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NASA approves 2013 launch of mission to Mars after passing confirmation review


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NASA approves 2013 launch of mission to Mars after passing confirmation review

2010-10-06 05:50:00 GMT+7 (ICT)

DENVER, COLORADO (BNO NEWS) – The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on Tuesday approved the development and 2013 launch of the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN).

NASA's MAVEN project passed its Mission Confirmation Review on Monday after which Lockheed Martin - the industry partner of the mission - will design and construct the spacecraft and perform flight operations.

The mission review involved NASA executives and industry experts that determined that the mission, science and spacecraft plans can be developed on schedule, within budget, with acceptable risk and that it will accomplish all objectives set.

The MAVEN spacecraft will probe the upper atmosphere of Mars and its interactions with the sun to learn the interaction between Mars' atmosphere and solar activity. Images of the Martian surface indicated that water existed in the red planet in the past.

The information gathered through MAVEN's three science instrument suites, investigators would be able to recreate the history of Mars' atmosphere. The launch is scheduled for 2013 and the spacecraft will reach its orbit around Mars by September 2014.

"The MAVEN spacecraft team is ready and eager to move forward with the detailed design of the spacecraft and ultimately to the successful launch and operations of this important mission," said Guy Beutelschies, MAVEN program manager at Lockheed Martin.

MAVEN is the second mission in the Mars Scout Program which is designed to send small, low-cost, investigator-led missions to the Red Planet. NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander was the first Mars Scout mission and was also built and flown by Lockheed Martin.

"The team has successfully met every major milestone since selection two years ago," said NASA's MAVEN Project Manager David Mitchell. "Looking forward, we are well positioned for the next push to critical design review in July 2011. In three short years, we'll be heading to Mars!"


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-10-06

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This a stupid idea.

Spend the money on earth, which is simply overflowing with problems (& people).

Clearly you are not thinking OTB !

Man has ruined this planet & they need to quickly find a replacement before this one spins of its axis (apparently some time in 2012). Some would argue its already too late :o:rolleyes::lol:

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This a stupid idea.

Spend the money on earth, which is simply overflowing with problems (& people).

Dam_n! Where the <deleted> is that green button. :annoyed:

Edited for punctuation

ahhh the kangaroo, he loved that function :lol:

Like a hole in the head, Mr Never...like a hole in the head. :lol:

Edited by elkangorito
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It seems that the 'News Editor' succeeded in gaining a few more 'whatevers'.

I therefore take it that this thread has finished with any inane ideas of 'flying saucers'...or do some people still 'believe'?

It reminds me of Moulder & Scully...or is that Sculler & Mouldy?

Oops!!! Wrong thread. :lol:

Edited by elkangorito
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We need to make sure this spaceship is clearly marked "NO RETURNS" :lol:

Simple to do just stamp "made in Thailand" on it that way its guarnteed no returns, it also makes the thread Thai related:lol: :lol:

Edited by travelmann
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This a stupid idea.

Spend the money on earth, which is simply overflowing with problems (& people).

The voice of naivety. The stupid idea is leaving all one's eggs in one basket. Any decent sized chunk of rock/ice (perhaps a mile across and up) come down on us would be bye bye time. Reaching out to Mars is not only about exploring and the 'getting there first' thing, it's logical. It needs to be done at the earliest convenience to get terraforming in motion for future generations / preservation. Forget problems here. There will always be problems no matter how much time, money and effort put in.

Have you registered Marsvisa.com yet George? :D

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This a stupid idea.

Spend the money on earth, which is simply overflowing with problems (& people).

The voice of naivety. The stupid idea is leaving all one's eggs in one basket. Any decent sized chunk of rock/ice (perhaps a mile across and up) come down on us would be bye bye time. Reaching out to Mars is not only about exploring and the 'getting there first' thing, it's logical. It needs to be done at the earliest convenience to get terraforming in motion for future generations / preservation. Forget problems here. There will always be problems no matter how much time, money and effort put in.

Have you registered Marsvisa.com yet George? :D

that was my idea, but... marsvisa.com is already taken :)

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Big deal, Mars is way overpriced and it has very little atmosphere.

Risa is the place to go these days,

From Wiki

Risa - Also called Epsilon Ceti B II, located about 88.2[1] light-years from Earth, known for its beauty and relaxing tropical atmosphere. It is a world commonly sought by interstellar vacationers and starship crews on shore leave.[33][34][35] The planet orbits several stars and its climate is controlled by a weather modification network, with the natural climate being extremely violent. Risians, especially the women, are extremely open and will freely share their planet, and even themselves, with vacationers; a practice known as "Jamaharon"

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