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Swedish Man Murdered In Bangkok

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The more I read about the violence perpetrated by Thai females, the more I believe that across all sections of society, there are far too many people ready to pick up a knife, bottle, cleaver, pool cue etc. and attack. Just like the ghetto.


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Majority of the problem came from "Where you pick your wife or G/F from?"

If you picked her from Soi Cowboy, Sukhumvit 7, Patpong...... either she will kill you slowly or killing you suddenly.

You will be so lucky if your girl came from those areas and you don't have to deal with Drug, Gambling, Financial problem, In-Law drama....... etc etc......

I am sure there are good girls out there anyhow.

Moreover, leaving home...drinking with mates in those areas very often can cause problemsssssssssssssssssssss... depends on how tough she is and how well manage of her anger!

Good Luck, my friend!


Was reading a bit about this in krobkruakao yesterday. Quick translation with a few more details here:

Swedish Man Stabbed to Death

Thai wife stabs to death her Swedish husband in their Ekamai apartment after an argument

The incident occurred at 3:00 am on Thursday the 9th September. Mr Fredrick Johan Winlöf, 45, from Sweden, was stabbed to death and died in the parking lot of his apartment in Soi Ekamai 30. Klong Tan police, on going to the scene came across Mrs Aranong Winlöf, 27, the Thai wife of the deceased standing there waiting to give herself up. An initial investigation revealed that Mr Winlöf was an accountant and they had lived together for 4 years, arguing regularly. Before the murder they had been sitting drinking alcohol in front of the building. A short while after going back up to their room they began arguing and the deceased started to become violent so his wife picked up a knife. Mr Winlöf didn't back down and she proceeded to stab him on the chest and he died on the way to the hospital.


Also some more in Khaosod:



Old saying has some truth : You can take the girl out of the bar but you can not take the bar out of the girl

Farang meets girl in gogo bar - falls in lust - marries her and expects a faithful wife by his side - hmmmm - dream on

There is really not that much difference between western women or Thai women - take the ones from the bars and you are asking for trouble - take a "normal" bird and most you will get is nagging. Nagging however is installed into women's genes and they just can't help it. At least you won't (most likely) wake up with a knife sticking out from your chest or your balls being enjoyed by the family duck ...

I am sure your idiotic comment entirely reflects the quality and quantity of your cerebral genes.

What kind of a cretin would compare a bar thai girl to a "normal" western bird?


Violence has a clear and significant high correlation with alcohol and drugs.

My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

same here. although my wife can get so upset and angry of the strangest things (this is like any woman in my experience) she has never come at me with violence nor have I done so with her. it pays to date and marry a woman who has an education, is fluent in English, and has a professional job with a respectable company and even..... a career.

Been living with my thai woman for almost 5 years. She has 0 education and I "picked" her in a bar in patong, but she never showed any violence towards me (or others). A good heart has little to do with education (and less than little with schooling). Some people are good, some are bad, just like that. And violence has nothing to do with booze or drugs too. Some drunks are violent, some are not. To spot a violent woman is not so difficult though, if you're not 15 years old. Some think they can change their wife/husband, but, then again, people don't change and the stabbing-type will never be the non peaceful one and viceversa.

BTW, to be more pedantic, it's กิ๊ก and not กิก and the correct transliterationis gík.


Really – If people dated within their own social, economic and educational demographic and behave as they would back home there would likely be no more or no fewer issues here than there.

That said – Anything can happen anywhere at any time. It seems that inhumanity is now a normal part of humanity.

RIP Mr Johan Winlöf



I have a beautiful Japanese wife that is sweet and loving and doesnt play with knives.

Read the news and headlines on Tv and constantly we see the same stories!

Victor Bout coming and going!

Thai wife suspected of murdering farang husband!

Bomb found or exploded in BKK!

Jataporn blah blah blah against another person!

Anyone who feels I am making up this crap needs to read more and post less!

.... or perhaps they should have those pink tinted spectacles surgically removed by a good plastic surgeon.


Every now and then there will be an article about a farang killing a Thai woman. Usually those cases are not about a married couple but about a boyfriend or customer. But you are correct, I also cannot recall (but I am sure someone else can) a case where the farang husband killed his Thai wife.


There was one recently (less than 1 year ago) here in Chiang Mai. A Frenchman if memory serves me right. She was found in the trunk of a car. But oyu are correct to say the score seems a bit lob sided...money is a big motivator.



I once dated a girl that graduated with honors at a VERY prestigious university in a developed country. Intellectually and academically she was very smart. Problem was she had BPD Borderline personality disorder. google it.

I became scared of her.

Because of socio-economic-cultural structure in thailand, there are many women that try to seriously leech on to men for financial support. Thai on Thai and also Thai on Farang. Seems to be a subculture of women trying to catch a farang. Even Uni grads that want a better life.


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Basically, you are saying that because you are unaware of foreigners abusing their spouses/partners/girlfriends that this must be a Thai specific issue. Domestic violence is a common occurrence in Thailand and foreigners are sometimes the perpetrators.. One need only look at the past month where we have had a deranged American accused of slicing and dicing a woman. He is also alleged to have beaten his ex wife who is described as fleeing from an abusive relationship. Then we have the accused murderer from the UK that murdered another foreigner but is also alleged to have regularly beaten his girlfriend. Due to the piss poor attitude of the police on domestic violence, most victims do not bother to report the crime in Thailand.

In this specific case we may very well have an innocent Swedish national that was ruthlessly murdered. Or has has been mentioned, there may have been mitigating factors like alcohol or extra marital affairs. You won't know until an investigation is completed. One thing I do know and anyone that has worked with those involved in domestic violence will corroborate this, is that murder by the female is usually the end result of a long drawn out series of events which can occur when a woman reaches a point where she can no longer cope with a situation involving threats, violence, intimidation or powerlessness. Spouses are not usually murdered when there is a stable working relationship in place. In rare cases, it is an outright crime for profit. It is unfair to speculate on the deceased as to whether or not he was a drunk, a bully or a wife beater. It is also unfair to attempt to affix blame on anyone until some actual evidence is presented. I believe that the deceased must be treated as an innocent victim until such time as someone can show otherwise.

I wrote rare in respect to actual premeditated murder, because it is not typical of domestic dispute murders. Do not make the assumption that Thai women are predisposed to killing foreigners. Look at the Swedish domestic violence data. Despite the grim numbers, is it fair to label all Swedish males as bullies and killers? No it is not.

Please wait for the investigation to be concluded.

To help people appreciate that domestic violence is not specific to Thailand, here's some Swedish data to consider;

Lundgren, Heimer, Westerstrand & Kalliokoski (2002)SwedishStudy of men's violence against women (1999-2000)

1 in 3 (35%) of women experienced violence from aformer husband/co-habitant; 1 in 5 (19%) of women had been threatened by a formerhusband/co-habitant; 2 out of 3 (64%) of women who had been subjected to violenceby a former husband/co-habitant reported repeat assaults; 1 in 2 (50%) ofdivorced women had been subjected to violence by a former husband/co-habitant; 1in 10 (9%) of women with a violent former husband/co-habitant has beensubjected to physical or sexual violence by them since separation; 1 in 10 (11%)of currently married/cohabiting women reported experiencing violence from theirpresent partner; 3% of women have been forced into sexual activity by a currenthusband/co-habitant; 1 in 6 (16%) of women have been subjected to sexualviolence by a former husband/co-habitant; Only 1 in 7 (15%) of women reported themost recent violent incident to the police

I think that what he was saying is why do we rarely read about it, not that it doesn't happen. Surely many relationships here are far from perfect and many farang mistreat their women. But why do we need to go such an extreme to deal with the problem as physically hurting them and especially killing them.

I like to give a lot of credit to messed up economic models that put pressures on everyone, as well as crappy television programs which teach people, how to not communicate then emotionally lose it. Thailand definitely has some of the crappiest programming teaching soap opera emotional vengeance- when a cute girl solves her problems episode after episode by getting so emotional that someone feels sorry from them and fixes the problem for her because she is so pretty and doesn't deserve to be so sad. What a load of crap! There are a lot of bad writers and producers here that need to be fired and hire some good people deserving of the job to do some quality television. This is won of the only ways I can think of to actually change things at the core by teaching or reminding people how to treat one another.

Remeber the Land of Smiles and be a good role model for other nations, Thailand. Do that and you can help the world. Thailand used to represent that, but didn't have to media coverage back then to get the message very far out.


I wanted to add a little philosophy that I learned here. Expectations create disappointment. We all love to get high off the fantasy of how things will work out with someone. This never works out as expected. The less expectations you have then the more you can love someone for who they are and you can communicate clearly and solve problems instead of create them because you are not emotionally attached to the outcome.

Think about it. I promise that understanding this will make your life better!


Almost every tragedy we read about here could have been avoided with some clear honest communication. This man could have said just a few words and everything may have turned out completely different. If you want to teach somebody something or get a message through then you don't do it by beating it into them. If someone doesn't want to hear what you want to say, then forget about it and move on. The world has gotten way to serious about things lately. We all need to lighten it up and show the youth a better way. This concerns me because children these days are tending to be very cynical and rude, Lets keep life fun and put our emotional outrage into the fire.


Back on point!

I was shocked to encounter the alleged 'killer' leaving her old stomping ground Toy Bar this evening, just as I was entering. Leaving so fast and unexpectedly I scarcely had time to realise it was her,  let alone address her.

She'd apparently been in there a long while having a chat and a drink with a few pals! (<deleted>??)

All any of the chicks in there would later say about the alleged murder  was ....  'accident' ....  'accident'!

This thing leaves more than a few very serious questions!

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My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

I wonder where you pick your girls...

I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

I pick up them to the bar like everybody do in Thailand and I always got trouble until I learn how to control the situation, beat them hard until they apologize to me!


make no mistakes

you can find the nicest people here in Thailand and at the same time the worst.

In certain greater circles,Thailand is still run as an institutional pimping industry. Getting involved there will guaranteed get you into troubles. It's becoming more and more fashionable to get rid of farangs in this kind of circles and fashion and they treat each other as heroes and heroins quite up to high institutions here.

You're all lucky not to hear or understand what gossiping and threats going on in the backyards far away from the actual scenes. If you would hear of what is spoken and decided, how this so called free people are still under influence and control of this certain institutions, the departure lounges would be jammed in a jiffy.

It's a very desperate time for most locals so the first on the target list will be foreigners when they socialize without caution with this kind of people. Beware!

There are real good people, you will have to make some real effort to meet and socialize with them. Don't make your nest in the wrong trees.

Otherwise I'd suggest to go for some of the soft vintage ladies to keep you entertained. They have stories that can easily keep you entertained for years.

Condolence to his family and friends.


I know of a farang/Thai couple in the States that have been married for over thirty years. The farang man slept in a separate room with the door locked. Why? Because his wife found out he had an affair and she had threatened to "put a knife in his stomach". She's attacked him with a knife on numerous occasions. He's a gentle man and for his wife's sake, tolerated her violence. He didn't want her to go to jail. Eventually, he had to call the cops and now she's in custody. Even though this woman is a grandmother in her 60's, she's still a crazy, violent bitch.


Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

Basically, you are saying that because you are unaware of foreigners abusing their spouses/partners/girlfriends that this must be a Thai specific issue. Domestic violence is a common occurrence in Thailand and foreigners are sometimes the perpetrators.. One need only look at the past month where we have had a deranged American accused of slicing and dicing a woman. He is also alleged to have beaten his ex wife who is described as fleeing from an abusive relationship. Then we have the accused murderer from the UK that murdered another foreigner but is also alleged to have regularly beaten his girlfriend. Due to the piss poor attitude of the police on domestic violence, most victims do not bother to report the crime in Thailand.

In this specific case we may very well have an innocent Swedish national that was ruthlessly murdered. Or has has been mentioned, there may have been mitigating factors like alcohol or extra marital affairs. You won't know until an investigation is completed. One thing I do know and anyone that has worked with those involved in domestic violence will corroborate this, is that murder by the female is usually the end result of a long drawn out series of events which can occur when a woman reaches a point where she can no longer cope with a situation involving threats, violence, intimidation or powerlessness. Spouses are not usually murdered when there is a stable working relationship in place. In rare cases, it is an outright crime for profit. It is unfair to speculate on the deceased as to whether or not he was a drunk, a bully or a wife beater. It is also unfair to attempt to affix blame on anyone until some actual evidence is presented. I believe that the deceased must be treated as an innocent victim until such time as someone can show otherwise.

I wrote rare in respect to actual premeditated murder, because it is not typical of domestic dispute murders. Do not make the assumption that Thai women are predisposed to killing foreigners. Look at the Swedish domestic violence data. Despite the grim numbers, is it fair to label all Swedish males as bullies and killers? No it is not.

Please wait for the investigation to be concluded.

To help people appreciate that domestic violence is not specific to Thailand, here's some Swedish data to consider;

Lundgren, Heimer, Westerstrand & Kalliokoski (2002)SwedishStudy of men's violence against women (1999-2000)

1 in 3 (35%) of women experienced violence from aformer husband/co-habitant; 1 in 5 (19%) of women had been threatened by a formerhusband/co-habitant; 2 out of 3 (64%) of women who had been subjected to violenceby a former husband/co-habitant reported repeat assaults; 1 in 2 (50%) ofdivorced women had been subjected to violence by a former husband/co-habitant; 1in 10 (9%) of women with a violent former husband/co-habitant has beensubjected to physical or sexual violence by them since separation; 1 in 10 (11%)of currently married/cohabiting women reported experiencing violence from theirpresent partner; 3% of women have been forced into sexual activity by a currenthusband/co-habitant; 1 in 6 (16%) of women have been subjected to sexualviolence by a former husband/co-habitant; Only 1 in 7 (15%) of women reported themost recent violent incident to the police

I think that what he was saying is why do we rarely read about it, not that it doesn't happen. Surely many relationships here are far from perfect and many farang mistreat their women. But why do we need to go such an extreme to deal with the problem as physically hurting them and especially killing them.

I like to give a lot of credit to messed up economic models that put pressures on everyone, as well as crappy television programs which teach people, how to not communicate then emotionally lose it. Thailand definitely has some of the crappiest programming teaching soap opera emotional vengeance- when a cute girl solves her problems episode after episode by getting so emotional that someone feels sorry from them and fixes the problem for her because she is so pretty and doesn't deserve to be so sad. What a load of crap! There are a lot of bad writers and producers here that need to be fired and hire some good people deserving of the job to do some quality television. This is won of the only ways I can think of to actually change things at the core by teaching or reminding people how to treat one another.

Remeber the Land of Smiles and be a good role model for other nations, Thailand. Do that and you can help the world. Thailand used to represent that, but didn't have to media coverage back then to get the message very far out.

Geriatrickid is quoting Eva Lundgren, a so called gender researcher who actually believes that there are secret male satanist societies raping and killing children in Sweden. Lundgren believes that men are animals and was quite active in promoting the once so popular pseudo scientific theories regarding repressed memories. I am not saying that there are no wife beaters in Sweden, but if you are going to use statistics to back it up, don't use Eva Lundgren because she is on a par with Trofim Lysenko.


Back on point!

I was shocked to encounter the alleged 'killer' leaving her old stomping ground Toy Bar this evening, just as I was entering. Leaving so fast and unexpectedly I scarcely had time to realise it was her,  let alone address her.

She'd apparently been in there a long while having a chat and a drink with a few pals! (<deleted>??)

All any of the chicks in there would later say about the alleged murder  was ....  'accident' ....  'accident'!

This thing leaves more than a few very serious questions!

Sounds like a deal has already been made. :(



Geriatrickid is quoting Eva Lundgren, a so called gender researcher who actually believes that there are secret male satanist societies raping and killing children in Sweden. Lundgren believes that men are animals and was quite active in promoting the once so popular pseudo scientific theories regarding repressed memories. I am not saying that there are no wife beaters in Sweden, but if you are going to use statistics to back it up, don't use Eva Lundgren because she is on a par with Trofim Lysenko.

I can cite other studies that show a similar pattern. However, my point was that the numbers merely indicate that domestic violence occurs in Sweden as well. The fact that there is Thai on Foreigner or Foreigner on Thai domestic violence isn't anything special since domestic violence is domestic violence. This is why I wrote as follows;

Do not make the assumption that Thai women are predisposed to killing foreigners. Look at the Swedish domestic violence data. Despite the grim numbers, is it fair to label all Swedish males as bullies and killers? No it is not.


This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

So why don't you heed your own warning, with your track record I'm amazed that you're still here.

Thank you, perhaps I should be "sillyman". Several reasons, I have nothing left in my home country, no job etc, extremely difficult now. Basic instinct as well, I will not be able to find any girl I fancy in my home country, so yes, I accept the risk, but am ever mindful of that risk.

I also have family here, my own family, it all becomes very difficult. I feel I am at something of a crossroads and would like to leave if possible, who knows. I think the country itself is great, climate, year round summer, fruit, vegetables really great food. 

I just don't know at the moment, nowhere is paradise, anywhere there will be negatives and positives, living here still has a lot of positives

What I will say is, one of the main reasons I have survived here was my willingness to listen to what wiser ex pats had to tell me, people who had lived here many years. Unfortunately almost none had much positive to say, but I listened. I reasoned that they couldn't all be making it up, or lying.



Oh dear, not another one.

How many farang husbands/boyfriends have been killed by their Thai partners this year? Sorry, but I have lost count.

Why do they do it? Go to jail, go directly to jail and do not collect your farang husband`s money. What`s the point.

Umm mostly by having some gigs i presume whistling.gif and when thai girl reaches her boiling point there is no speaking to them dry.gif

Yes Thai women are like nitro and you have to be handle them very carefully. They can explode at the smallest and most trivial thing and it tkes them days to calm down. I am married to one and every time she gets a bee in her bonnet the knife always comes out.


Here are the facts...

The headline is "Sweden Farang murdered in BKK"!

The wife did it! Witnesses saw it! Hours later she is back at the bar as the hero who pulled the knife out of the farangs chest after he accidently stabbed himself! The Thai Police have already let this animal out of jail.

She goes straight back to the bar to look for a new ATM.

RIP to all past and future farang victims!

I'm from the US and i feel safer here than in LA

well I'd say as long as you don't marry a Thai wife, you will continue to be safer than in the US! :ph34r:

ANYWHERE is safer than LA......It's true though, seems all the Thai wives I know are really angry about something almost all the time. Whats up with that??

Funny thing is... I have one...and I must say I'm probably the one that deserves a beating every once in a while for my innocent (at least I think they are) misunderstandings of the Thai culture which with my snake tongue probably escalates the ire of the boss...I mean...wife. I'm also too darn comfortable with having her great family around. Call me blessed, but yeah, I know I deserve a can of 'whoop-ass' opened in front of me now and then.

If I were in the U.S. and did what I get away with here, I'd be kicked out on street while paying 50%. "Give me liberty, or give me...the U.S.A."


A lot of Western style humor is lost on the Thai except the visual type. I stopped telling jokes as it's no fun to have to explain them a few times with no real result. Joking with the wife? Oh my God, heaven forbid!

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Geriatrickid is quoting Eva Lundgren, a so called gender researcher who actually believes that there are secret male satanist societies raping and killing children in Sweden. Lundgren believes that men are animals and was quite active in promoting the once so popular pseudo scientific theories regarding repressed memories. I am not saying that there are no wife beaters in Sweden, but if you are going to use statistics to back it up, don't use Eva Lundgren because she is on a par with Trofim Lysenko.

I can cite other studies that show a similar pattern. However, my point was that the numbers merely indicate that domestic violence occurs in Sweden as well. The fact that there is Thai on Foreigner or Foreigner on Thai domestic violence isn't anything special since domestic violence is domestic violence. This is why I wrote as follows;

Do not make the assumption that Thai women are predisposed to killing foreigners. Look at the Swedish domestic violence data. Despite the grim numbers, is it fair to label all Swedish males as bullies and killers? No it is not.

After following this thread which is waaaaay long, I must say, that there may be actual intellectual dialogue going on at ThaiVisa.com.

Wow...holy crap...my head's spinnin'....I need a beer.

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