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15 Pakistanis Arrested In Southern Thailand Over Possible Terrorist Link

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No, I didn't use Ketamine, but never mind. But it sounds like some of these guys were drug users, not drug sellers. (And not all). The south wouldn't be the most profitable place sell drugs. But it's an interesting possibility.

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Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced in the World?

We could learn a lot from the Thai people. How they tolerate the many 'low lifes' that pitch up here is a lesson in forbearance for us all.

Another Religious apologist!

Go tell that the Thai Buddhists families in Southern Thailand who have been beheaded by Muslims to be tolerant.

Its twunts like you who give "undeserved" respect and lifetimes of tolerance to Religion who have got the World into the state it is into today.

Humanity would be better of without Religion and you need to reckoginise this.

You are not really very bright are you? Did you not detect a degree of sarcasm in my post? I note that you declined to quote that part which set out my main thrust. Better check the rules of this place.

The point that I was making and you obviously haven't got the wit to understand is that Moslems wanted a degree of tolerance and understanding so that they may build a mosque close by Ground Zero. My attitude is tolerance should be shown if they would reciprocate by tolerating our temples viz. a bar, sex shop, brothel adjacent to theirs. Can you imagine, even for a nanosecond, that they would contemplate such a proposition? Should I have drawn a picture so that you took that onboard?

Far from being some religious nut I do not accept that there is some 'greater being' to whom we will all answer to at some time. I reject ALL religions. However I do recognise (do note the correct spelling) that I share the World with other beings and if they want to believe in spirits or Holy Ghosts then they are free to do so; It is certainly not to my disadvantage. Tolerance,within acceptable limits, is a mark of our civilisation. Our lives are so much more pleasant and peaceful if we practice a philosophy of 'give and take'. Any sentient being would reject your assertion that tolerance towards religion is responsible for the state of the World. Why don't you visit the Buddhists living in Southern Thailand and tell them that their lives would be so much better if they dispensed with their beliefs? Better still, go to Pakistan,Iran or Iraq and spout your mantra. Amongst the reasons for the misery and ongoing conflicts in the World is the greed of bankers and financial institutions, US foreign policy over the past 25 years or so, despotic rulers, corruption and the lack of tolerance by religious zealots.

I believe that the ultimate aim of Moslem activists is World domination and everybody living within a system that rightly belongs in the Stone Age. I am totally intolerant of such an aim and the methods employed to bring it about

It seems I have to eat a bit of humble pie, so apologies to you Bagwan as I indeed did not pick up on your sarcasm and we are of the same view about Islam/Religion.

Going back to the thread, What has Pakistan (which means Land of the Pure?), in its 60 year existance exported to the World?

International Terrorism, Misogyny, Female genital mutilation, Sharia Law, honour killings, I honestly cannot think of anything good and having worked in Pakistan a few times I know from first hand experience that they generally view Westerners with suspician or downright hostility.

The Pakistan Governement has spent billions of dollars on Nuclear weapons when most of the population lives in poverty, and just recently have upgraded and added more of those same nuclear weapons (no doubt funded by diverted Western aid money or flood charity money.

So I for one would not be suprised at all if a Pakistani Islamic terrorist link is being forged with Muslim terrorists in Southern Thailand.


Going back to the thread, What has Pakistan (which means Land of the Pure?), in its 60 year existance exported to the World?

International Terrorism, Misogyny, Female genital mutilation, Sharia Law, honour killings, I honestly cannot think of anything good and having worked in Pakistan a few times I know from first hand experience that they generally view Westerners with suspician or downright hostility.

The Pakistan Governement has spent billions of dollars on Nuclear weapons when most of the population lives in poverty, and just recently have upgraded and added more of those same nuclear weapons (no doubt funded by diverted Western aid money or flood charity money.

So I for one would not be suprised at all if a Pakistani Islamic terrorist link is being forged with Muslim terrorists in Southern Thailand.

You omitted a cardinal sin. They cheat at cricket - and then deny it, of course.   :D

Having stolen nuclear secrets and financed the building of an atomic bomb by diverting food aid and money donated for the purpose of supporting the Afghans in their fight against the invading Russians, the Pakistan military who ran the country, then offered to assist North Korea, Libya and Iran to build their own bombs.  Associates of the Pakistan military have included the Taliban and Al Qeada. 


I wonder what happened to the 15 Pakistanis; did the BIB pin anything on them?

How many Imran Muhammads were on the suspect list?

Does anyone know any more?


Can't you see it is only a point of view?

We are good. You are bad....

What is the use of this? Anybody looking in a disinterested way at history can find examples for all religions being the driving force of dreadful group and individual actions. It is clear that getting rid of organized tomornised religion would be an improvement for humanity. The world would not be perfect but we would have a chance of moving society forward.

Historically the Crusades. The Northern Ireland troubles. The Bush-Blair pact. The occupation and ethnic cleansing by Jews of Palestine. The shocking blockade of the West Bank making it a ghetto. The Indian riots between Hindu and Muslim...

All driven by religious beliefs - please god, bring on an age of real rationality.


Don't forget to add that fella, what was his name......oh yeah, Saddam Hussein. He was such a gentle creature. Had some very polite and peaceful sons as well. Too bad there no longer around to accept a Nobel Peace Award.

I would venture to say if by coensedance tomorrow the only remaining religion in this world was Islam it still would not be peaceful. The same argument could be made for other religions so perhaps it is power hungry men who use religion as a cover to commit devastating acts against others to achieve their goals. If this is the case then those who believe them are fools. Those who support are pawns and those who argue against are the enemy and somtum is better when its hot:jap:

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