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Pigs 101 (A Start)


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Piglet up 100 bath to 1700+/- 59 bath/kg.


We still have around 40 piglets (20 - 24 kg) left to be sold before songkran, so if you are interested, drop me a message.


We sell them at last week price and I may be available to arrange for transport.


50 bath discount if you pick them up at the farm by your self.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Got 39 ready in 3 weeks just sold 4 we had left yesterday got 48 baht every butcher in and around our village is 48 baht I live near the buriram airport in a small village 
That's very low. I can give you 1-2 contacts from pig buyers from Surin and Sarakham if you are interested. But there must be some in Buriram as well. You should definitely aim towards 55 baht. Especially if they look good.

Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Now it has happened again. Yesterday we received 26 piglets from a sow. 21 was born alive and the weight was almost Ok. Some time ago we got 27 in total but many were stillborn. How common is this? Is it anyone here who has been involved in something like before?

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1 hour ago, jompa67 said:

Now it has happened again. Yesterday we received 26 piglets from a sow. 21 was born alive and the weight was almost Ok. Some time ago we got 27 in total but many were stillborn. How common is this? Is it anyone here who has been involved in something like before?

nope, never heard or seen any farm getting numbers like this.... i was with a group of 25 different sow farms-farmers last week talking about this and that...... what do you call almost good birth weight?

this year to date the wifes farm has had 2 litters born in the early 20 s, (45 ish births per month) average birth weight 1.4 ish /1.5kg wean 18 ish each 5ish kg at 19 day. some piglets would be forstered out from each litter. got one sow in the farm that is nursing 18 at the mo, all look ok but will not break 5.5kg average at 19 days. most sows will not be able to look after wean high numbers like this mainly due to crushing or not making kg properly at 19 day.... looking for 6kg average at 19 days....again this year the birthing numbers have been heigher than normal, but its only the end of april so i will look properly at the end of the year.

farms aim  this year is 1.6/1.8kg birthing average with wean at 6kg 19 day. have some piglets wean at average 8kg plus at said day old, again not the norm but possible.

company set the good standard from sow into 25 psy @ 6kg 19 day into 105/110kg in 110 days. 5 bags of feed plus 1 bag creep feed. they set set the pay rates for the weaning farms in groups of 22 psy low going to 25psy high. thats is every feed day include in the farm though. most farms hit the 24/25psy.

your wifes farm is doing some really good work to acheive those high birthing numbers......


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5 hours ago, jompa67 said:

Now it has happened again. Yesterday we received 26 piglets from a sow. 21 was born alive and the weight was almost Ok. Some time ago we got 27 in total but many were stillborn. How common is this? Is it anyone here who has been involved in something like before?

nope, never heard or seen any farm getting numbers like this.... i was with a group of 25 different sow farms-farmers last week talking about this and that...... what do you call almost good birth weight?

this year to date the wifes farm has had 2 litters born in the early 20 s, (45 ish births per month) average birth weight 1.4 ish /1.5kg wean 18 ish each 5ish kg at 19 day. some piglets would be forstered out from each litter. got one sow in the farm that is nursing 18 at the mo, all look ok but will not break 5.5kg average at 19 days. most sows will not be able to look after wean high numbers like this mainly due to crushing or not making kg properly at 19 day.... looking for 6kg average at 19 days....again this year the birthing numbers have been heigher than normal, but its only the end of april so i will look properly at the end of 

43 minutes ago, jompa67 said:

Birth weight and born total at the right columns. Larger litter usually results in lower birth weight.



just a quick look and you see 13 born alive, very good stats....... if you can take that to 12.5 weaned or even 12 weaned it would be very top end weaning for thailand.... as you finish some pigs yourselfs you will have the stats too 100 plus kg, that is what really counts when looking at bahts in your pocket....

i see that you have a couple of older parity sows in the mix, for me its good to try and keep a sow at least until parity 8/10 (around 100 plus weaned), i think the wifes farm has some at 15/16..... not really good to keep this long but...  we are still not 100 percent happy with the gilts we recieve...... the joys of working for someone.....

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1 hour ago, jompa67 said:

I don't think my wife is doing better work than yours. One explanation for large litters  size can be "hyperprolific breed". I knows by statistics from other farms with same breed in Europe, we should calculate for 12 - 14 weaned in average per sow. We are not there yet. We still have't replace low producing sow with new gilts because of negative cash flow for the last 6 months (you know why, right :D).



from what i have been told by the high ups in the company, thailand is very simailar to the usa in pig production ect and not europe mainly because its colder in europe ect... some of the very first hi prolific breed/strains came from a farm in the uk, essex many years ago so i was told by the guy that souced it, i would imagine that has been bred and changed ect over the past 25 years, that is when they first introduced this "line" i think (company wife works for). i like pigprogress, but the if you read the national hog farmer it is more revelent to us in thailand, mainly because of the heat and breeds used now?? i no very little/nothing about breeds.........

the negatiove cash flow is a good reason to keep the sows longer? more value from said animal....

there is a farm (been featured in pigprogress) just outside bangkok, dan bred import mainly then mixed with large white ect to give it the heat tolerence, they wean psy around 30 all the time, charge a premium for the piglets/finishers, have people queing ect.... mainly in open sided barns, i think this is the only set up/farm that runs this high in psy in thailand.... over the years i  have met with the top guy that runs/controls all the companies pigs afew times,sows and finishers in house by them and all the contract farms.... he says that the company farms that run 2000, 3000 sows on one plot aim for 10.5 weaned at 2.4 litters a year thats 25.2 psy...... all theses farms are run by "doctors" the main problem here is the heat..... 

some tips on getting the kg on the piglets..... during 15/28 day period after AI dont move stress the sows/gilts, implantation at this time will affect the space and size of the growing litter. (helps stop them 1kg piglets) during mid term gestation increase the feed 3kg on the normal sized sows more on the thin ones. reduce feed at day 110. back to 2kg. after day 7 in lactation get them sow to eat there fill ie 10/12/15kg per day, this will get them piglets to 7 kg average by around day 21. we "budjet" 1000kg per sow per year. above info is what we try to do........

a thai guy that i know who used to live and work in denmark on a sow farm said they used to average 18 plus per litter born alive, but they used to "only" wean 14/15 per litter, the other 3 or 4/ or more used to be killed because of small size or poor growth, they weaned at 21/25 days and used to get 4.5/5kg average..........that was with addtional milk supplements......


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We don't move our sows during the first 30 days after insemination due to stress. We also limited the feed to 2 Kg. Both stress and feed can have a negative impact on body temperature. The embryo is very sensitive to just this.


After second heat check, we move them to a group room with space for 7 - 10 sows, where they can socialize with other sows (take a bathe and relax :D). We also increase feed to 2.5 kg for normal size sow. After day 84 (i think) we increase again to 3 kg per sow.

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to try and get the extra gramms on the piglet we up the feed at day (approx) 55 to 3kg. today the born average on 3 litters has been just under 2kg, born alive "good "numbers 12,14,14.  2 litters  had a piglet each aorund */- 1.kg i class them at a loss, ie not 100 percent.

some time in the past we had a problem of piglets being born toooo big, 2.5kg plus. for us its find line between to much and not enough during gestation....

do you ultrasound scan or just visual check? we had a gilt go through the 100 day this week thinking she was in pig... but for sure she aint.....

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11 hours ago, jompa67 said:


We use FarmScan-M50

Image result for FARMSCAN M50


Cost around $1.200 on ebay 

thats a good price, we used to have access to 2 units, the cheaper one being a chinese unit, i think the cheap one was 80,000 baht plus and the good one from usa was 140,000 baht plus..... they both just detected mass/blobs, could not see if alive or mummified.... 

using this unit do you find it 100 percent correct? ie never no late Not In Pig...mummified litters


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On 2018-05-02 at 4:15 AM, thoongfoned said:

thats a good price, we used to have access to 2 units, the cheaper one being a chinese unit, i think the cheap one was 80,000 baht plus and the good one from usa was 140,000 baht plus..... they both just detected mass/blobs, could not see if alive or mummified.... 

using this unit do you find it 100 percent correct? ie never no late Not In Pig...mummified litters


Our workers just use it to find out if they are pregnant or not. It can scan deeper than many other of more expensive models but we have not test it for mummified yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A month or so ago I was asked about my farrowing areas. I have just found a couple of pictures of the pens we use. Sorry there isnt a shot of the whole pen but you should get some idea. They are 1.5 metres wide and 5 metres long and were built as nursery pens. A metre inside the the pen I can attach a fence which contains the sow feeder which is put in place when the sow is placed in the pen to farrow. The piglets can walk under the fence into the 1x1.5 creep area. This allows me an area to handle the piglets without interference from the sow. At weaning the piglets stay in the pen and the sow and fence are removed. 

bill busbridge pict of nursing pen 2012.jpg

2012-05-06 18.12.24.jpg

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Thanks, the feeders I built were a real winner. The same system was used in the group sow pens, the boars and for finisher pigs. They could be filled from the centre aisle and cleaned out as well so there was almost feed or cleaning mess inside of the pens. Made things a lot easier than trying to feed full size breeders inside the pens. No wrestling or push and shove. Because the feeder tubs are mostly outside the fence they are naturally separated so each pig had its own feed dish, so no arguments. As soon as they heard the feed buckets being filled they all stood and waited at they own bowl. Very civilised.


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19 hours ago, sateuk said:

Got 3 sows want to sell as to old and 1 aggressive does any1 no where can sell in buriram area and how much is it a kg thanks


We have 8 old sow to sell. My wife told me that we can get 30/kg if they are in good condition. I was calculating for 25 bath/kg, so I'm happy.

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1 hour ago, jompa67 said:


We have 8 old sow to sell. My wife told me that we can get 30/kg if they are in good condition. I was calculating for 25 bath/kg, so I'm happy.

i think its 40 ish baht kg +/- this month, culling some today so will ask what they are buying at... they dont weigh them just buy on sight...... bulk loads 100 + sow a time, many farms in one day.

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On 5/19/2018 at 6:14 PM, altcar bob said:

Thailand attempting tp block pork imports from USA,  Thailand pricing around 74 kilo    USA 50 Baht   US decimated Vietnam farmers...they will never be blocked

the wife works for one of the big aggro companies here in thailand, from what i can make out/understand they are trying (and doing) to cut costs on a very large scale.ie changing contract pay structures for farrowing/weaning and finishing farms, this alone will save many millions  baht per day....  (1000's of farms all over thailand) also cancelling farm contracts that can not/dont meet the grade... thats on top of other pay "cuts" over the last year... also changing alot of internal jobs/structure, again just from what im told and also the moans of the workers that i see most weeks.  

in the past the pay rises have been very good so its not all doom and gloom, but.....

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We sold today they just gave us a price no weighing involved I think judging by the weight we got about 25 baht a kg which is better than nothing would of taken them myself but don't no where to take in buriram!!  I think they sell for 35 baht a kg but they take to surin way

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1 hour ago, thoongfoned said:

i think its 40 ish baht kg +/- this month, culling some today so will ask what they are buying at... they dont weigh them just buy on sight...... bulk loads 100 + sow a time, many farms in one day.

35 baht kg here today. they have to travel, 4 plus hour drive home.... all new pickups and lorries.... no money in pigs though........


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5 minutes ago, sateuk said:

We sold today they just gave us a price no weighing involved I think judging by the weight we got about 25 baht a kg which is better than nothing would of taken them myself but don't no where to take in buriram!!  I think they sell for 35 baht a kg but they take to surin way

when the wife can she buys reject sow/finishers from contract farms, then sells the meat in lots, 500, 1000 baht bits of mixed cuts. dont buy that often now,(clamping down on deals for individuals) but have to be ready quick to get this sort of deal ie pick up now, money now... @ 35 baht kg there is good money to be had from 200kg+++ sows

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10 minutes ago, thoongfoned said:

35 baht kg here today. they have to travel, 4 plus hour drive home.... all new pickups and lorries.... no money in pigs though........


Where are you based thoongfoned? We was happyish with what we got anyway it saves keeping them for an extra few weeks trying to get a few more baht all the while costing us to keep feeding them which isn't cheap

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