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Getting A Green For Imported Bike


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I know this topic has been mentioned several times, but what is the very latest on getting a green book for an imported bike. I am interested in a Honda for sale in Korat, it was shipped in parts to LOS early this year, it is 800 cc but obviously has no plate, but has all the correct invoice papers in place.

I have spoken with our local bike shop in Chiang Rai and he has quoted me 135 K baht to get a plate, no need to send the bike to BKK just need pictures and frame number etc, he also suggested if i get the bike i would be best to get it hauled up by a carrier (approx 3K baht), otherwise i run the risk of having the bike impounded at the police check points or having to off the BIB.

Do these figures stack up correctly, also i thought the bike HAD to go to BKK, but my guy assures me the green book would be 100%

Thanks in advance.

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If it were me..I wouldnt dream about outlaying ANY money untill the bike is in front of you fully registered and complient.

It seems from what I can understand about the emission tests as stated by those more knowledgible than me, is that older bikes have no chance of passing. Means what ever the fee is, its gone as its non refundable. Without the emsiision test pass you have a very expensive sculpture for your lounge room

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If it were me..I wouldnt dream about outlaying ANY money untill the bike is in front of you fully registered and complient.

It seems from what I can understand about the emission tests as stated by those more knowledgible than me, is that older bikes have no chance of passing. Means what ever the fee is, its gone as its non refundable. Without the emsiision test pass you have a very expensive sculpture for your lounge room

Tend to agree with you the bike is a Pc 800, i had the same bike for 5 years in the UK and never thought i would get my hands on one in LOS its 20 years old and i guess from what you are saying it is unlikley to pass the emissions test, but as i said, my contact in CR said the bike DOES NOT have to go to BKK, i just need pictures of the bike and the usual masking tape graft of the chasis number etc. So the emission test would not be done unless its done locally ?

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That sound expensive. If the 3% excise tax is paid then they will not take the bike. As far as i'm aware it has to have an emissions test. maybe thats why its expensivewhistling.gif

I dont agree with this.. While it might be 'policy' up north to not take the bike, its entirely a possibility that they can.

I dont think you would last a week on phuket without a plate.

135k on a 800 sounds a touch high.. I had heard ballpark 100 on a 1000 before, including the bribes for an emissions test pass.

A emissions test (or the paperwork for one) has to be done somewhere.. If that can be done upcountry I have no idea.

Its not WAY over, and often paying increases the simplicity but as others have said I wouldnt pay for the bike until its plated, if theres anything wrong with the dotting of I's and crossing of T's on the import papers, the whole thing can cascade into a never ending nightmare of sunk money and increasing costs.

What happened to the poster who said he was getting a legit book for real cheap with a emissions test done through a thai contact ?? Wonder if that ever happened.

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If it were me..I wouldnt dream about outlaying ANY money untill the bike is in front of you fully registered and complient.

It seems from what I can understand about the emission tests as stated by those more knowledgible than me, is that older bikes have no chance of passing. Means what ever the fee is, its gone as its non refundable. Without the emsiision test pass you have a very expensive sculpture for your lounge room

Tend to agree with you the bike is a Pc 800, i had the same bike for 5 years in the UK and never thought i would get my hands on one in LOS its 20 years old and i guess from what you are saying it is unlikley to pass the emissions test, but as i said, my contact in CR said the bike DOES NOT have to go to BKK, i just need pictures of the bike and the usual masking tape graft of the chasis number etc. So the emission test would not be done unless its done locally ?

The emission test is based on year of registration... as the first time it will be registered is 2010 it needs pass current emission test before can be registered. Where that is done i have no idea As its an older bike it would be extremely unlikely to officialy pass the test, there fore any paper saying otherwise is obviously a fake and leaves YOU liable for fraud charges as well as the driving an illegally registered bike. A can of worms that can only lead in to deeper and deeper trouble for you. At least it would be free lodgings for an undetermied time??

My comment stands in my original answer....dont even think about spending any money untill it is all legally registered....... and sure as hel_l I would verify that with Motor registration also to be sure its not all fake.

far better to spend you money on a new Kawa even a 250 as you will then get more riding satisfaction than scared every time u take an illegal bike on the road.

Imagine what happens when u have an accident.....

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If it were me..I wouldnt dream about outlaying ANY money untill the bike is in front of you fully registered and complient.

It seems from what I can understand about the emission tests as stated by those more knowledgible than me, is that older bikes have no chance of passing. Means what ever the fee is, its gone as its non refundable. Without the emsiision test pass you have a very expensive sculpture for your lounge room

Tend to agree with you the bike is a Pc 800, i had the same bike for 5 years in the UK and never thought i would get my hands on one in LOS its 20 years old and i guess from what you are saying it is unlikley to pass the emissions test, but as i said, my contact in CR said the bike DOES NOT have to go to BKK, i just need pictures of the bike and the usual masking tape graft of the chasis number etc. So the emission test would not be done unless its done locally ?

The emission test is based on year of registration... as the first time it will be registered is 2010 it needs pass current emission test before can be registered. Where that is done i have no idea As its an older bike it would be extremely unlikely to officialy pass the test, there fore any paper saying otherwise is obviously a fake and leaves YOU liable for fraud charges as well as the driving an illegally registered bike. A can of worms that can only lead in to deeper and deeper trouble for you. At least it would be free lodgings for an undetermied time??

My comment stands in my original answer....dont even think about spending any money untill it is all legally registered....... and sure as hel_l I would verify that with Motor registration also to be sure its not all fake.

far better to spend you money on a new Kawa even a 250 as you will then get more riding satisfaction than scared every time u take an illegal bike on the road.

Imagine what happens when u have an accident.....

bike made from parts must also be inspected by organized crime unit, usually at emision test center. hard to do legally in less than a month, que.

if you want to go illegal with this bike, as this clearly is, I would rather do the recycled honda dream thing at 20-30k baht

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If it were me..I wouldnt dream about outlaying ANY money untill the bike is in front of you fully registered and complient.

It seems from what I can understand about the emission tests as stated by those more knowledgible than me, is that older bikes have no chance of passing. Means what ever the fee is, its gone as its non refundable. Without the emsiision test pass you have a very expensive sculpture for your lounge room

Tend to agree with you the bike is a Pc 800, i had the same bike for 5 years in the UK and never thought i would get my hands on one in LOS its 20 years old and i guess from what you are saying it is unlikley to pass the emissions test, but as i said, my contact in CR said the bike DOES NOT have to go to BKK, i just need pictures of the bike and the usual masking tape graft of the chasis number etc. So the emission test would not be done unless its done locally ?

The emission test is based on year of registration... as the first time it will be registered is 2010 it needs pass current emission test before can be registered. Where that is done i have no idea As its an older bike it would be extremely unlikely to officialy pass the test, there fore any paper saying otherwise is obviously a fake and leaves YOU liable for fraud charges as well as the driving an illegally registered bike. A can of worms that can only lead in to deeper and deeper trouble for you. At least it would be free lodgings for an undetermied time??

My comment stands in my original answer....dont even think about spending any money untill it is all legally registered....... and sure as hel_l I would verify that with Motor registration also to be sure its not all fake.

far better to spend you money on a new Kawa even a 250 as you will then get more riding satisfaction than scared every time u take an illegal bike on the road.

Imagine what happens when u have an accident.....

bike made from parts must also be inspected by organized crime unit, usually at emision test center. hard to do legally in less than a month, que.

if you want to go illegal with this bike, as this clearly is, I would rather do the recycled honda dream thing at 20-30k baht

I already have a Kawa 250, this bike was intended for longer trips that's why i made the enquiry, i was quoted two months for the plate to be done, but i will ask again about the emission testing and its location as some people have already said its an older bike so it should be tested to be fully legal. I was told by the bike shop in CR when they have the plate i could go to the local transport office to check its legit on the computer, so the plot thickens.

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Livin.. I'm really not sure what goes on in Phuket. It seems to be run like a wild west outpost. Legally the cops in Thailand are NOT allowed to even take your driving licence ,but they do. 

The only people allowed to seize the bike for non-payment of tax is Customs. If the 3% tax is paid then you are allowed to own the bike and transport the bike. I didn't say ride it on the public road. All offroad bikes. moto-x, racers should have the tax paid. Any way a moot point for Phuket as they make up the rules as they go along :D

To the OP. unless you can buy it with the book. walk away. It aint worth it. Or do Kata's idea. GREY BOOK (RECYCLED) its cheaper and normally passes all checks. Unless ya in Phuket :whistling::rolleyes::D

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Livin.. I'm really not sure what goes on in Phuket. It seems to be run like a wild west outpost. Legally the cops in Thailand are NOT allowed to even take your driving licence ,but they do. 

The only people allowed to seize the bike for non-payment of tax is Customs. If the 3% tax is paid then you are allowed to own the bike and transport the bike. I didn't say ride it on the public road. All offroad bikes. moto-x, racers should have the tax paid. Any way a moot point for Phuket as they make up the rules as they go along :D

I dont think you would have any problem wit it on the back of a pickup.

But if your riding on the road and dont have a road registration your breaking the law, I would assume the police DO have the power to stop you breaking the law ?? Hence they can impound the bike for that reason, not (only) the customs / excise tax issue, but riding on the road without a road reg.

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Livin.. I'm really not sure what goes on in Phuket. It seems to be run like a wild west outpost. Legally the cops in Thailand are NOT allowed to even take your driving licence ,but they do.

The only people allowed to seize the bike for non-payment of tax is Customs. If the 3% tax is paid then you are allowed to own the bike and transport the bike. I didn't say ride it on the public road. All offroad bikes. moto-x, racers should have the tax paid. Any way a moot point for Phuket as they make up the rules as they go along :D

I dont think you would have any problem wit it on the back of a pickup.

But if your riding on the road and dont have a road registration your breaking the law, I would assume the police DO have the power to stop you breaking the law ?? Hence they can impound the bike for that reason, not (only) the customs / excise tax issue, but riding on the road without a road reg.

Thanks for that LOS, but i don't think i would risk it on the back of the pick up, the BIB at the check point at Tak are well know for being <deleted>. Back to the paperwork thing, i remember i had an XR250 and paid what was described as assembly tax, and was told to keep a copy to show the BIB even thought the bike had no plate and the worst they could do was fine me 200 baht.

I have just been told i can get a grey book for 70K and when and if i sold the bike later i would have to pay off someone in the transport office to a tune of 5K in order to get the book changed to a new owner, amazing Thailand :D

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Livin.. I'm really not sure what goes on in Phuket. It seems to be run like a wild west outpost. Legally the cops in Thailand are NOT allowed to even take your driving licence ,but they do.

The only people allowed to seize the bike for non-payment of tax is Customs. If the 3% tax is paid then you are allowed to own the bike and transport the bike. I didn't say ride it on the public road. All offroad bikes. moto-x, racers should have the tax paid. Any way a moot point for Phuket as they make up the rules as they go along :D

I dont think you would have any problem wit it on the back of a pickup.

But if your riding on the road and dont have a road registration your breaking the law, I would assume the police DO have the power to stop you breaking the law ?? Hence they can impound the bike for that reason, not (only) the customs / excise tax issue, but riding on the road without a road reg.

Thanks for that LOS, but i don't think i would risk it on the back of the pick up, the BIB at the check point at Tak are well know for being <deleted>. Back to the paperwork thing, i remember i had an XR250 and paid what was described as assembly tax, and was told to keep a copy to show the BIB even thought the bike had no plate and the worst they could do was fine me 200 baht.

I have just been told i can get a grey book for 70K and when and if i sold the bike later i would have to pay off someone in the transport office to a tune of 5K in order to get the book changed to a new owner, amazing Thailand :D

Grey book and number changes on the frame should be a lot less than that ?? 25 - 30k is the usual price I hear.

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I once sold a bike here in Phuket, the guy took it in his truck, when he tried to leave the Island they stopped him and because he did not have the green book he was not allowed to continue before they got in touch with me.

green book and keys is required to cross Province checkpionts

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I once sold a bike here in Phuket, the guy took it in his truck, when he tried to leave the Island they stopped him and because he did not have the green book he was not allowed to continue before they got in touch with me.

green book and keys is required to cross Province checkpionts

Never knew that.. And done it 10's of times without..

And posted bikes logipost and another way without books.. One time the bike didnt even have a book.. Kinda weak to have a shipping system that violates a rule like that ? But unsurprised !!

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I once sold a bike here in Phuket, the guy took it in his truck, when he tried to leave the Island they stopped him and because he did not have the green book he was not allowed to continue before they got in touch with me.

green book and keys is required to cross Province checkpionts

Never knew that.. And done it 10's of times without..

And posted bikes logipost and another way without books.. One time the bike didnt even have a book.. Kinda weak to have a shipping system that violates a rule like that ? But unsurprised !!

done it more than 20k km myself, no hazzle. but when thai driver, frequent pull overs and checks

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I once sold a bike here in Phuket, the guy took it in his truck, when he tried to leave the Island they stopped him and because he did not have the green book he was not allowed to continue before they got in touch with me.

green book and keys is required to cross Province checkpionts

Never knew that.. And done it 10's of times without..

And posted bikes logipost and another way without books.. One time the bike didnt even have a book.. Kinda weak to have a shipping system that violates a rule like that ? But unsurprised !!

But LivnLOS,,, this was a real Bike :D think you know what brand i am talking about :)

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Same old, green books, importing bikes, emissions etc waste of time, best thing in the end is to just buy a legit bike in Thailand. :rolleyes:

Alas for some of us the bikes available in Thailand do not hit the spot, for instance the new Versys everyone is talking about, well i am trying to like it really i am but its just my thing. Fortunately for the bike manufacturers will are all different, as for the bike i am chasing after (which was never available in Thailand) most people would laugh of the thought of owning one, but hey i am used to it i owned one before :jap:

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