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La Nina To Cause Record Drop In Temperature In Thailand


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In Feb. of this year I stayed at a Forest Monastary outside of Mae Hong Son the first two weeks were the coldest I have ever been. The temp. dropped to the high 30sF and low 40sF at night and in the morning but the humidity factor just made this feel very cold. We stayed in huts with no heat so unable to warm up until about 10am in the morning. I am use to cold, living at 5000ft in New mexico but the air is very dry here and unless the wind is blowing you donot feel as cold.

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They have all of the means at their disposal to insulate their shacks against the cold , it is called 'Rice straw' , rolled and tied in 2inch thick rolls and applied in a double layer around the outside of the shack . I mentioned this last year but some idiot commented that this would form a fire trap , how ? The straw is on the OUTSIDE of the shack which is often built of woven straw any way , build a plastic room inside of the house and an electric light bulb will keep them warm , the electic is free also .Sitting on their rear ends and just expecting others to do the work and pissing in the wind will achieve diddly squat , but then again , that appears to be what they are best at , and stay off the alchy , that only gives the impression of warming the body .

The lack of some general rational thought and overall empathy on this board is laughable.

I absolutely love the tone you have while providing such an eloquent response to the statement that some people die when temperatures drop.

Nice way to pepper it with some laizzez-faire rationalization towards the end.

Kudos, kudos.

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I'll try just once more.

You have said that you can't see the issue about a 2C drop in temperatures in Thailand.

Here is the issue. Provinces which will be affected include Tak, Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phayao, Nan, Loei, Udon Thani, Nong Khai and Sakon Nakhon.

These are some of the coldest and poorest provinces in Thailand. A 2C drop in temperature will cause great hardship to peasants in those areas, and will heighten the risk of death by hypothermia, especially among the old, sick and very young.

I don't think that this drop in temperatures would be 'perfect', as you put it.

A temperature drop of 2C so that the temperature reaches 18-20 C will NOT cause anyone to die from hypothermia.

Can we agree on that? Good. Let's move on.

Perhaps you are the one suggesting that the tempaerature is actually going to be dropping from 20 degrees to 18 degrees absolute. That's not what I would read from the article.

The article states

'The study was based in Chiang Khan district in Loei province because it had experienced record low temperatures in two nine-year cycles: 20 degrees for 18 weeks from 1975-1984, and 21 degrees for 20 weeks from 1995-2004.'

I read this as being a temperature of (average) 20 degrees for a total period of 18 weeks spread over the period 75-84; then similar to 21 degrees over 20 weeks in the 9 year cycle bewteen 95-04. because the unit is weeks, therefore the temperature likely recorded is the average mean temperature over that week and there are a total of 18 then 20 weeks that each show such a low average temperature.

Obviously, it would be nonsensical that the temperature would be a constant 20 degrees, and it is obvious that the lowest recorded temperature in Loei is far below 20 or even 18 degrees even if the average temperature for that week is in fact 20 degrees.

The analogy if you don't follow recording data over a time period would be to repeatedly boil water, then let it cool, then boil again. Of course, the average temperature recorded each week would be a pleasant 40 degrees. However, to then suggest no one would suffer burns if they left their hand in the water wouldn't work, beacuse while the average is 40 degrees, the peak heat is 100 degrees. or to suggest that someone who drives at an average of 100km from Bangkok to Phuket doesn't speed because the speed limit is 100km.

The same applies here. But in reverse.

And needless to say if the average moves 2 degrees down, then depending on the distribution; assuming a similar let's say normal distribution of temperature and the mean temperature for the coldest weeks dropping 2 degrees which is statistically significant; the coldest temperatures for a period of say 1 hour may be as low as 10 or even 4 degrees at night....which is when people will die; people who live in houses with no heating and without the clothes necessarily to stay warm.

It isn't the 20 degrees that will kill them. It is the week of average 18 degrees with coldest nights dropping below say 5 or 8 degrees for a few hours that will kill the elderly and the children mostly that simply don't have the ability to survive that.

A similar analogy exists in rainfall. The last year the rain has been relatively poor for farmers; even though the average rainfall is perhaps not the issue, the problem is it has tended to fall all at once in a few hours, then not rain again for a while. The average amount is not the problem necessarily, its the distribution of how it fell that is the problem. Ideally, farmers want a little frequently. Not a flood once a year.

But ah well, we are now in the world of Expat experts, so perhaps spending any time to read the original quote, slightly confusing though it may be, is unnecessary in the world of strawmen and now straw linings for houses with open fires as recommended.

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'AngloAmerican' timestamp='1286959849' post='3951314']

'dumball' timestamp='1286857161' post='3947744']

They have all of the means at their disposal to insulate their shacks against the cold , it is called 'Rice straw' , rolled and tied in 2inch thick rolls and applied in a double layer around the outside of the shack . I mentioned this last year but some idiot commented that this would form a fire trap , how ? The straw is on the OUTSIDE of the shack which is often built of woven straw any way , build a plastic room inside of the house and an electric light bulb will keep them warm , the electic is free also .Sitting on their rear ends and just expecting others to do the work and pissing in the wind will achieve diddly squat , but then again , that appears to be what they are best at , and stay off the alchy , that only gives the impression of warming the body .


The lack of some general rational thought and overall empathy on this board is laughable.

I absolutely love the tone you have while providing such an eloquent response to the statement that some people die when temperatures drop.

Nice way to pepper it with some laizzez-faire rationalization towards the end.

Kudos, kudos.

Well , all I can add is that I spent a horrendous winter in Nova Scotia , what I have suggested was put into practise with great success , plastic sheet is a fantastic insulator against wind and cold , ye may laugh , ye may titter , but where is your own rational thought and eloquent response ? Too many of your type on this forum who constantly critisise with little to nothing of worthwhile consequence , grow up and usefull , critics come at 10 per satang .

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