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I will agree with one of the other guys, if its on the menu then they should know how to cook it properly.

I disagree with the Thais not knowing what should be hot or cold. A lot of Thais eat fries at Mickey D's and all the other fast food joints. Fries don't come cold there.

Take some sarnies with ya next time Random, just incase.

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sorry my reply was not meant to be rude, I never took it out of context, i guess that was aimed at the 2 <deleted> that entered the thread

So instead of having a go at the 2 <deleted>, you slagged off Onnut.

Good work. rolleyes.gif

Edited by bonobo
and yet one more time
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Are you suggesting the chips turned cold because I ordered them. arsehol_e

Yes. smile.gif

If you hadn't ordered them, you wouldn't have had a free meal, what are you complaining about ?

I didn't have a free meal, I didn't eat it, maybe you need to read the op again as your log in name is really fitting you at the moment

Whilst I found your O/P to be reasonable and empathised with your plight, I find it difficult to believe you didn't eat otherwise how did the fish bones get stuck in your throat? I agree with your comment about if the item is on the menu, it is reasonable to expect that they know how it should be cooked and served.

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Nothing wrong with the Thai food, nothing wrong with the surroundings, the staff messed up, the food was cold, it was not brought back and the way it was taken away was not good. My story was not whinging, it was light hearted, i make it clear that is was simply my food and the service and not the thai food or surroundings.

Look mate, if you hate Thailand why don't you leave ? jap.gif


No really, why don't you leave? This isn't the colonial Raj and Thais aren't your subjects.

Edited by bonobo
I guess he can't stop it.
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Are you suggesting the chips turned cold because I ordered them. arsehol_e

Yes. smile.gif

If you hadn't ordered them, you wouldn't have had a free meal, what are you complaining about ?

I didn't have a free meal, I didn't eat it, maybe you need to read the op again as your log in name is really fitting you at the moment

Whilst I found your O/P to be reasonable and empathised with your plight, I find it difficult to believe you didn't eat otherwise how did the fish bones get stuck in your throat? I agree with your comment about if the item is on the menu, it is reasonable to expect that they know how it should be cooked and served.

If I had eaten one chip and then sent the meal back would you class that as having eaten? I ate one piece of fish which resulted in three fishbones, do you think I would have kept eating getting a new fishbone with each bite? I ate one piece and stopped, I would hardly class that as eating.

I had to eat some to know it was not good, same with the chips, if I didnt eat one I would not know it was cold, I don't plunge my finger in to test the temperature :D

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I find it difficult to believe you didn't eat otherwise how did the fish bones get stuck in your throat?

Very well spotted Midas. smile.gif

So not only is he a Thai hating, Onnut bullying troublemaker, he tells porkies too.

Random, please start some more threads.

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Using the OPs logic, it would be perfectly acceptable for Thais to refuse to pay for Thai food served in the West if it were not made to Thai standards. I doubt that would fly in most establishments; the OP should consider himself lucky.

Agreed .....

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I was in a Thai place in KK that serves pretty decent Thai grub and on my last visit noticed they'd added some western dishes. My interest aroused (and definitely having should have known better) I ordered the "western sausages"

Images of a selection of Cumberland and Licolnshire bangers, perhaps some bratwurst or bockwurst, floated naively and stupidly through my mind.

Proudly served? 3 of those small chubby hot dogs split at the end like a flower and 2 slices of tomato.

As mentioned by others. Written in stone. A mantra to be chanted at every menu perusal.


I get the same images every time I foolishly order a fry-up, “full English” I salivate as I wait, my head pounding away from having drunk my weight in alcohol. No problem a greasy Joe will sort this out, <deleted>!!! A tinned cold hot dog, cold egg, 1, 2, 3, 4 baked beans and a frigging tomato and slice of cucumber! Will I ever learn.

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I get the same images every time I foolishly order a fry-up, “full English” I salivate as I wait, my head pounding away from having drunk my weight in alcohol. No problem a greasy Joe will sort this out, <deleted>!!! A tinned cold hot dog, cold egg, 1, 2, 3, 4 baked beans and a frigging tomato and slice of cucumber! Will I ever learn.

So true. It's like these expat restaurants that offer various sizes of brekkie and the largest have names like " The Big One" which is usually an insult to all things big.

Back home one place used to offer what was named simply, "The Mega"

4 fried eggs

4 sausages

3 slices of black pudding

3 slices of fried bread

3 rounds of toast

4 rashers of bacon

fried mushrooms

friend onions

a pork chop

a gammon steak


all the tea and coffee you could drink

I did it once. Only the once......

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Funny but it's true, ordering a fish & chips from a Thai restaurant.....fancy one orders 'somtam' from a farang fish & chips restaurant....if the dishes didn't taste good one still has to pay for it, otherwise some cheap charlies may take this as an invitation to free meals... :rolleyes:

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I get the same images every time I foolishly order a fry-up, "full English" I salivate as I wait, my head pounding away from having drunk my weight in alcohol. No problem a greasy Joe will sort this out, <deleted>!!! A tinned cold hot dog, cold egg, 1, 2, 3, 4 baked beans and a frigging tomato and slice of cucumber! Will I ever learn.

So true. It's like these expat restaurants that offer various sizes of brekkie and the largest have names like " The Big One" which is usually an insult to all things big.

Back home one place used to offer what was named simply, "The Mega"

4 fried eggs

4 sausages

3 slices of black pudding

3 slices of fried bread

3 rounds of toast

4 rashers of bacon

fried mushrooms

friend onions

a pork chop

a gammon steak


all the tea and coffee you could drink

I did it once. Only the once......

Ahh, food of the Gods. But only 3 toast? I’m a little disappointed………….No chips! My mouth is now watering!!!

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I get the same images every time I foolishly order a fry-up, "full English" I salivate as I wait, my head pounding away from having drunk my weight in alcohol. No problem a greasy Joe will sort this out, <deleted>!!! A tinned cold hot dog, cold egg, 1, 2, 3, 4 baked beans and a frigging tomato and slice of cucumber! Will I ever learn.

So true. It's like these expat restaurants that offer various sizes of brekkie and the largest have names like " The Big One" which is usually an insult to all things big.

Back home one place used to offer what was named simply, "The Mega"

4 fried eggs

4 sausages

3 slices of black pudding

3 slices of fried bread

3 rounds of toast

4 rashers of bacon

fried mushrooms

friend onions

a pork chop

a gammon steak


all the tea and coffee you could drink

I did it once. Only the once......

That should be called The Gut Buster! :D

could do with that now.

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it was shocking because they were shocking, pure and simple, and the western food was awful and cold, this is a fact and not based on my attitude.

Are you suggesting the chips turned cold because I ordered them. arsehol_e

FYI and for future reference, Thais don't place much importance on whether or not a meal is seved hot or cold.If that's important to you you should say so when ordering.

Got to disagree with that statement.

My Thai family and friends all complain when something that should be hot is not hot and when something that should be warm is not warm.

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It can be a real issue trying to return unwanted/unordered or late food at the cheaper restaurants here. Had a problem last night at Noodi. Ordered several dishes, 3 out of the 4 came one after the other. Ate them..waited for the last one...and waited...sometimes it takes a while, sometimes they forget. I didn't persue it though because occasionally I'm not in the mood for it if I've finished my other dishes, so they forget and it gets wiped off the bill. All ok. However this time it came a few mins after we had finished all our food. The waiter had forgotten to order it from the kitchen (no notepad) but remembered on coming back to the table to see the finished plates. He only ordered it from the kitchen then without asking me. So it came late, Rad-naa wonton, so I said I thought they forgot and didn't want it now after everything is finished. The guy looked completely lost as to what to do, but took it back to the other waiting staff, whereby a ladyboy came straight over and noisily protested to my friend (Thai....it's always aimed at them if you complain) that I ordered it and it can't be cancelled. In fact, if it wasn't rad-naa I'd take it home to eat. Ladyboy protested saying they would all have to pay for that meal now it was made. However, if it was forgotten and ONLY made at the end without asking first, their fault. Not a big deal for me, but huge for them. 89 baht they'd have to split 5 ways because it was made. Is that right? The owner would KNOW it had been made and staff would have to pay? Anyway, friend is highly assertive and eloquant and the ladyboy could do nothing apart from go off in a huff.

The customer is not always cared about, especially in the lower end places.

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Wow, your chips were cold.

Well boo hoo, for you.

You were able to name and shame them even though it sounds like they already more than resolved it there and then.

This really is becoming the "piddly ass crap that happens in my everyday sad pathetic life" forum.

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Wow, your chips were cold.

Well boo hoo, for you.

You were able to name and shame them even though it sounds like they already more than resolved it there and then.

This really is becoming the "piddly ass crap that happens in my everyday sad pathetic life" forum.


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Wow, your chips were cold.

Well boo hoo, for you.

You were able to name and shame them even though it sounds like they already more than resolved it there and then.

This really is becoming the "piddly ass crap that happens in my everyday sad pathetic life" forum.

can we have a whip round and buy this fool some reading lessons? If i wanted to cause them harm i would have said EVERYTHING was bad, however I did not, i say the place is nice, the music is good, the Thai food is good, that's hardly naming and shaming, and my post is more about the time taken and the way the chips were removed as opposed to them being cold, friend of sillymans by any chance?

seems you are the one grumbling in this thread, I have to laugh at people that complain about people grumbling while missing the irony that they are grumbling.

Edited by random
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The food should have came out of the kitchen, hot.

The kitchen is to blame.

If the kitchen has a genuine complaint then it should be priority in the kitchen to correct it and keep the customer satisfied.

Its not rocket science.

So, next time your in a restaurant and part of your meal is cold, just sit there and keep quiet.

Now, in the OP's g/f complaining maybe just maybe the kitchen won't make the same mistake again when cooking the next portion of fish n chips.

If I ever visit this restaurant and enjoy a nice hot fish n chips then I know it will be down to one of our own through his complaint. Cheers.

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Over my many years in Thailand, I have experienced similar experiences, both at Thai and farang restaurants.

When this happens it really does spoil my day and I can fully relate with Random.

At least he did have this crap excuse for a meal deducted from the bill without much hassle. No one knows when it is going to be their turn and although Random did not pay for the food, this is just hassle, agro and inconvenience we can well live without.

It`s good that he has warned others about this place and thanks for bringing this to our attention. It could save others from having the same problem at this dump in the future.

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