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Thai ICT Ministry May Further Control The Internet


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ICT Ministry may further control the Net

By Pravit Rojanaphruk

The Nation

Freedom of expression on the Internet will likely be curbed further as the Information and Communications Technology Ministry (ICT) blocks more websites for allegedly defaming the monarchy and being a threat to national security, said Surutchada Chullapram, a researcher on comparative aspects of freedom of expression.

"We're actually going down a very slippery slope and it's not just censorship but self-censorship as well. I think the government can track you down if they want to, which is worrying," Surutchada said. She is currently a PhD candidate at University College, London.

Surutchada, who spoke at the first international conference on human rights in Southeast Asia in Bangkok yesterday, said the ICT Ministry was "very competent" at blocking sites deemed a threat to national security and the monarchy institution, adding that it was operating a round-the-clock scanning programme.

"I imagine that most people will not be able to circumvent it and that they can hunt us down if they want to," she said, adding that it was a shame because freedom of expression is the building block of democracy.

This, combined with online witch-hunts by some royalists, is leading to a new level of censorship and self-censorship. "The line between what people can say and what they cannot say is blurred. People might start to censor themselves because of fear," she said, adding that Thailand could become a country where "no one wants to say anything".

Although the institution is regularly criticised online, it is being done under the guise of nicknames and analogies, because expression, be it implicit or explicit, is being monitored and even persecuted.

The threat to use criminal liability on intermediaries, not just posters themselves such as in the case of prachatai.com director Chiranuch Premchaiporn, is a chilling tactic and different from any controls being used in the US and UK.

"They will be quite reluctant to circulate content that the government is not happy about. In the West, they know that Internet Service Providers do not have the resources to monitor the content and that it is not fair. In Thailand, the ISP is held criminally liable."


-- The Nation 2010-10-15

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Perhaps the government would have better results if it taught children to inform on their parents. It works in North Korea. May PM Abhisit can speak to the heir apparent of the wonderful North Koreans and get some pointers on how to quash this internet threat.

Edited by geriatrickid
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The good friend of current and past Thai Governments, Burma, has the same rules and actions as the ICT. Maybe they are cross training each other in monitoring methods. Burma's military intelligence units (sorry for the contradiction of terms) and the ITC hand in hand, heading in the same direction and for the same goals..

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The line between what people can say and what they cannot say is blurred. People might start to censor themselves because of fear

This happens already, including on Thai Visa forums.

Most annoyingly is how ICT just simply blocks huge websites rather then specific pages. Tired of seeing that stupid ICT page on big useful websites because of some idiot ruining it for everyone else.

If the government thinks Thai people are too stupid to see the information then there's not much that can be done about it.

Oh and lets not forget the most important thing. The more websites ICT blocks, the more funding they need to manage it all. Lets not forget who they originally put in charge of ICT. It was some Thai industrial robotics professor, such useful skills and insights in the web haha.

Good news, as there are many criminals lurking around in the internet.

Same with any other public system. Criminals use phones, the BTS and MRT but you're not complaining about those. Not really sure what your point is. Would you also like to ban kitchen knives because they can be used to stab people?

Edit: I'd like to point out also that the ICTs censorship doesn't stop criminals at all.

Edited by hungryhippo
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"I think the government can track you down if they want to, which is worrying,"

This is not specific Thailand. Any country can do this. To single out Thailand seems a bit ridiculous.

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:lol: Can't believe that some people would actually think it's a good idea to put restrictions on freedom of speech on internet and in the papers ? Edited by astral
No need to quote the entire post. Just pick out the relevant points, please - Astral
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"...People might start to censor themselves because of fear," she said, adding that Thailand could become a country where "no one wants to say anything".

I think this has definitely been on the increase over the last few years.

Anyone starting to think it feels a bit like the Taksin era with all this heightened censorship?

The material being censored may be different, but the obsession with maintaining power and the status quo seems pretty much the same.

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yesterday, said the ICT Ministry was "very competent" at blocking sites deemed a threat to national security and the monarchy institution

Oh yes we all know that don't we.Last year there was 1 videoclip on youtube considered as an insult to the monarchy and they blocked the whole site.Untill the people from youtube explained to them how to block a single clip from view.

Very comepetent for sure.

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Good news, as there are many criminals lurking around in the internet.

There are criminals lurking everywhere. Haven't you grasped the fact that one of the basic tenets of democracy is freedom of speech. People who fear freedom of speech have something to hide.

You can say what you like about me - I have a clear conscience. Have you?

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Can someone please educate me as I seem to confuse the definitions of democracy and communist.......

The simple question of where will it all end one would assume to be obvious unless you are the ones in control or simply do not care.

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"...People might start to censor themselves because of fear," she said, adding that Thailand could become a country where "no one wants to say anything".

I think this has definitely been on the increase over the last few years.

Anyone starting to think it feels a bit like the Taksin era with all this heightened censorship?

The material being censored may be different, but the obsession with maintaining power and the status quo seems pretty much the same.

Has been on the increase, but IMHO is not really specific Thailand. All countries are struggling with the Lawless Wild West on the internet. Some is justifiable. Any fool can start rumours, keep on ranting, defame someone they don't like (which reminds me, are you still beating your wife?). Having seen PTV in action I would probably have closed them before the government here did.

PS I assume you realize the question is just an example of how easy suggestions can be made especially on the internet. Maybe I should remove my picture from my profile ?

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Good news, as there are many criminals lurking around in the internet.

Bit naive are we ?

"Bit" would be a gross understatement.

Don't be too harsh on her,.. she's just being Thai. Raised in a culture where commons sense and civil rights are not comprehended, and where false logic is applied to everything.

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"...People might start to censor themselves because of fear," she said, adding that Thailand could become a country where "no one wants to say anything".

I think this has definitely been on the increase over the last few years.

Anyone starting to think it feels a bit like the Taksin era with all this heightened censorship?

The material being censored may be different, but the obsession with maintaining power and the status quo seems pretty much the same.

Has been on the increase, but IMHO is not really specific Thailand. All countries are struggling with the Lawless Wild West on the internet. Some is justifiable. Any fool can start rumours, keep on ranting, defame someone they don't like (which reminds me, are you still beating your wife?). Having seen PTV in action I would probably have closed them before the government here did.

PS I assume you realize the question is just an example of how easy suggestions can be made especially on the internet. Maybe I should remove my picture from my profile ?

I agree in principle but any form of censorship is simply the thin end of the wedge for massive manipulation and control. This is the major reason why so many people in Australia were against the recent Internet Filter laws that were put into place for "the good of the public". It's all a rort and convenient excuse for legislating controls against freedom of expression and any kind of expression of social conscience or objection to government manipulation and control. Such censorship and control would be like putting suppressor on cars to prevent them speeding (why,... because speeding cars injure and kill),.. or restricting alcohol sales and the possession thereof because it causes drunkenness, aggression, poverty etc (hmmm,.. didn't that already get tried by a western government earlier on this century?..... oh yeah "Prohibition" it was called,... and what a raging success that was!).

Unfortunately Thailand in my opinion is about to slip into an abbyss,.. all the more reason not to place all one's egg into the same basket. Meaning, leave some resources outside of this country and always have a plan-B exit plan because someday you may need it. I'm continually amazed by ex-pat farangs being duped into a false sense of security by taking the lion's share (if not all) of their western assets and planting them here.

Didn't mean to rant.... but this hits a hot spot with me!

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