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Is Tot Applying Brakes To Torrent Downloads?


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Is TOT at it again? For the past 2 or 3 days my torrent downloads have been hanging or crawling along at or below dial-up speed. I've done speed tests on both the Bangkok and Singapore servers and the results reflect normal speeds for my 3MB line, and everything else works fine. But downloading torrents is a real pain. Anybody else suffering the same experience? :(

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Yep it will be moved soon!.

Agreed, trying to down load footy - England v Bulgaria, pants, between 55-90 kb/s:angry:

Are you downloading from thebox?  I often wonder if it's more a case of people throttling their uploads on these neutral torrents.  

Fortunately poor torrent speeds don't affect my visa  ;)

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Yep it will be moved soon!.

Agreed, trying to down load footy - England v Bulgaria, pants, between 55-90 kb/s:angry:

Judging by the response, it looks time to move on to another ISP. I'm not paying a 3MB tariff for dial-up performance. Anyone had experience of TrueVisions? Just what are the options?

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