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Why Do We Have So Many Disgruntled


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I love having lived in Thailand for the last 6 years. Has it been easy? No, there have been ups and downs, as is the case with living in every country.

I have met some very nice people. On this forum I have received help form numerous people, in the form of advice, and some actual help from George and the good Dr.

I have had many laughs especially those provided courtesy of Virago and the other regulars at what I call the "Laugh Factory"

I have recieve valuable advise on everything from computer hardware, been alerted to disasters and enjoyed touching moments with fellow forum members and shared in theri sad moments. And I want to say thank for that. I feel like part of the community, albeit online-- we are a community!

But I am fed up and have to speak out about the constant "crybabies", these are the guys that come onto the forum and never have anything good to say about anyone, anything or Thailand in general.

Can we not open a special "CRY BABY SECTION" just for them?

The rule should be.. you make a negative post about something and your next two must be positive sounding posts!

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In some ways you are right mouse, a gripe about something in a constructive way is fine, but I do agree there are some pretty high horses and tall soap boxes around.

but on the other hand - the flamers on the forum need some target fodder every now and then.

Trolls and whingers are IMO fairly interchangeable. and the mods are on hand to ensure we don't get too carried away :o

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Actually I don't mind them. It's normally amusing how the members handle them. I think the board does very well handling them without any help from the moderators.

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You have to remember that many of us don't have much personal contact with other farang. So this forum kind of substitutes for the companion to whom you can whine now and then when things don't go exactly right.

The good thing is that once posting a whine, you're usually reminded how good you actually have it, how the object of your whine isn't that important any way; so get a grip on yourself and move on.

I know that I have been dragged down to reality more than once in this way and I am grateful for it.

Now where the <deleted> did I put my Chang? I can never find anything in this bloody country.

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I agree mouse.

It is so much easier to be happy, than a saddo. They must put a lot of energy into it, as it isnt natural to be so cynical :o

anyway, im fed up today as Ive just driven an hour and those bloody............. :D

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"Why Do We Have So Many Disgruntled, members on this forum?"

I think we should open a section where disgruntled members can have their gruntles re-attached...


Edited by Greer
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You have to remember that many of us don't have much personal contact with other farang. So this forum kind of substitutes for the companion to whom you can whine now and then when things don't go exactly right.


Now where the <deleted> did I put my Chang? I can never find anything in this bloody country.

I agree mouse.

It is so much easier to be happy, than a saddo. They must put a lot of energy into it, as it isnt natural to be so cynical  :D

anyway, im fed up today as Ive just driven an hour and those bloody............. :D

:D :D :D

I don´t know... TV is an outlet for many...I´ve been known to whinge on occasion, but I do it here, where I am with friends to whom I can whinge without repercussions.

Sometimes these friends put me in my place, and sometimes they listen..

but why the bastards are rarely online at the same time as me, is beyond reproach you bloody wakners...Where are my bloody fags? (TM, I refer to cigarettes!) :D:o

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I really enjoy having a good whine, it gets things of my chest. :o

I also think that there maybe some of the people who do whine are maybe very lonely, and do it so that they may get a response therby opening dialog and not being so lonely.

On the other hand they may just be sad 'old' farts with nothing better to do, and would moan and whine no matter what country they happen to be staying in.

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But I am fed up and have to speak out about the constant "crybabies", these are the guys that come onto the forum and never have anything good to say about anyone, anything or Thailand in general.

Can we not open a special "CRY BABY SECTION" just for them?

The rule should be.. you make a negative post about something and your next two must be positive sounding posts!

Oh! Stop whining you cry baby. :o


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On the other hand they may just be sad 'old' farts with nothing better to do, and would moan and whine no matter what country they happen to be staying in.

Grumpy Old Men....??

totster :o

Had to do it Tots...

Memorable Quotes from Grumpy Old Men (1993)

Max Goldman: Good morning, dichkead.

John Gustafson: Hello, moron.

Max Goldman: When I had an ulcer, I was farting razor blades.

Max Goldman: Did you win the Lottery Dichkead?

John Gustafson: Enjoy your shower Smart Ass?

John Gustafson: [bragging about his sexual escapades] I've laid more pipe in this town than Wabasha Plumbing.  We did the horizontal mambo.

Max Goldman: You watch your mouth, you ###### Swede.


Edited by kayo
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First they tell us that money doesn't bring you happiness, now apparently being smart doesn't either: .

A study published yesterday in the British Medical Journal found the levels of satisfaction with life recorded by 550 Scottish men and women aged 84-85 were unaffected by their mental abilities, either when they were young or much later.

The authors said the findings were contrary to previous thinking that "cognitive vitality" was important in maintaining a good quality of life in old age. A link between happiness and intelligence "might have been expected" because of the high value society placed on cleverness.

The lack of such an association might be because smarter people were more likely to be aware of alternative lifestyles, or to have higher expectations or aspirations, the authors suggested.

I'm sure that some research has been done in this area, but even anecdotal evidence suggests that being famous or being beautiful is no guarantee of earthly satisfaction either. So is it really down to such "boring" and "ordinary" things like having good and satisfying career, having a good partner, family and friends, helping others, or being at peace with God?

What makes you happy? :o

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I don't think the posters here are particularly disgruntled. Some ask are asking questions about life and love in a country and culture considerably different than thier own. As for myself, I am retired and have been living in Thailand for 10 months. I find the experience generally pleasant and enjoyable. The people are friendly, the weather is great (the sun shines almost every day) and you don't need to shovel snow. I find some aspects of the culture here troubling, particularly with regard to some Thais attitude toward Farangs, marriage and money. I think it is the most hazardous aspect of life here. But, I would not trade my life here with that of my previous in SE USA, watching people flip each other the middle finger almost every day in traffic. Rude, crude and stupid were becoming the norm there. I hope I never see such in Thailand.

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