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Uk Telephones - Will They Work Here?


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Just in thr process of setting up office here, and need a heap of cordless phones - they are v. pricey in Thailand (B4000 and up for ONE unit!!) - so am thinking of getting them sent out from the UK, where they are B500 - does anyone know if they will work here?

Just to emphasize, i'm talking about house phones, not mobiles!

Thanks! Lob

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1. Is the radio frequency range the same?

2. Is it legal?

3. In the ring voltage the same?

4. Transmitters I believe are in the same category as military munitions and very tightly controlled. I would not even attempt this without strong legal advise advising you will not end up where you don't want to be. :o

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OK. In a past life I was a phone engineer, sad but true.

UK phones of any type will NOT work here just by using a plug adaptor :o

Thailand (and most of the rest of the world) use a two-wire phone system. The UK (leading from behind as usual) use a three-wire system. Note that we still only have two wires coming into the house but a third wire is used inside the building. This wire is know as AT (Anti-Tinkle) and is a throwback to the old bell phones whick could 'tinkle' when someone dialled out on an extension.

A regular UK phone will work and make calls BUT it won't ring.

You CAN make a UK phone work, just bring a UK Master socket (from B&Q) hook that to the line and plug the phone in.

As to whether this is legal here... probably not, but who will know??

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I think you will find that most of the UK system now uses a 2 wire connection. The only difference now being the actual jack plug and you can buy replacement cables easy enough.

I use a UK phone that i brought with me, cordless DECT and it works absolutely fine.

I use the old version of http://www.panasonic.co.uk/dect-telephones...10esc/index.htm

Hope it of use... :o

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I did say it was in a previous life :o

Up until fairly recently to get the approval (green spot) a phone needed to be 3 wire.

That said, so many two wire phones are on sale that BT have just about given up on the approvals thing.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I'm a sparky still living in the UK at the mo and we still have to wire all internal phone points in residential properties with 3 connections or like the Crossy says you can phone both ways but theres no ringing going on.

Bye :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe DECT uses the same frequency as PCT uses here.

i.e. If you're rural, I don't think you'll have any problems - if you're in a city (Bangkok only?), you might have issues. (I took a DECT phone out originally - but it only worked for a month or so - not sure if the problem was the frequency, or spikes in the power that caused it to stop working though).

As to whether it will work - see if the cable connecting the base unit to the wall uses a US style phone jack on the phone. In that case, there's a pretty good likelihood all you need to do is replace that cable for one with US-style (same as Thai) phone plugs on both ends. (But I wouldn't go out and buy 100 phones without checking one works OK).

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