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Being the father of a two year old here in Thailand i often wonder what the future of my child will be like should as seems likely i decide to remain in Thailand. We all know how racist Thais can be, i first came here about 23 years ago and distinctly remember how the Amerasians were looked down on then and basically had to settle for a second class existence.

I would really like to hear from either parents or even their Thai/Farang kids that have grown up here and stayed as opposed to going off to some western university and settling overseas, for instance is it more difficult or in fact impossible to pursue certain career paths? or do the cops give you a harder time than other kids? and have you or do you have to put up with snide remarks about about your race?


I have wondered the same about my boy, but you have to think in a different way than you are.

Thais look down on all who are not Thai and even look down on other Thais.

If I go to the UK I think he will have problems there as well.

So all you can do is bring him up in a way so that he is a good person and give him the best education you can so he can get a good job and do well for himself.

Just like yourself really.


"Being the father of a two year old here in Thailand i often wonder what the future of my child will be like should as seems likely i decide to remain in Thailand. We all know how racist Thais can be, i first came here about 23 years ago and distinctly remember how the Amerasians were looked down on then and basically had to settle for a second class existence.

I would really like to hear from either parents or even their Thai/Farang kids that have grown up here and stayed as opposed to going off to some western university and settling overseas, for instance is it more difficult or in fact impossible to pursue certain career paths? or do the cops give you a harder time than other kids? and have you or do you have to put up with snide remarks about about your race?"

Have been here a little longer than that and have not really encountered really serious racial problems between ourselves, Thai, Chinese nor Malay; which does not in itself mean that there is no racial discrimination existing any where, neither.

Most of what most farangs would regard as looking down upon remarks and the many ways Thais would say and laugh about us, what we look like, what we do, how we eat, how we go about doing our things in our own backyards, how we could not do things right in their Thai ways, how we always say something in Thai but it always makes the locals laugh because either we mispronounce the words which carry entirely different meanings.... so on and so forth....

If the Thai were to say something in English and would pronounce some words like "geen-kow" as "eat lice".... instead of "eat rice".... we would most probably because of our cultural training and experiences, we would refrain from making our Thai neighbors feeling uncomfortable or silly.

Such were not the case with our Thai friends and neighbors, most surely do not have the opportunity and ways of life like most of us.

Many things they do and say do appear to be offensive and detestable if judged according to our Western cultural experiences; but friends, because of their lack of opportunity to education and travel abroad, these Thai just could not fathom just how painful and disgusting we would feel toward certain gestures and manners.

In the beginning we felt really bad too. But after some lengthy open-heart and down to earth discussion with elderly Thai, Chinese and Muslim leaders, we found it in our heart to learn and tolerate their funny cultures, likewise, they also learn to tolerate and live with our offensive odor, our wearing shoe in their houses and Wats and other places, and; our insistence on always refusing to partake greasy foods, spoons and folks et cetera, et cetera.

And best of all, they all agree never to spit around our tiny property nor would any of them urinate around our compound. :welcomeani:

And best of the very bests is, they would help to return our chicks and ducks etc instead of conveniently turning them into mixture of various somtum and curry. :clap2:

In reference to our first born son, he went to a western USA university, graduated and currently working in a management-supervisory position with Microsoft. He married a French lady and my first grand daughter is barely over a year old.

Our friends' kids are also adjusting to western culture in American without much difficulty. Most as reported back to their parents are having a ball teasing their new American friends about how obnoxious their behaviors and way of life appear, when judged by other culturally different students and parents.

In a few more years, when our two kids graduated from HRH Chula College, we'll all PROBABLY move with them back to Boston or somewhere closeby as their support team members.

May I hasten to add that as far as career path is concerned, there is absolutely no limit to what you kid can do; at least that is our limited experiences. Succinctly, our eldest daughter who speaks, Thai, Chinese and English of course, was recruited even before her senior year into protective services. :coffee1:

Pls do not be too concerned or too worried about your kid's education and future, just train them in the most decent way--to love their neighbors as themselves, then they'll do fine any where in the world, yes including Thailand and the most furthest Southern provinces as well. :jap: :clap2:

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If I was presented with two candidates for a work position, I would give consideration to the "combo" candidate.

The reasons are;

i) Candidate most likely was raised in an environment with multiple languages and might have excellent comprehensions skills.

ii) Candidate has strong likelihood of possessing a solid education combined with a home environment that imparted values and beliefs compatible with our workplace environment.

iii) Candidate most likely has experienced prejudice and bias. If candidate has overcome such obstacles, then the life experience would make for a more stable worker and one that is more sensitive to co-workers and clients positions.

However, I would also be concerned if;

i) The candidate is from the stereotypical bargirl farang lowlife relationship, The chances are that the "combo" picked up all the bad habits and none of the good qualities.

ii) Candidate may think his or her good looks and background might entitle the candidate to preferential treatment and this would cause a problem in the workplace.

iii) If candidate was from the stereotypical "spoilt" upbringing typical of some mixed couples, then hiring on such a person would be a major error.

The point I am trying to make is that if the parents do their job, even if a single parent, the child will have a fair chance at succeeding in life. The physical characteristics will not matter. Pleanty of multinationals are willing to hire mixed parentage kids. Foreign clients are often relieved when they learn that the person they are dealing with has an understanding of the foreigners' culture and way of doing things. As well, a solid education, particularly in the sciences breaks down barriers.

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