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Property Lawyer


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A little vague to me. Are you wanting to put the house in a company name or transfer it from a company name? If putting it in a company name just make sure your company has legitimate shareholders. Sorry no recommendations for lawyer.

Edited by Valentine
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I dont have a good lawyer for you, but in this case (taking on company and companies assets) its less a property lawyer and should be a simple case of having the current farang director / shareholder resign and a new one signed on with the appropriate majority voting rights transfered. This shouldnt be too complex (or incur property taxes).

My experiences in simple stuff with PK law in Chalong have been OK. Might be worth having a chat with them.

Find anything nice ??

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I dont have a good lawyer for you, but in this case (taking on company and companies assets) its less a property lawyer and should be a simple case of having the current farang director / shareholder resign and a new one signed on with the appropriate majority voting rights transfered. This shouldnt be too complex (or incur property taxes).

My experiences in simple stuff with PK law in Chalong have been OK. Might be worth having a chat with them.

Find anything nice ??

OK, will look into it, i know all company taxes has been paid to date and everything should be OK.

It is nice, me think, it was sold new for 7mill a few years ago, but owner need money right now, who dont, and now for sale for a few mill less, its in Nai Harn and with pool.Have been in contact with the company there sold and build it in the first place, also another house in same road by same builder for sale for 9mill

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I dont have a good lawyer for you, but in this case (taking on company and companies assets) its less a property lawyer and should be a simple case of having the current farang director / shareholder resign and a new one signed on with the appropriate majority voting rights transfered. This shouldnt be too complex (or incur property taxes).

My experiences in simple stuff with PK law in Chalong have been OK. Might be worth having a chat with them.

Find anything nice ??

OK, will look into it, i know all company taxes has been paid to date and everything should be OK.

It is nice, me think, it was sold new for 7mill a few years ago, but owner need money right now, who dont, and now for sale for a few mill less, its in Nai Harn and with pool.Have been in contact with the company there sold and build it in the first place, also another house in same road by same builder for sale for 9mill

PK Law in Chalong, Chao fa east going to town, left side after the banks. Rungnapha

But you are not making a property deal here, just transfer ALL the shares and replace director(s). Would also find a new accountant to look through everything, Rungnapha can advice.

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