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Roll On Deoderant


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No offence meant but why oh why do people waste time asking stupid questions like this?

The only way you don't know the answer to your own question is because you haven't bothered to try and find out for yourself !

I'm sure you could have even googled an answer in the time it had taken you to switch on, log in and post this! you could have probably even got to a 7/11 lol.

Anyways, all the places you need are above.


P.S. You can probably get other things at these places too

Ha Ha:lol:

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offence taken! i've been to tops and watsons and boots dozens of times and have never seen the stuff, and haff to settle for the lousy spray kind. i guess the brands / shape of the container look different then at home. thanks for the help, i'll keep an eye out for the silver nidvea one.

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offence taken! i've been to tops and watsons and boots dozens of times and have never seen the stuff, and haff to settle for the lousy spray kind. i guess the brands / shape of the container look different then at home. thanks for the help, i'll keep an eye out for the silver nidvea one.

I understand your frustration, thaiguy55. I've been wondering where I could buy a toothbrush for the past 14 months, the bristles on the old one are less than 2mm long now so it's high time for replacement.

Also need to know where to get some toothpaste. Any ideas?

With a name like thaiguy55 I guess you assume you have really assimilated with Thailand.

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Thaiguy55, with any due respect..... did they kick you out of an AA Meeting or what.

There are literally thousands of places to get the roll on in CM.

Don't worry about the stink, consider eye glasses first, then when no one will come near you look in Makro and buy in bulk

You have my deepest sympathies.....

Trolling the night away....

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No offence meant but why oh why do people waste time asking stupid questions like this?

The only way you don't know the answer to your own question is because you haven't bothered to try and find out for yourself !

I'm sure you could have even googled an answer in the time it had taken you to switch on, log in and post this! you could have probably even got to a 7/11 lol.

Anyways, all the places you need are above.


P.S. You can probably get other things at these places too

Ha Ha:lol:

You are a lot nicer than I am. What a troll

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No offence meant but why oh why do people waste time asking stupid questions like this?

The only way you don't know the answer to your own question is because you haven't bothered to try and find out for yourself !

I'm sure you could have even googled an answer in the time it had taken you to switch on, log in and post this! you could have probably even got to a 7/11 lol.

Anyways, all the places you need are above.


P.S. You can probably get other things at these places too

Ha Ha:lol:

I was about to write the same but you did it for me twice!

Come on...this post has to be a joke. You can find roll on in any Tesco, Big C, 7-11, Topps, etc. and Mom and Pops store anywhere in Thailand.

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offence taken! i've been to tops and watsons and boots dozens of times and have never seen the stuff, and haff to settle for the lousy spray kind. i guess the brands / shape of the container look different then at home. thanks for the help, i'll keep an eye out for the silver nidvea one.

Juat imagine DOZENS of trips to Tops ,Watson amd Boots without success. Did you ever think to ask one of the staff? Even allowing for the language barrier I'm sure a re enactment of the art of applying deodrant would have given them a clue !!!!

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Anyone know where I can buy milk?


You can buy milk in Thailand? My God, next thing you know you'll be able to get rice somewhere as well, then maybe Chang beer.:D

My word! What next, Electricity? Maybe even that new fandangled contraption the wheel?


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offence taken! i've been to tops and watsons and boots dozens of times and have never seen the stuff, and haff to settle for the lousy spray kind. i guess the brands / shape of the container look different then at home. thanks for the help, i'll keep an eye out for the silver nidvea one.

I understand your frustration, thaiguy55. I've been wondering where I could buy a toothbrush for the past 14 months, the bristles on the old one are less than 2mm long now so it's high time for replacement.

Also need to know where to get some toothpaste. Any ideas?

With a name like thaiguy55 I guess you assume you have really assimilated with Thailand.

Well after I received no advice on where to buy a toothbrush and toothpaste I finally decided to go on a search all by myself.

Being the daring type that I am, I went in to the 7/11 on Moonmuang Road just south of Ratchadamnoen Road right next to Thapae Gate, I discovered to my surprise that both of the items that I have been needing for the past 14 months were available.

Whilst in this 7/11 store I was also amazed to see that roll-on deodorant was on the shelves also.

And good news for you, nikster!! They've got milk there too.

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i think after staying in thailand for so long i become more confident and use less of those scent adding odor killing junk .

i used to be one of those that can't leave my home without rubbing what ever chemical shhiit on my armpit and then spray some weird smelling canister of body scent as well as applying all kinda cream to make myself smell good .

nowaday i prefer taking a long good shower and keeping myself clean and having less scent . is the harder way to make oneself smell good . and i am lazy to some extent . and i got my days which i skip bath a few days just cos i don't feel like taking a shower .

but i slowly learn the importance of keeping one self clean and healthy way .

so nowaday i hardly appply any of those strange chemcial on myself . The only joy i get some is shaving myself with Straight razor and using some cheap soap i apply with a pig fur brush some form i brew up with the soap and then after shaving i find rubbing my skin with some cheap thai whiskey make me feel good :)

i sweat alot but i hate apply power on myself so i sually try to get cotton shirt which is more comfortable.

anywya you get get what you asking for almost anyway from tesco , big c, 7-11 to even market is all over

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wow. with all the replies, i thought this thread might actually have been at least interesting, if not meaningful.. my mistake =)

Now what more could you want in an interesting and meaningful post. Ta22 is always ready to come to the rescue.

i think after staying in thailand for so long i become more confident and use less of those scent adding odor killing junk .

i used to be one of those that can't leave my home without rubbing what ever chemical shhiit on my armpit and then spray some weird smelling canister of body scent as well as applying all kinda cream to make myself smell good .

nowaday i prefer taking a long good shower and keeping myself clean and having less scent . is the harder way to make oneself smell good . and i am lazy to some extent . and i got my days which i skip bath a few days just cos i don't feel like taking a shower .

but i slowly learn the importance of keeping one self clean and healthy way .

so nowaday i hardly appply any of those strange chemcial on myself . The only joy i get some is shaving myself with Straight razor and using some cheap soap i apply with a pig fur brush some form i brew up with the soap and then after shaving i find rubbing my skin with some cheap thai whiskey make me feel good :)

i sweat alot but i hate apply power on myself so i sually try to get cotton shirt which is more comfortable.

anywya you get get what you asking for almost anyway from tesco , big c, 7-11 to even market is all over

Edited by Blinky Bill
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BB i guess sometime is cool to be like Caveman :) cos i feel i am one , i had one tooth brush in the bath room for like ages .. but to be frank i brush my tooth like 1 min just going over the moment , :P so nowaday i get one of those mouth washing solution , cos after some visit to the dentist and trying it out it dose work for lazy people like me who do not brush well and offen ,

it seme like the only time when i relaly brush my tooth well is when i travel and my wife would buy new brushes from any where we go cos she feel that my old brush from home is too ugly to TRAVEL


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