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Ufo's In Thailand


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I saw one in Sweden four years ago. Not a flying saucer or any proof of extra-terrestrials, but an Unidentified Flying Object. It was a ball of white light, approximately 1-1.5 m in diameter, that travelled horizontally very quickly over a field for 5 or 6 seconds at an altitude of about 10 meters from the ground and then disappeared into thin air.

Two of my friends who stood nearby saw the exact same thing, so I know I wasn't just imagining it.

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Okay, this is a subject that’s right up my alley. First of all, I’ve seen a few references here citing Rense.com as a source of information. Just because something is posted on Rense doesn’t mean it’s authentic or reliable. A quick scan at the post titles on Rense quickly tells you that most of it is off-the-wall, chock full of UFOs, ET aliens and alien abductions, government (and Illuminati) conspiracies, ghosts, bigfoot, chupacabra, and a wide assortment of other oddities. Some have claimed the SE Asian Tsunami was caused by aliens or the government. Lately, Rense has had a few photos of hominids that fly through the air. Secondly, many of the articles posted on Rense are wild opinions of the posters, links to articles from weird rags like Pravda and India Daily, or links to other websites that are based on the opinions of armchair writers of the sites and filled with fuzzy, impossible to see photos. Sure, there are the occasional links to articles that are reliable, but those are few and far in between.

Are there UFOs? Of course it certainly seems there are. They are simply Unidentified Flying Objects. That doesn’t mean they are interstellar crafts occupied by extraterrestrial beings from elsewhere in the universe or extradimensional entities from alternate universes. Is it possible? Sure. But that’s like asking is it possible the universe will blink out of existence tomorrow because we’re only part of a cosmic computer program and someone out there decided to flip the switch off. It’s not really a question of what is or isn’t possible. It’s a question of what’s authentic and verifiable as claimed. To date, there has never been a single piece of hard evidence to prove without a shadow of a doubt that ET UFOs have ever visited the Earth.

I think there is a good probability that other forms of intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe, probably in our own Milky Way galaxy. But just how many have actually developed the technology to travel across the vast distances of interstellar space all the way to an obscure planet called Earth? To make such a guess (and it’s only guessing) you have to consider a lot of variables that would allow the conditions for life to get a start and develop.

While there may well be life elsewhere in the universe, the fact is that we simply don’t know. We don’t even know if there are any microbial forms of life elsewhere. There may be, but we simply don’t yet know as an absolute certainty.

If UFOs aren’t evidence of intelligent life from elsewhere in the cosmos, then what are they? That’s just it. They are not identifiable. They could just as well be a variety of the common explanations. Or they could be more exotic occurrences such as some kind of natural energetic or electrical phenomena in the atmosphere or even in space that we simply don’t understand. They could be photon clusters or globs that are caused by the Sun. There are all kinds of possibilities.

Most such claims are nonfactual and have no real evidence apart from opinions and belief. Anyone can believe anything. But believing something is true is a far cry from proving it’s true. For those who claim we are an “experiment” of ETs, or that we have been visited by Greys, Reptilians, etc., please cite your references that conclusively prove such views are factual.

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Okay, this is a subject that’s right up my alley. First of all, I’ve seen a few references here citing Rense.com as a source of information. Just because something is posted on Rense doesn’t mean it’s authentic or reliable. A quick scan at the post titles on Rense quickly tells you that most of it is off-the-wall, chock full of UFOs, ET aliens and alien abductions, government (and Illuminati) conspiracies, ghosts, bigfoot, chupacabra, and a wide assortment of other oddities. Some have claimed the SE Asian Tsunami was caused by aliens or the government. Lately, Rense has had a few photos of hominids that fly through the air. Secondly, many of the articles posted on Rense are wild opinions of the posters, links to articles from weird rags like Pravda and India Daily, or links to other websites that are based on the opinions of armchair writers of the sites and filled with fuzzy, impossible to see photos. Sure, there are the occasional links to articles that are reliable, but those are few and far in between.

Are there UFOs? Of course it certainly seems there are. They are simply Unidentified Flying Objects. That doesn’t mean they are interstellar crafts occupied by extraterrestrial beings from elsewhere in the universe or extradimensional entities from alternate universes. Is it possible? Sure. But that’s like asking is it possible the universe will blink out of existence tomorrow because we’re only part of a cosmic computer program and someone out there decided to flip the switch off. It’s not really a question of what is or isn’t possible. It’s a question of what’s authentic and verifiable as claimed. To date, there has never been a single piece of hard evidence to prove without a shadow of a doubt that ET UFOs have ever visited the Earth.

I think there is a good probability that other forms of intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe, probably in our own Milky Way galaxy. But just how many have actually developed the technology to travel across the vast distances of interstellar space all the way to an obscure planet called Earth? To make such a guess (and it’s only guessing) you have to consider a lot of variables that would allow the conditions for life to get a start and develop.

While there may well be life elsewhere in the universe, the fact is that we simply don’t know. We don’t even know if there are any microbial forms of life elsewhere. There may be, but we simply don’t yet know as an absolute certainty.

If UFOs aren’t evidence of intelligent life from elsewhere in the cosmos, then what are they? That’s just it. They are not identifiable. They could just as well be a variety of the common explanations. Or they could be more exotic occurrences such as some kind of natural energetic or electrical phenomena in the atmosphere or even in space that we simply don’t understand. They could be photon clusters or globs that are caused by the Sun. There are all kinds of possibilities.

Most such claims are nonfactual and have no real evidence apart from opinions and belief. Anyone can believe anything. But believing something is true is a far cry from proving it’s true. For those who claim we are an “experiment” of ETs, or that we have been visited by Greys, Reptilians, etc., please cite your references that conclusively prove such views are factual.

Why would there be factual evidence when governments are intent on covering up?

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Why would there be factual evidence when governments are intent on covering up?

Take a look at your question. That’s like saying there are no facts because governments are covering them up. And because governments are covering them up, there are no facts. What kind of sense does circular reasoning make?

If there isn’t anything factual, then all that’s left is speculation or theory, which unfortunately means it remains unproven.

Don’t misunderstand. I find the subject of ETs and UFOs very interesting. And as I stated, I think there probably are intelligent life forms elsewhere in the galaxy. The problem is that no one yet knows if that’s actually true. We know that life exists on this planet, but that's all we know for sure at the present time. We're still just in the beginning stages of exploration of what's out there. We're still lookig for some kind of evidence that answers the questions, "Is anyone out there, or are we alone in the Universe?"

Even under the best of circumstances, governments have a hard time managing to keep anything secret for long, especially these days. I have no doubt that governments do indeed keep some things secret, but as far as any ETs or UFOs are concerned, it’s highly unlikely they could keep such things completely hidden.

There's nothing wrong with believing something, but it takes a little more than belief alone to conclusively demonstrate the existence of something. Can you give a good solid example of something specifically related to ETs or UFOs that governments have been covering up?

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Why would there be factual evidence when governments are intent on covering up?

Take a look at your question. That’s like saying there are no facts because governments are covering them up. And because governments are covering them up, there are no facts. What kind of sense does circular reasoning make?

If there isn’t anything factual, then all that’s left is speculation or theory, which unfortunately means it remains unproven.

Don’t misunderstand. I find the subject of ETs and UFOs very interesting. And as I stated, I think there probably are intelligent life forms elsewhere in the galaxy. The problem is that no one yet knows if that’s actually true. We know that life exists on this planet, but that's all we know for sure at the present time. We're still just in the beginning stages of exploration of what's out there. We're still lookig for some kind of evidence that answers the questions, "Is anyone out there, or are we alone in the Universe?"

Even under the best of circumstances, governments have a hard time managing to keep anything secret for long, especially these days. I have no doubt that governments do indeed keep some things secret, but as far as any ETs or UFOs are concerned, it’s highly unlikely they could keep such things completely hidden.

There's nothing wrong with believing something, but it takes a little more than belief alone to conclusively demonstrate the existence of something. Can you give a good solid example of something specifically related to ETs or UFOs that governments have been covering up?

The Rothwell Incident???

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The Rothwell Incident???

Heh-heh. How could I have guessed that would be suggested? I've never heard of Rothwell, but you probably mean Roswell, New Mexico.

Admittedly, the military did a bit of story switching about what happened there. No question in my mind that it left a bit of egg on their face. First it was a flying disc. Then it was a weather balloon with test dummies. Then it came out that it was a high altitude balloon equipped with devices to listen for explosions from nuclear tests in the Soviet Union.

The military attempted to cover up the truth, but it was hardly successful. It was a botched from the get go. The initial announcement was that the military had in their possession a flying disc. Shortly before the Roswell incident, a private pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported spotting some objects flying at high speeds near Mt. Rainer in Washington State. On the basis of his descriptions as disc like objects, a newspaper reporter for the Oregonian in Portland, Oregon coined the term, flying saucers. This made headlines around the country, and you can bet that the military base near Roswell knew about it as well.

It’s worth noting a few things about the Arnold sighting. Arnold never said anything about the discs being extraterrestrial in origin. His report was the first of it’s kind to describe the shape of the objects. In the early-50s, a rash of “reports” started flooding both the media and of course, Hollywood cashed in on the subject of flying saucers as well. Interestingly, Arnold’s description closely matches the Air Force’s Flying Wing, which would have been tested around that time. Arnold reported that the discs traveled at around 2000 or so mph, far faster than any known aircraft at that time. He could well have seen reflections on the window being cast from the snow of the mountain giving the illusion that they were something flying out there.

In an effort to cover up what was recovered at Roswell, a report was made, probably having been told to make up any excuse. Knowing about the Ken Arnold sighting, it would be plausible to say it was a flying disc, hoping people would believe it and forget about it like yesterday’s news. Evidently, there was far greater interest about it than was anticipated. One of the higher ups ordered that a retraction be made and announce that it was just a weather balloon.

It wasn’t until much later that it was admitted that the object was a part of Project Mogul, a high altitude balloon equipped with listening devices to snoop on the Soviets. For obvious reasons, the military wasn’t exactly going to tip their hand to the Soviets about strategical US military secrets. Keep in mind that tensions between the US and Russia following WWII were strongly developing.

The incident at Roswell had nothing to do with recovering a flying saucer (UFO).

It’s been said that the military cleaned up the “crash” site. I have no doubt that they did. However, the path of debris scattered along to the “crash” site wasn’t isolated to the crash site alone. There was a long trail of debris.

Now this is important to take into account. If a UFO had crashed there and scattered a trail of debris before coming to a halt, it would not be possible for the military or anyone else to clean up 100%. There would still be pieces left behind that they would have missed, even if they were very tiny pieces.

Several years ago, either the Discovery Channel or the Sci-Fi Channel put up the money to fund a professional search team to scour the area. Included were highly skilled anthropologists trained at uncovering things unfound. After an extensive investigation and search of the area, not one single thing was found that would remotely hint at a crashed UFO. If anything was there to be found, these people would have found it. But there was nothing.

Did a flying saucer crash at Roswell? Evidently not. What about the various tales some of the locals tell about it? Some may have been due to misunderstanding probably because of the initial report written in the newspaper. Others are likely anecdotal, which while sincere, simply aren’t accurate, some of which may well have become embellished over the years.

All in all, while trying to cover up the Roswell incident was understandable, it's stsnds as one of the most botched attempts of concelment in modern times.

On the plus side though, Roswell has gained a lot of popular attention in more recent times by attracting the attention of UFO enthusiasts and armchair conspiracy buffs, especially in conjunction with the popularity of the secretive Area 51 base in Nevada. That’s good for Roswell's economy because it draws in a lot of tourists.

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

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The Rothwell Incident???

Heh-heh. How could I have guessed that would be suggested? I've never heard of Rothwell, but you probably mean Roswell, New Mexico.

Admittedly, the military did a bit of story switching about what happened there. No question in my mind that it left a bit of egg on their face. First it was a flying disc. Then it was a weather balloon with test dummies. Then it came out that it was a high altitude balloon equipped with devices to listen for explosions from nuclear tests in the Soviet Union.

The military attempted to cover up the truth, but it was hardly successful. It was a botched from the get go. The initial announcement was that the military had in their possession a flying disc. Shortly before the Roswell incident, a private pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported spotting some objects flying at high speeds near Mt. Rainer in Washington State. On the basis of his descriptions as disc like objects, a newspaper reporter for the Oregonian in Portland, Oregon coined the term, flying saucers. This made headlines around the country, and you can bet that the military base near Roswell knew about it as well.

It’s worth noting a few things about the Arnold sighting. Arnold never said anything about the discs being extraterrestrial in origin. His report was the first of it’s kind to describe the shape of the objects. In the early-50s, a rash of “reports” started flooding both the media and of course, Hollywood cashed in on the subject of flying saucers as well. Interestingly, Arnold’s description closely matches the Air Force’s Flying Wing, which would have been tested around that time. Arnold reported that the discs traveled at around 2000 or so mph, far faster than any known aircraft at that time. He could well have seen reflections on the window being cast from the snow of the mountain giving the illusion that they were something flying out there.

In an effort to cover up what was recovered at Roswell, a report was made, probably having been told to make up any excuse. Knowing about the Ken Arnold sighting, it would be plausible to say it was a flying disc, hoping people would believe it and forget about it like yesterday’s news. Evidently, there was far greater interest about it than was anticipated. One of the higher ups ordered that a retraction be made and announce that it was just a weather balloon.

It wasn’t until much later that it was admitted that the object was a part of Project Mogul, a high altitude balloon equipped with listening devices to snoop on the Soviets. For obvious reasons, the military wasn’t exactly going to tip their hand to the Soviets about strategical US military secrets. Keep in mind that tensions between the US and Russia following WWII were strongly developing.

The incident at Roswell had nothing to do with recovering a flying saucer (UFO).

It’s been said that the military cleaned up the “crash” site. I have no doubt that they did. However, the path of debris scattered along to the “crash” site wasn’t isolated to the crash site alone. There was a long trail of debris.

Now this is important to take into account. If a UFO had crashed there and scattered a trail of debris before coming to a halt, it would not be possible for the military or anyone else to clean up 100%. There would still be pieces left behind that they would have missed, even if they were very tiny pieces.

Several years ago, either the Discovery Channel or the Sci-Fi Channel put up the money to fund a professional search team to scour the area. Included were highly skilled anthropologists trained at uncovering things unfound. After an extensive investigation and search of the area, not one single thing was found that would remotely hint at a crashed UFO. If anything was there to be found, these people would have found it. But there was nothing.

Did a flying saucer crash at Roswell? Evidently not. What about the various tales some of the locals tell about it? Some may have been due to misunderstanding probably because of the initial report written in the newspaper. Others are likely anecdotal, which while sincere, simply aren’t accurate, some of which may well have become embellished over the years.

All in all, while trying to cover up the Roswell incident was understandable, it's stsnds as one of the most botched attempts of concelment in modern times.

On the plus side though, Roswell has gained a lot of popular attention in more recent times by attracting the attention of UFO enthusiasts and armchair conspiracy buffs, especially in conjunction with the popularity of the secretive Area 51 base in Nevada. That’s good for Roswell's economy because it draws in a lot of tourists.

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

OK.. ROSWELL incident! And why would there be any evidence left (after all these years) considering that governments are so intent on cover -ups!!! :o

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How can i see UFO's in Thailand since i never look up to the stars. Yes i look up to stars but those are from earth and there is nothing UFO about that . :D Maybe you should drink less or just the opposite , drink more , way more ... i'm sure you see a lot of UFO's but you don't care about it anymore :o .

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OK.. ROSWELL incident! And why would there be any evidence left (after all these years) considering that governments are so intent on cover -ups!!!  :o

Evidently, I've just wasted time and words trying to explain it. Let's turn your question around...

If there ISN'T any evidence to prove anything, then what is there to cover up?

Of course there would be some debris left IF a UFO actually crashed there. The incident at Roswell happened half a century ago, not nine billion years ago. No matter how hard people try to clean up a mess, they never seem to be able to clean up everything.

Edited by AmeriThai
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The Rothwell Incident???

Heh-heh. How could I have guessed that would be suggested? I've never heard of Rothwell, but you probably mean Roswell, New Mexico.

Admittedly, the military did a bit of story switching about what happened there. No question in my mind that it left a bit of egg on their face. First it was a flying disc. Then it was a weather balloon with test dummies. Then it came out that it was a high altitude balloon equipped with devices to listen for explosions from nuclear tests in the Soviet Union.

The military attempted to cover up the truth, but it was hardly successful. It was a botched from the get go. The initial announcement was that the military had in their possession a flying disc. Shortly before the Roswell incident, a private pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported spotting some objects flying at high speeds near Mt. Rainer in Washington State. On the basis of his descriptions as disc like objects, a newspaper reporter for the Oregonian in Portland, Oregon coined the term, flying saucers. This made headlines around the country, and you can bet that the military base near Roswell knew about it as well.

It’s worth noting a few things about the Arnold sighting. Arnold never said anything about the discs being extraterrestrial in origin. His report was the first of it’s kind to describe the shape of the objects. In the early-50s, a rash of “reports” started flooding both the media and of course, Hollywood cashed in on the subject of flying saucers as well. Interestingly, Arnold’s description closely matches the Air Force’s Flying Wing, which would have been tested around that time. Arnold reported that the discs traveled at around 2000 or so mph, far faster than any known aircraft at that time. He could well have seen reflections on the window being cast from the snow of the mountain giving the illusion that they were something flying out there.

In an effort to cover up what was recovered at Roswell, a report was made, probably having been told to make up any excuse. Knowing about the Ken Arnold sighting, it would be plausible to say it was a flying disc, hoping people would believe it and forget about it like yesterday’s news. Evidently, there was far greater interest about it than was anticipated. One of the higher ups ordered that a retraction be made and announce that it was just a weather balloon.

It wasn’t until much later that it was admitted that the object was a part of Project Mogul, a high altitude balloon equipped with listening devices to snoop on the Soviets. For obvious reasons, the military wasn’t exactly going to tip their hand to the Soviets about strategical US military secrets. Keep in mind that tensions between the US and Russia following WWII were strongly developing.

The incident at Roswell had nothing to do with recovering a flying saucer (UFO).

It’s been said that the military cleaned up the “crash” site. I have no doubt that they did. However, the path of debris scattered along to the “crash” site wasn’t isolated to the crash site alone. There was a long trail of debris.

Now this is important to take into account. If a UFO had crashed there and scattered a trail of debris before coming to a halt, it would not be possible for the military or anyone else to clean up 100%. There would still be pieces left behind that they would have missed, even if they were very tiny pieces.

Several years ago, either the Discovery Channel or the Sci-Fi Channel put up the money to fund a professional search team to scour the area. Included were highly skilled anthropologists trained at uncovering things unfound. After an extensive investigation and search of the area, not one single thing was found that would remotely hint at a crashed UFO. If anything was there to be found, these people would have found it. But there was nothing.

Did a flying saucer crash at Roswell? Evidently not. What about the various tales some of the locals tell about it? Some may have been due to misunderstanding probably because of the initial report written in the newspaper. Others are likely anecdotal, which while sincere, simply aren’t accurate, some of which may well have become embellished over the years.

All in all, while trying to cover up the Roswell incident was understandable, it's stsnds as one of the most botched attempts of concelment in modern times.

On the plus side though, Roswell has gained a lot of popular attention in more recent times by attracting the attention of UFO enthusiasts and armchair conspiracy buffs, especially in conjunction with the popularity of the secretive Area 51 base in Nevada. That’s good for Roswell's economy because it draws in a lot of tourists.

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google? :o

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Where would we be without Google? :o

LOL. Yeah, it helps when you need some info. There's a lot of good stuff on the Internet, but there's also a lot of crap. Evidently, some people don't bother doing a bit of homework and find it easier just to make wild assumptions. On the other hand, I'm not exactly a young sprout, so I can remember some of the odd events from the days of yore.

One of my favorite UFO crackpots was a guy named George Adamski. Talk about a strange one. But he played an important historical role in UFO lore. There were people who actually believed his tales back then. I remember reading some of his books back in the 50's, but then I enjoyed the amusement of freak shows at traveling carnivals too. Go ahead, Google his name and see what you find.

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I saw something weird one night (not in Thailand) a few years ago. Just like a star flying in the sky, i thought it may be the Space Station or a comet going very slow, so watched it for a while. It was flying from right to left for the longest time until it suddenly stopped and flew down in the sky (not down as in closer, but down down). Then it stopped again and went right. All of them very square navigations. I can't think of any star or space station doing that, nevermind a comet. So whatever it was, i dont know...

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The Rothwell Incident???

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google? :D

Without tv.com :D

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is ..... :D:o

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Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is .....  :D  :o

I think the director of that movie maybe had a lisp.

Don't think it was Theven Thpielberg though.


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The Rothwell Incident???

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google?

Without tv.com

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is .....

Hey I was defending you girl!! :D

It was posted in response to AmeriThai´s question

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is ..... 

I think the director of that movie maybe had a lisp.

Don't think it was Theven Thpielberg though.



Cheers!!! :D

Ditto K.

Good one Gazza!

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The Rothwell Incident???

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google?

Without tv.com

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is .....

Hey I was defending you girl!! :o

It was posted in response to AmeriThai´s question

Er, what question? That was a statement. Now repeat this phrase 1000 times "I will read all posts more carefully."


Edited by AmeriThai
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Unidentified Foreign Objects? Yep, there are all over Thailand. They come in schools, heaps and various shapes. Can be particularly sighted in entertainment zones.

Rumor has it that there was just an "ecounter of the third kind" in BKK at a place called thin club or something like that. Be alert they are supposed to be a zombie like species sucking up any kind of liquid they may come accross. Keep your bottle caps tight. :o

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The Rothwell Incident???

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google?

Without tv.com

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is .....

Hey I was defending you girl!! :D

It was posted in response to AmeriThai´s question

Er, what question? That was a statement. Now repeat this phrase 1000 times "I will read all posts more carefully."


Amerithai.... Welcome to Grammar 101. :D The above coloured and highlighted "statement" is, in fact, a question.

You are the weakest link, ....Goodbye! :D:o

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The Rothwell Incident???

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google?

Without tv.com

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is .....

Hey I was defending you girl!! :D

It was posted in response to AmeriThai´s question

Er, what question? That was a statement. Now repeat this phrase 1000 times "I will read all posts more carefully."


Amerithai.... Welcome to Grammar 101. :D The above coloured and highlighted "statement" is, in fact, a question.

You are the weakest link, ....Goodbye! :D:o

Geez, didn't mean to cause any friction guys.... :D:D

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The Rothwell Incident???

Hmm. Maybe LoS should start a Thai version of Roswell.

Where would we be without Google?

Without tv.com

Oi! Are you poking fun at me Kayo? At least I almost got it right. By the way I did see the movie "The Rothwell Incident" that is .....

Hey I was defending you girl!! :D

It was posted in response to AmeriThai´s question

Er, what question? That was a statement. Now repeat this phrase 1000 times "I will read all posts more carefully."


Amerithai.... Welcome to Grammar 101. :D The above coloured and highlighted "statement" is, in fact, a question.

You are the weakest link, ....Goodbye! :D:o

Better look again Kayo. I didn't post that question. The question you highlighted in red was by... jackr. Just follow the bold line on the left up to the quote box.

Now, what was that about the weakest link? Maybe you should consider enrolling in Grammar 101, and, uh, maybe have your eyes checked while you're at it. LOL.

I can't fault you though. It's kinda hard tracing who said what in a long sting of posts like this. Best way is to look back at the actual quoted post.


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Geez, didn't mean to cause any friction guys.... :o   :D

My feeling were hurt so badly I was nearly driven to tears. :D

Naa! No friction. No hard feelings from me. Just some lighthearted razzing. Although I do suspect Kayo may be licking some wounds at the moment. :D

Was wondering why Kayo has been so quiet lately :D

So, back to the topic..... if anyone sees a BIG orange ball in the sky during the month of August IT IS NOT A UFO!

The Red Planet is about to be spectacular!

This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again.

The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the night sky.

Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.

By the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That's pretty convenient to see something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So, mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month.

Share this with your children and grandchildren.


Need more information?


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