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Qualified Hypnotherapist


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bring alots of money , wear youe gold watches , meet me with your bank book .

now , i will count to 3 , when ever you hear the sound of baby cry you will go to nearest ATM and tranfer me 10,000b and when ever you see a bottle of beer you do the same .

i will count to 3 again and the moment you wake you we will end this session , and you will pay me what ever you have on your wallet and give me your gold watches as a token of thanks .

1 ..

2 ..

3 ..

how are you feeling EEK ?

Edited by Ta22
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I jumped into this thread just for the entertainment value of what T-T-TA22 would have to say about this but..

I have some lengthy experience with Eriksonian hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and while not a locally-qualified practitioner I would highly recommend finding someone who is - depending of course on what it is that you wish to accomplish through hypnosis.


Be careful out there...



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A friend has a fear of needles. Its not actually a laughing matter. Its debilitating..and she needs to have a bloodtest for a health check, but wont/cant do it. So im trying to find something to help her, and this is all i could think of.

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tell her there is easier way to get her blood ,

needle is just for kids . in the old days we use a knife or we just simply bite our finger .

and drip a few drop on bowl .

other way of getting blood can be a form of hidden needle like a plastic device that hide the needle , tell her all she got to do is put her finger out , and within sec the thing would srint it so slightly that she would hardly feel it . but only give you very little bloood enough to maybe test your blood sugar or some simple test ,

but if you do need like to fill a small test tube . you might have to find other way , try rewarding .

money is alway more rewarding then spending .

tell her you will bring her shopping 5000b worth of anything she like or maybe the lastest iphone .

the urge and joy of getting something she want may override the fear of getting poke . or drawn blood .

- the last time my wife tell me she have fera for dentist and would not go , i tell her if we go dentist NOW !!!

after dentist we will go Shopping .

the next thing i know she is all dress up . whahhaahhhaa

her fear is denstist is not gone is just that her joy of shopping overtaken it .


good luck .. rev hypnosis 101 :)


last but not least the doctor can put her to sleep and with within draw the amount of blood you need while she is asleep . but i hope you get her consent and not force her into doing anything she do not want or fear .

sometime fear is a very good excuse of what you do not wish to share or let other know or one refuse to admit what going on ..

what kinda bloodwork do you needs ? and what do you suspect , you can Pm me i and i will see if i can find you mor einfo and other way to determine her illness or way of cure .

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A friend has a fear of needles. Its not actually a laughing matter. Its debilitating..and she needs to have a bloodtest for a health check, but wont/cant do it. So im trying to find something to help her, and this is all i could think of.

If you can't find a hypnotherapist, your friend may want to consider desensitization and counter-conditioning. It will take a while and lots of sessions, but she can do it with the help of friends and family.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Eek,

The only actual CM hypnotism experience we've heard of directly (from the recipient) is of a local farang fellow who claims all kinds of special "credentials" who promised an aging friend of ours he could help her quit smoking in one session: and, mirabile dictu, he was able to offer her a tremendously discounted rate of only 6k baht ... 75% off his "going rate" ... for "special reasons." She was back on death-weeds in one week.

Yes, there are well documented short-term behavioral psychotherapies that are fully validated by scientific research, such as systematic desensitization, flooding, etc., that are very effective for specific phobias, such as fear of snakes, needles, dogs, flying, etc. Finding someone in Chiang Mai who's trained to perform that kind of therapy ... another story ... and we don't have a clue. You could visit Suang Prung hospital and inquire if they have someone on staff who's been trained in these modes, though (and find out where and by who they have been trained would only be due diligence, ioho).

On a practical level, perhaps a temporary use of diazepam (Valium) or alprazolam (Xanax) two hours before going, plus being in your good company for emotional support, might get your friend "through it" ?

We'd suggest you take a long and hard look at the history of ... and controversies about ... the development of NLP (http://en.wikipedia....tic_programming) before going that route. In our opinion that "arena" is as full of people with truly "bogus" credentials as is hypnotism, and as full of bogus theories as classical (Freudian or Jungian) psychoanalysis, for that matter. NLP lays some "claim" to the "mantle of the" remarkable powers as therapist of Milton Erickson, a unique individual, perhaps a genius, but if you look at the history of NLP, you'll find he was somehow "brought into their fold" later in the game, and his work is really at great variance with the earlier foundations of NLP in anaylsis of Fritz-Perls, Satir. Later NLP "widened its cred" by citing Bateson, Chomsky, Korzybski; it had become a "lucrative business" by 1980, netting 800K US$ for one of the founders, and was all "tangled' up as a giant money-making machine with the Esalen Institute. Even Bateson, an anthropologist, became a leader of high-priced workshops (he is also well known as the ex-husband of the anthropologist Margaret Mead, unwitting perpetrator of one of the greatest frauds in modern anthropology, the book "Coming of Age in Samoa") ... at least Castenada knew he was creating the greatest jape of modern anthropology ever done (and was a fine writer of pseudo-spiritual fantasias, that had exactly the kind of appeal in the late counter-culture era in the US as Dan Brown's novels do now). We're not sure if Dan Brown is aware that he is a con.

We'd recommend a shaman (mor doo, mor phii) we know in Sanpatong who goes into trance as either Lu See (the ancient archetypal hermit-yogi with the conical hat ... Sanskrit: formally: 'Agasthya Muni' ... from the Indo-Aryan Sanskritic root 'rsi or Vedic sage), or a 30,000 year old Yak (celestial giant often represented as sword carrying guardian figures outside Thai Wats, such as Wat Po in Bangkok) over any hypnotist or NLP practitioner. Plus his costumes for each "trance role" are just sensational ! :)

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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A friend has a fear of needles. Its not actually a laughing matter. Its debilitating..and she needs to have a bloodtest for a health check, but wont/cant do it. So im trying to find something to help her, and this is all i could think of.


Long ago, I had a friend with the same fear of needles. I hooked her up with another friend with Diabetes who was willing to allow her to give her daily injections. The first few were a bit traumatic but within three weeks her fear of needles was gone and she could even give herself a saline injection.

Facing a fear straight on is frequently the best way to put the object feared into proper perspective.

Unless of course the fear is about being hit by a speeding bus... ;)


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