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Pigs 101 (A Start)


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Another thing is also this beesting or colostrom milk in the first 2 hour after the birth.

The new born piglet get this or not?

If there not get this milk, how there will grow the next month? Somebody here can compare with a normal birth prozess?

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Another thing is also this beesting or colostrom milk in the first 2 hour after the birth.

The new born piglet get this or not?

If there not get this milk, how there will grow the next month? Somebody here can compare with a normal birth prozess?

colostrum is a must have, if the piglet does not get enough of this is the first few hours (mum will give for 12ish hours - peak) they will die if not on the first day then some day soon. they need X amount. can look up....have in the past had mums that did not produce enough colostrum and by day 10 all the litter was dead, I think in the last two months we lost a litter of 18 good born piglets to this. mum was parity 10 never had a problem before..... after about 6 hours after birth could see that something was wrong. (she was producing plenty of milk) moved all the litter but was to late, slowly all died! did not try any larger piglets on her just moved her to the "cull area". so yes they have to have that first important bit of milk......

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Revar, nice work

The program with Betagro, is that same as a contract farming on 5 - 10 years length?

Do you need to have betagro Sow or can you have other brand?

Last time i spook with them in the matter, they told me that I need to have E-Wap. But i guess u don't go with that.

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Can anybody help me with this?

The mum give bird to 19 piglets (17 alive, 2 dead) last wednesday.

The big ass she had allready before birth, the vet told us that it's gone away after birth, but it still there.

Now he said it's an infection, after 3 days amoxy and butasyl, it not change very much except that she is now very angry to me from all the injections.

Any advice?




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cppfarm, from experience I would say use she as long as she is producing milk then cull her. pushing her arse-insides out will lead to death in the end..... see a good few a year. when you

move her be careful not to pop the "bag". don't think you can do anything about it, just my take on it....

on another note how much is that blue flooring per sq metre. looks like the plastic stuff?

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I Agree with TF. Have never been able to successfully treat a prolapsed rectum or cervix yet. Ultimately they die. Better to cull when she has finished feeding while you can get some money for her. I have been able to treat large sists and even mastitis but not this.

I currently have a sow that grew a giant teat in the last week of gestation. She successfully fed all piglets (only 6) and we have treated with antibiotics but it is still there. At first I thought it was mastitis but now it appears to be a big tumour. Off to the culling floor for her too unfortunately.

Ahhhh the wonderful world of pig farming. tongue.png


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Thx for the advice.

Thoongfoned: that floor are plates from 30x100 and, if I'm not wrong, allow 235 bath each.

I'm not so happy with it because on the board where the sow stands, it's fast broken when she put here feet on it.

I have another cage with metal floor what is much better. I use this plates till there fully broke and than replace it with metal floors.

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just got the figures back for the first 7 months work completed in all the farms that come under udon thani. (contract breeding farms] some food

for though for all us aspiring pig farmer - breeders out there. the top farm weaned on average just under 13 piglets per mum every month this year

to date, that's on plus 50 births a month, that is a very good farm by international standards let alone Thailand standard. that farm has been earning crazy

money every month, and now we get the bonus, done on 7 months this time because they are changing the paying rate- structure. looks like my wife and I will

have to pull our "socks" up to try and see the smoke coming off this number 1 farm.........

happy piggin.

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just got the figures back for the first 7 months work completed in all the farms that come under udon thani. (contract breeding farms] some food

for though for all us aspiring pig farmer - breeders out there. the top farm weaned on average just under 13 piglets per mum every month this year

to date, that's on plus 50 births a month, that is a very good farm by international standards let alone Thailand standard. that farm has been earning crazy

money every month, and now we get the bonus, done on 7 months this time because they are changing the paying rate- structure. looks like my wife and I will

have to pull our "socks" up to try and see the smoke coming off this number 1 farm.........

happy piggin.

What are they doing that you can't do? Do they following other processes or is it about the brand/Gen of sow?

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just got the figures back for the first 7 months work completed in all the farms that come under udon thani. (contract breeding farms] some food

for though for all us aspiring pig farmer - breeders out there. the top farm weaned on average just under 13 piglets per mum every month this year

to date, that's on plus 50 births a month, that is a very good farm by international standards let alone Thailand standard. that farm has been earning crazy

money every month, and now we get the bonus, done on 7 months this time because they are changing the paying rate- structure. looks like my wife and I will

have to pull our "socks" up to try and see the smoke coming off this number 1 farm.........

happy piggin.

Wow! That is quite an incredible average. Always good to have something to shoot for. Thanks for sharing.

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I agree with the others that with a real prolapse it is better to cull.

But if i look at the pictures the intestines are still inside, so the muscles are still works ng fine.

First thing to determine in my opinion is if the swelling originates in the birth canal, intestine or if theres an infection/tumor.

This means internal eximination of intestines and birth canal. I have had good results with flushing intestines with a garden hose too. If both birthcanal and intestunes are clear, it must be an infection or tumor. I would inject penstrep at a dose of 1ml/10kg. This doesnt harm the piglets. Repeat every 3 days. If swelling doesnt go away un. 2 weeks, ir if intestines or vulva realy pop out., cull her after shes done feeding.

But then again im softhearted, dont like to cull lol

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just got the figures back for the first 7 months work completed in all the farms that come under udon thani. (contract breeding farms] some food

for though for all us aspiring pig farmer - breeders out there. the top farm weaned on average just under 13 piglets per mum every month this year

to date, that's on plus 50 births a month, that is a very good farm by international standards let alone Thailand standard. that farm has been earning crazy

money every month, and now we get the bonus, done on 7 months this time because they are changing the paying rate- structure. looks like my wife and I will

have to pull our "socks" up to try and see the smoke coming off this number 1 farm.........

happy piggin.

What are they doing that you can't do? Do they following other processes or is it about the brand/Gen of sow?

that number one farm and the second placed farm are heads and shoulders above the rest of the farms in this area. no all the sow-gilts are the same, same sperm ect.its just that they are doing very good work. the farm buildings will all be the same, but most farms differ in spec due to money spent on build ect. also the environment plays a big part in getting good results. both of the top two farms (mentioned here) were not in the top 5 all of last year. just goes to show good work and looking after the animals well can send you to the top of the class!

ten out of 18ish farms hit the bonus for the first 7 months of this year, but the difference In the number 1 farm to say number 9 farm in the list is crazy. the 1st placed farm weaned as much as the 9th placed did in 7 months in just under 4 months, that shows you how good they are. on a side note its not that easy to hit the bonus, many farms did not get one baht extra due to this. to get high wean average numbers on production level is not easy.....

over the first 7 months of the year the wifes farm lost well over a thousand working day due to returns-not in pig, aborts, deaths ect...... that's a lot of days...... by number crunching the farm this way you get a true PSY figure. my rose tinted psy was nearly 29 but the true figure was just a little over 25!

so im told if you can hit 25 psy a year (true figures only) you have a good farm by thailands standards. anything over 27psy is very very good for Thailand, these low numbers are due to the heat-humidity here. this is spoken by the head of this area, I was picking his brain the other week..... the company are now making all the farms improve facilities, make sure bio system are 100 percent and load on loads more paper work, over an hour a day now for the wifes farms in paper work alone, plus she has to do local government paper work daily for pigs number, piglet and environment stuff, water in water out, how its treated ect..... even had a guy from the company out the other day measuring air flow inside the farm, if you don't meet the grade you had better do soon or else........ once we have finished our up grades I will post some photos.

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I would like to buy some female piglets with 2 Bloodline. LR + LW.

I know one farm, but there not sell the piglet. Only the 120 kg sow with about 8 month.

Is here somebody who have and sell 2 Bloodline piglets?

In my case its for future breeding.


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I would like to buy some female piglets with 2 Bloodline. LR + LW.

I know one farm, but there not sell the piglet. Only the 120 kg sow with about 8 month.

Is here somebody who have and sell 2 Bloodline piglets?

In my case its for future breeding.


Hi Allgeier, Good to see you wanting to expand your farm. However, you might struggle to do it this way for many reasons not the least of which is that most sellers of piglets will only sell an entire litter... not ones or twos.

My advise is to either;

  1. buy an entire litter of the pairing you want, raise them as finisher pigs, keep the two gilts that show good growth, body form and temperament and then sell the rest for profit.
  2. Buy two gilts from a good breeder.

Option 1 will probably cost you about 15,000 baht (assuming 10 piglets @ 1500 baht each) plus food at about 38,000 baht whilst they are growing. Option 2 is going to cost you about 20,000 baht (10,000 baht each for a highbred Gilt). This is the least expensive, quickest and safest way to start your breeding programme.

Either way is fun and an education but always remember that with pigs there are no guarantees with anything. Just make sure to have fun with it and never stop learning.

all the best


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A 50%LW, 50%LR gilt at 90kgwill cost u about 10k at Betagro.

If u want 100% LW or LR it will cost u about 1.8k.

After that u breed ur own gilts and sows.

I will have some 50-50 LR-LW early next year.

But im expensive and sell piglets at 2500 thb.

Just sold all LW-pietrain.

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been talking with the boss (wife) about when you can take the piglets from the mum (ie no milk) and onto food, and not loose piglets or loose weight gain.

we have been playing with when to move the piglets for some years now.....

weigh 5 mums worth of piglets (60) on Monday afternoon about now. all figures are average.. we love averages......

16.6 days old 5.04kg. today about now. still 60 alive, 19.6 days old 5.806kg. I was really surprised, thought that we would seen an average gain of

400g but as you can see a lot better. from what I can see in the farm a good ish litter will gain a little over 200g a day on the milk, with access to

food, an average litter maybe a 200g a day. trying to drive down the days we loose waiting for "back into pig" with the mums. been taking the

piglets away from the mums extra early for a month or so now and can already see a difference in the days waiting times, and not loosing weight, only time will tell, give this

little experiment say 6 months to prove its self or its back to the drawing board.

in an ideal world (if they were our piglets) I would like to keep the piglets till 28 days in the farm and really get the weight on but space ect.... and time

would play a bit part in all this..... and then of course they would be worth a lot more......

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  • 2 weeks later...

After first time not conceiving Gilt now started farrowing after only 104 days., belly was stone hard.

Lots of milk and

2 very small ones came out alive but so small they cant stand at all. Also cant suckle because of this, they be dead soon.

Then hours between the others.

Over the last 20/hours 8 been born dead of different sizes. Looks like all died from the process of being born. Gilt just stop pushing when they half way and slide back. Shes too small to get a proper grip to help them out.

One of the bad days, up 36 hours, no evening or morning meals and nothing to show for it. :(

Except for my dogs, they probably think its their birthday.

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After first time not conceiving Gilt now started farrowing after only 104 days., belly was stone hard.

Lots of milk and

2 very small ones came out alive but so small they cant stand at all. Also cant suckle because of this, they be dead soon.

Then hours between the others.

Over the last 20/hours 8 been born dead of different sizes. Looks like all died from the process of being born. Gilt just stop pushing when they half way and slide back. Shes too small to get a proper grip to help them out.

One of the bad days, up 36 hours, no evening or morning meals and nothing to show for it. sad.png

Except for my dogs, they probably think its their birthday.

oh the joys of pig farming.......... if the mum gives birth (aborts) any time around 105 day the piglets will die for sure, just not ready for the outside world yet. what are you going to do with the gilt? chances are she will have problems again, if not in the next litter then ones that will follow for sure.

the wife has stopped "giving" chances to such pigs now because we always end up loosing loads of days.....(a lot different for us as we do not pay for the pigs, I know)

got one such parity 3 in the farm now, like you said aborted some time during first litter, then second litter all good and now on day 89 she has started to abort again....

over the past week we have been "blessed" by mums with very low quality milk, 3 mums all born within a couple of days of each other, they always seem to come in groups for us. the other mums have been birthing high numbers so its a job to find homes for the skinny ones, many have died already and I expect to see a good few more in the coming days. no pattern to the bad milk all different parity, mostly the mum will recover for next time and give good milk but there are afew offenders in the farm that continue to produce poor quality, its not to bad if you spot it early enough.

on lighter note we have just come off the back of our worst month on record to then have the best month, should see 600 plus weaned this month, but the kg are not that good, can not have it all......

happy piggin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

all quite on here..... farm hits the 4 years old at the end of this month, time flys..... been slow ish the last week or so, birth a day or there abouts so have been have the farm "deep" cleaned - still on going. gotta keep the workers busy. mad when you really look at things how you let the hygiene standards slip. gotta house train them pigs more! been putting in extra lighting too, all helps to show the dirty places her and everywhere! can now safely read anywhere in the farm, I do some reading in the farm in very hot months....lol

been trying to slow down the sows getting back into pig because we have been super busy in that department this working month, gotta leave some for next month. lol paper work wise our working month is 8th to 8th. we hit our usual amount by the 27th......

was greeted by a lovely sight the other morning, not. a gilt had given birth during the night, 8 days early, all dead or there abouts, 15 at the back of her, then later on in the day another 1 popped out. in the cull area now is this pig. she gave a full in heat signal too the same day as the boy was cruising about, still showing in heat signs now..... she is a lovely looking animal though.....

going to start early this year and be fully prepared for the colder weather that will soon be with us, must be very expensive - trying to heat the barn- keep the piglets warm in the colder countries....

2 births completed now today, both in the early teens so that is good! weigh the piglets today, wean to night about 80 ish to go today. last month was our best ever weaned wise 600 plus, one of the wifes friends weaned 650 plus....... oh well, im still happy with that amount come pay day......... extensions, exterior work, and general upgrades are still on going, but have put a hold on the work till the wife gets payed, even though the cost of builders is not that mush the bills soon add up. happy piggin.

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just quickly, had a mum give birth during the very early morning today, she is 6 days early again.... piglets normal most alive 12 ish alive 3 dead at the back of her. about 1.7kg av. look ok. very surprised was expecting problems with this mum as she has been off her food for some time, still going to cull her in the next few days (yes all heart) was thinking she was going to come early, but all would be lost, so a bonus. she has milk, just gotta keep a keen eye on the quality of milk. got 2 more in labor, almost finished..........

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The sow who gave birth 10 days too early, kept popping out dead piglets for over a week. All big sized, total of 22. She hasnt been eating all the time (over 2 weeks) and had a fever. But she didn't get thin. Yes shes still alive and i might give her a chance if she pulls trhrough. 22 big ones was just too much for her first time. Belly felt like rock.

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