issues.

Bathos of a high order.

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I like this sentence:

"He also said it was important for a political party to try to win people's trust and bring them hope."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the PTP known for bringing money (on election day)?

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Strange how the back of Tacky's hand is 'white' and yet his fingers are 'black'!

The left chest and arm have definitely been doctored, remove a Crest or soup spill.

Copy into Paint and zoom in, the patches and rough edges are visible. you will see...

left cheek and jowl have white line, like mumps

the right ear is squared off and you can see the books don't line up at about 300%

looks like his head was thrown on and crest had to be removed.

am looking for a picture of Sondhi to plop on

Edit phospho beat me to it

Edited by yellow1red1
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Perhaps DL is using a new cosmetic skin-darkening cream, on his fingers, but not on the back of his hand or the rest of his visible body ? :D

And this is one of the many new business-opportunities, which he is wishing to promote and discuss, since skin-colour seems to be equally of concern to many African consumers ? :o

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Mandela was a courageous man, who spend many years in prison to obtain justice.

Actually he spent many years in jail for conspiring to blow people up....:whistling:

and continued to spend further years in jail for advocating violence via the ANC's military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe - Spear of the Nation, which amongst other things targeted civilans...

In end, sense/reason preveiled and South Africa ended up were it is today, via agreements between Mandela and De Klerk. (who also won the noble prize for peace, along with Mandela)

But we digress...back on topic

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Mandela was a courageous man, who spend many years in prison to obtain justice.

Actually he spent many years in jail for conspiring to blow people up....:whistling:

and continued to spend further years in jail for advocating violence via the ANC's military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe - Spear of the Nation, which amongst other things targeted civilans...

In end, sense/reason preveiled and South Africa ended up were it is today, via agreements between Mandela and De Klerk. (who also won the noble prize for peace, along with Mandela)

But we digress...back on topic

But he won, and Mandela is a world icon and De Klerk is almost forgotten.And yes sometimes violence or the threat of violence is needed to bring a greedy and brutal elite peddling a fairytale of ethnic superiority to the negotiating table, as in...South Africa

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Mandela was a courageous man, who spend many years in prison to obtain justice.

Actually he spent many years in jail for conspiring to blow people up....:whistling:

and continued to spend further years in jail for advocating violence via the ANC's military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe - Spear of the Nation, which amongst other things targeted civilans...

In end, sense/reason preveiled and South Africa ended up were it is today, via agreements between Mandela and De Klerk. (who also won the noble prize for peace, along with Mandela)

But we digress...back on topic

But he won, and Mandela is a world icon and De Klerk is almost forgotten.And yes sometimes violence or the threat of violence is needed to bring a greedy and brutal elite peddling a fairytale of ethnic superiority to the negotiating table, as in...South Africa

Actually it wasn't threats of violence, there WAS violence.....and there was innocent people killed...for example...Peter Macbrides bomb in Durban at Mogoo's bar....The gentleman concerned went to jail, was released under an amnesty, became a politican and was busted for gun running....:rolleyes:

If the ANC wanted to fight to change the system...then they should have fought the system then...ie military/police/goverment departments, instead they chose soft targets in most cases

We could also be having a similar discussion about the IRA and the UK, context is different, but the execution the same.....and the IRA where branded terrorists

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The next picture will probably be with Gandhi

or the Dalai Gucchi

..... this part has been doctored for sure, blow it up in Paint to see.

Edit; if Click on thumbnail you can see the Pasted patches...

they removed a Crest probably

post-111154-083026800 1283316775_thumb.j

Edited by yellow1red1
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