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Thaksin: Don't Name Pheu Thai Candidate Yet

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If a leader is announced now it will upset a bunch of MPs who will likely defect. If announcing the leader occurs after a disolution there will not be time to leave and join another party before the election. He is trying to minimize defections, which with the wrong choice of leader would make electoral defeat for PTP a certainty. They cant afford to lose any more faction leaders who guarantee a bunch of seats in upcountry constutencies. Real politik.

Anyone who thinks PTP and team red are in any way not linked to Thaksin is going to be a bit disillusioned at their mis analysis.

As to choices, they dont have any good ones: Chalerm, Jatuporn and Chavalit are all discredited (in different ways) jokes while Mingkwan (happily trying to buy MPs loyalty right now) while power hungry has proven to be utterly inept in any position so far. Wifey would be the best choice but unlikely

She's preoccupied with the 3 year prison sentence waiting for her, along with her brother and secretary:


Mingkwan is a possibility and he certainly possesses the necessary fatalistic outlook regarding the repercussions of stepping on toes:

TAN Network - June 12, 2008

Commerce Minister May Consider Resigning

Commerce Minister Mingkwan Saengsuwan revealed a desire to resign from conflicts with the Finance Ministry over the direction of the government’s economic policies and says he’s being targeted for obstructing the benefits to an unknown influential person.

It has been reported that Commerce Minister Mingkwan Saengsuwan had complained to his close associates in the People Power Party about conflicts over policies on fertilizers, rice, and pork with the Finance Ministry as his ideas obstruct the benefits of a person who he calls "the big man."

Mingkwan is said to have commented that he will move on to develop the natural gas resource as the discovery of new sources in the Gulf of Thailand and in Burma will help fuel Thailand for at least 60 years. However, he will have to step on the toes of "the big man" again, but he doesn’t care as he has no burdens of a wife or kids if he dies.


but still, does he have the physical capabilities of putting up with the necessary rigors of being PM?

His passing out and subsequent hospitalization while simply giving a speech as a Deputy PM in October 2008 is well remembered:


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Yeah them cameramen were armed to the teeth :rolleyes:

Abhist had the chance to call an election and put it to the people, but he declined because he knew then, as he knows now, his party will not win the election so he is clinging on to his ill gotten power for as long as he can, Hopefully the courts will do us all a favour and disband the dems and ban this charlatan from politics for 5 years, and then the next government can do a proper investigation into the murders and hopefully the charlatan and his buddied will be facing criminal charges, and the poetic justice will be for him to sit on remand for many years waiting trial with no parliamentary privilege to get him off the hook.

Poor Sod, from civillian army mouthpiece to scapegoat in a matter of a few years, sometimes I pity him, but then I remember the UNARMED people murdered on his orders (not the armed ones, they deserved to be shot)

PM Abhisit offered new elections in november, but had his offer accepted, rejected, accepted with conditions, rejected, accepted with conditions again. Offer withdrawn. Now we'll have new elections November next year at the latest. All according to law and order.

k. Abhisit knows his party will most likely win more votes / MPs than in the last elections in 2007. A majority probably not. So we'll get a coalition again. Big deal, democratic process, like in the UK.

The court process against the democrats is full of contradictions. Obviously some people are lying. Who I can't tell you. It's interesting that the UDD pressured court to take up this case by publicing names, telno's and address of judges. Similar to the campaign k. Thaksin started when he had to face court himself for those shared he forgot to declare (2001).

The PM and his cabinet maybe responsable for the results in April-May, but only in the sense that the current government is responsable. They had no choice. As usual when people start to play with weapons and fire people will get shot, things get burned. In most countries the situation would have been defused long time before. With the almost angelic patience the government displayed they almost seem to have encouraged UDD behaviour. Once unknowns started to mingle and shoot indiscriminately on the 10th of April everyone was warned. The enclosure and cleanup of Ratchaprasong took 5 days and anyone still opposing the army took their chances. The army didn't kill in the sense that they had their order to restore peace. The reds who shot rifles and grenades killed, they had no backing of a legal government. Main difference.

PS I'm still waiting for a reply on what atrocities k. Suthep had overseen and was responsable for.


In the matter of a prospective candidate for PM we should not overlook the possibility that Thaksin will nominate either his driver, gardener or butler. He trusted them with something that he really cares about - his stolen money. Why not Thailand for which he seems to have little regard?   :D


Absolute rubbish!

I realise you post nonsense, I don't know why; but in the interests of your own credibility, I suggest you don't post such utter garbage in future. I know that Abhisit is a murderer because he granted permission for troops to shoot back if terrorists were shooting at them, but Chalerm...? What??? He's the worst example of a man I can think of in the current political scene, barring Jatuporn and of course Thaksin. Chalerm is even worse than Suthep, and Chavalit suffers from senility, he has no idea where he is much of the time!

I'm sure PTP have some proper candidates - but I can't think of any.

Yeah them cameramen were armed to the teeth :rolleyes:

Abhist had the chance to call an election and put it to the people, but he declined because he knew then, as he knows now, his party will not win the election so he is clinging on to his ill gotten power for as long as he can, Hopefully the courts will do us all a favour and disband the dems and ban this charlatan from politics for 5 years, and then the next government can do a proper investigation into the murders and hopefully the charlatan and his buddied will be facing criminal charges, and the poetic justice will be for him to sit on remand for many years waiting trial with no parliamentary privilege to get him off the hook.

Poor Sod, from civillian army mouthpiece to scapegoat in a matter of a few years, sometimes I pity him, but then I remember the UNARMED people murdered on his orders (not the armed ones, they deserved to be shot)

"random" is another head-in-the-sand who doesn't like replying when the content of his posts get destroyed by evidence. I won't lower myself to answering his post because (s)he doesn't deserve it... actually, dang it, I will shut you up yet again.

1. Abhist had the chance to call an election and put it to the people, but he declined because he knew then, ...

NO, STOP LIEING. You know full well how this transpired, you've had it explained to you enough times. Abhisit offered an election, the red shirts didn't take it.

2. as he knows now, his party will not win the election so he is clinging on to his ill gotten power for as long as he can, ...

Given the Democrats are ahead in the latest polls, this is a statement that makes you look stupid. Are you actually stupid or are you being paid to look stupid?

3. ...and then the next government can do a proper investigation into the murders and hopefully the charlatan and his buddied will be facing criminal charges...

Do you have inside information of the current investigation? Why not wait until the results of that before chastising it as not "proper". Unless you already know what they will show (guilty conscience?).

4. sometimes I pity him, but then I remember the UNARMED people murdered on his orders (not the armed ones, they deserved to be shot)

ANOTHER LIE! STOP LIEING! Abhisit ordered the army to shoot those shooting at them, and far too late for most peoples' liking! IF (debatable IF as well) the army shot any unarmed protesters, or news cameramen or whatever, it's because they were hanging around the area where bullets/M79s were being shot from. But the odds are that the UDD shot their own in most cases - I guess we'll find out in a couple of months.

Well put. :thumbsup: Let's also remember the current leaders of the Democrats and PTP aren't really in charge. They are having their strings pulled by others. In the case of PTP, it is obviously Thaksin. So no matter who becomes the PM, they will still have others above them telling them what to do...


Abhist had the chance to call an election and put it to the people, but he declined

When Red Shirts lie about things are a matter of public record found with a 5 second Google search - and this is all day, every day standard operating procedure - are they trying to do the "1 lie, repeated 100 times = truth" trick?

Or are they just stupid?

I suspect, I've been giving them too much credit. Assuming they were always doing the former; and now I suspect they're just really as dull as the clichés would have us believe.

To my dull Red buddy, if you're angry at someone turning down election offers, you might look within, for the culprit/s. You'd be at your general election in a couple weeks had they not rejected the PM's offer of November elections.


And so, on Tuesday evening, Abhisit made the Red Shirts a final offer of peace. The protesters are mainly supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 military coup and lives abroad rather than serve a prison sentence for a corruption conviction. Many are from the lower classes and want Thaksin back in power, believing he is the only politician who cares about them. They see the Oxford-educated Abhisit as an elitist.

Speaking on national television, Abhisit, whose term runs until the end of 2012, offered to hold national elections on Nov. 14 — if a five-point road map to achieve national reconciliation that he unveiled could be achieved without disruption or violence from opponents. Among the five points is a plan to build a social-welfare system for the poor.

Reactions from opposition politicians were positive. "It is now evident that the Prime Minister has embarked on the right course," said Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, leader of the Puea Thai Party.

And yet on Wednesday evening, Red Shirt leaders refused to send the protesters home. While they said they welcomed the road map, they demanded that Abhisit guarantee a date to dissolve the parliament, then began issuing more demands and launching furious tirades against the Prime Minister.

But if the tide is turning against the demonstrators, it has as much to do with Red Shirt blunders as the Prime Minister's political acumen...as videos and photos emerged of Red Shirts or protest sympathizers firing assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades at soldiers, it became clear that the protest had become an armed insurgency.

Poor Sod, from civillian army mouthpiece to scapegoat in a matter of a few years, sometimes I pity him, but then I remember the UNARMED people murdered on his orders (not the armed ones, they deserved to be shot)

Oh I know right? So frustrating when you clip a human shield instead of your target. My biggest pet peeve.

The ones I find most effective are midgets. You get the protection afforded you by children in normal skirmishes, but without the high price the best human shields go for - I offered my comrade my best AK-47 and said he could keep the headband but he flatly refused to trade his human shield with me. I don't know how many AK-47s he must have paid, but children are getting so expensive these days.

In the matter of a prospective candidate for PM we should not overlook the possibility that Thaksin will nominate either his driver, gardener or butler. He trusted them with something that he really cares about - his stolen money. Why not Thailand for which he seems to have little regard?

Wow. Way to be Mr Negative!

I prefer Glass Half Full Optimism.


At least we know all 3 will each be an improvement on Thaksin. It's all uphill from here boys and girls.


The Prime Minister must be an MP so we will know the possible optios from Pheua Thai once the closing date for candidates for the next election has passed.

As mentioned by many posters, the present crop of Pheua Thai MPs really are a sorry bunch, perhaps Thaksin has an economic 'expert' outsider in mind, MR Pridiyatorn or Olarn, but this will upset the present Pheua Thaksin MPs who will feel slighted.

Very few people of quality remain with Thaksin these days.10 years ago he had people of ability and people of virtue lining up to work with him, but one by one they left the scene when they realised the true nature of the man.


Part of Thaksin's little motivating phone-in last night:

@tulsathit Thaksin: When I left country, a monk told me money 2 b earned overseas wud make what I had in Thailand look like changes. Tht's bcoming true

Regardless of whether he's speaking the truth or not, why is this important?


Part of Thaksin's little motivating phone-in last night:

@tulsathit Thaksin: When I left country, a monk told me money 2 b earned overseas wud make what I had in Thailand look like changes. Tht's bcoming true

Regardless of whether he's speaking the truth or not, why is this important?

Because to Thaksin, (his) money really is number-One, not the good of the country or the poor people ? :lol:

Also note that the former-PM is a firm believer (and I accept not the only one) in fortune-tellers, but would you actually like to see modern-Thailand run, with such hocus-pocus ? :o


Hey Random

Abhisit offered a September 2010 election-remember. It would have been all over except that TS 's ego got in the way. At the first TV conference Verra Weng and Jatu looked like they had just dudded Abhisit and got away with it , then Jatu got a SMS right at the end remember , No idea who sent him the text , but Jatu straightened up and clicked his heels together and then told AV to take a hike. Remember ,it seemed to be that TS thought he was going to win within a week. TS underestimated AV and he believed the TV reports from Dan Rivers that the masses were rising up.

During the riots I had a meal at the Siam on Siam Hotel which has a rooftop garden where you can look down at the Ratchprasong area. A number of people commented how insignificant the riots looked from up above compared to the mass of Bangkok. It highlighted the absurd notion that the red bunch were going to overthrow the country.


Part of Thaksin's little motivating phone-in last night:

@tulsathit Thaksin: When I left country, a monk told me money 2 b earned overseas wud make what I had in Thailand look like changes. Tht's bcoming true

Regardless of whether he's speaking the truth or not, why is this important?

He doesn't have to be in Thailand to be around monks.

The variety of cut-outs used last year at his birthday party worked great.

As the old advertising jingle goes: "It's the next best thing to being there"




Who are the possible PTP candidates for PM?

Chalerm? Chavalit?

There are many more very capable people at Pheu Thai. But in the end does it really matter? Anyone of these people is a better choice than the present PM.

Is this the same Thaksin who has said repeatedly, "I'm through with politics."(?) And who has also said (along with his puppets) that he has not control over what happens with the various incarnations of TRT?

Come to think of it, everything the man utters is lies and deception. Let's face it, Thaksin will do anything to put his butt back in the power seat - even if it means getting large buildings torched in Bkk.

Chalerm as next PM? Might as well appoint some low-life mafia cretin from some gambling den. Or the Thai polititian who hired a mob to destroy an entire city block near Sukumvit. He's as good (or bad) as any candidates PTP could come up with. ....or the actor who sucker punches people he doesn't like. Great choices.


Part of Thaksin's little motivating phone-in last night:

@tulsathit Thaksin: When I left country, a monk told me money 2 b earned overseas wud make what I had in Thailand look like changes. Tht's bcoming true

Regardless of whether he's speaking the truth or not, why is this important?

Is this the same Thaksin who said a few weeks ago he had to work to feed his children ? not really important anyway, k. Thaksin said he'd quit politics and work for the good of the country instead ;)


Part of Thaksin's little motivating phone-in last night:

@tulsathit Thaksin: When I left country, a monk told me money 2 b earned overseas wud make what I had in Thailand look like changes. Tht's bcoming true

Regardless of whether he's speaking the truth or not, why is this important?

Ask Tulsahit why he picked up that line. Probably because a lot of people are obsessed with Thaksin and his money. Some of them could talk about it all day.

Why Thaksin mentioned it ... Well what would you say if someone ask you (or other forum members) "How are you doing abroad with your expat life, job and business?" The answer from many expats would be "a story of success" some might even include the education degree of their wifes in their answer and that they have a maid and a gardener.

Or do you mean the 'monk part'? Looks maybe odd, but that is typical Thai. Funny is that actually the prediction of a success and a bright future is the standard thing you can expect to hear and your last visit in the temple before going abroad. Your travel plan will maybe just need some astro calendar calculation when is the best day to start, but once done nothing can go wrong. ;-).


Also note that the former-PM is a firm believer (and I accept not the only one) in fortune-tellers, but would you actually like to see modern-Thailand run, with such hocus-pocus ? :o

Its odd, agreed. But all that is an integral part of Thai culture and how the things are done here.

That "hocus-pocus" isn't only a Thaksin thing, you can see that also by other politicians and parties or democrats lead governments.

If you are the most modern educated man and truly an atheist or at least be convinced that the "hocus-pocus" is "hocus-pocus" and can be different when you wanna become a politician. You have to blend in with the common people, perform and run a show. and "hocus pocus" can be part of it.

Look at an example of "hocus pocus" in another country of the world and what magic moves the state leaders do over there:

Obama: We pray that by God's grace, trapped Chilean miners will emerge safely.


Also note that the former-PM is a firm believer (and I accept not the only one) in fortune-tellers, but would you actually like to see modern-Thailand run, with such hocus-pocus ? :o

Its odd, agreed. But all that is an integral part of Thai culture and how the things are done here.

That "hocus-pocus" isn't only a Thaksin thing, you can see that also by other politicians and parties or democrats lead governments.

If you are the most modern educated man and truly an atheist or at least be convinced that the "hocus-pocus" is "hocus-pocus" and can be different when you wanna become a politician. You have to blend in with the common people, perform and run a show. and "hocus pocus" can be part of it.

Look at an example of "hocus pocus" in another country of the world and what magic moves the state leaders do over there:

Obama: We pray that by God's grace, trapped Chilean miners will emerge safely.

Please try to keep opinions on religion out of this discussion, all of you, before I get emotional ! Stick to the topic please.


Part of Thaksin's little motivating phone-in last night:

@tulsathit Thaksin: When I left country, a monk told me money 2 b earned overseas wud make what I had in Thailand look like changes. Tht's bcoming true

Regardless of whether he's speaking the truth or not, why is this important?

Ask Tulsahit why he picked up that line. Probably because a lot of people are obsessed with Thaksin and his money. Some of them could talk about it all day.

Why Thaksin mentioned it ... Well what would you say if someone ask you (or other forum members) "How are you doing abroad with your expat life, job and business?" The answer from many expats would be "a story of success" some might even include the education degree of their wifes in their answer and that they have a maid and a gardener.

Or do you mean the 'monk part'? Looks maybe odd, but that is typical Thai. Funny is that actually the prediction of a success and a bright future is the standard thing you can expect to hear and your last visit in the temple before going abroad. Your travel plan will maybe just need some astro calendar calculation when is the best day to start, but once done nothing can go wrong. ;-).

What a wonderful little fairytale. Thank you - I'm ready for bed now.

However I the majority of the people on planet Thailand still read his little money declaration as "I'm still rich and some of it can be yours".


There are many more very capable people at Pheu Thai. But in the end does it really matter? Anyone of these people is a better choice than the present PM.

Utter nonsense. Speaking out of your bottom!

I had great hopes for Mark, but he seems just so ineffectual, particularly with regard to corruption. I keep hearing that that is only because he is hamstrung by his fellow former cabinet Taksinites, however that seems to be wearing very thin, particularly with the ordinary working Thai. I mean, what has he actually achieved? Really? At least Taksin had implemented some very effective anti corruption measures here (yes, I get the irony) but is Abbhishit any different, ultimately?

Posters keep saying 'wait until he has a mandate/landslide after the next election', but I wonder if anything will change. I personally have absolutely no doubt they won't.


Also note that the former-PM is a firm believer (and I accept not the only one) in fortune-tellers, but would you actually like to see modern-Thailand run, with such hocus-pocus ? :o

Its odd, agreed. But all that is an integral part of Thai culture and how the things are done here.

That "hocus-pocus" isn't only a Thaksin thing, you can see that also by other politicians and parties or democrats lead governments.

If you are the most modern educated man and truly an atheist or at least be convinced that the "hocus-pocus" is "hocus-pocus" and can be different when you wanna become a politician. You have to blend in with the common people, perform and run a show. and "hocus pocus" can be part of it.

Look at an example of "hocus pocus" in another country of the world and what magic moves the state leaders do over there:

Obama: We pray that by God's grace, trapped Chilean miners will emerge safely.

Please try to keep opinions on religion out of this discussion, all of you, before I get emotional ! Stick to the topic please.

hhhm. the topic isn't that productive without adding some kind of whatever "hocus pocus"

the points:

- NO candidate named yet.

- rumours about bad health are groundless (according to Thaksin)

- "I miss home a lot", "Don't believe in rumours" " be patient, i hope will will win" he said.

Core point is probably the point that there isn't a PM candidate yet. So just wait until some name will come up instead of exercising hocus pocus like clairvoyance.

In another part of he world the people would name a politician like Thaksin - " Mr. Thaksin Shi*insert sound of TV channel being switched*"


meanwhile, in other Thaksin news:

Thaksin Plans Phone-In to European Red Shirt Meeting in Copenhagen

Thaksin Shinawatra is scheduled to make a live phone-in to a gathering of European Red Shirts in Copenhagen on Saturday, 30 October 2010.

The Red Shirts plan to meet at Town Hall Square in the centre of Copenhagen at 13.00 on that day. After singing "Daeng Tour Pan Din" (Red All Over the Land) they claim to be able to introduce Red Shirt representatives from each country in Europe.

The details of the meeting are published on the website http://thaienews.blogspot.com/ which is blocked by Thailand's Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

The Red Shirts plan to close the public event in Copenhagen at 16.00 with taking of a group photo and singing "Ta Kon Bok Fah" (Chanting to Sky) and "Nak Suu Tuu Lee Din" (Warrior of Earth). Afterward there will be a dinner at 18.00.

Swedish Red movement

Also in Sweden, the Red Shirts seem to be active. Here, there is a Red Shirt meeting already this Saturday, 16 October, at 17.00 hrs at Hong Thai Restaurant, in Solna, a suburb of Stockholm.

This political group has a website http://www.thairedsweden.com/ although with a relatively limited impact. Yesterday, it had been visited by 1064 from a Thai IP address and 526 from a Swedish IP address since it was started two months ago.

The website was not blocked by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology when this text was uploaded.

According to the website, participants in the meeting this Saturday will be able to change to wear a red shirt at the restaurant if they don’t want to wear it from home.

The front page of the Swedish Red Shirt website.


ScandAsia - October 14, 2010


The Red Shirts plan to meet at Town Hall Square in the centre of Copenhagen at 13.00 on that day. After singing "Daeng Tour Pan Din" (Red All Over the Land) they claim to be able to introduce Red Shirt representatives from each country in Europe.

The details of the meeting are published on the website http://thaienews.blogspot.com/ which is blocked by Thailand's Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

The Red Shirts plan to close the public event in Copenhagen at 16.00 with taking of a group photo and singing "Ta Kon Bok Fah" (Chanting to Sky) and "Nak Suu Tuu Lee Din" (Warrior of Earth). Afterward there will be a dinner at 18.00.

Swedish Red movement

Also in Sweden, the Red Shirts seem to be active. Here, there is a Red Shirt meeting already this Saturday, 16 October, at 17.00 hrs at Hong Thai Restaurant, in Solna, a suburb of Stockholm.

This political group has a website http://www.thairedsweden.com/ although with a relatively limited impact. Yesterday, it had been visited by 1064 from a Thai IP address and 526 from a Swedish IP address since it was started two months ago.

The website was not blocked by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology when this text was uploaded.

According to the website, participants in the meeting this Saturday will be able to change to wear a red shirt at the restaurant if they don’t want to wear it from home.

ScandAsia - October 14, 2010


No problem, the Copenhagen happening will have permission sought and gotten. Police will control traffic, etc. Somehow similar to the last few red-shirt rallies we've seen in BKK. The song titles all sound so 'real red' (as in Peoples Democratic Republic of ...) to me. Maybe just my bias ;)

I'm only surprised about "to change to wear a red shirt at the restaurant if they don’t want to wear it from home". Can someone explain for me ?


there is a Red Shirt meeting already this Saturday, 16 October, at 17.00 hrs at Hong Thai Restaurant, in Solna, a suburb of Stockholm.

Looks like a real swanky place:


participants in the meeting this Saturday will be able to change to wear a red shirt at the restaurant if they don’t want to wear it from home.

Anyway, they'll all enjoy a few Singha beers together, but only after they change into their red shirts, which will only occur once the front door is securely bolted and the lights are turned down so as to avoid detection. :ph34r:


This political group has a website http://www.thairedsweden.com/ although with a relatively limited impact. Yesterday, it had been visited by 1064 from a Thai IP address and 526 from a Swedish IP address since it was started two months ago.

Lets keep an eye on this counter. I surfing from Bangkok, Thailand and used the link in the article and its not blocked.


- at 16.00 with taking of a group photo and singing "Ta Kon Bok Fah" (Chanting to Sky) and "Nak Suu Tuu Lee Din" (Warrior of Earth). Afterward there will be a dinner at 18.00.

ps. I would like to see how this story develops, if other news sources picking it up and if this blog stays as the only reference.

If The Nation runs a story based on the information from the blog would be funny. Then i will create a couple of fictional blogs that all promise meet and great sessions with Thaskin for red shirts abroad in some really obscure places just for fun and the sport to check if some silly journalist fail for it.

participants in the meeting this Saturday will be able to change to wear a red shirt at the restaurant if they don't want to wear it from home.


Watch out for the

Kamchatka Red Movement.

We will sing a song at midnight and have a the dress rehearsal at Boris Vodka Shack the day before. Meeting time - whatever is your time to wake up.


This political group has a website http://www.thairedsweden.com/ although with a relatively limited impact. Yesterday, it had been visited by 1064 from a Thai IP address and 526 from a Swedish IP address since it was started two months ago.

And you've probably already doubled its all-time readership by posting the address here. Their webmaster will no doubt be pleased.


This political group has a website http://www.thairedsweden.com/ although with a relatively limited impact. Yesterday, it had been visited by 1064 from a Thai IP address and 526 from a Swedish IP address since it was started two months ago.

And you've probably already doubled its all-time readership by posting the address here. Their webmaster will no doubt be pleased.

To early to say, just checked, three more hits since SergeiY posted the stats ;)


Its odd, agreed. But all that is an integral part of Thai culture and how the things are done here.

That "hocus-pocus" isn't only a Thaksin thing, you can see that also by other politicians and parties or democrats lead governments.

If you are the most modern educated man and truly an atheist or at least be convinced that the "hocus-pocus" is "hocus-pocus" and can be different when you wanna become a politician. You have to blend in with the common people, perform and run a show. and "hocus pocus" can be part of it.

Look at an example of "hocus pocus" in another country of the world and what magic moves the state leaders do over there:

Obama: We pray that by God's grace, trapped Chilean miners will emerge safely.

SergeiY's point is valid and well-made. Apologies to rubl. His argument isn't about religion or the validity of hocus-pocus. He's making the incredibly valid argument that politicians worldwide will pay deference to idiotic mysticism if their constituents are idiotic subscribers to mystical silliness.

And speaking objectively, and in isolation, I admire Thaksin's ability to dupe the less-than-intelligent masses with his endless referencing of idiocy to which they subscribe. I do not for one second believe he actually subscribes to any of that nonsense, just like I don't believe for one second Obama believes the Christian god will maliciously create tragic events only to generate praise for limiting the tragedy (that's the Red Shirt MO, for what it's worth).

There is no traction to be gained by attacking a politician when they are being...political. Attack Thaksin's human rights abuses, attack his legendary corruption, attack his funding of terrorism - attack his willingness to damage Thailand if it suits his selfish power-hungry obsessions. Don't attack his skill as a politician. It's irrefutable, and (from a purely analytical position) vastly admirable. At least in terms of it's power, a power that is quite horrifically concerning in actual reality. Abhisit has already delivered more than Thaksin to the disenfranchised classes, and has launched a Social Welfare Plan which - if the poor allow him to help them, rather than aid Thaksin - will cover every Thai with free social/medical cover from cradle to grave from 2016 onwards.

But Thaksin's ability as a politician has the idiots who support him behaving like cult members. They are fighting for a man who promises them peanuts, in his attempts to unseat the man who has promised them the peanut factory. Tight logic, morans.

You cannot help those who cannot help themselves.

The details of the meeting are published on the website http://thaienews.blogspot.com/ which is blocked by Thailand's Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

As a point of reference, the above website was quickly accessed, without any difficulty whatsoever, in Thailand.

My patience with this lie is reaching levels of FURY. Endlessly I read about reports that xxx site is blocked and I access that site without the slightest of difficulties from a Thai IP provided by True.

God dam_n blatant lying from Red Shirts, attempting to fabricate Truth by repeating the lie 100...thousand times.

The government needs to get on this issue - they need to stop action which does nothing except give the vile scum an opportunity to exploit and exaggerate in grotesque fashion. I understand there are lese majeste complications involved, but for the good of Thailand, CRES needs to either end their very light enforcement of the Act...or get VASTLY more proactive with disseminating the Truth. Christ, both the Computer Crimes Act and the State of Emergency legislation was Thaksin's handiwork - and the government is just shooting themselves in the foot via unwillingness to accept the information war is being lost and it's a pretty important battle that is so easily winnable, but which they appear to have no desire to win.

They need to get proactive because the other side has no respect for anything remotely linked to truth. They just lie lie lie and lie some more - and what's the point in half-assed measures to silence them (does anyone here really think Prachatai is operating out of some Nuclear bunker with their own ISP? the government could take them offline easily) if the half-assed measures only give the villains a tiny candle flicker of truth they can pounce upon in their attempts to fool the world into thinking forest fires are raging.

I have tested the Red Propaganda Network's interest in truth purely to document it - when they claim that xxx site is being censored, I send them screenshot evidence that it's accessible in Thailand. Needless to say, they never correct the lies they knew were lies long before I provided them evidence of the lies.

The government is handling the media war so horrendously at the moment, it's pushing the boundaries of my fury. Someone who actually cares about the fact that the government is shooting themselves in the foot, allowing the filthy lying Red Propaganda Network a chance to sell the image of a totalitarian Myanmar-like regime in place...it's ridiculous that it's reached a point where the Bangkok Post (seriously?) is either playing along or is (understandably) upset at the potential threat posed by the ridiculous Computer Crimes Act (which isn't even effective, aside from giving Thailand's enemies opportunities to exploit).


There are many problems with the massive media crackdown by the Abhisit government. The most obvious is the continual use of the Computer Crime Act to intimidate and silence websites, blogs, videos and other forms of legitimate media. The thousands of times this law has been invoked is telling. It means that authorities either cannot or will not bring normal legal charges. It is enormously discriminatory. If an article, a photo or a video appears in a newspaper or on a TV station it is legal; but because it is on the internet, it is not.

"Back in the days of the Thaksin government, the public was assured that the Computer Crime Act (CCA) was necessary to protect against, and to prosecute, online crime. The purpose of the law was to ensure that e-commerce would be reliable, and that cheating consumers would be rigorously policed. Instead, successive governments have used the CCA to compile a list of more than 110,000 websites that must be blocked from the public's view. The list is secret, the reason for each website's ban is secret, and there is no appeal.

With up to 120,000 websites banned, the government has surpassed the infamous and odious ''great firewall of China'' in censorship

You have got to be kidding me. The Bangkok Post? Thailand worse than China?

The government needs to address their exploitabilities like....NOW. They need to hire competent PR teams to get the Truth out there - because the other side is spending tens of millions selling lies which are believable only as a result of strategic brain-fail by whomever is tasked with protecting Thailand's reputation across the globe.

I'll work for free, for heaven's sake. How can they be so stupid as to not realise basic PR concepts...


I hope all 3 of them have a jolly sing-a-song session in Sweden. Do Swedes have a problem with people wearing red shirts, or is the change when you get here bit a cunning ploy to inflate their numbers with any poor Swede who fancies a Tom Yam Gung?


This political group has a website http://www.thairedsweden.com/ although with a relatively limited impact. Yesterday, it had been visited by 1064 from a Thai IP address and 526 from a Swedish IP address since it was started two months ago.

And you've probably already doubled its all-time readership by posting the address here. Their webmaster will no doubt be pleased.

Actually the address was quoted in the article from Scandasia, not posted by Bucholz, who only quoted it. Credit where credit is due.

And the Theienews.Blogspot address was blocked by MICT, when I tried to access it, a few minutes ago. :angry:


The Prime Minister must be an MP so we will know the possible options from Pheua Thai once the closing date for candidates for the next election has passed.

As mentioned by many posters, the present crop of Pheua Thai MPs really are a sorry bunch, perhaps Thaksin has an economic 'expert' outsider in mind, MR Pridiyatorn or Olarn, but this will upset the present Pheua Thaksin MPs who will feel slighted.

Very few people of quality remain with Thaksin these days. 10 years ago he had people of ability and people of virtue lining up to work with him, but one by one they left the scene when they realised the true nature of the man.

The other paper this morning describes Thaksin's choosing someone within the current PTP, as well as outside the PTP and that he will float out the notion on each as a means of testing the receptiveness and viability of them.

The report also reveals Thaksin's comments on Mingkwan, Chalerm, Chavalit, and also other possibilities like PTP MP/Deputy House Speaker Apiwan Wiriyachai and discredited former National Police Chief General Kowit Wattana (who was just recently denied the position of Party Leader for the Pheu Thai Party). The last potential "job applicant" for PM is former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Virabongsa Ramangkura.


This political group has a website http://www.thairedsweden.com/ although with a relatively limited impact. Yesterday, it had been visited by 1064 from a Thai IP address and 526 from a Swedish IP address since it was started two months ago.

And you've probably already doubled its all-time readership by posting the address here. Their webmaster will no doubt be pleased.

Actually the address was quoted in the article from Scandasia, not posted by Bucholz, who only quoted it. Credit where credit is due.

And the Theienews.Blogspot address was blocked by MICT, when I tried to access it, a few minutes ago. :angry:

It is not blocked to me and is open now.

I am using DTAC EDGE from home in central Thailand.

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