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Hi guys T, Ive just built a website with dreamweaver and have no hosting company. First things first I just wanna buy the address (domain name?) b4 its get taken, how can i or should I do this..? Someone told you have to have a hosting company before you can buy the website address...

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It is advisable to keep the hosting and domain registering separate.

For Domain registering go to www.namecheap.com ( google namecheap coupons for lower price)

For hosting I use www.bluehost.com


Find yourself a good available domain name, eg with a 'domain suggestion tool' (few examples below)

123 Finder

Bust A Name (my favorite)

Domain Typer


Whois (also my favorite)

But I suggest you first read this information: Choosing a Good Domain (info) (less important when it's just a homepage)

!!! you don't need to register the available name via this same site, but choose your own one. This site has a good over view of OK tested hosting providers, use this site a lot if I need reliable links.

Example: one.com has very good user interface, clear, honest information and excellent live chat support even for non-customers. Only 1,45$ a month include a royal web space and lot of extras such as 50$ Google Adwords voucher for free advertising, photo gallery etc. etc. etc...

GoDaddy is very popular but actually they are terrible, you will find out when you need such as 'service'. Forget about this one.

Can always PM me for specific information.


It is advisable to keep the hosting and domain registering separate.

That is very good advice....take it seriously.... Make sure you are the owner of the domain. Many companies give you a cheap price on webhost plus doamin and it turns out that they are the owner of the domain. When you want to change the webhost they refuse to let you move the domain....

I have used domainbank.com and verio.com

You can skip the hosting company completely and host it in a server in your home.... You just need a dynamic DNS

afraid.org is one I use but there are others...

Actually One.com is a webhost who is selling package where they own the domain... I am managing one domain hosted at one.com where the customer went in without knowing,,,, they are stuck... But it should be said that one.com has quite good uptime (right now they are down for maintenance), support, panel etc. They have recently been banned from registering new domains (for a month) because they extended domain ownership further into the future than what the customer had ordered... so be careful...



wow that is cool

To just clarify b4 I buy them, the domain name is the website address right...? And then any links like www.soandso.com/about, www.soandso.com/links within the website will all be included...?

As you can guess this is my first try :-)


It is advisable to keep the hosting and domain registering separate.

For Domain registering go to www.namecheap.com ( google namecheap coupons for lower price)

For hosting I use www.bluehost.com

BlueHost is from BlueVoda right ? That's one can be qualified as a scam.

They lure you inside with a 'free web designer', but nothing is free. Just after you spend days on designing your website on their 'free web designer' you will discover that they want you to marry them, or 'your' site is useless, because full of protective codes to keep you with them.


wow that is cool

To just clarify b4 I buy them, the domain name is the website address right...? And then any links like www.soandso.com/about, www.soandso.com/links within the website will all be included...?

As you can guess this is my first try :-)

soandso.com is the domain name

you can put stuff before it



as well as after



I think you should do your homework before accusing a Company of being a scam

Bluehost is highly regarded in the IM world.

I use them and have no issues at all and their support is excellent.

There is an excellent forum for IM and please PM me for it if you like.

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It is advisable to keep the hosting and domain registering separate.

That is very good advice....take it seriously.... Make sure you are the owner of the domain. Many companies give you a cheap price on webhost plus doamin and it turns out that they are the owner of the domain. When you want to change the webhost they refuse to let you move the domain....

I have used domainbank.com and verio.com

You can skip the hosting company completely and host it in a server in your home.... You just need a dynamic DNS

afraid.org is one I use but there are others...

Actually One.com is a webhost who is selling package where they own the domain... I am managing one domain hosted at one.com where the customer went in without knowing,,,, they are stuck... But it should be said that one.com has quite good uptime (right now they are down for maintenance), support, panel etc. They have recently been banned from registering new domains (for a month) because they extended domain ownership further into the future than what the customer had ordered... so be careful...


Hi, about one.com what do you actually mean about the domain ownership issue? I'd like to know that. I have 7 domains hosted with them and I trust them with my domains. Just moved 2 domains to another provider, because accessing your database (usually more for professional users) is not a strong point of one.com. Moving the domain however is no problem at all.

Actually I never read 'terms of service' so might miss some important information regarding ownership of the domain, but moving to another host no problem.

They really do a lot to help you the best they can, eventually real time via chat support.


It is advisable to keep the hosting and domain registering separate.

For Domain registering go to www.namecheap.com ( google namecheap coupons for lower price)

For hosting I use www.bluehost.com

BlueHost is from BlueVoda right ? That's one can be qualified as a scam.

They lure you inside with a 'free web designer', but nothing is free. Just after you spend days on designing your website on their 'free web designer' you will discover that they want you to marry them, or 'your' site is useless, because full of protective codes to keep you with them.

Good point....

Really stay away from the webhosts "website designer software"... typical lock in


ah ok very helfpul but didnt really answer my question.. will all the other extensions have to be paid for too?

Also Im thinking about putting a number in the address, good or bad idea?


It is advisable to keep the hosting and domain registering separate.

That is very good advice....take it seriously.... Make sure you are the owner of the domain. Many companies give you a cheap price on webhost plus doamin and it turns out that they are the owner of the domain. When you want to change the webhost they refuse to let you move the domain....

I have used domainbank.com and verio.com

You can skip the hosting company completely and host it in a server in your home.... You just need a dynamic DNS

afraid.org is one I use but there are others...

Actually One.com is a webhost who is selling package where they own the domain... I am managing one domain hosted at one.com where the customer went in without knowing,,,, they are stuck... But it should be said that one.com has quite good uptime (right now they are down for maintenance), support, panel etc. They have recently been banned from registering new domains (for a month) because they extended domain ownership further into the future than what the customer had ordered... so be careful...


Hi, about one.com what do you actually mean about the domain ownership issue? I'd like to know that. I have 7 domains hosted with them and I trust them with my domains. Just moved 2 domains to another provider, because accessing your database (usually more for professional users) is not a strong point of one.com. Moving the domain however is no problem at all.

Actually I never read 'terms of service' so might miss some important information regarding ownership of the domain, but moving to another host no problem.

They really do a lot to help you the best they can, eventually real time via chat support.

They are the registered owners of the domain, not you... If they let you move the domain, that is very good and they got a good policy to let go of the domains. I'm happy to hear that...

[EDIT] Shame on me... I'm wrong..... This is one.com's statement:

Do I own the domain and can I move the domain to a different provider?


To have ones own domain is to own ones own place on the Internet. When we register a domain for you, you can keep your e-mail and home page address, as long as you wish, because we register the domain in your name. Should you later change to a different web host provider, you are free to take your domain with you.



I think you should do your homework before accusing a Company of being a scam

Bluehost is highly regarded in the IM world.

I use them and have no issues at all and their support is excellent.

There is an excellent forum for IM and please PM me for it if you like.

I am talking about BlueVoda, that's a different story. Is BlueHost not connected with them ? maybe I'm confused with VodaHost, I admit never do homework. :lol:

It's the best to just read different independent reviews before signing a contract.

Time for a Le-oo jen jen !


ah ok very helfpul but didnt really answer my question.. will all the other extensions have to be paid for too?

Also Im thinking about putting a number in the address, good or bad idea?

you just pay for the soandso.com and the rest is up to you...

the soandso.com/something is subfolders on the server

the whatever.soandso.com whatever2.soandso.com whatever3.soandso.com are DNS records that you can point to different servers (or the same)



I think you should do your homework before accusing a Company of being a scam

Bluehost is highly regarded in the IM world.

I use them and have no issues at all and their support is excellent.

There is an excellent forum for IM and please PM me for it if you like.

I am talking about BlueVoda, that's a different story. Is BlueHost not connected with them ? maybe I'm confused with VodaHost, I admit never do homework. :lol:

It's the best to just read different independent reviews before signing a contract.

Time for a Le-oo jen jen !

Actually it is better to warn people a few times too much than one time too little



Martin, who are using a server at their home, what are the main benefits, and when comparing with VPS ?

Do you need a special internet connection for this ?

I was thinking of this as I'm working on a website where members can subscribe to services, it might be better then, not sure. It cost a lot compared with an external provider.


ah great cheers,

url and domain same thing right...? Im just about to buy on whois.com

yes kindow... but url is the whole line including the /whatever


Martin, who are using a server at their home, what are the main benefits, and when comparing with VPS ?

Do you need a special internet connection for this ?

I was thinking of this as I'm working on a website where members can subscribe to services, it might be better then, not sure. It cost a lot compared with an external provider.

I just have a normal true 12/1M connection

You need to open port 80 in the router and ssh so you can admin the server from outside too... and arrange a script that is updating the Dynamic DNS server...thats it...

My server is in my kitchen and they are for playing, family, testing and development ...

Advantage... you have no upload of files that takes time... no pricetag except electricity... you can use as much RAM as you like... as much space as you like... actually my uptime and response time is better than the webhost I usually use... but the DNS recors can take some time 20 min to update... If you can get a static IP you don't have that problem...



wow dude this is getting exciting!!! Just readin your server stuff I may go for that too!!

Can you use a comp server for other stuff at the same time. eg nulding websites..... and for more than one website...? It does sound like a good idea as you can use as much space as you like.

I bought the domain names but didnt put www. b4 them, Im hoping that wont make a difference and the www. is standard as now I search with the www. and it say not available now, anyone shed some light....?

My god I never thought buying a name could be so happy making!!


I agree with Frodo about keeping your hosting company separate from your domain registrar - I use godaddy.com as my domain registrar - same suggestion, google "godaddy codes" to find some coupons for cheaper prices. Godaddy does suck for hosting, but their domain registration is pretty decent. I use ixwebhosting.com as my web hosting provider.


wow dude this is getting exciting!!! Just readin your server stuff I may go for that too!!

Can you use a comp server for other stuff at the same time. eg nulding websites..... and for more than one website...? It does sound like a good idea as you can use as much space as you like.

I bought the domain names but didnt put www. b4 them, Im hoping that wont make a difference and the www. is standard as now I search with the www. and it say not available now, anyone shed some light....?

My god I never thought buying a name could be so happy making!!

No problems...


One of my friends... in Sweden has a website hosted on his Asus EEE-PC laptop in his living room... took a few hours and a phonecall to guide him to this... http://www.iphonemagasinet.se/

ok it is crappy but.... and right now it is down....

My kitchen server in Samutprakarn



http://git.siamect.com/ hosting my own git repositories

http://rorviksss.siamect.com/ test for my sisters sailing club

http://controlrooms.siamect.com/ test for another friend...

http://atrium.controlcentres.com test for the same friend

And so on... My daughter and my wife use this computer for other stuff...

so now you need a dynamic DNS server I can recommend afraid.org

register your domain name there (free) and then you go back to whois and point your primary DNS server to afraid.org

Then you can start installing you webserver (Ubuntu is easy) ...

open port 80 in your router...

I can give you a short description how to update the dns record at afraid.org from the server...

and so on...



cool man, Im gonna look into this. My gfriend has a council house so the electric should be cheap, Ill let you know what happens



wow dude this is getting exciting!!! Just readin your server stuff I may go for that too!!

Can you use a comp server for other stuff at the same time. eg nulding websites..... and for more than one website...? It does sound like a good idea as you can use as much space as you like.

I bought the domain names but didnt put www. b4 them, Im hoping that wont make a difference and the www. is standard as now I search with the www. and it say not available now, anyone shed some light....?

My god I never thought buying a name could be so happy making!!

No problems...


One of my friends... in Sweden has a website hosted on his Asus EEE-PC laptop in his living room... took a few hours and a phonecall to guide him to this... http://www.iphonemagasinet.se/

ok it is crappy but.... and right now it is down....

My kitchen server in Samutprakarn



http://git.siamect.com/ hosting my own git repositories

http://rorviksss.siamect.com/ test for my sisters sailing club

http://controlrooms.siamect.com/ test for another friend...

http://atrium.controlcentres.com test for the same friend

And so on... My daughter and my wife use this computer for other stuff...

so now you need a dynamic DNS server I can recommend afraid.org

register your domain name there (free) and then you go back to whois and point your primary DNS server to afraid.org

Then you can start installing you webserver (Ubuntu is easy) ...

open port 80 in your router...

I can give you a short description how to update the dns record at afraid.org from the server...

and so on...


Interesting, thanks for sharing. Like to learn more about this home server stuff.

But a server is quite expensive to buy right, 1500$ or so ?

And everything stands or falls with the quality of the Thai ISP right, with all their flaws an hiccups ? (unless you are one of the few with a reliable line)


Interesting, thanks for sharing. Like to learn more about this home server stuff.

But a server is quite expensive to buy right, 1500$ or so ?

And everything stands or falls with the quality of the Thai ISP right, with all their flaws an hiccups ? (unless you are one of the few with a reliable line)

Mine is a 10 000 baht dual core 2GB ram and a 500GB disk.It is doing fine...

Webservers are quite lightweight so you can use a old computer... I used to have a 1.8 Celeron 512MB and a 60GB disk... worked fine.

The iphonemagasinet.se runs on an Asus EEE-PC Intel atom first generation... But he has 100Mbps connection (Sweden)....

But if you have lots of visitors you will be limited by the speed of your internet connection. And if it fails your visitors will get a timeout....

My internet connection is up all the time and I'm lucky to have a stable connection.



would appreciate a step by step instructions including what's required to run a server from the kitchen

If you can wait until tonight late... I'm on the road now

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