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Hi, I am early 30's, for last couple of years i have severe pain in one of shoulders. sometimes can't lift it. Have tried chiroprator, massage, injections of anestetic ( according to doctor it is a trapped nerve/bloodvessel).this might clear it for a month or so. (this was in bk/patt international).

Have also stopped training, increased training but it still there. Go to a gym now and use a slimming belt on it, seems to help a bit but if i stop using it gets bad again.

am i doomed to have this for rest of my days, used to do a lot of punchbag work which i enjoyed as i hate running/cycling machines but have stopped as it probally didn't help . I stay in pattaya if anyone knows a magic healer :D

Any tips appreciated :o


Wanderer, if all the things you have mentioned have not worked, I suspect you might have a cervical disc herniation. Check this out for more info and see how the symptoms compare.


Generally one would want to try other methods to treat it, but of that does not work there is surgery having a fairly high success rate.

Good luck, and get well. Cheers!


about 10 years ago,after walking around for more than 2 years with shoulderpain(not continiously but very frequent and increasing slowly), one morning I woke up and hardly could move my arm any more.

Doctor called it a frozen shoulder.

Although I heared before about this and one of the cures , injection in the shoulder, I never tried it.Knowing that the injection is difficult and dangerous to take more than one or two.

The pain was that heavy , I would had done almost anything....

The stuff they injected was "cortisone". I only know the word the doctor used in Holland and I could not find a translation in my English dictionairy :o

Injection only to be done by specialist/doctor ( NOT nurse).

After 24 hours I could move my arm reasonable and after a couple of days,everything was fine.

Never had pain since :D


You have not described exactly where the pain is, but my brother suffered pain in the shoulder, close to the neck.

Eventually he was cured, can't remember all the details, but was due to drinking too much coffee.

Maybe no good for you, but try cutting caffeine intake, costs nothing to find out.


I also had a cortisone injection (corti-steroid - nope; not anabolic - quite the opposite actually) once that cured my tennis elbow - but often re-occurance will happen. Lower weights when training/stretching etc was needed too.

I would think you have already gotten that though? If not; worth a shot (but not too many!).

about 10 years ago,after walking around for more than 2 years with shoulderpain(not continiously but very frequent and increasing slowly), one morning I woke up and hardly could move my arm any more.

Doctor called it a frozen shoulder.

Although I heared before about this and one of the cures , injection in the shoulder, I never tried it.Knowing that the injection is difficult and dangerous to take more than one or two.

The pain was that heavy , I would had done almost anything....

The stuff they injected was "cortisone". I only know the word the doctor used in Holland and I could not find a translation in my English dictionairy :o

Injection only to be done by specialist/doctor ( NOT nurse).

After 24 hours I could move my arm reasonable and after a couple of days,everything was fine.

Never had pain since :D

Cortisone is a steriod and is perhaps one of the best anti-inflammatory drugs around.

I also had a cortisone injection (corti-steroid - nope; not anabolic - quite the opposite actually) once that cured my tennis elbow - but often re-occurance will happen. Lower weights when training/stretching etc was needed too.

I would think you have already gotten that though? If not; worth a shot (but not too many!).

thx for reply guys

it wasn't cortisomne, i asked the doctor that because i have had about 3 injection of a anestetic in BKK international,

i also asked if it was frozen shoulder but he said it wasn't, forgot to mention how much pills he kept shoving me each visit, anti-flam, anti pain etc. 3 different types

, even though i told him it was along term problem.

might go back one more time and see if he has any other ideas ?


the herniation problem can be very hard to diagnose - but a MRI might show it. Note that the disc might be herniated in the neck/back but the pain/limpness can be in the shoulder/arm. Cheers!


If its a trapped nerve? It is caused by a injury and the muscle goes into a spasm to protect the injury but also traps the nerve. I get some relief from Dr David Pack a Chiro here in Pattaya. His Phone number 038-361077, if you have any Xrays take them along. Another thing I find helps is massage, the one in Naklua done by the blind tell them at the desk your problem and ask for someone who knows ho to fix it. That way they will just concentrate on the damaged area. Dont worry mate I know what you are going through. Good luck and I hope this has helped you.

I also had a cortisone injection (corti-steroid - nope; not anabolic - quite the opposite actually) once that cured my tennis elbow - but often re-occurance will happen. Lower weights when training/stretching etc was needed too.

I would think you have already gotten that though? If not; worth a shot (but not too many!).

thx for reply guys

it wasn't cortisomne, i asked the doctor that because i have had about 3 injection of a anestetic in BKK international,

i also asked if it was frozen shoulder but he said it wasn't, forgot to mention how much pills he kept shoving me each visit, anti-flam, anti pain etc. 3 different types

, even though i told him it was along term problem.

might go back one more time and see if he has any other ideas ?

Have you had any spinal or neck x-rays. I have had probems such as this for many years and it took a while to find out it was cervical spondylosis. At your age it could also be cervical spondylitis. MRI is best way to find out but expensive as x-rays do not always show the problem until it gets severe.


It could be that you are over-doing the weight training down the Gym. Try lower weights and higher reps. Or even give it a good rest and concentrate on lower body or cardio-vascular work for a while.


wanderer i have a shoulder pain for over two year in my 30 , it was a frozen shoulder .

look at the link for it, the bad news is nothing really can be done , only cortisone injection at the end , it is very hard to detect , regarding doctor in Thailand my friend have the gastric bacteria and doctors in thailand told him it can not be , but it was !

the good new is when it is finish everything back to normal .

Not to alarm you but someone I know in Australia have a pain in his shoulder , it was a cancer of the lymph !

frozen shoulder is my prediction ..


I have shoulder pain too, my shoulder actually droops and the arm appears longer than the other. I tore the ligament in my shoulder doing heavy work (mainly carrying the buckets of seaweed and debris off our beach). Put your sore arm behind your back, can it reach as high up your back as the other one? This was the test my dr used. Basically, it is time, and no more heavy lifting or working with this arm. Surgery is an option but I'd rather give it time.


Forget "miracle healers". Cortisone injections may relief inflamation at a superficial level, too many of these shots will weaken soft tissue - effectively masking the problem. Forget downsizing your gym poundages and upping your reps too, you have a problem. Sets of twenty reps will hurt you as much as sets of 8. A Chiropractor may manipulate your cervical spine to free up the nerve and do some soft tissue work on the surrounding area, this may help, but don't count on it. Essentially you need to consult an orthopedic specialist and have magnetic images conducted.

I'm also in my early thirties and have suffered a similar problem for approx 3yrs. Mri showed a full thickness suraspinatus tear (as I'd suspected). I recently had a major surgical procedure - nothing short of butchery to repair the sucker, here in the uk. This was also a gym injury. Forget shot in the dark diagnosis on the forum - You need to see a specialist. Forget "training around" the problem also. You're bordering a very serious problem. google - rotator cuff impingement

Siamsam :o

You have not described exactly where the pain is, but my brother suffered pain in the shoulder, close to the neck.

Eventually he was cured, can't remember all the details, but was due to drinking too much coffee.

Maybe no good for you, but try cutting caffeine intake, costs nothing to find out.

This is a good point. I too had continous bad shoulder / neck pain while a regular strong coffee drinker. Gave up coffee and problem lessened and only recurs when I have too much acidity in my diet. It seems to stem from the stomach.

Perhaps try consulting a naturopath/ iridologist and try seeking out a good old-fashioned Chinese herbalist/ acupuncturist.

It's amazing what effects diet can have on your body.

You are what eat/ drink/ and inhale.


talking about cafe i am one of the addict ! approximate 4-6 espresso a day !

once i have problem in my knee ( kind of block when walk or steps ) i stop to drink carbonated drink ( soda and diet coke ) it went away !

doctor did not find that too..

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