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Dental Sedation


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I need a crown fitted (root canal already done) to the back molar very soon. When i had the RC done the dentist only gave me a filling as he thought i was not a good subject for the reasons of gagging etc to fit the crown.

The filling is damaged and i need the crown fitted but i know it wont be easy on me and definately not the dentist. After research i think the option of IV sedation is the way to go as it will easy my tension and should stop the gagging effect. Has anyone had this done in Pattaya and did it help them?

Thanks in advance

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You would need to go to the dental dept at a hospital, most normal dentists will not sedate you for obvious reasons, cant remember whether Bangkok Pattaya or Bangkok Rayong hosptial offering nitrous, might be an option rather than being sedated.

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I haven't done it in Pattaya, but I get all the work done under full sedation. Since then I still do not look forward to going to the dentist, but at least I can go. Oh, and it is a dentist, not a clinic. Just need someone to pick me up as I am sometimes quite woozy afterwards.

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Breathing through your nose will minimize/eliminate the gag reflex. Get some vallium and take not more than 20mg (15mg might be better) about an hour before the procedure. I have a high tolerance so I need 20, but you might do okay on 15mg. You'll have to get a prescription as it's not available OTC. Cheers.

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I haven't done it in Pattaya, but I get all the work done under full sedation. Since then I still do not look forward to going to the dentist, but at least I can go. Oh, and it is a dentist, not a clinic. Just need someone to pick me up as I am sometimes quite woozy afterwards.

I have an app at the BPH tomorrow and the receptionist said the sedation was approx 10k/hr. Not so conserned with the price just looking for someone who maybe has had IV ''twilight'' sedation at the dentist before.

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I had sedation at BPH for an oral surgery. I had a tooth embedded in my palette. The cost was around 10k baht if I recall. I've also had a root canal about 8 years ago and I can say that the crown fitting was not nearly as traumatic as the root canal itself. The root canal takes a long time and it is hard to keep your mouth open and in that position for such a long time. I got through the root canal with nitrous oxide and didn't need anything for the crown fitting. However if you want sedation for your comfort and you don't mind paying for it, BPH is quite happy to do it. My experience was a positive one and I had very little discomfort. You will need somebody to accompany you as I was a bit out of it still when they delivered me to my husband.

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I haven't done it in Pattaya, but I get all the work done under full sedation. Since then I still do not look forward to going to the dentist, but at least I can go. Oh, and it is a dentist, not a clinic. Just need someone to pick me up as I am sometimes quite woozy afterwards.

I have an app at the BPH tomorrow and the receptionist said the sedation was approx 10k/hr. Not so conserned with the price just looking for someone who maybe has had IV ''twilight'' sedation at the dentist before.

I have, but not at BPH. I had a fair amount of work done at once, so I opted for General. Had a full team, including anaesthetist and surgeon. No pain even after surgery, including implants. Didn't bother to take the prescribed painkillers.

It really pays to have a good team. Hope BPH is good for you.

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Thanks for your responses. I met with the dentist today and as i have had root canal done already on the tooth without sedation he suggested i try some Valium and he would numb my tongue to help with the gagging to fit for a crown. The other consideration was that it will take a few appointments to complete the procedure and it would be very costly to be sedated a couple of times. Hope he has alot of patience coz i gagged just getting the xray taken today!!

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Thanks for your responses. I met with the dentist today and as i have had root canal done already on the tooth without sedation he suggested i try some Valium and he would numb my tongue to help with the gagging to fit for a crown. The other consideration was that it will take a few appointments to complete the procedure and it would be very costly to be sedated a couple of times. Hope he has alot of patience coz i gagged just getting the xray taken today!!

A good dentist/oral surgeon can vary your position in order to help with the gagging reflex.

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