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On The Topic Of Drugs..


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I can get plenty of things stronger than codine, unfortunately they blow my head off and make me the equivilent of stoned.

I've got a herniated disc in my back and I'm running low on the supply I brought with me from home..

Can any suggest where I might find it or a good replacement?!

Back home I either take a combination of codine + paracetamol (prescribed - panadine forte) or ibruprofen + codine (OTC)

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You will not get codeine in a pharmacy - (unless anyone knows otherwise).

You can however, get it in a hospital, but a doctor needs to prescribe it. So you pay for the Dr's consult plus the hospital price.

Strange how we can buy as much Codeine as we like in the UK over the counter, but dare ask for a sleeping pill!!

You could try Tramadol, it works for some but not for others.

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Tramadol is exactly what i'm talking about which blows my head off.. works, too well - unless it comes smaller than 50mg?

Yes, it does make you whoozy and I know a lot of people who have stopped it. Strange that you can but this drug which is most definitely Rx only in UK, but not Codeine. I know someone who persevered with Tramadol and the whoozy effects lessened after a while and she wouldn't be without it now. She takes one at bedtime and one in the morning for her cervical spondylitis. Anti-inflammatory's don't do good things to her stomach.

Good luck, it's not nice to suffer pain of any kind. smile.gif

And the Thai brand of Tramadol is only 30 Baht for 10....amazing.

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Or if your a bulk buyer (Have pain regularly) 600bt for 500 Tramadol... just don't take too much. I thought 1 tablet would be fine for most. Yet I must abmit when first took 2 for back pain it blew me away on a dowsy high. Due to the pain I stuck it out on Tramadol (Better than nothing), now I just take 1 or 2 when needed... as the back pain comes and goes.

Tramadol is supposedly not addictive thus why approved over the counter her... however most other nations know better. just look up Tramadol and heaps of forums came up on people trying get off the stuff after their pain is gone. Naturally when your Stoned feeling subsides after a couple of days of taking it- simply never up the dosage. I think many on the addicted forums siimply wished to keep getting that stoned feeling- people pay good money to feel like your feeling- LOL.

Keep trying 1 intermittently- otherwise if you do not wish too. You can pay a few hundred baht to get Codeine prescribed from a doctor ONLY AVAILABLE in a hospital. Probably 1000-1500bt each time if RAM or similar.

I would stick with 1 Tramadol. Strong for pain and cheap in Thailand.

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in my pain frenzy i eve took 8 tramadol . but anyway that was more or les sthe past i hope .

i try to deal with my pain in way without drug , but i do agree the instant cure is good,

what would be good is you combine all you know and try to cure active and passive .

good luck .. codine can be addictive so i tramadol i guess

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Doctors at Klaimore hospital near Tesco in Hang Dong Road will usually prescribe Tylenol (which has codine in it). I have never had any problem getting it from them for severe back pain. But maximum they will supply is 20in one visit.

I've been getting them there for 5 years.

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In case no one else says it, self-medicating with narcotics is a very slippery slope :unsure: . I completely respect the need for pain management. I have no opinion re: codeine or Tramadol for your condition and hope you can find relief in whatever way. But fwiw even if you know what you need it's way too easy to lose objectivity in the middle of a drug regimen. I really urge you to find a doctor to work with on this and wish you luck.

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I recently bought some effervescent tablets which contained a mixture of paracetamol (500mg) and codeine (30mg) at a pharmacy Sorry, I can never remember it's name

Edited by sbk
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Tramadol is exactly what i'm talking about which blows my head off.. works, too well - unless it comes smaller than 50mg?

Um.. Cut the pill in half? Whenever I buy any drug whatsoever it pays to go for the highest dosage, then cut it up. Often the price for the higher dosage is the same or very similar to the lower one.

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Maybe he had a script, he didn't say.

I use that pharmacy regularly, they are lovely helpful people.... a real bonus for the farang community and there's no way they would sell anything containing 30 mg of Codeine OTC without a script.

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if i'm entirely honest, tramadol is something that i've used, abused and wont touch again.. it is addictive and if you take it regularly- then stop, you will get physical detox symptoms, lasting upto 72hours, even at regular use much lower than recommended max daily intake (rec max is 300mg/day) - it's what happened to me anyways.

i'm not selfmedicating as such - i can get panadine forte (paracetamol 500mg, codine 30mg) scripts in oz, not on demand but as i genuinely need them, ie. i dont need to take meds every day, but when it's bad, IT'S REALLY BAD.

OTC back home i can get up to 12.5mg of coedine mixed with ibruprofen or paracetamol.. but tramadol is quite high up on the scheduled drugs list, ie. not just a normal prescription drug. love this country. haha.

question - can I get a script from a doctor at a clinic or do I need to specifically go to a hospital?! i have mt CT scan report with me tho not the films (too big) and I'm not in need of a large amount / large script. 1 box (20 pills will generally last me a month or two).

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