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THAI Flight Lands Safely In Los Angeles Following Bomb Threat


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Who knows but probably along the lines of I just left a bomb in the bowl, beware!

But seriously, do people that attempt to blow up planes/buildings etc leave a warning first?

A lot of useless bland comments to go with these kind of useless bland official actions that waste so much time and money for nothing.....but great comments from you, even made me laugh!

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A lot of useless bland comments to go with these kind of useless bland official actions that waste so much time and money for nothing.....but great comments from you, even made me laugh!

Thanks, I try to mix 1 part sarcasm with 1 part absolute seriousness. Unfortuneately, most of the time it comes out dry, droll but rarely bland.

Please take a moment to kindly fill out the comment card next to the toilet paper in the place where they keep toilet paper and pass it to your nearest flight attendant upon exiting the forum.

We hope u enjoyed your flight of fancy and look forward to seeing you on_this_board again soon.

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One can fake bad grammar and spelling. Its only a clue and means little at this point.

Next we will have in flight video - in the can.

Mile high clubbers can sell their copies. :whistling:

a camera recording acitivity in the isles would give the last person using the toilet with some explaining to do,

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Bad grammar--Well that means it could have been a Thai person or an American!

...or a British person under 50.

Unlikely going to Los Angeles,

could have been any Nationality,

so whats your Point?

The point is that no opportunity for a cheap shot at Americans shall be passed up on this forum, and now, mods are not just letting such cheap shots continue, they are making them as well...

I normally have a thick skin about such things, at least when the wackier members spout off. But there are participants who should know better than to, well, participate!


Along with the British and Australians,who no doubt also find cheap shots boring,

but we have to accept that is all the muck slingers are on this forum for,

and not for their rational debating powers!

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Bad grammar--Well that means it could have been a Thai person or an American!

most likely a teacher ;):lol:

Saw a photo of teachers marching about something the other day, they had a sign that spelled out "Amerca" Seems to me one of them could' have read it, but then again they are union teachers

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Does anyone know what the message said?

Great question. They seem to holding this back.

Who knows but probably along the lines of I just left a bomb in the bowl, beware!

But seriously, do people that attempt to blow up planes/buildings etc leave a warning first?

They sure do. ETA in Spain comes to mind. They always phone in a warning before bombing.

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I'd hate to be the person who finds such a message...

On the contrary, I would love to be the person who finds such a message. I'd grab a paper towel, wipe it away, and save everyone a lot of time and money.

By the way, the sky is falling tomorrow. Quick! Start the full-scale investigation. And if the sky doesn't fall--if this turns out to be a hoax, let's identify the loser who perpetrated this hoax on a ThaiVisa forum. Let's get the guy who wrote about Chicken Little, too, for giving him the idea...

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Bad grammar--Well that means it could have been a Thai person or an American!

I hope they catch the person responsible for this. Very inconvenient for a lot of people.

I am glad, however, that it was a message and not a real bomb.

Were their any righters from The Nation on that plain? :)




I hope your post was made in jest.

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It’s odd that Americans are so touchy about their English. Did they invent it - yes they did and that’s fine, it shows that English is a living language. There is no grammar academy of English that has control over that. That much is clear.

Certainly, no grammarian can say yea or nay to a sentence provided (that) it is clear. Experts of plain English favor omitting ‘that’ if having it adds nothing to the sentence, saying (that) including it makes a sentence longer than necessary. My sentence was too long I am hoping (that) you will forgive me.

(And for the time (that) it took me to construct the above)

You miss the point. It is not that Americans are 'so touchy' about their English. The English language is unreasonably difficult. The point is that Americans are sometimes, as in this case, criticized as being illiterate. It is the criticism of Americans, not the English language, that gets old.

It’s odd that Americans have a very different sense of humor. That they don’t see the obvious must mean that it is not obvious to them. The English language is very unreasonable so that we can keep making jokes that others don’t see. That it is not directed only at Americans proves that we are not prejudice against (or for) them.

That is seven ‘That’s – oops missed the last few that makes it ten now. That’s not bad in six sentences that are quite short. (Now twelve)

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Maybe someone just wrote something about "Boom boom on airplane" after joining the mile high club and it was misunderstood by the authorities.


I love it. Wouldn't THAT be funny?

Not if one shag gets you 6 months. :whistling:

I won't get 6months so I still think it would be a splendid conclusion, made me smile.

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Any such message should just be wiped off by whomsoever reads it first; It can only be a lousy prank,Airlines are not being sensible. The world is full of two-neuron people trying to convince themselves they're important, some of them with jobs of responsibility.

Apart from the publicity aspect airlines are probably forced by the small print in their insurance contracts to take any thread seriously. They may also be sued into bankruptcy if something happens.

Trying to sue Thai Airways into bankruptcy might be fun to watch, but I would expect Thailand to find a law to prevent itself ever having to pay anything. Besides you would have to prove incompetence in the management, so its a non-starter.

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What I really want to know is what happens to someone that brings durian on the plane and then opens it mid-air? Would it be treated as a terrorist attack?

I fear that we may be looking at in-flight video surveillance in the future, if they don't have that already.

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