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Hello all,

Hope you nice ppl will be able to put my mind at rest once again :D

I am off to Thailand next week and while I am out there will be putting the application in for fiance visa.

My question is regarding what I take with us to apply. I know I need the application form and the money (I am not that dim :o ) but I am a bit unclear on if they need all the documentation and proof I have collected when she applies or just takes everything with her when she has her interview? - I am going to assume that if they do then they will accept copies of everything (so they can get an idea of my finances etc) until my gf goes for her interview (last thing I want is for my folder to grow legs and walk and all my originals go missing). I have made two folders at the moment one with copies of everything and one with the originals in. I was going to take both of them with me so the embassy staff can be satisfied with what they are looking at...:D

One other thing you may be able to help me with - I have the following in my folder:

1) Letter from me stating where we will live (number of rooms etc), who I am, what our intentions are (i.e. marry asap once visa is granted) etc etc

2) My Birth Certificate

3) Copy of Passport (I will show them original when I go the embassy)

4) Photos of my trips (all with me and gf together, will have more of me and her family after the next trip)

5) Hotel/flight info from trips

6) Bank statements

7) Breakdown of income / outcome with average amounts on it

8) Payslips / p60 / letter from company on headed paper stating earnings for first 5 months of this year

9) Letter from my mother stating it's ok for me and gf to live in the family home

10) Phone bills (both landline and mobile with access number printouts from daily phone calls) all nicely highlighted with phone calls

11) Reciepts/print out for gifts and flowers

12) Monthly money transfers

I don't really send her emails as I talk with her everday anyway - I think the only time I have sent her email was when I sent her photos of something she wanted for her birthday.

I will get gf birthcerticate translated at approved translator (I assume that's ok?)is there anything else I need from her end - ID card, passport, the house book thingy?

Is that everything is there anything that I should be adding. I tried to get everything in that was suggested on this site by all...but last thing I want is to get to BKK and someone asks me for some paperwork that is sitting in my desk back in England :D but I guess the nice people at the embassy would just ask for it to be provided in the additional documentation in the interview?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post - I can't help pulling my hair out over this whole thing and as you can expect my GF will give me proper earole bashing if I forget anything.



You don't say where you're from, probably different immigration rules for different countries.

For the U.S., a fiance' visa is called a "K-1," and must be applied for IN THE U.S., not at the U.S. Embassy overseas.

If you are an AmCIT, take a look at the following:


How Do I Bring My Fiancé(e) to the United States?


Where Can I Find the Law?

Who is Eligible?

How Do I Apply?

Will I Get a Work Permit?

How Can I Check the Status of My Application?

How Can I Appeal?

Can Anyone Help Me?

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

How Do I Apply?

To find out how you can apply to bring your fiancé(e) to the United States, please click here to see Application Procedures, which will help you identify what you need to do. Fiancé(e) petitions are filed at the USCIS Service Center serving your area of residence. http://uscis.gov/graphics/fieldoffices/index.htm

Recommend you go to the urls above and review the info.


Hello all,

Hope you nice ppl will be able to put my mind at rest once again :D

I am off to Thailand next week and while I am out there will be putting the application in for fiance visa. 

My question is regarding what I take with us to apply.  I know I need the application form and the money (I am not that dim :whistling: ) but I am a bit unclear on if they need all the documentation and proof I have collected when she applies or just takes everything with her when she has her interview? - I am going to assume that if they do then they will accept copies of everything (so they can get an idea of my finances etc) until my gf goes for her interview (last thing I want is for my folder to grow legs and walk and all my originals go missing).  I have made two folders at the moment one with copies of everything and one with the originals in.  I was going to take both of them with me so the embassy staff can be satisfied with what they are looking at...:huh:

One other thing you may be able to help me with - I have the following in my folder:

1) Letter from me stating where we will live (number of rooms etc), who I am, what our intentions are (i.e. marry asap once visa is granted) etc etc

2) My Birth Certificate

3) Copy of Passport (I will show them original when I go the embassy)

4) Photos of my trips (all with me and gf together, will have more of me and her family after the next trip)

5) Hotel/flight info from trips

6) Bank statements

7) Breakdown of income / outcome with average amounts on it

8) Payslips / p60 / letter from company on headed paper stating earnings for first 5 months of this year

9) Letter from my mother stating it's ok for me and gf to live in the family home

10) Phone bills (both landline and mobile with access number printouts from daily phone calls) all nicely highlighted with phone calls

11) Reciepts/print out for gifts and flowers

12) Monthly money transfers

I don't really send her emails as I talk with her everday anyway - I think the only time I have sent her email was when I sent her photos of something she wanted for her birthday. 

I will get gf birthcerticate translated at approved translator (I assume that's ok?)is there anything else I need from her end - ID card, passport,  the house book thingy?

Is that everything is there anything that I should be adding.  I tried to get everything in that was suggested on this site by all...but last thing I want is to get to BKK and someone asks me for some paperwork that is sitting in my desk back in England :blink: but I guess the nice people at the embassy would just ask for it to be provided in the additional documentation in the interview?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post - I can't help pulling my hair out over this whole thing and as you can expect my GF will give me proper earole bashing if I forget anything.


From your posting I guess you are from UK.

For a visitors visa, you wuill need to show that she has a reason to return to Thailand and not gooing to UK for financial reasons.

So take her bank statements, land registration papers and details of any children.

Anything that you can think of to show that she has a reason to return.

If the embassy believes that she is only going to marry you in order to become an economic migrant, they may well refuse.

It also helps if she can speak good English and/or you can speak Thai.

Many people get refused because the embassy does not believe that they are a true couple



From what you've said, it appears you are asking about a UK fiance visa.

You seem to have covered everything, but to be sure you can check Guidance - Husbands, wives and partners (INF 4)

I am a bit unclear on if they need all the documentation and proof I have collected when she applies or just takes everything with her when she has her interview? - I am going to assume that if they do then they will accept copies of everything (so they can get an idea of my finances etc) until my gf goes for her interview
Take the originals, or certified copies, including your passport. If providing a certified copy of your passport make sure it includes all pages, even blank ones.

If all the documents satisfy the ECO that the application is genuine and s/he is "minded to grant" the visa then your fiance will be asked to attend the embassy at a convenient time in the next couple of weeks. After a few questions to confirm details in the documents she will then (assuming her answers are consistent) be issued with her visa. This is known as a short interview. There is no guarantee that this will happen, but if you only provide copies of the documents with the application then it definitely wont.

Good luck.

I will get gf birthcerticate translated at approved translator (I assume that's ok?)is there anything else I need from her end - ID card, passport,  the house book thingy?
Dangers of trying to speed read, missed this bit!

She will need:-

Birth certificate


Married before? If so, divorce papers or husband's death certificate.

Changed her name? If so, name change certificate.

Any children? If so, their birth certificate(s), even if they are not applying at this time. If any children are being included in the application then she will need either sole custody papers or the father's death certificate.

Any bank books, statements etc.

All documents in Thai must be accompanied by an English translation, stamped and verified by a translation agency.

Have you been married before? If so, your decree absolute or previous wife's death certificate.

Again, apologies for missing these of my previous.


Yep she will be applying for UK Fiance visa.

Thanks GU22 - I will be taking the originals and the copies to the embassy - but I didn't want to leave the originals in the embassy as it would be a real pain in the wossname to get them replaced.

If it is a case that they will only look at the originals on application and then not require to see them again until the interview then no problem. I was thinking along the lines that when we apply they will just give the stuff a quick once over to see what is there and then someone later on will take the time to go over the whole thing and verify everything there adds up properly, so thats why I was going to leave them copies of everything.

As was told that if I take my passport with me to the embassy they will copy it and I can save myself the time and money of getting a certified copy?

As far as my gf is concerned -

Birth certificate - Check

Passport - Check

Married before? Nope

Changed her name? Nope.

Any children? Nope

Any bank books, statements etc - I will assume that it does not matter how much is in the bank accounts as she is applying for a fiance visa?


From experience I'd say you'd be pretty sorted with regards to the fiancee visa - sounds like you've got everything covered.

However, a couple of things do worry me - has your gf ever met your parents? Will she be happy to stay with them? The answer from my now wife was a resounding NO WAY when I told her she may have to live with my parents for a while when she first came over. She would have felt too shy and restricted by this and ultimately it wouldn't have worked out.

Anyway, I'm not saying that it wouldn't work for you, but it's something to bear in mind.

Good Luck, hope your missus to be loves it here.

If it is a case that they will only look at the originals on application and then not require to see them again until the interview then no problem.  I was thinking along the lines that when we apply they will just give the stuff a quick once over to see what is there and then someone later on will take the time to go over the whole thing and verify everything there adds up properly, so thats why I was going to leave them copies of everything.
They may quickly go through to confirm the copies match the originals and then give you back the originals. But they may also want to keep the originals. No hard and fast rule on that, I'm afraid. If they do keep the originals you will get them back at the interview.
As was told that if I take my passport with me to the embassy they will copy it and I can save myself the time and money of getting a certified copy?
Yep, that's correct.
Any bank books, statements etc - I will assume that it does not matter how much is in the bank accounts as she is applying for a fiance visa?
Yep, that's correct. I suspect that they may be looking for any unexplained money going into the accounts which could indicate a string of boyfriends all sending her money (not the case here, I'm sure, but it's not unheard of!), so if you have been sending her money, say so in your sponsorship letter.

Seems like you are fully prepared, so good luck!


peterzxr - She hasn't met my mother - the old dear don't like flying for more than a few hours and Thailand is just to far her! My GF does speak to her on the phone all the time though and they do get on fine on the phone, in fact I think they get on too well! Although I am under no ilusions that once we are married I will be instructed that she wants her own pad... :D

GU22 - as far as the documentation is concerned - well if they really want the originals they can have them, I will just offer them the copies and see what they say.

Once again - thanks everyone for putting my mind at rest - well almost :o

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