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Company Trip To Chiang Rai


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I am planning the annual company trip and think about an active weekend in the Golden Triangle region with rafting and / or jungle trekking (all moderate, no hard core), some bbq and just for fun and team building. We are 12 people mostly Thai's. Company trip supposed to happen 10. - 12. December and I guess we will organize the flights from BKK and back by ourselves.

Does anybody has a recommendation for a tour operator, who can make us a good package deal with accommondation and activity program?

Would appreciate very much, thx.

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Wow! No input on this one.

canardo, there are lots of little tour outfits here in CR. I have no idea who is good and who is not. I would guess you could find a lot of the local ones on the Internet.

Better suggestion, though, is to make a day trip up here and scout it out. Talk with the operators and talk with their customers. Should be able to get a pretty good feel for what is what in a day's time. I think you would want to be pretty sure anyway before you committed your money and your people to a two or three day adventure like that.

If you come this way and don't know your way around, contact me. I can take you to a few of the bigger operators or set you up with a driver who will.

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You might also contact Don at Don's Restaurant. He can probably swing a nice BBQ for your gang on the outskirts of CR and he may well have some tour contacts that he is working with. You can send a PM to him from his profile page at this link-


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If you are interested in a responsible tour operator, you might want to consider the PDA Tour office. PDA Tour is part of the Population and Community Development Association which was created by Mr. Mechai Viravaidya. They have a restaurant (Cabbages and Condoms), and a Hilltirbe Museum at the 3rd floor of the PDA Office building on Thanalai Rd. PDA Tour can organize 1-day sightseeing tours and trekking tours that can last from 1 day to 3 days. PM me if you need more information.



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