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The Secret To Happiness In Los


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Everyone is here for the ez women. It irritates me when people toss out other rationales. They are all 100% BS. The only people not here for those women are the queers and they are here for the dudes. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise although the cheap living is also a factor

You are a forking arse! I would love to be in Thailand so my family and I could be with the rest of our family. Stop think with your junk and grow the fork up shathead! :o

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..six years since I "left" mediterranian sea for living in Thailand...

...I think Italy and Spain (my homecountries) are much more beautiful than Thailand but in Los you can have a much more high standard of living...example..2000Euros..(100000Bath) for one month....In Europe you are on the standards..in Thailand you live on luxury....just for this!!!

..but twice a year I CANNOT don't go in my homecountries!!!...but only in summertime!!!!...I hate cold!!!!!

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..six years since I "left" mediterranian sea for living in Thailand...

...I think Italy and Spain (my homecountries) are much more beautiful than Thailand but in Los you can have a much more high standard of living...example..2000Euros..(100000Bath) for one month....In Europe you are on the standards..in Thailand you live on luxury....just for this!!!

..but twice a year I CANNOT don't go in my homecountries!!!...but only in summertime!!!!...I hate cold!!!!!

Wow, you've got two homecountries? :o

That has to be expensive? :D

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..six years since I "left" mediterranian sea for living in Thailand...

...I think Italy and Spain (my homecountries) are much more beautiful than Thailand but in Los you can have a much more high standard of living...example..2000Euros..(100000Bath) for one month....In Europe you are on the standards..in Thailand you live on luxury....just for this!!!

..but twice a year I CANNOT don't go in my homecountries!!!...but only in summertime!!!!...I hate cold!!!!!

Wow, you've got two homecountries? :o

That has to be expensive? :D

..just because my father is from Italy and my mother from Spain..and yes, little bit expensive.

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..six years since I "left" mediterranian sea for living in Thailand...

...I think Italy and Spain (my homecountries) are much more beautiful than Thailand but in Los you can have a much more high standard of living...example..2000Euros..(100000Bath) for one month....In Europe you are on the standards..in Thailand you live on luxury....just for this!!!

..but twice a year I CANNOT don't go in my homecountries!!!...but only in summertime!!!!...I hate cold!!!!!

The question asked in the initial posting was

What's your secret to happiness in LOS?

I've been here a paltry 3 years, but I've seen few truly happy farrangs in LOS. I've heard plenty of self-proclaimed happy farrangs say,

"This is paradise, but ...(fill in the caveats) "

So let it rip, boys and girls:

What's your secret to happiness in LOS?

So what's your answer? I'm not sure what you are saying

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..six years since I "left" mediterranian sea for living in Thailand...

...I think Italy and Spain (my homecountries) are much more beautiful than Thailand but in Los you can have a much more high standard of living...example..2000Euros..(100000Bath) for one month....In Europe you are on the standards..in Thailand you live on luxury....just for this!!!

..but twice a year I CANNOT don't go in my homecountries!!!...but only in summertime!!!!...I hate cold!!!!!

The question asked in the initial posting was

What's your secret to happiness in LOS?

I've been here a paltry 3 years, but I've seen few truly happy farrangs in LOS. I've heard plenty of self-proclaimed happy farrangs say,

"This is paradise, but ...(fill in the caveats) "

So let it rip, boys and girls:

What's your secret to happiness in LOS?

So what's your answer? I'm not sure what you are saying

For my happiness money are very very important...so, in Thailand, with the same monthly budget I can live better....

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I love this thread. OOO LA LA, I'm in paradise here in my closet sized studio APT, bowl of rice, cockroaches and rats. I'm happier than a pig in _ _ _ _

ok. you are getting there. I can see you are starting to truly understand how lucky you are in this world.

now... read the following article.


if you don't feel more fortunate after reading this article which is one of many on the internet, I don't know what to say to you.

...to the pursuit of happy memories.

...to the realization that you have been blessed.

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I love this thread. OOO LA LA, I'm in paradise here in my closet sized studio APT, bowl of rice, cockroaches and rats. I'm happier than a pig in _ _ _ _

ok. you are getting there. I can see you are starting to truly understand how lucky you are in this world.

now... read the following article.


if you don't feel more fortunate after reading this article which is one of many on the internet, I don't know what to say to you.

...to the pursuit of happy memories.

...to the realization that you have been blessed.

I have read reports like this one from WHO, it freaks me out. On world with so much water yet so many people don't have it, or can't get clean. As well as the problem getting worse. If something isn't done, even a country as rich as the US will suffer as well.

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As the economic differences between Europe and Thailand will stay as they are,

it´ll be possible for me and my wife to retire by the age of 55 and live comfortably of our savings untill we qualify for our pension .

Edited by MikeRay
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Secret of Happiness?

I will repost my contribution to another thread as I believe it to be relevant here............

Why am I happier in Thailand?

1) I'm aged 49 years and in UK I am already made to feel old. In Thailand I don't have to act my age. Nobody disrespects you because of your age. ( except for some Farang)

One time in Pattaya I saw a Farang, probably close to 70 years old go behind the bar and dance with the Thai ladies.

My friend turned to me and said "What does he think he looks like?"

My reply " He has a big smile on his face, which is more than you have"

My friend had brought with him the prejudice with him, that people of a certain age should act in a certain way according to his age.

That man was having fun and didn't care what anybody else thought. Could he do the same in the UK?

In Thailand, as long as you do not hurt anybody else, you have the freedom to be who you are.

2) Obviously the weather, same as you, I do not like to be cold.

3) I enjoy gardening and the climate also makes garding possible the whole year.

4) The Thai people are more content with their way of life than the Brits and this contentment is catching.

Most Thai people do not have too much in the way of possessions and they generally accept this fact. Brits seem never to be satisfied and always seem to want a bigger house, car, The latest TV and electronic gadgets.

I'm not saying that Thais are not interested in possessions, but mostly if not easy come, Mai Bpen Rai

5) Thai people smile a lot (Land of smiles after all). A smile given and returned can't help but make you feel better.

In UK, try smiling at a stranger, normally they will look the other way or regard you with suspicion. Worse, you are also risking getting punched.

6) Wonderful array of fresh food. Food does taste better than in UK.

7) Thai people generally have a more relaxed attitude to everything. Sometimes, I find this infuriating, but on balance is better than being uptight all of the time.

8) Thai people do not allow their lifes to be dictated by the clock. Again, sometimes annoying to us Farang, but after you get used to it, is much less stressfull

9) Nearly every Thai that you meet immediately regards you as a friend. Certainly not the case in UK.

10) Thai people are usually much more helpful than Brits. For some nothing is too much trouble, and contrary to popular beliefs, they do not expect anything in return.

Of course the fact that my money buys more here is a bonus, but not the reason why I love life in Thailand.

Incidently I live in a village in Jungwat Phrae, not in Bangkok, Pattaya etc. Nothing wrong with these places and in fact I enjoy short holidays there, but I could not live there full time.

I am aware that there can be a lot of pitfalls in Thailand and many I have experienced myself, but I have now discovered what makes me really happy and it is in Thailand.

If I sat and thought about it for longer, I'm sure that the list would grow ever longer, but I hope that this post does enough to answer your question

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i think the secret to happiness in los, is too respect the thais, learn the language, make yourself secure, dont fall in love with bar girls or try to buy a house, enjoy the safety of thailand, the stand of living is great, and if your a teacher u can get great work and good money with little tax, ive been here almost 8 years and love it, just like the first day i arrived, it beats living in the uk for sure :o and needless to say thai girls are great

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