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Embassy Of Saudi Arabia In Bangkok Issues Another Angry Statement


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Embassy issues another angry statement

Saudi envoy has issued another angry statement concerning promotion of Pol Maj Gen Somkid Boonthanom.

The following is Saudi Charge d'Affaires Nabil Ashri's statement issued on September 19.

Chargé d'Affaires of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Bangkok:

"I'm well-informed not ill-informed"

Bangkok - On 19 September 2010, Mr. Nabil Ashri, Chargé d'Affaires of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Bangkok, made the following statements and comments in response to the news published on local media revealing comments made by H.E. Mr. Abhsisit Vejajjiva, the Prime Minister of Thailand, in connection with his meeting held at Ban Phitsanulok residence on Saturday 18 September 2010.

Mr. Nabil Ashri expressed his astonishment to the news published about the said meeting with H.E. the Prime Minister of Thailand which portrayed the Chargé d'Affairs as "ill-informed" and according to H.E. Mr. Abhisit, that he seemed to have "insufficient information about the matter" of the promotion of Pol. Maj. Gen. Somkid Boonthanom.

Mr. Nabil Ashri reiterated that his prime duty representing his government here is to follow up the progress of solving the pending cases of Saudi Arabia with the Thai Government, stating that in-fact he has obtained beforehand all relevant information related to the baffling promotion of one of the defendants in the case of the disappearance and murder of the Saudi Businessman. The Chargé d'Affairs was quoted as saying "I'm well-informed not ill-informed". According to Mr. Nabil Ashri Thai officials whom he had met so far, have each time presented a different version or referred to a different law trying to explain the issue to him.

Mr. Nabil Ashri said that "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's goal on this issue stems directly from its firm and clear foreign policy of non-interference, and seeking closer cooperation and developing friendly international relations, as its relations with the Kingdom of Thailand suffered because of the appalling unsolved crimes currently pending and which have resulted in the downgrading of bilateral relations affecting both the people of Saudi Arabia and Thailand for more than 20 years", adding "it is my duty to try to negotiate this issue with the Thai Government, in order to avoid any further tension or undesirable complications in bilateral relations".

Mr. Ashri noted that "Nonetheless, I strongly object to comments made by Thai officials to the public claiming my misunderstanding or 'ill-information' of local issues and laws regarding the promotion of Pol. Maj. Gen. Somkid Boonthanom who is currently indicted in the case of the disappearance of a Saudi citizen and charged with murder, among other serious crimes, in the criminal court". Mr. Ashri said that "I maintained our courteous approach to the sensitive situation which is why I have resolved to work at bilateral diplomatic levels with the Thai government instead of publicly addressing every single comment made by officials regarding the issue".

Mr. Ashri added that until now, the afternoon of 19 September 2010 "the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Bangkok has not yet received any clarification or official notice regarding the issue of promoting Pol. Maj. Gen. Somkid Boonthanom, therefore hoping that I, or the Saudi authorities will understand this issue will not be an easy matter, because it seems that different officials refer to different sets of laws and regulations to clarify this issue to us". He added that "Every time I meet a Thai official, a different article of law or law or set of laws is mentioned to me, and my government will surely not accept an unsupported explanation from my side, so until then our stance remains". Mr. Ashri said "perhaps the confusing and unclear statements made by officials on this subject have led to the assumption that the issue was cleared to us but that we misinterpreted the laws which is absolutely not true; and we have no official clarification until now."

Mr. Ashri referred to the various comments by Thai officials to the media justifying the decision to promote Pol. Maj. Gen. Somkid Boonthanom and citing - without further explanation - a number of complex and various laws and regulations relevant to the promotion, and said "My comments regarding these complex and various laws that many officials have referred to defending the promotion of Mr. Somkid, are that all laws are usually drafted and applied with the view of the general public, so I would assume that no law is too complex to understand - no matter how many there are - and their primary purpose or goal misunderstood".

Mr. Ashri noted that "the purpose of the laws, regulations, and the constitution IS TO BENEFIT THE GENERAL PUBLIC and not a certain individual. Therefore it is utterly incomprehensible, or justifiably that a person charged by the highest state justice authority with a serious crime such as murder be considered for promotion let alone permitting and defending such a decision. I also note that promotion is normally a reward for outstanding performance in serving the public coupled with other criteria related to good conduct policies such as ethical qualities and integrities in the line of law enforcement agencies which should demonstrate and uphold the highest standards".

Mr. Ashri further added that "I have studied the relevant laws relating to disciplinary measures and all other relevant parts of laws whenever mentioned or referred to by any Thai official in defense of the Government's decision to promote Mr. Somkid, and found that on the contrary, there is an array of questionable issues that need urgent clear explanation, and an apparent effort by some people to persistently confuse the situation and distort the facts around the criminal case of the missing Saudi citizen and the defendants charged with his murder", Mr. Ashri said that "the goal seems to rush assumptions to be facts, and put the blame on misinformation or misinterpretation", adding that "I also have received the proper legal consultation and advise with regard to these laws hence our objection and protest was based since the beginning on valid and legally disputable arguments".

Mr. Ashri stated that "this particular case [of Mr. Al-Ruwaili] had been classified as a special case according to the Thai justice system, so far we have seen nothing special about it, it has dragged on long enough along with the other two cases". The Chargé d'Affaires also renewed his personal worries that the issue may directly affect diplomatic relations saying that "I am trying my best to come to terms with Thai officials on the diplomatic level, so that the current situation is not seen as an indication undermining the seriousness of the Thai authorities to resolve issues currently hindering restoring bilateral relations, or escalating the current situation, I also stress that it is the duty and obligation of the Thai authorities to see that these issues are resolved properly". Mr. Ashri added that "despite the slow and lack of progress, we continued to extend our understanding and patience in the past in pretext outcomes put forward to us by 17 past governments. Nevertheless at the current level of the situation, we are well within our rights to express our astonishment, request the Thai Government to clarify this unacceptable situation in-order to rectify any subsequent consequences, and urge the authorities to take the necessary measures to mend diplomatic ties with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia".

Mr. Ashri noted that besides not receiving any official clarification on the issue "obviously the sentiments of the Saudi People who have received no answer or justice for two decades on the three serious cases that have damaged diplomatic relations, have not been taken into account", he added that "additionally intricate and interrelated issues on all levels should have been carefully considered based on unrestrained views of international relations between countries".

Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Bangkok Press release no. 4 issued on 19 September 2010 at 14:00 hours.


-- The Nation 2010-09-19

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Given the fact that the Saudis have unlimited funds and the Thai officials propensity to corruption the Saudi intelligence agencies already have a blow by blow account of all the gem, disapearances and murder scandals from bribable junior cops. When Thai government runs out of excuses Saudi will likely give the full story to the world press.

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Given the fact that the Saudis have unlimited funds and the Thai officials propensity to corruption the Saudi intelligence agencies already have a blow by blow account of all the gem, disapearances and murder scandals from bribable junior cops. When Thai government runs out of excuses Saudi will likely give the full story to the world press.

Aman to this. I cant believe how incompetent this make Thailand look.

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I think one of the problems is the Thai authorities never know how to communicate without being condescending to the other persons concerns. They have an inflated image of themselves. Add to it the fact that this promotion moves along because he may have the most valuable thing in Thai politics. Information about others. Rock and a Hard place.

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An angry man indeed - and perhaps completely justifiably.

If we are to give credence to anything reported in the press then the BP has it that the PM told the Saudis that Somkid had been a given an amnesty along with others in 2007 to celebrate a certain event.

Which, if it were true, would lead me to believe that during his time in the UK the PM must have missed the phrases " adding insult to injury " or " fuel to the fire"

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I think one of the problems is the Thai authorities never know how to communicate without being condescending to the other persons concerns.

It does seem there's quite a few " We will explain to clarify the matter " type stuff as if talking to a bunch of inbred hillbillies rather then people who know the " matter " inside out and back to front.

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I never thought I'd say this ....

me too

Go Saudi Arabia!!!

Definitely, This has been going on for so long now and the poor excuses that are being given to Saudi are wearing a bit thin. There is a cover up big time, This Poor excuse for a General obviously knows who has the Blue Diamond and hes been promoted to ensure his silence. :angry: Hopefully the Saudi's will reveal to the World who has the diamond real soon. and that will be very very embarrassing for Thailand and the person that has it.

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What Mr. Ashri does not understand is that the Thai PM and others have not made up the lies yet which he is supposed to believe - they need a little more time. What Mr. Ashri does not understand according to the Thai PM is that in Thailand there are several sets of laws - those for the regular "Somchai" and those for the connected elite.

Kidnapping in Thailand is not just kidnapping it depends on who carries it out. Murder is not just murder it also depends on who murders - if regular "Somchai" carries out these crimes he goes down big time.

If you belong to the connected people in this country it really does not concern you much which crimes you commit. Your other "connected" pals will rally around you and if this it not enough the Thai PM will come out and defend you. This is of course only if you, yourself and your relatives are in a high position - preferably in the army and preferably the bunch who staged the coup that brought you to power.

What Mr. Ashri does not understand is that he should not dare to bring this subject up again and again as it is embarrassing to the 'high society" involved they should not be bothered with such trivial things as who committed which crimes - this is not the Thai way - after all they are above the law!

And the loss of face - in their eyes Mr. Ashri is the one who commits a crime here!

On the other hand Mr. Ashri is very lucky that he holds the position of Saudi Charge D'Affairs - anybody else who would dare to bring up these "unpleasant" accusations in public would have probably been silenced forever some time ago!

The only way for Mr Ashri to succeed is to embarrass this government internationally so badly until they have no other choice then to punish those involved. So I say go for it Mr. Ashri - you are doing something right here - otherwise they would not come out on the highest level and try to defend the criminals. Don't give up - I would recommend a few high profile Hollywood actors and a world class director turning the whole charade into a movie - spare no one involved - nothing would be more embarrassing! These people need a lesson - teach them one hey will never forget!

Very well put and spot on.

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I would recommend a few high profile Hollywood actors and a world class director turning the whole charade into a movie - spare no one involved - nothing would be more embarrassing! These people need a lesson - teach them one hey will never forget!

Very well put and spot on.

And what a great movie it would make, this whole story just keeps taking one new amazing turn after another. The Saudi's are definitely much shrewder in their political methods and I can't wait to see what their next move is. To be honest I expected defter handling of this affair by Mr Abbhisit. He sounds just as bad as Kasit these days.

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  This case is a fascinating look at Thailand, and the Teflon abilities of the high society. I can fully understand the anger of Saudi Arabia. If I was them, I would in fact go way out of my way to punish Thailand until this case is solved.

  It is equally interesting to look at the numbers. I think the value of the gems was around 20 million dollars. The response of Saudi Arabia was to give the boot to all the Thai workers, in essence costing the working class of Isan hundreds of millions of dollars in lost wages. Saudi Arabia has said if the gems were returned, everything would be normalized. So all the @#$%&$# high society people have to do is open their safes, return the jewels, and all will be well again. In order to not lose face, do it anonymously.........Instead they hang onto the jewels, and indirectly stick it to the working class of Thailand. 

  I think Thailand is hoping this case will fade away, but clearly it is not. Best for Thailand to make a clean sweep of this while they still can. This case is so amazing, it is just a matter of time until a movie is made of it, which I am sure Thailand would not be happy about.......


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The big "Mai khao jai". This is like most government agencies. Everyone tells you something different. The more people you ask, the more confused you get. The ancient Thai art of "Cluster Fornication".

I would think the Foreign ministry should be the only department responsible for coming up with a story for the Saudi's. I do not understand why everyone is trying to explain the situation to them when they themselves can not get their stories straight.

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  This case is a fascinating look at Thailand, and the Teflon abilities of the high society. I can fully understand the anger of Saudi Arabia. If I was them, I would in fact go way out of my way to punish Thailand until this case is solved.

  It is equally interesting to look at the numbers. I think the value of the gems was around 20 million dollars. The response of Saudi Arabia was to give the boot to all the Thai workers, in essence costing the working class of Isan hundreds of millions of dollars in lost wages. Saudi Arabia has said if the gems were returned, everything would be normalized. So all the @#$%&$# high society people have to do is open their safes, return the jewels, and all will be well again. In order to not lose face, do it anonymously.........Instead they hang onto the jewels, and indirectly stick it to the working class of Thailand. 

  I think Thailand is hoping this case will fade away, but clearly it is not. Best for Thailand to make a clean sweep of this while they still can. This case is so amazing, it is just a matter of time until a movie is made of it, which I am sure Thailand would not be happy about.......


I guess it's easy for us to forget that we're not in fact living in a 'land of the free'. Any such movie would no doubt be banned, and there's plenty of evidence to point to this. A popular family movie starring Yul Brynner springs to mind, for example.

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So all the @#$%&$# high society people have to do is open their safes, return the jewels, and all will be well again.

If you do some google searching you will see someone wearing a very similar blue diamond, i wouldnt have thought itd be possible to ask for it back.

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The big "Mai khao jai". This is like most government agencies. Everyone tells you something different. The more people you ask, the more confused you get. The ancient Thai art of "Cluster Fornication".

I would think the Foreign ministry should be the only department responsible for coming up with a story for the Saudi's. I do not understand why everyone is trying to explain the situation to them when they themselves can not get their stories straight.

I don't think the Foreign minister has the brains to be responsible with coming up with a story for this one. (And he is one of the "Terrorists" that held the Country to ransom at the airports, and still walks free). They will never get their stories straight as to do so will either expose the elite, or confirm their stupidity, which they are doing extremely well at in any case.

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So all the @#$%&$# high society people have to do is open their safes, return the jewels, and all will be well again.

If you do some google searching you will see someone wearing a very similar blue diamond, i wouldnt have thought itd be possible to ask for it back.

Yep, this is the big problem and the reason for all the fairy tales from so many.

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What Mr. Ashri does not understand is that the Thai PM and others have not made up the lies yet which he is supposed to believe - they need a little more time. What Mr. Ashri does not understand according to the Thai PM is that in Thailand there are several sets of laws - those for the regular "Somchai" and those for the connected elite.

Kidnapping in Thailand is not just kidnapping it depends on who carries it out. Murder is not just murder it also depends on who murders - if regular "Somchai" carries out these crimes he goes down big time.

If you belong to the connected people in this country it really does not concern you much which crimes you commit. Your other "connected" pals will rally around you and if this it not enough the Thai PM will come out and defend you. This is of course only if you, yourself and your relatives are in a high position - preferably in the army and preferably the bunch who staged the coup that brought you to power.

What Mr. Ashri does not understand is that he should not dare to bring this subject up again and again as it is embarrassing to the 'high society" involved they should not be bothered with such trivial things as who committed which crimes - this is not the Thai way - after all they are above the law!

And the loss of face - in their eyes Mr. Ashri is the one who commits a crime here!

On the other hand Mr. Ashri is very lucky that he holds the position of Saudi Charge D'Affairs - anybody else who would dare to bring up these "unpleasant" accusations in public would have probably been silenced forever some time ago!

The only way for Mr Ashri to succeed is to embarrass this government internationally so badly until they have no other choice then to punish those involved. So I say go for it Mr. Ashri - you are doing something right here - otherwise they would not come out on the highest level and try to defend the criminals. Don't give up - I would recommend a few high profile Hollywood actors and a world class director turning the whole charade into a movie - spare no one involved - nothing would be more embarrassing! These people need a lesson - teach them one hey will never forget!


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The only way for Mr Ashri to succeed is to embarrass this government internationally so badly until they have no other choice then to punish those involved. So I say go for it Mr. Ashri - you are doing something right here - otherwise they would not come out on the highest level and try to defend the criminals. Don't give up - I would recommend a few high profile Hollywood actors and a world class director turning the whole charade into a movie - spare no one involved - nothing would be more embarrassing! These people need a lesson - teach them one hey will never forget!


So who gets to play Abhisit in this feature? And is there a role for Chow Yun Fat? And of course everyone knows this is going to be a slapstick comedy,right?

I'm thinking Judd Apatow....um, no,...maybe the Farrelly brothers?

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