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Leaving Thailand Where Would You Go?


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With the expat exchange rates with the Baht rapidly going down hill I guess a few of us have thought about going somewhere else to live.

Where would you think of going and why? Better still if you have made the move I'd be interested in how its worked out or not as the case may be.

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A majority of my business colleagues have already left to Vietnam. Personally, I'll be heading to Singapore or Hong Kong. Whether it happens is not a question of when (raising a kid in Thailand is inconceivable) but rather how soon. With the political instability in mind, especially the newly invented hobby involving bombs set of in public, I’ve made arrangements for a sudden departure (my plan is; family in a day, the rest in a week) in case it is needed.

Best case scenario; we can enjoy our lives here in LOS for another 5 years. I do enjoy it. Very much.

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Philippines. Cebu and Davao are beautiful. I am well aware of the cultural and behavioural aspects of the place having worked with Philippinos before. I know all about the crime and the lying etc., but there is the benefit of language and many shared cultural aspects. Plus, I need never worry about finding domestic staff, or a private nurse or a skilled tradesman. The Phillipines are the staffing agency for the world. I am contemplating visiting at Christmas to scope out the situation.

Either that or perhaps Burma. There's something about Burma that is appealing. Maybe it's the backwardness of it all and the fact that I don't have to worry about corruption in quite the same way as Thailand. Plus the white trash foreign contingent can't get in.

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Considering your concern is about exchange rates , cost of living needs to come into the equation , but we would need to know more about your accomodation and general needs in life , your age will play a significant part in your decision as young people need the exciting types of entertainment more than a person already retired . Where I live now fullfills all of my needs , I have done enough travelling to last me the rest of my life , does not mean I do no travelling , people are laid back and in the most part none aggressive and happy .

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Back to civilization, just as soon as I can.

Funny :lol:

Nice avatar forget the name of the tv comedy?

He's the poor guy that has to put up with Mrs Bucket in "keeping up appearances"

Nah, that's my all-time hero Victor "I Don't Believe It" Meldrew. One Foot in the Grave. I heard they did an American version of it with Bill Cosby - some things just don't translate, and Bill Cosby could never be a patch on the original grumpy old man.

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Funny...no one has yet mentioned one of the closest places...Malaysia. Nothing unusual there as it is often overlooked in these type of surveys. Thailand is still pretty much sabai-sabai for me and while the current US$-Baht exchange rate is no fun...it doesn't really affect my spending decisions (and at some point will likely reverse course to some extent). As someone commented, the increasing trend of terrorist grenade attacks and small bombings in public places (they have always been around but were directed at specific individuals or businesses usually to settle a business or personal dispute) is cause for increasing concern. The fact the government and security authorities seem powerless (or even worse conviently powerless) to stop them and bring the perpatrators to justice bodes ill for the future. Combine that with the seeming endless bloody conflict in the South and the possibility that it may some day spread to the main tourist resorts and Bangkok itself is nothing to look forward to.

So where to go if I was of a mind to do so...that's a toughfy. With the crash in property prices back in USA, it's tempting to return as in many desirable places, it's now cheaper to rent/buy there than in Thailand. The overall cost of living may not be that much cheaper in Thailand anymore vis-a-vis many places back home. However, re-adjusting to being around all those low-information fat white people again after being in Asia for so long would really be a challenge.

If I left, I would probably give Malaysia (maybe Penang or Jahor Buru) a try. Penang has a really cheap cost of living and good international flight connections. JB is right on the border with Singapore facilitating shopping and eating trips there but with substantially cheaper cost of living. The Philippines could be an option but I have had many friends who lived there and they all say it's really a beating and the constant rear of petty (and not so petty) crime, the poverty, and the scams really wears you down over time; and the language and cultural affinities don't make up for these negatives in the long run. Couple that with the piss-poor infrastructure, lack of quality medical care, poor food quality and it's really asking allot to pick up and move from LOS to there.

So for now, I'm stayin put. Until the bombs start going off in Pattaya with regularity that is.

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Interesting choices.

Have those heading for Burma, and Indonesia checked out the visa regulations for long stay?????

When I left 5 years ago I landed up in a small middle east country.

A little unstable, but very friendly people and 4 seasons in the year.

I live by the sea, but can be in the mountains for skiing in less than 2 hours.

I have a one year residence permit, based on money in the bank, earning 6.5% at this time. :D

Edited by somchai69
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Interesting choices.

Have those heading for Burma, and Indonesia checked out the visa regulations for long stay?????

When I left 5 years ago I landed up in a small middle east country.

A little unstable, but very friendly people and 4 seasons in the year.

I live by the sea, but can be in the mountains for skiing in less than 2 hours.

I have a one year residence permit, based on money in the bank, earning 6.5% at this time. :D

Why don't you share that "small middle east country" with the rest of us. At a guess I would think either Jordan or Lebanon.

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Viet Nam it is for me. It ain't perfect but where the hel_l is? Luckily I am still working so the exchange rate doesn't particularly bother me.

If the right opportunity presented itself I'd still consider a return to Thailand, that's why I frequesnt this forum - to keep in touch with things as they are. The odd terrorist bomb wouldn't put me off, heck the IRA were much more adept at blowing things and people up.

Otherwise I'd give Cambodia a try, or the Philippines. I lived in Malaysia a few years ago and was considering putting down roots there but I prefer somewhere that's more Asian, though I enjoyed the past three weeks in KL.

Or the real alternative would have to be central or south America.

Jeez, if push really came to shove I'd go back to the UK. I've still enough fire in my guts to give it a go but it would have to be a mighty big shove.

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I'd say Cambodia- I have a friend who's building a resort out there and it seems all the factors make Cambodia great. Plus the fact they use USD makes it exchange proof.

Just to add at where I usually buy currency in the UK the rate was a shocking 44 baht/ £

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So where to go if I was of a mind to do so...that's a toughfy. With the crash in property prices back in USA, it's tempting to return as in many desirable places, it's now cheaper to rent/buy there than in Thailand.

I've thought about returning to the USA too; I do love a bargain :)

On the other hand, I never intended to stay 7+ years here in Thailand. South America has always been on my radar screen. I need to fill up on thick juicy steaks :) IF I didn't want to stay long term in SA, I'd try living in the Philippines.

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Either that or perhaps Burma. There's something about Burma that is appealing. Maybe it's the backwardness of it all and the fact that I don't have to worry about corruption in quite the same way as Thailand. Plus the white trash foreign contingent can't get in.

I guess that leaves you out then. :lol:

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If I'm eventually forced out of here?

Probably New Zealand.

I will admit the cheap prices and inexpensive services which were once hallmarks of this great country have evaporated. It is likely that they are gone for good, and that the Western world will continue declining, to the point that there will be few places to go in Asia where the ability to work with Americans is still considered a valuable service.

So, if you assume that all of Asia is going to be getting more expensive, and the West is going to be getting comparatively less expensive, then it makes sense to move to the Western country which is most likely to survive the best during the coming collapse. That limits it to basically Canada, Norway, or New Zealand.

I don't like Euroland, and Canada is to close to the US for my tastes, so New Zealand it would be.

Of course, this would not be an option for me if I did not already have a beautiful Thai wife and family who would go with me. But as long as I have that, where we live doesn't matter nearly as much as the opportunities available where we live. I suppose where you head to after here largely depends on who and what you will be taking with you.

Finding an Asian country that can match what Thailand was a decade past will be extremely difficult.

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I'd say Cambodia- I have a friend who's building a resort out there and it seems all the factors make Cambodia great. Plus the fact they use USD makes it exchange proof.

Just to add at where I usually buy currency in the UK the rate was a shocking 44 baht/ £


thailand is losing a lot of long stay farangs/economic refugees .

who are reluctant to leave , but finances dictate where they can afford to live.

imo ,,, burma will be a future option .

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