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Married A Good Girl - How To Stay In Thailand?

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So I've been married for just over two years and I'm still living separate from my wife. This is because I usually work in IT in USA and from time to time I take time off to visit my wife in Thailand. I recently tried taking her to Australia and we stayed two weeks and I decided that income taxes were far to high as was the cost of living based on my earning potential there. That and I really couldn't think what she'd actually do there. She use to work for an airline which made travel easy but now she's working for a shipping company.

Have any of you folks who married a good thai girl stayed on in Thailand, even if it meant changing your career? These days there isn't much of a career in IT which is why it's always a constant delima for me to live away from my wife.

Note: where there is work right now ie. USA my wife cannot travel because I'm only a greencard holder here despite her already have a long term multiple entry visitors visa already.

The issue becomes whether I should subject my wife to life in the UK with me working for a company or make a serious effort to make a go of it in Thailand so that she can stay close to her family and I can be with her.

I've stayed many times in Thailand often for long periods at a time so I'm fairly accustomed to life there. But I'm also a cynic and I'm not sure the policy makers welcome me there even though I married a Thai from a good healthy modest background.

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Have any of you folks who married a good thai girl stayed on in Thailand, even if it meant changing your career?

Yes. I did.

Income- Salary came down 75%, Benifits - Traveled by Bus instead of a Company car (1Yr), Position came down from a Financial Controller for a Multinational Company to an IT Cordinator in a small US Company. [later closed down operations in Thailand.]

Live in s small Apartment instead of a House with a Garden, Missed my Dog, Missed all Friends, Had to stop all the work I did for Rotary club.

The return for my Sacrifice is, lovely Thai Girl who became my wife two months back.

After 2.5 Yrs, today I have got most of the things I sacrificed back accept for House with a Garden, my Dod, and Rotary Club work.

Overall, I am happy here accept for the Racial Discrimination I am facing due to my skin colour coz I am from Sri Lanka. :o

So we are thinking of moving to a western country after my wife finishes her studies.

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Have you thought about trying to get a job in Hong Kong or Singapore? Wages are far better, tax rates are low, and you're just a hop away from Paradise and you can save for a move to LOS.

I don't know how anyone can save in places like UK and Aus. with the taxes they have to pay.

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