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Grrrr Ais Gprs!


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High all,

I know this topic was started a while back :o , but I just had to know if anyone else was suffering 30 second maximum gprs connections on their AIS 1-2-call accounts?? I have signed up for the 100 Bht 20 hrs package, but I'm literally not able to connect for more than 30 secs at a time. Well, the connection according to my coverage guage is ok, but I either get a "TCP Error" or less seldomly a "DNS Error". Now these have gotta be network errors over device errors right? My Nokia 6260 is brand spankers.

Not really what I signed up for!

Funnily enuff, the bod in the AIS shop suggested i try DTAC as their gprs service is meant to be better! Kind of sums up my experience really!

Any thoughts?


Wholiggen :D

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Never had any of these errors with Dtac, true, however recently their connection speed dropped. Sometimes it just freezes, esp in the late afternoon/early evening hours.

That applies to the real Internet. Mobile Internet, both from Dtac and AIS is riddled with all sorts of errors, and most of the services, like movie showtimes, aren't free anymore.

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High all,

I know this topic was started a while back  :o , but I just had to know if anyone else was suffering 30 second maximum gprs connections on their AIS 1-2-call accounts?? I have signed up for the 100 Bht 20 hrs package, but I'm literally not able to connect for more than 30 secs at a time. Well, the connection according to my coverage guage is ok, but I either get a "TCP Error" or less seldomly a "DNS Error". Now these have gotta be network errors over device errors right? My Nokia 6260 is brand spankers.

Not really what I signed up for!

Funnily enuff, the bod in the AIS shop suggested i try DTAC as their gprs service is meant to be better! Kind of sums up my experience really!

Any thoughts?


Wholiggen  :D

A lot depends on where you live in relation to the nearest base station and if there any hills etc in the way. I live about 6 km from my nearest station and towards the edge of the signal strength but most of the time it is OK. If I walk away from the house up the back the signal drops off and about 50 metres from the house it get really good, but bugger working my laptop in the middle of the field.

Upstairs is a lot better.

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Me too. Before that i use to have great connection. After I signed up to the 20 hr package, 30 sec drop is common. My area is Teparak.

High all,

I know this topic was started a while back  :o , but I just had to know if anyone else was suffering 30 second maximum gprs connections on their AIS 1-2-call accounts?? I have signed up for the 100 Bht 20 hrs package, but I'm literally not able to connect for more than 30 secs at a time. Well, the connection according to my coverage guage is ok, but I either get a "TCP Error" or less seldomly a "DNS Error". Now these have gotta be network errors over device errors right? My Nokia 6260 is brand spankers.

Not really what I signed up for!

Funnily enuff, the bod in the AIS shop suggested i try DTAC as their gprs service is meant to be better! Kind of sums up my experience really!

Any thoughts?


Wholiggen  :D

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dont need to say if ur in upcountry or not...im livin gin the center of BKK and i still got my AIS bad connection.....

Its like AIS have this 1 comuter and everybody is sharring it togethere....LOL :o

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It must depend on the area. I tried both AIS and D-Tac and they both suck! I gave the 10,000 baht Solomon modem to a friend of mine. I tried Blue Tooth and IR too. I am now paying 3,210 baht a month for IPSTAR because I had no other choice. It's not the greatest either but it usually works.

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I have had AIS GPRS 10 km north of Chiang Mai for three years and have had occasional problems but not in the past year. Sure it is slow, but no worse than dial up. Have an unlimitd contract 850 Baht a month. Expires in Janruary 2006 and expect to pay more then.

I have a telephone line now and will get ADSL when it becomes available. There was a big ad in the BKK Post today about Ipstar and their new sattellite. May consider it when reporting on the effect of the new satellite comes forth.

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I have both ipstar, and GPRS with AIS.

The problem with ipstar is that there are periods when it just doesnt work.An example is that the last 3 days I have been unable to use ipstar.Phoning loxinfo is a waste of time,money and patience,so ipstar is sitting at home unused and costing more than 100baht a day.

We've only had GPRS for a week but its been great.OK you need to hangup and redial a bit but it only takes seconds.

The last point I'd make is that ipstar isnt really that fast.I get better speed from the GPRS.

It's a nobrainer.900baht unlimited/mnth with GPRS or 3,200baht for 750MB with ipstar??Ipstar have been threatening to launch their new satellite for years now.I'd be interested to try it again after thats up and running but for now it is an expensive toy.

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