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Another Passport Question


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Ok let me start by saying i am aware of the price change for a re-new passport for all usa citizens, but from what i read on the website that its only 110 USD, but the original was like 100 USD, how is that a large price change like most people said

So here is my question,,, is this right or am i reading it wrong, if so, is there any americans here who have applied for a new passport and how much was it in thai baht, i need to re-new my passport, but i am still confused on the price in baht,

thank you

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The new passports have a chip in them that transmits information about you. Your name, nationality, DOB, etc. When it initially came out, it was priced a little lower, with the intention of raising the price by steps over several years. I paid $110 3 years ago for a chipped passport. According to Yahoo Finance, that would be 3323 baht today. I believe the price is still the same.

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