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Thai Peoples Understanding Of The 2Nd World War


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They didn't exactly cooperate with the Japanese but didn't have to fight them as well thus saving the civilian population and the nation as a whole.

They invaded Burma. They wanted to reunited all the Thai speaking people of SEA, which is why they launched a successful invasion in to Laos and Cambodia until Japan ordered a ceasefire, and why they invaded Shan part of Burma.

Who was "They" ? It was a rogue fascist general in charge at the time. The royalty, people, and the interim representative officials were not behind this.

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Alright stay corrected here 'heavely defeated" then, how "big" was the fleet and how great were the losses?

You said "the" entire fleet, not "an" entire fleet, which I take to mean their entire navy was sunk in the battle, which is not the case.

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No, the Thai government most certainly DID cooperate with Japan, and also DID declare war on the US and Britain. Not the same thing but in the Nazi occupation of France, their fascist leader Petain also DID cooperate with the Nazis.

Read about this history a little more closely. There were important factions within the government that did NOT support allying with Japan and declared this to the U.S. This is what saved Thailand from punitive surrender conditions after WW2.

in other words, yes they saved their own skin or to put it more bluntly they whored themselves out. much as they have been doing ever since the end of the war as far as bending over backwards goes to their japanese paymasters.

and in much the same way as their pals from japan, they dont like to be reminded about what went on back in WW2. saves having to educate the masses.

ignorance is bliss. especially when it means you dont have to loose face!

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Who was "They" ? It was a rogue fascist general in charge at the time. The royalty, people, and the interim representative officials were not behind this.

Sure, but the government in control of the country was cooperating. But yeah, those reasons are why after the war the United States didn't punish Thailand for their involvement, even though the UK wanted to.

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No, the Thai government most certainly DID cooperate with Japan, and also DID declare war on the US and Britain. Not the same thing but in the Nazi occupation of France, their fascist leader Petain also DID cooperate with the Nazis.

Read about this history a little more closely. There were important factions within the government that did NOT support allying with Japan and declared this to the U.S. This is what saved Thailand from punitive surrender conditions after WW2.

in other words, yes they saved their own skin or to put it more bluntly they whored themselves out. much as they have been doing ever since the end of the war as far as bending over backwards goes to their japanese paymasters.

and in much the same way as their pals from japan, they dont like to be reminded about what went on back in WW2. saves having to educate the masses.

ignorance is bliss. especially when it means you dont have to loose face!

Wow you're a complete moron. Did the French, Dutch, or Norwegian government whore themselves out too? After all they were forced into nearly complete subservience to the Nazi puppet leadership. The real authority figures (royalty, high ranking political families) in Thailand were not present inside the country at the time and chose to side with the allies and offered up resistance to Japanese occupation. That's all they could do because the Thai military was so outclassed by the Japanese it would have been a massacre.

Don't forget that Thais were invaded not long after the Japanese completely embarrassed the British fleet with the sinking of the Prince of Wales and Repulse. Resistance would have been suicide for the Thai people.

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Who was "They" ? It was a rogue fascist general in charge at the time. The royalty, people, and the interim representative officials were not behind this.

Sure, but the government in control of the country was cooperating. But yeah, those reasons are why after the war the United States didn't punish Thailand for their involvement, even though the UK wanted to.

Power was seized by a military dictator who had his own agenda. Still, the smartest decisions Thailand could have been made during that era were made. There's not really a "better" choice in that situation because they were caught between a rock and a hard place.

The Brits were bitter about SE Asia as a whole because it was a complete disaster for British forces.

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Agree with the submitted reports on this thread. Despite the germ of interest in the premise, as presented in the OP, this is a troll thread (taking literary license with history to bash the US knowing that would get a rise from other posters.)


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