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Thai Society Is Now Immune Against Red Shirt Rallies

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All Thais regardless of colour love their King

All colours unless you are RED.

No, that includes Red, as Red is one of all the colours. Maybe you are referring to someone other than the King? (But we won't go there).

Rephrase. All Colours as long as it is NOT Red.

That makes even less sense?

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i think there would be good political mileage in someone being seen to throw a bit of compassion his way and letting bygones be bygones. Of course it's not what he deserves but realistically, nobody ever expected him to pay for his crimes, much less actually spend time behind bars. People like him in Thailand very rarely ever do.

He ordered the extra-judicial killings of thousands under the guise of a "Drug War".

I expect him to pay for his crimes. And whilst that may be idealistic, I cannot see how anyone sane could argue that rewarding terrorism with amnesty just to cajole and appease the terrorist in the hope that he stops the terrorising....can ever be reasonable or appropriate.

What message do you think that sends to future would-be terrorists?

There is a reason you never negotiate with terrorists or kidnappers or hostage-takers or blackmailers.

http://www.huffingto...t_b_712151.html Another Robert Amsterdam spin special...Talk about disengenous.

I am horrified at The Huffington Post. Whomever is in charge of verifying spin articles before publication should be reassigned / retrenched.

Amnesty should never cover anyone who acted in terrorism...Whether is #1 or #1000

This. Whether #1 or #1000000.

You do not give spoiled brats what they want. Not even when they scream and break stuff and terrorise. You especially do not give them what they want if what they want is power. When the opportunity for power-snatching has passed, you do not then forgive their failed attempts with amnesty.

Thaksin has the blood of his hands of every Red Shirt who tragically fell during the recent rioting, and the blood of every Red Shirt who (god forbid) may fall in future riots he has funded, incited and organised for his selfish egomaniacal purposes.


Perhaps he will shop at Armani rather than Louis Vuitton the next time Red Shirt protesters whipped up into a frenzy by their terrorist leaders, fall when soldiers and riot police tasked with keeping the peace fire in restrained self-defence. Restrained due to the human shields being used by the demonstrators. Human shields in the form of their own children. Vomit.


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As opposed to the government, claiming to love the King, be Buddhists and fighting for "democracy", yet spew out violende inciting lies and hatred, kill people and destroy property? Okay, that last one might not be true for the government, but we can add "violating basic human rights" instead...

Good post, I agree on your points even though you will get plenty pro yellow/government propaganda coming up in the next posts.

All Thais regardless of colour love their King, but some hide behind their religion and corruption for their own gain.

@ timestamp: I realise one poster has already asked for evidence of your claim, but just in case you were planning to ignore him, you can plan to ignore my request as well. Please provide evidence in support of your claim that the government "spew out violende (sic) inciting lies and hatred".

@ xminator: The vast majority of Thais love the King, even the vast majority of the Red Shirts. I'm willing to concede that point. Would you be willing to concede this point?

The Red Shirts are fighting against alleged double-standards and lack of accountability enjoyed by the amataya (elite). Ignoring the validity or otherwise of the 'cause', can you at least concede there is but one (1) apex that stands atop the amataya pyramid?

I guess you missed the killings on the streets of Bkk. It was shown on TV in Thailand and right across the World.. They looked like Government Troops and Police to me. Or were they acting on their own? The truth will never be disclosed as that would make the government accountable, and guilty of atrocities against their citizens.

What a strange choice of smilie to follow those words.

The thing is, when you seize a public area in the middle of a capital city, and then take up weapons and start using them against an army that has repeatedly asked you to leave over the period of a number of weeks, the likelihood is that at some stage they will fight back and you will get hurt.

Correct. There is not a country in the world where you and a few thousand friends can attempt to hold the capital city and the economy for ransom.

A ransom price Abhisit was effectively willing to pay, purely to avoid the loss of life or the potential of harm for the children (like the little girl in the image above). Do you remember what happened when Abhisit effectively agreed to dissolve parliament and offer fresh elections in November?

Someone didn't want fresh elections. They wanted bloodshed. And that someone was not in Thailand when the government's Roadmap to Peace was rejected (after being initially accepted). And hopefully that someone will never again be allowed back on Thai soil (except perhaps to serve his prison term and / or face a judicial inquiry into the killings of the 3000 or so who fell in his 'War on Drugs').

There was only one reason to reject the government's Roadmap to Peace. There was only one reason to reject the dissolution of Parliament / fresh elections in November. Someone wanted a 'grander' massacre to spin for the world's 'benefit'.

Poor Amsterdam. He sounds idiotic trying to spin such meagre 'atrocities'. In his defence, I'm sure when he accepted the lucrative offer, both parties were under the impression he would have a lot more to work with.

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As opposed to the government, claiming to love the King, be Buddhists and fighting for "democracy", yet spew out violende inciting lies and hatred, kill people and destroy property? Okay, that last one might not be true for the government, but we can add "violating basic human rights" instead...

Good post, I agree on your points even though you will get plenty pro yellow/government propaganda coming up in the next posts.

All Thais regardless of colour love their King, but some hide behind their religion and corruption for their own gain.

@ timestamp xminator: I realise one poster has already asked for evidence of your claim, but just in case you were planning to ignore him, you can plan to ignore my request as well. Please provide evidence in support of your claim that the government "spew out violende (sic) inciting lies and hatred".

@ xminator sevenhills: The vast majority of Thais love the King, even the vast majority of the Red Shirts. I'm willing to concede that point. Would you be willing to concede this point?

The Red Shirts are fighting against alleged double-standards and lack of accountability enjoyed by the amataya (elite). Ignoring the validity or otherwise of the 'cause', can you at least concede there is but one (1) apex that stands atop the amataya pyramid?

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