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Thai Court Orders Extradition Of British Murder Suspect


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Briton to be sent back home to face charges


The Ratchadapisek Criminal Court yesterday approved London's request to extradite Briton, Stuart Scott Crawford, so he can be prosecuted for murder, fraud and theft on British soil.

Extradited man pleads not guilty to Michael Ryan murder in Sutton

A 45-year-old man denied murdering a pensioner but admitted trying to transfer £6,500 of the victim's savings to his own account. Stuart Crawford is alleged to have bludgeoned his friend Michael Ryan to death at the 67-year-old's flat in Sutton. Mr Ryan, a retired heating and ventilating engineer, was found dead on September 10, 2008.

His body was discovered wrapped in a carpet beneath a bookcase at the property in Laurel Manor, Devonshire Road. It is believed Crawford was living with the victim in the weeks before the death. Crawford is accused of killing Mr Ryan between September 1 and September 6, 2008.

He was arrested in the resort of Pattaya in Thailand in August last year and returned to the UK in January. He appeared before Judge Richard Hone QC via videolink from Belmarsh Prison and pleaded not guilty to murder. Judge Hone set a trial for September 22 this year.

Sutton Guardian - April 28, 2011

Stuart Crawford was sentenced at the Old Bailey to life with a minimum of 26 years in prison for killing 67-year-old Michael Ryan in Sutton, south London.

He had been found guilty by a jury yesterday.



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Yes there are some scum bags but don't tar all British with the same brush, don't forget if it wasn't for the British most of civilized world would be speaking German……..People have short memories…………..I am British and PROUD of it.

Most of the civilised world DOES speak German.

In Europe it is the first language of more people than any other language.

Outside Europe - who's civilised?

Glad to see the British sense of ironic humour still rules.

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Tongue-in-cheek, only a smiley missing. History seen through rosy glasses. While we're at it, may I lament the loss of New Amsterdam to those perfidious English ? On the other hand the Brits, Dutch, French, Germans, etc., etc. did try to educate the rest of the world, even if some locals had to be killed to emphasize the glorious and superior European culture ;)

As did the settlers of the US who performed genocide against the American natives.

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Yes there are some scum bags but don't tar all British with the same brush, don't forget if it wasn't for the British most of civilized world would be speaking German……..People have short memories…………..I am British and PROUD of it.

You seem to have forgotten that thousands of people from 'the Empire' fought alongside we Brits. Many stouter souls from countries overrun by the Nazi war machine escaped to the UK to continue their resistance. Even some Americans volunteered to assist us in our struggle against Herr Schicklgruber and his fascist friends before the US joined in the fight after it was clear that the Nazis could not win. Check out Google for the Eagle Squadrons. It used to be, and vestiges still exist, that the British had a gift for modesty and understatement. It appears to me that your bald assertion indicates that is not the case in respect of yourself.

How proud would you be if Lord Halifax who advised coming to a compact with Hitler and supported appeasement with that mad, racist megalomaniac, with the support of much of the UK gentry and at least one member of the Royal Family incidentally, had succeeded Chamberlain instead of Churchill? Are you aware that Churchill was a surprise choice to be PM? Britain without doubt made a glorious and valiant response but to claim all the credit indicates to me at least that you are not in possession of all the salient facts.

I was proud to have served my country in Korea, at Suez and then Malaysia but no longer proud to be associated with the UK. I am disappointed in what the country has become and the actions of its leaders, and totally ashamed of the actions of many of the younger element of my countrymen that I have seen and heard about in Pattaya.

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Yes there are some scum bags but don't tar all British with the same brush, don't forget if it wasn't for the British most of civilized world would be speaking German……..People have short memories…………..I am British and PROUD of it.

:offtopic: Hmmm.... some history lessons.... if it was'nt for the Germans (Saxons => Anglosaxons) throwing out the Romans, British might today speak Italien, be part of the Roman Empire and have Berlusconi as president B)

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